L28-32H Instruction Manual - Marine Four-stroke Ge

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L28/32HInstruction Manual - MarineFour-stroke GenSetcompliant with IMO Tier II MAN Diesel & TurboMAN Diesel & Turbo Identification No. for Instruction Manual.Identification No. for Description: 000 . 00 Function Section No.Identification No. for Working Card: 000 - 00 . 00 Sub-function Function Section No.Identification No. for Plates: 00000 - 00 H H for Holeby Edition Section No. and FunctionInstruction Manual for:For ordering of spare parts, see page 500.50 / 600.50All data provided in this document/manual is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way.Depending on the subsequent specic individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteri-stics of each individual project, especially specic site and operational conditions.If this document/manual is delivered in another language than English and doubts arise concerning the translation, the English text shall prevail.Original instructions2011.06.28 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselLubricating Oil Types used in the Engine.93.05 - ES0U Description Lub. Oil Type Engine system lubricating oil. SAE 40 oil according to lubricating oil specifi cation on page 604.01. Turbocharger Engine system lubricating oil. Governor See Governor instruction in section 609. Air lubricator SAE 10W non-detergent oil. Alternator See special instructions in section 618 or separate instruction. Hydraulic tools Hydraulic oil or turbine oil. (with a viscocity of about SAE 20).Lubricating PointsDescriptionPage 1 (1)604.05Edition 02HGeneral 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel06.39 - ES1DescriptionPage 1 (1)604.06Edition 16HLubricating Oil in Base FrameL28/32H Type L28/32H Min. level H2 (mm) Max. level H3 (mm) Min. litre H2 Max. litre H35 cyl.26536579211116 cyl.26536593513117 cyl.265365107815118 cyl.265365122017109 cyl.26536513621910 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselEngine type RPM SLOC [g/kWh]L16/24 1000/1200 0.4 - 0.8L21/31 900/1000 0.4 - 0.8L23/30H 720/750/900 0.6 - 1.0L27/38 720/750 0.4 - 0.8L28/32H 720/750 0.6 - 1.0V28/32H 720/750 0.6 - 1.0V28/32S 720/750 0.4 - 0.8L32/40 720/750 0.7 - 1.1DescriptionPage 1 (2)Specifi c Lubricating Oil Consumption - SLOC604.07Edition 02HGeneral04.46 - ES1Please note that only maximum continuous rating (PMCR (kW)) should be used in order to evaluate the SLOC, see the description 504.07.Please note, during engine running-in the SLOC may exceed the values stated.The following formula is used to calculate the SLOC:SLOC [g/kWh] = (lubricating oil added [dm3]) * ρlubricating oil [kg/m3] run.hrs period * PMCR [kW] The lubricating oil density, ρ @ 15°C must be known in order to convert ρ to the present lubricating oil temperature in the base frame. The following formula is used to calculate ρ:ρlubricating oil [kg/m3] = ρlubricating oil @15°C [kg/m3] – 0,64 * (tlubricating oil [°C] – 15)The engine maximum continuous design rating (PMCR) must always be used in order to be able to compare the individual measurements, and the running hours since the last lubricating oil adding must be used in the calculation. Due to inaccuracy *) at adding lubricating oil, the SLOC can only be evaluated after 1,000 running hours or more, where only the average values of a number of lubricating oil addings are representative.Note *)A deviation of ± 1 mm with the dipstick measurement must be expected, witch corresponds uptill ± 0.1g/kWh, depending on the engine type. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel04.46 - ES0General604.07Edition 02HSpecifi c Lubricating Oil Consumption - SLOCDescriptionPage 2 (2) Heavy fuel oil (HFO) specification PrerequisitesMAN four-stroke diesel engines can be operated with any heavy fuel oilobtained from crude oil that also satisfies the requirements in Table 1, pro-viding the engine and fuel processing system have been designed accord-ingly. To ensure that the relationship between the fuel, spare parts andrepair / maintenance costs remains favorable at all times, the following pointsshould be observed.Heavy fuel oil (HFO)The quality of the heavy fuel oil largely depends on the quality of crude oiland on the refining process used. This is why the properties of heavy fuel oilswith the same viscosity may vary considerably depending on the bunkerpositions. Heavy fuel oil is normally a mixture of residual oil and distillates.The components of the mixture are normally obtained from modern refineryprocesses, such as Catcracker or Visbreaker. These processes canadversely affect the stability of the fuel as well as its ignition and combustionproperties. The processing of the heavy fuel oil and the operating result ofthe engine also depend heavily on these factors.Bunker positions with standardised heavy fuel oil qualities should preferablybe used. If oils need to be purchased from independent dealers, also ensurethat these also comply with the international specifications. The engine oper-ator is responsible for ensuring that suitable heavy fuel oils are chosen.Fuels intended for use in an engine must satisfy the specifications to ensuresufficient quality. The limit values for heavy fuel oils are specified in Table 1.The entries in the last column of Table 1 provide important background infor-mation and must therefore be observed.Different international specifications exist for heavy fuel oils. The most impor-tant specifications are ISO 8217-2010 and CIMAC-2003, which are more orless identical. The ISO 8217 specification is shown in Fig. 1. All qualities inthese specifications up to K700 can be used, providing the fuel preparationsystem has been designed accordingly. To use any fuels, which do not com-ply with these specifications (e.g. crude oil), consultation with Technical Serv-ice of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE in Augsburg is required. Heavy fuel oils with amaximum density of 1,010 kg/m3 may only be used if up-to-date separatorsare installed.Even though the fuel properties specified in the table entitled "The fuel speci-fication and corresponding properties for heavy fuel oil" satisfy the aboverequirements, they probably do not adequately define the ignition and com-bustion properties and the stability of the fuel. This means that the operatingbehaviour of the engine can depend on properties that are not defined in thespecification. This particularly applies to the oil property that causes forma-tion of deposits in the combustion chamber, injection system, gas ducts andexhaust gas system. A number of fuels have a tendency towards incompati-bility with lubricating oil which leads to deposits being formed in the fueldelivery pump that can block the pumps. It may therefore be necessary toexclude specific fuels that could cause problems.The addition of engine oils (old lubricating oil, ULO –used lubricating oil) andadditives that are not manufactured from mineral oils, (coal-tar oil, for exam-ple), and residual products of chemical or other processes such as solvents Origin/Refinery processSpecificationsImportantBlends2012-05-16 - deHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.3 6680 3.3.3-01 EN 1 (12) (polymers or chemical waste) is not permitted. Some of the reasons for thisare as follows: abrasive and corrosive effects, unfavourable combustioncharacteristics, poor compatibility with mineral oils and, last but not least,adverse effects on the environment. The order for the fuel must expresslystate what is not permitted as the fuel specifications that generally apply donot include this limitation.If engine oils (old lubricating oil, ULO – used lubricating oil) are added to fuel,this poses a particular danger as the additives in the lubricating oil act asemulsifiers that cause dirt, water and catfines to be transported as fine sus-pension. They therefore prevent the necessary cleaning of the fuel. In ourexperience (and this has also been the experience of other manufacturers),this can severely damage the engine and turbocharger components.The addition of chemical waste products (solvents, for example) to the fuel isprohibited for environmental protection reasons according to the resolutionof the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee passed on 1st January1992.Leak oil collectors that act as receptacles for leak oil, and also return andoverflow pipes in the lube oil system, must not be connected to the fuel tank.Leak oil lines should be emptied into sludge tanks.Viscosity (at 50 ℃)mm2/s (cSt)max. 700 Viscosity/injection viscosityViscosity (at 100 ℃) max. 55 Viscosity/injection viscosityDensity (at 15 °C) g/ml max. 1.010 Heavy fuel oil processingFlash point °C min. 60 Flash point(ASTM D 93)Pour point (summer) max. 30 Low-temperature behaviour (ASTM D 97)Pour point (winter) max. 30 Low-temperature behaviour (ASTM D 97)Coke residue (Conrad-son)Weight % max. 20 Combustion propertiesSulphur content 5 orlegal requirementsSulphuric acid corrosionAsh content 0.15 Heavy fuel oil processingVanadium content mg/kg 450 Heavy fuel oil processingWater content Vol. % 0.5 Heavy fuel oil processingSediment (potential) Weight % 0.1 Aluminium and siliciumcontent (total)mg/kg max. 60 Heavy fuel oil processingAcid number mg KOH/g 2.5 Hydrogen sulphide mg/kg 2 Used lubricating oil(ULO)mg/kg The fuel must be free of lubri-cating oil (ULO = used lubricat-ing oil, old oil). Fuel is consid-ered as contaminated withlubricating oil when the follow-ing concentrations occur:Ca > 30 ppm and Zn > 15ppm or Ca > 30 ppm and P >15 ppm.Leak oil collectorHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General 2012-05-16 - de3.3.3MAN Diesel & Turbo 2 (12) 6680 3.3.3-01 EN Asphaltene content Weight % 2/3 of coke residue(according to Conradson)Combustion propertiesSodium content mg/kg Sodium < 1/3 Vanadium,Sodium<100Heavy fuel oil processingThe fuel must be free of admixtures that cannot be obtained from mineral oils, such as vegetable or coal-tar oils. Itmust also be free of tar oil and lubricating oil (old oil), and also chemical waste products such as solvents or polymers.Table 1: Table_The fuel specification and corresponding characteristics for heavy fuel oil2012-05-16 - deHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.3 6680 3.3.3-01 EN 3 (12) Figure 1: ISO 8217-2010 specification for heavy fuel oilHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification6680 3.3.3-01General 2012-05-16 - de3.3.3MAN Diesel & Turbo 4 (12) 6680 3.3.3-01 EN Figure 2: ISO 8217-2010 specification for heavy fuel oil (continued)2012-05-16 - deHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification6680 3.3.3-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.3 6680 3.3.3-01 EN 5 (12) Additional informationThe purpose of the following information is to show the relationship betweenthe quality of heavy fuel oil, heavy fuel oil processing, the engine operationand operating results more clearly.Economic operation with heavy fuel oil within the limit values specified in thetable entitled "The fuel specification and corresponding properties for heavyfuel oil" is possible under normal operating conditions, provided the system isworking properly and regular maintenance is carried out. If these require-ments are not satisfied, shorter maintenance intervals, higher wear and agreater need for spare parts is to be expected. The required maintenanceintervals and operating results determine, which quality of heavy fuel oilshould be used.It is an established fact that the price advantage decreases as viscosityincreases. It is therefore not always economical to use the fuel with the high-est viscosity as in many cases the quality of this fuel will not be the best.Heavy fuel oils with a high viscosity may be of an inferior quality. The maxi-mum permissible viscosity depends on the preheating system installed andthe capacity (flow rate) of the separator.The prescribed injection viscosity of 12 - 14 mm2/s (for GenSets, 23/30H and28/32H: 12 - 18 cSt) and corresponding fuel temperature upstream of theengine must be observed. This is the only way to ensure efficient atomisationand mixture formation and therefore low-residue combustion. This also pre-vents mechanical overloading of the injection system. For the prescribedinjection viscosity and/or the required fuel oil temperature upstream of theengine, refer to the viscosity temperature diagram.Whether or not problems occur with the engine in operation depends on howcarefully the heavy fuel oil has been processed. Particular care should betaken to ensure that highly-abrasive inorganic foreign matter (catalyst parti-cles, rust, sand) are effectively removed. It has been shown in practice thatwear as a result of abrasion in the engine increases considerably if the alumi-num and silicium content is higher than 15 mg/kg.Viscosity and density influence the cleaning effect. This must be taken intoaccount when designing and making adjustments to the cleaning system.Heavy fuel oil is precleaned in the settling tank. The longer the fuel remains inthe tank and the lower the viscosity of heavy fuel oil is, the more effective theprecleaning process will be (maximum preheating temperature of 75 °C toprevent the formation of asphalt in heavy fuel oil). A settling tank is sufficientfor heavy fuel oils with a viscosity of less than 3802/s at 50 °C. If the heavyfuel oil has a high concentration of foreign matter, or if fuels in accordancewith ISO-F-RM, G/H/K380 or H/K700 are to be used, two settling tanks willbe required one of which must be sized for 24-hour operation. Before thecontent is moved to the service tank, water and sludge must be drained fromthe settling tank.A separator is particularly suitable for separating material with a higher spe-cific density – water, foreign matter and sludge, for example. The separatorsmust be self-cleaning (i.e. the cleaning intervals must be triggered automati-cally).Only new generation separators should be used. They are extremely effectivethroughout a wide density range with no changeover required, and can sep-arate water from heavy fuel oils with a density of up to 1.01 g/ml at 15 °C. Selection of heavy fuel oilViscosity/injection viscosityHeavy fuel oil processingSettling tankSeparatorsHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General 2012-05-16 - de3.3.3MAN Diesel & Turbo 6 (12) 6680 3.3.3-01 EN MAN Diesel & TurboPrimeServ HolebyGenSet & Powerplant Service & Spare PartsFax : +45 54 69 30 31After ofce hours : +45 40 14 40 45PrimeServ-hol@mandieselturbo.comMAN Diesel & Turbo | PrimeServThe MAN Diesel & Turbo Group offers worldwide round-the-clock service, 365 days a year. Apart from the MAN Diesel & Turbo service headquarters in Augsburg, Copenhagen, Frederikshavn, Holeby, Stockport, St. Nazaire, Tur-bocharger and service centres on all continents provide comprehensive and continuous support. The long service life associated with MAN Diesel engines dictates a spare parts programme that ensures components are available for engines in operation for decades. Based on high-capacity machines, MAN Diesel & Turbo service production facilities are able to comply with special customer requests with the utmost precision and flexibility.24-hour hotline number: +49 1801 15 15 15http://www.mandieselturbo.com/primeservMAN Diesel & TurboH. Christoffersensvej 64960 HolebyDenmarkPhone: +45 54 69 31 00Fax: +45 54 69 30 30mandieselturbo-hol@mandieselturbo.comwww.mandieselturbo.comMAN Diesel & TurboBranch of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, GermanyCVR No.: 31611792Head ofce: Teglholmsgade 412450 Copenhagen SV, DenmarkGerman Reg.No.: HRB 22056Amtsgericht AugsburgCopyright 2011 © MAN Diesel & Turbo, branch of MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Germany, registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency under CVR Nr.: 31611792, (herein referred to as “MAN Diesel & Turbo”).This document/manual must not, either wholly or partly, be copied, reproduced, made publich or in any other way made available to any third party without the written to this effect from MAN Diesel & Turbo.2011.06.28 Table "Achievable proportion of foreign matter and water (following separa-tion)" shows the prerequisites that must be met by the separator. These limitvalues are used by manufacturers as the basis for dimensioning the separa-tor and ensure compliance.The manufacturer's specifications must be complied with to maximize thecleaning effect.Application in ships and stationary use: parallel installation1 Separator for 100 % flow rate 1 Separator (reserve) for 100 % flowrateFigure 3: Location of heavy fuel oil cleaning equipment and/or separatorThe separators must be arranged according to the manufacturers' currentrecommendations (Alpha Laval and Westfalia). The density and viscosity ofthe heavy fuel oil in particular must be taken into account. If separators byother manufacturers are used, MAN Diesel should be consulted.If processing is carried out in accordance with the MAN Diesel specificationsand the correct separators are chosen, it may be assumed that the resultsstated in the table entitled "Achievable proportion of foreign matter andwater" for inorganic foreign matter and water in the heavy fuel oil will be ach-ieved at the engine inlet.Results obtained during operation in practiсe show that the wear occurs as aresult of abrasion in the injection system and the engine will remain withinacceptable limits if these values are complied with. In addition, an optimumlubricating oil treatment process must be ensured.DefinitionParticle size QuantityInorganic foreign matterincluding catalyst particles< 5 µm < 20 mg/kgAl+Si content -- < 15 mg/kgWater content -- < 0.2 % by vol. %Table 2: Achievable proportion of foreign matter and water (after separation)It is particularly important to ensure that the water separation process is asthorough as possible as the water takes the form of large droplets, and not afinely distributed emulsion. In this form, water also promotes corrosion andsludge formation in the fuel system and therefore impairs the supply, atomi-sation and combustion of the heavy fuel oil. If the water absorbed in the fuelis seawater, harmful sodium chloride and other salts dissolved in this waterwill enter the engine.Water2012-05-16 - deHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.3 6680 3.3.3-01 EN 7 (12) Water-containing sludge must be removed from the settling tank before theseparation process starts, and must also be removed from the service tankat regular intervals. The tank's ventilation system must be designed in such away that condensate cannot flow back into the tank.If the vanadium/sodium ratio is unfavorable, the melting point of the heavyfuel oil ash may fall in the operating area of the exhaust-gas valve which canlead to high-temperature corrosion. Most of the water and water-solublesodium compounds it contains can be removed by pretreating the heavy fueloil in the settling tank and in the separators.The risk of high-temperature corrosion is low if the sodium content is onethird of the vanadium content or less. It must also be ensured that sodiumdoes not enter the engine in the form of seawater in the intake air.If the sodium content is higher than 100 mg/kg, this is likely to result in ahigher quantity of salt deposits in the combustion chamber and exhaust-gassystem. This will impair the function of the engine (including the suction func-tion of the turbocharger).Under certain conditions, high-temperature corrosion can be prevented byusing a fuel additive that increases the melting point of the heavy fuel oil ash(also see "Additives for heavy fuel oils”).Fuel ash consists for the greater part of vanadium oxide and nickel sulphate(see above chapter for more information). Heavy fuel oils containing a highproportion of ash in the form of foreign matter, e.g. sand, corrosion com-pounds and catalyst particles, accelerate the mechanical wear in the engine.Catalyst particles produced as a result of the catalytic cracking process maybe present in the heavy fuel oils. In most cases, these are aluminium silicateparticles that cause a high degree of wear in the injection system and theengine. The aluminium content determined, multiplied by a factor of between5 and 8 (depending on the catalytic bond), is roughly the same as the pro-portion of catalyst remnants in the heavy fuel oil.If a homogeniser is used, it must never be installed between the settling tankand separator as otherwise it will not be possible to ensure satisfactory sepa-ration of harmful contaminants, particularly seawater.National and international transportation and storage regulations governingthe use of fuels must be complied with in relation to the flash point. In gen-eral, a flash point of above 60 °C is prescribed for diesel engine fuels.The pour point is the temperature at which the fuel is no longer flowable(pumpable). As the pour point of many low-viscosity heavy fuel oils is higherthan 0 °C, the bunker facility must be preheated, unless fuel in accordancewith RMA or RMB is used. The entire bunker facility must be designed insuch a way that the heavy fuel oil can be preheated to around 10 °C abovethe pour point.If the viscosity of the fuel is higher than 1000 mm2/s (cST), or the tempera-ture is not at least 10 °C above the pour point, pump problems will occur.For more information, also refer to “Low-temperature behaviour(ASTM D 97)”.If the proportion of asphalt is more than two thirds of the coke residue (Con-radson), combustion may be delayed which in turn may increase the forma-tion of combustion residues, leading to such as deposits on and in the injec-tion nozzles, large amounts of smoke, low output, increased fuel consump-tion and a rapid rise in ignition pressure as well as combustion close to thecylinder wall (thermal overloading of lubricating oil film). If the ratio of asphaltto coke residues reaches the limit 0.66, and if the asphalt content exceeds8%, the risk of deposits forming in the combustion chamber and injectionVanadium/SodiumAshHomogeniserFlash point (ASTM D 93)Low-temperature behaviour(ASTM D 97)Pump characteristicsCombustion propertiesHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General 2012-05-16 - de3.3.3MAN Diesel & Turbo 8 (12) 6680 3.3.3-01 EN system is higher. These problems can also occur when using unstable heavyfuel oils, or if incompatible heavy fuel oils are mixed. This would lead to anincreased deposition of asphalt (see "Compatibility”).Nowadays, to achieve the prescribed reference viscosity, cracking-processproducts are used as the low viscosity ingredients of heavy fuel oils althoughthe ignition characteristics of these oils may also be poor. The cetane num-ber of these compounds should be > 35. If the proportion of aromatic hydro-carbons is high (more than 35 %), this also adversely affects the ignitionquality.The ignition delay in heavy fuel oils with poor ignition characteristics is longer;the combustion is also delayed which can lead to thermal overloading of theoil film at the cylinder liner and also high cylinder pressures. The ignition delayand accompanying increase in pressure in the cylinder are also influenced bythe end temperature and compression pressure, i.e. by the compressionratio, the charge-air pressure and charge-air temperature.The disadvantages of using fuels with poor ignition characteristics can belimited by preheating the charge air in partial load operation and reducing theoutput for a limited period. However, a more effective solution is a high com-pression ratio and operational adjustment of the injection system to the igni-tion characteristics of the fuel used, as is the case with MAN Diesel pistonengines.The ignition quality is one of the most important properties of the fuel. Thisvalue does not appear in the international specifications because a standar-dised testing method has only recently become available and not enoughexperience has been gathered at this point in order to determine limit values.The parameters, such as the calculated carbon aromaticity index (CCAI), aretherefore aids that are derived from quantifiable fuel properties. We haveestablished that this method is suitable for determining the approximate igni-tion quality of the heavy fuel oil used.A testing instrument has been developed based on the constant volumecombustion method (fuel combustion analyser FCA) and is currently beingtested by a series of testing laboratories.The instrument measures the ignition delay to determine the ignition qualityof a fuel and this measurement is converted into a an instrument-specificcetane number (FIA-CN or EC). It has been established that in some cases,heavy fuel oils with a low FIA cetane number or ECN number can causeoperating problems.As the liquid components of the heavy fuel oil decisively influence the ignitionquality, flow properties and combustion quality, the bunker operator isresponsible for ensuring that the quality of heavy fuel oil delivered is suitablefor the diesel engine. (Also see illustration entitled "Nomogram for determin-ing the CCAI – assigning the CCAI ranges to engine types").Ignition quality2012-05-16 - deHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.3 6680 3.3.3-01 EN 9 (12) VViscosity in mm2/s (cSt) at 50° CA Normal operating conditionsDDensity [in kg/m3] at 15° CB The ignition characteristics canbe poor and require adapting theengine or the operating condi-tions.CCAI Calculated Carbon AromaticityIndexC Problems identified may lead toengine damage, even after ashort period of operation.1 Engine type 2 The CCAI is obtained from thestraight line through the densityand viscosity of the heavy fueloils.Figure 4: Nomogram for determining the CCAI – assigning the CCAI ranges to enginetypesThe CCAI can be calculated using the following formula:CCAI = D - 141 log log (V+0.85) - 81The engine should be operated at the cooling water temperatures prescribedin the operating handbook for the relevant load. If the temperature of thecomponents that are exposed to acidic combustion products is below theacid dew point, acid corrosion can no longer be effectively prevented, even ifalkaline lubricating oil is used.The BN values specified in Section 3.3.6 are sufficient, providing the qualityof lubricating oil and the engine's cooling system satisfy the requirements.Sulphuric acid corrosionHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General 2012-05-16 - de3.3.3MAN Diesel & Turbo 10 (12) 6680 3.3.3-01 EN The supplier must guarantee that the heavy fuel oil is homogeneous andremains stable, even after the standard storage period. If different bunker oilsare mixed, this can lead to separation and the associated sludge formation inthe fuel system during which large quantities of sludge accumulate in theseparator that block filters, prevent atomisation and a large amount of resi-due as a result of combustion.This is due to incompatibility or instability of the oils. Therefore heavy fuel oilas much as possible should be removed in the storage tank before bunker-ing again to prevent incompatibility.If heavy fuel oil for the main engine is blended with gas oil (MGO) to obtainthe required quality or viscosity of heavy fuel oil, it is extremely important thatthe components are compatible (see "Compatibility").MAN Diesel & Turbo SE engines can be operated economically without addi-tives. It is up to the customer to decide whether or not the use of additives isbeneficial. The supplier of the additive must guarantee that the engine opera-tion will not be impaired by using the product.The use of heavy fuel oil additives during the warranty period must be avoi-ded as a basic principle.Additives that are currently used for diesel engines, as well as their probableeffects on the engine's operation, are summarised in the table below "Addi-tives for heavy fuel oils – classification/effects".Precombustion additives▪ Dispersing agents/stabil-isers▪ Emulsion breakers▪ BiocidesCombustion additives▪ Combustion catalysts(fuel savings, emissions)Post-combustion additives▪ Ash modifiers (hot corro-sion)▪ Soot removers (exhaust-gas system)Table 3: Additives for heavy fuel oils – Classification/effectsFrom the point of view of an engine manufacturer, a lower limit for the sul-phur content of heavy fuel oils does not exist. We have not identified anyproblems with the low-sulphur heavy fuel oils currently available on the mar-ket that can be traced back to their sulphur content. This situation maychange in future if new methods are used for the production of low-sulphurheavy fuel oil (desulphurisation, new blending components). MAN Diesel &Turbo will monitor developments and inform its customers if required.If the engine is not always operated with low-sulphur heavy fuel oil, corre-sponding lubricating oil for the fuel with the highest sulphur content must beselected.Improper handling of operating fluidsIf operating fluids are improperly handled, this can pose a danger tohealth, safety and the environment. The relevant safety information bythe supplier of operating fluids must be observed.CompatibilityBlending the heavy fuel oilAdditives for heavy fuel oilsHeavy fuel oils with lowsulphur content2012-05-16 - deHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.3 6680 3.3.3-01 EN 11 (12) TestsTo check whether the specification provided and/or the necessary deliveryconditions are complied with, we recommend you retain at least one sampleof every bunker oil (at least for the duration of the engine's warranty period).To ensure that the samples taken are representative of the bunker oil, a sam-ple should be taken from the transfer line when starting up, halfway throughthe operating period and at the end of the bunker period. “Sample Tec" byMar-Tec in Hamburg is a suitable testing instrument which can be used totake samples on a regular basis during bunkering.Our department for fuels and lubricating oils (Augsburg factory, departmentEQC) will be pleased to provide further information on request.We can analyse fuel for customers at our laboratory. A 0.5 l sample isrequired for the test. SamplingAnalysis of samplesHeavy fuel oil (HFO) specification 6680 3.3.3-01General 2012-05-16 - de3.3.3MAN Diesel & Turbo 12 (12) 6680 3.3.3-01 EN Diesel oil (MDO) specification Marine diesel oilMarine diesel oil, marine diesel fuel.Marine diesel oil (MDO) is supplied as heavy distillate (designation ISO-F-DMB) exclusively for marine applications. MDO is manufactured from crudeoil and must be free of organic acids and non-mineral oil products.SpecificationThe suitability of fuel depends on the design of the engine and the availablecleaning options, as well as compliance with the properties in the followingtable that refer to the as-delivered condition of the fuel.The properties are essentially defined using the ISO 8217-2010 standard asthe basis. The properties have been specified using the stated test proce-dures.Properties Unit Testing method DesignationISO-F specification DMBDensity at 15 °Ckg/m3ISO 3675 900Kinematic viscosity at 40 °Cmm2/s ≙ cStISO 3104 > 2,0< 11 *Pour point (winter quality) °C ISO 3016 < 0Pour point (summer quality) °C < 6Flash point (Pensky Martens) °C ISO 2719 > 60Total sediment content % by weight ISO CD 10307 0.10Water content % by vol. ISO 3733 < 0.3Sulphur content % by weight ISO 8754 < 2.0Ash content % by weight ISO 6245 < 0.01Carbon residue (MCR) % by weight ISO CD 10370 < 0.30Cetane number or cetane index - ISO 5165 > 35Hydrogen sulphide mg/kg IP 570 < 2Acid value mg KOH/g ASTM D664 < 0.5Oxidation resistanceg/m3ISO 12205 < 25Lubricity(wear scar diameter)μm ISO 12156-1 < 520Copper strip test - ISO 2160 < 1Other specifications:British Standard BS MA 100-1987 Class M2ASTM D 975 2DASTM D 396 Nr. 2Table 1: Marine diesel oil (MDO) – characteristic values to be adhered to* For engines 27/38 with 350 resp. 365 kW/cyl the viscosity must not exceed6 mm2/s @ 40 °C, as this would reduce the lifetime of the injection system.Other designationsOrigin 2012-03-21 - deDiesel oil (MDO) specification 6680 3.3.2-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.2 6680 3.3.2-01 EN 1 (2) Additional informationDuring transshipment and transfer, MDO is handled in the same manner asresidual oil. This means that it is possible for the oil to be mixed with high-viscosity fuel or heavy fuel oil – with the remnants of these types of fuels inthe bunker ship, for example – that could significantly impair the properties ofthe oil.Normally, the lubricating ability of diesel oil is sufficient to operate the fuelinjection pump. Desulphurisation of diesel fuels can reduce their lubricity. Ifthe sulphur content is extremely low (< 500 ppm or 0.05%), the lubricity mayno longer be sufficient. Before using diesel fuels with low sulphur content,you should therefore ensure that their lubricity is sufficient. This is the case ifthe lubricity as specified in ISO 12156-1 does not exceed 520 μm.The fuel must be free of lubricating oil (ULO – used lubricating oil, old oil).Fuel is considered as contaminated with lubricating oil when the followingconcentrations occur:Ca > 30 ppm and Zn > 15 ppm or Ca > 30 ppm and P > 15 ppm.The pour point specifies the temperature at which the oil no longer flows. Thelowest temperature of the fuel in the system should be roughly 10 °C abovethe pour point to ensure that the required pumping characteristics are main-tained.A minimum viscosity must be observed to ensure sufficient lubrication in thefuel injection pumps. The temperature of the fuel must therefore not exceed45 °C.Seawater causes the fuel system to corrode and also leads to hot corrosionof the exhaust valves and turbocharger. Seawater also causes insufficientatomisation and therefore poor mixture formation accompanied by a highproportion of combustion residues.Solid foreign matter increase mechanical wear and formation of ash in thecylinder space.We recommend the installation of a separator upstream of the fuel filter. Sep-aration temperature: 40 – 50°C. Most solid particles (sand, rust and catalystparticles) and water can be removed, and the cleaning intervals of the filterelements can be extended considerably.Improper handling of operating fluidsIf operating fluids are improperly handled, this can pose a danger tohealth, safety and the environment. The relevant safety information bythe supplier of operating fluids must be observed.AnalysesWe can analyse fuel for customers at our laboratory. A 0.5 l sample isrequired for the test. Lubricity Diesel oil (MDO) specification 6680 3.3.2-01General 2012-03-21 - de3.3.2MAN Diesel & Turbo 2 (2) 6680 3.3.2-01 EN Gas oil / diesel oil (MGO) specification Diesel oilGas oil, marine gas oil (MGO), diesel oilGas oil is a crude oil medium distillate and therefore must not contain anyresidual materials.Military specificationDiesel oils that satisfy specification F-75 or F-76 may be used.SpecificationThe suitability of fuel depends on whether it has the properties defined in thisspecification (based on its composition in the as-delivered state).The DIN EN 590 and ISO 8217-2010 (Class DMA or Class DMZ) standardshave been extensively used as the basis when defining these properties. Theproperties correspond to the test procedures stated.Properties Unit Test procedure Typical valueDensity at 15 °Ckg/m3ISO 3675≥ 820.0≤ 890.0Kinematic viscosity at 40 °Cmm2/s (cSt)ISO 3104≥ 2≤ 6.0Filterability*in summer andin winter °C°C DIN EN 116DIN EN 116 ≤ 0≤ -12Flash point in closed cup °C ISO 2719 ≥ 60Sediment content (extraction method) weight % ISO 3735 ≤ 0.01Water content Vol. % ISO 3733 ≤ 0.05Sulphur contentweight %ISO 8754 ≤ 1.5Ash ISO 6245 ≤ 0.01Coke residue (MCR) ISO CD 10370 ≤ 0.10Hydrogen sulphide mg/kg IP 570 < 2Acid number mg KOH/g ASTM D664 < 0.5Oxidation stabilityg/m3ISO 12205 < 25Lubricity(wear scar diameter)μm ISO 12156-1 < 520Cetane number or cetane index - ISO 5165 ≥ 40Copper strip test - ISO 2160 ≤ 1Other specifications:British Standard BS MA 100-1987 M1ASTM D 975 1D/2DTable 1: Diesel fuel (MGO) – properties that must be complied with.Other designations 2011-07-06 - deGas oil / diesel oil (MGO) specification 6680 3.3.1-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.1 6680 3.3.1-01 EN 1 (2) * The process for determining the filterability in accordance with DIN EN 116 is similar to the process for determiningthe cloud point in accordance with ISO 3015 Additional informationIf distillate intended for use as heating oil is used with stationary enginesinstead of diesel oil (EL heating oil according to DIN 51603 or Fuel No. 1 orno. 2 according to ASTM D 396), the ignition behaviour, stability and behav-iour at low temperatures must be ensured; in other words the requirementsfor the filterability and cetane number must be satisfied.To ensure sufficient lubrication, a minimum viscosity must be ensured at thefuel pump. The maximum temperature required to ensure that a viscosity ofmore than 1.9 mm2/s is maintained upstream of the fuel pump, depends onthe fuel viscosity. In any case, the fuel temperature upstream of the injectionpump must not exceed 45 °C.Normally, the lubricating ability of diesel oil is sufficient to operate the fuelinjection pump. Desulphurisation of diesel fuels can reduce their lubricity. Ifthe sulphur content is extremely low (< 500 ppm or 0.05%), the lubricity mayno longer be sufficient. Before using diesel fuels with low sulphur content,you should therefore ensure that their lubricity is sufficient. This is the case ifthe lubricity as specified in ISO 12156-1 does not exceed 520 μm.You can ensure that these conditions will be met by using motor vehicle die-sel fuel in accordance with EN 590 as this characteristic value is an integralpart of the specification.Improper handling of operating fluidsIf operating fluids are improperly handled, this can pose a danger tohealth, safety and the environment. The relevant safety information bythe supplier of operating fluids must be observed.AnalysesWe can analyse fuel for customers at our laboratory. A 0.5 l sample isrequired for the test. Use of diesel oilViscosityLubricity Gas oil / diesel oil (MGO) specification 6680 3.3.1-01General 2011-07-06 - de3.3.1MAN Diesel & Turbo 2 (2) 6680 3.3.1-01 EN MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 1 (1)WarningWarning !(Marine engines only)It is important that all MAN Diesel & Turbo engines are operated within the given specifications and performance tolerances specified in the engines' Technical Files and are maintained according to the MAN Diesel & Turbo maintenance instructions in order to comply with given emissions regulations.In accordance with Chapter I of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 94, Subpart C, §94.211 NOTICE is hereby given that Chapter I of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 94, Subpart K, §94.1004 requires that the emissions related maintenance of the die-sel engine shall be performed as specified in MAN Diesel & Turbo instructions including, but not limited to, the instructions to that effect included in the Technical File.12.06 - ES0General Bio fuel specificationBiofuelBiodiesel, FAME, vegetable oil, rapeseed oil, palm oil, frying fatBiofuel is derived from oil plants or old cooking oil.ProvisionTransesterified and non-transesterified vegetable oils can be used.Transesterified biofuels (biodiesel, FAME) must comply with the standard EN14214.Non-transesterified biofuels must comply with the specifications listed inTable 1.These specifications are based on experience to d/ate. As this experience islimited, these must be regarded as recommended specifications that can beadapted if necessary. If future experience shows that these specifications aretoo strict, or not strict enough, they can be modified accordingly to ensuresafe and reliable operation.When operating with bio-fuels, lubricating oil that would also be suitable foroperation with diesel oil (see Sheet 3.3.5) must be used.Properties/Characteristics Unit Test methodDensity at 15 °C900 - 930 kg/m3DIN EN ISO 3675,EN ISO 12185Flash point > 60 °C DIN EN 22719lower calorific value > 35 MJ/kg(typical: 37 MJ/kg)DIN 51900-3Viscosity/50 °C < 40 cSt (corresponds to a viscos-ity/40 °C of < 60 cSt)DIN EN ISO 3104Cetane number > 40 FIACoke residue < 0.4% DIN EN ISO 10370Sediment content < 200 ppm DIN EN 12662Oxidation stability (110 °C) > 5 h ISO 6886Phosphorous content < 15 ppm ASTM D3231Na and K content < 15 ppm DIN 51797-3Ash content < 0.01% DIN EN ISO 6245Water content < 0.5% EN ISO 12537Iodine number < 125g/100g DIN EN 14111TAN (total acid number) < 5 mg KOH/g DIN EN ISO 660Filterability < 10 °C below the lowest temper-ature in the fuel systemEN 116Table 1: Non-transesterified bio-fuel - SpecificationsOther designationsOrigin 2011-03-25 - deBio fuel specification 6680 3.3.1-02General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.1 6680 3.3.1-02 EN 1 (2) Improper handling of operating fluidsIf operating fluids are improperly handled, this can pose a danger tohealth, safety and the environment. The relevant safety information bythe supplier of operating fluids must be observed. AnalysesWe can analyse fuel for customers at our laboratory. A 0.5 l sample isrequired for the test. Bio fuel specification 6680 3.3.1-02General 2011-03-25 - de3.3.1MAN Diesel & Turbo 2 (2) 6680 3.3.1-02 EN Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram) Explanations of viscosity-temperature diagram Figure 1: Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram)In the diagram, the fuel temperatures are shown on the horizontal axis andthe viscosity is shown on the vertical axis.The diagonal lines correspond to viscosity-temperature curves of fuels withdifferent reference viscosities. The vertical viscosity axis in mm2/s (cSt)applies for 40, 50 or 100 °C.Determining the viscosity-temperature curve and the required preheating temperaturePrescribed injection viscosityin mm²/sRequired temperature of heavy fuel oilat engine inlet* in °C≥ 12 126 (line c)≤ 14 119 (line d)Table 1: Determining the viscosity-temperature curve and the required preheatingtemperature Example: Heavy fuel oil with180 mm²/s at 50 °C2011-03-25 - deViscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram) Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram)General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.4 6680 3.3.4-01 EN 1 (2) * With these figures, the temperature drop between the last preheatingdevice and the fuel injection pump is not taken into account.A heavy fuel oil with a viscosity of 180 mm2/s at 50 °C can reach a viscosityof 1000 mm2/s at 24 °C (line e) – this is the maximum permissible viscosity offuel that the pump can deliver.A heavy fuel oil discharge temperature of 152 °C is reached when using arecent state-of-the-art preheating device with 8 bar saturated steam. Athigher temperatures there is a risk of residues forming in the preheating sys-tem – this leads to a reduction in heating output and thermal overloading ofthe heavy fuel oil. Asphalt is also formed in this case, i.e. quality deterioration.The heavy fuel oil lines between the outlet of the last preheating system andthe injection valve must be suitably insulated to limit the maximum drop intemperature to 4 °C. This is the only way to achieve the necessary injectionviscosity of 14 mm2/s for heavy fuel oils with a reference viscosity of 700mm2/s at 50 °C (the maximum viscosity as defined in the international specifi-cations such as ISO CIMAC or British Standard). If heavy fuel oil with a lowreference viscosity is used, the injection viscosity should ideally be 12 mm2/sin order to achieve more effective atomisation to reduce the combustion resi-due.The delivery pump must be designed for heavy fuel oil with a viscosity of upto 1 000 mm2/s. The pour point also determines whether the pump is capa-ble of transporting the heavy fuel oil. The bunker facility must be designed soas to allow the heavy fuel oil to be heated to roughly 10 C above the pourpoint.ViscosityThe viscosity of gas oil or diesel oil (marine diesel oil) upstream of theengine must be at least 1.9 mm2/s. If the viscosity is too low, this maycause seizing of the pump plunger or nozzle needle valves as a resultof insufficient lubrication.This can be avoided by monitoring the temperature of the fuel. Although themaximum permissible temperature depends on the viscosity of the fuel, itmust never exceed the following values:▪ 45 °C at the most with MGO (DMA) and MDO (DMB) and▪ 60 °C at the most with MDO (DMC).A fuel cooler must therefore be installed.If the viscosity of the fuel is < 2 cSt at 40 °C, consult the technical service ofMAN Diesel & Turbo SE in Augsburg. Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram) Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram)General 2011-03-25 - de3.3.4MAN Diesel & Turbo 2 (2) 6680 3.3.4-01 EN 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselPurifi cation Recommendations.Fuel oils are always contaminated and should there-fore be thoroughly cleaned for solid as well as liquid contaminants before use. The solid contami-nants in the fuel are mainly rust, sand, dust and re-fi nery catalysts. Liquid contaminants are mainly water, i.e. either fresh water or salt water.The impurities can cause damage to fuel pumps and fuel valves, can result in increased cylinder liner wear and deteriorate the exhaust valve seats. Also increased fouling of gas ways and turbocharger blends may result from the use of inadequately cleaned fuel oils.Effective cleaning can only be ensured by means of a centrifuge. We recommend the capacity of the installed centrifuges to be at least according to the centrifuging maker's recommendations. To obtain optimum cleaning it is of the utmost importance to operate the centrifuge with as low a viscosity of the fuel oil as possible and allow the fuel oil to remain in the centrifuge bowl as long time as possible.92.04 - ES0SDescriptionPage 1 (2)Fuel Oil Cleaning604.30Edition 01HGeneralOperatingoptionsNormal conditionsExtremeconditionsEspecially for fuels above 180 cST/50°C (1500 sec. RW/100°F) the highest possible temperature 98°C (208°F) should be maintained in the centrifuge oil preheater.The fuel is kept in the centrifuge as long as possible by adjusting the fl ow rate through the centrifuge so that it corresponds to the amount of fuel required by the engine without excessive re-circulating. Conse-quently, the centrifuge should operate for 24 hours a day except during necessary cleaning.Taking today's fuel qualities into consideration the need for cleaning centrifuges ("shooting frequency") should not be underestimated. Correct choice and adjustment of the regulating screws and/or the grav-ity discs are of special importance for effi cient water removal. The centrifuge manual states the disc or screw adjustment which should be chosen on the basis of the specifi c gravity of the fuel.Normal practice is to have at least two centrifuges available for fuel cleaning. Results from experimen-tal work on centrifuges, treating today's qualities of residual fuel, have shown that the best cleaning ef-fect, especially as regards removal of catalyst fi nes is achieved when the centrifuges are operated in series, in purifi er/clarifi er mode.Therefore - series operation of centrifuges ensuring a maximum of safety is a fully accepted alternative to the previously recommended parallel operation, provided the operating capacity of each individual centrifuge can handle the total amount of fuel re-quired by the engine, without exceeding the fl ow rate recommended by the centrifuge maker for the operating mode in question.If the installed centrifuge capacity is on the low side corresponding to the specifi c viscosity of the used fuel oil and if more than one centrifuge is available, parallel operation in order to obtain an even lower fl ow rate may be considered. However, in view of the above results and recommendations serious consid-erations should be given to installing new equipment in correspondance with today's fuel qualities and fl ow recommendation.Cleaning of H.F.O. by Centrifuging Single centrifuge as purifi er. Two centrifuges in parallel. Two centrifuges in series.Optimum operating confi gurations Water content Parallel operation below 1 % Purifi er / Purifi er or Density at 15°C Series operation below 0.991 Purifi er + Clarifi er Water content below 1 % Parallel operation Density at 15°C Purifi er / Purifi er below 0.991 High content Series operation of catalyst fi nes Purifi er + Clarifi erTable 1. Cleaning of HFO. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel1530200604008060018015003803500600600025 4510013075cST/50°Csec. RI/100°FcSt/80°CLog scales212194176158140122104100100908080706060504040°C°FSeparation Temperature20%Related to Rated Capacity of CentrifugeFlow Rate604.30Edition 01H92.04 - ES0SFuel Oil CleaningDescriptionPage 2 (2)GeneralFig. 1. Flowrate through centrifuge related to nominel capa-city of centrifuge.For the determination of centrifuging capacity, we generally advise to follow the recommendations of the centrifuge maker, but the curves on fi g. 1, can be used as a guidance.A Homogenizer may be installed in the fuel oil system as a supplement to the centrifuges to homogenize possible water and sludge still present in the fuel after centrifuging. Engine cooling water specifications Preliminary remarksAs is also the case with the fuel and lubricating oil, the engine cooling watermust be carefully selected, handled and checked. If this is not the case, cor-rosion, erosion and cavitation may occur at the walls of the cooling system incontact with water and deposits may form. Deposits obstruct the transfer ofheat and can cause thermal overloading of the cooled parts. The systemmust be treated with an anticorrosive agent before bringing it into operationfor the first time. The concentrations prescribed by the engine manufacturermust always be observed during subsequent operation. The above especiallyapplies if a chemical additive is added.RequirementsThe properties of untreated cooling water must correspond to the followinglimit values:Properties/Characteristic Properties UnitWater type Distillate or fresh water, free of foreign matter. The following are prohibited: Seawater, brack-ish water, river water, brines, industrial wastewater and rainwater.-Total hardness max. 10 °dH*pH value 6.5 - 8 -Chloride ion content Max. 50 mg/l**Table 1: Cooling water - properties to be observed*) 1°dH (German hard-ness)≙ 10 mg CaO in 1 litre of water ≙ 17.9 mg CaCO3/l ≙ 0.357 mval/l ≙ 0.179 mmol/l**) 1 mg/l ≙ 1 ppmThe MAN Diesel water testing equipment incorporates devices that deter-mine the water properties referred to above in a straightforward manner. Themanufacturers of anticorrosive agents also supply user-friendly testing equip-ment. For information on monitoring cooling water, refer to Work Card000.07.Additional informationIf distilled water (from a fresh water generator, for example) or fully desalina-ted water (from ion exchange or reverse osmosis) is available, this shouldideally be used as the engine cooling water. These waters are free of limeand salts which means that deposits that could interfere with the transfer ofheat to the cooling water, and therefore also reduce the cooling effect, can-not form. However, these waters are more corrosive than normal hard wateras the thin film of lime scale that would otherwise provide temporary corro-sion protection does not form on the walls. This is why distilled water mustbe handled particularly carefully and the concentration of the additive mustbe regularly checked. Limit valuesTesting equipmentDistillate2012-05-09 - deEngine cooling water specifications 6680 3.3.7-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.7 6680 3.3.7-01 EN 1 (8) The total hardness of the water is the combined effect of the temporary andpermanent hardness. The proportion of calcium and magnesium salts is ofoverriding importance. The temporary hardness is determined by the carbo-nate content of the calcium and magnesium salts. The permanent hardnessis determined by the amount of remaining calcium and magnesium salts (sul-phates). The temporary (carbonate) hardness is the critical factor that deter-mines the extent of limescale deposit in the cooling system.Water with a total hardness of > 10°dGH must be mixed with distilled wateror softened. Subsequent hardening of extremely soft water is only necessaryto prevent foaming if emulsifiable slushing oils are used.Damage to the cooling water systemCorrosion is an electrochemical process that can widely be avoided byselecting the correct water quality and by carefully handling the water in theengine cooling system.Flow cavitation can occur in areas in which high flow velocities and high tur-bulence is present. If the steam pressure is reached, steam bubbles formand subsequently collapse in high pressure zones which causes the destruc-tion of materials in constricted areas.Erosion is a mechanical process accompanied by material abrasion and thedestruction of protective films by solids that have been drawn in, particularlyin areas with high flow velocities or strong turbulence.Stress corrosion cracking is a failure mechanism that occurs as a result ofsimultaneous dynamic and corrosive stress. This may lead to cracking andrapid crack propagation in water-cooled, mechanically-loaded components ifthe cooling water has not been treated correctly. Processing of engine cooling waterThe purpose of treating the engine cooling water using anticorrosive agentsis to produce a continuous protective film on the walls of cooling surfacesand therefore prevent the damage referred to above. In order for an anticor-rosive agent to be 100 % effective, it is extremely important that untreatedwater satisfies the requirements in the Section Requirements.Protective films can be formed by treating the cooling water with an anticor-rosive chemical or an emulsifiable slushing oil.Emulsifiable slushing oils are used less and less frequently as their use hasbeen considerably restricted by environmental protection regulations, andbecause they are rarely available from suppliers for this and other reasons.Treatment with an anticorrosive agent should be carried out before theengine is brought into operation for the first time to prevent irreparable initialdamage.Treatment of the cooling waterThe engine must not be brought into operation without treating thecooling water first. HardnessCorrosionFlow cavitationErosionStress corrosion crackingFormation of a protectivefilmTreatment prior to initialcommissioning of engine Engine cooling water specifications 6680 3.3.7-01General 2012-05-09 - de3.3.7MAN Diesel & Turbo 2 (8) 6680 3.3.7-01 EN Additives for cooling waterOnly the additives approved by MAN Diesel and listed in the tables under thesection entitled "Approved cooling water additives“ may be used.A cooling water additive may only be permitted for use if tested andapproved as per the latest directives of the ICE Research Association (FVV)"Suitability test of internal combustion engine cooling fluid additives.” The testreport must be obtainable on request. The relevant tests can be carried outon request in Germany at the staatliche Materialprüfanstalt (Federal Institutefor Materials Research and Testing), Abteilung Oberflächentechnik (SurfaceTechnology Division), Grafenstraße 2 in D-64283 Darmstadt.Once the cooling water additive has been tested by the FVV, the enginemust be tested in the second step before the final approval is granted.Additives may only be used in closed circuits where no significant consump-tion occurs, apart from leaks or evaporation losses.Chemical additivesSodium nitrite and sodium borate based additives etc. have a proven trackrecord. Galvanised iron pipes or zinc sacrificial anodes must not be used incooling systems. This corrosion protection is not required due to the prescri-bed cooling water treatment and electrochemical potential reversal can occurdue to the cooling water temperatures which are normally present in enginesnowadays. If necessary, the pipes must be deplated.Slushing oilThis additive is an emulsifiable mineral oil with added slushing ingredients. Athin film of oil forms on the walls of the cooling system. This prevents corro-sion without interfering with the transfer of heat and also prevents limescaledeposits on the walls of the cooling system.The significance of emulsifiable corrosion-slushing oils is fading. Oil-basedemulsions are rarely used nowadays for environmental protection reasonsand also because stability problems are known to occur in emulsions.Anti-freeze agentsIf temperatures below the freezing point of water in the engine cannot beexcluded, an anti-freeze solution that also prevents corrosion must be addedto the cooling system or corresponding parts. Otherwise, the entire systemmust be heated. (Military specification: Sy-7025).Sufficient corrosion protection can be provided by adding the products listedin the table entitled "Anti-freeze solutions with slushing properties" whileobserving the prescribed concentration. This concentration prevents freezingat temperatures down to -22 °C. However, the quantity of anti-freeze solu-tion actually required always depends on the lowest temperatures that are tobe expected at the place of use.Anti- freezes are generally based on ethylene glycol. A suitable chemical anti-corrosive agent must be added if the concentration of the anti-freeze solutionprescribed by the user for a specific application does not provide an appro-priate level of corrosion protection, or if the concentration of anti-freeze solu-tion used is lower due to less stringent frost protection requirements anddoes not provide an appropriate level of corrosion protection. For informationon the compatibility of the anti-freeze solution with the anticorrosive agent Required approvalOnly in closed circuits2012-05-09 - deEngine cooling water specifications 6680 3.3.7-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.7 6680 3.3.7-01 EN 3 (8) and the required concentrations, contact the manufacturer. As regards thechemical additives indicated in the table „Nitrite-Containing Chemical Addi-tives“, their compatibility with ethylene glycol-based antifreezes has beenproved. Anti-freeze solutions may only be mixed with one another with theconsent of the manufacturer, even if these solutions have the same composi-tion.Before an anti-freeze solution is used, the cooling system must be thoroughlycleaned.If the cooling water contains an emulsifiable slushing oil, anti-freeze solutionmust not be added as otherwise the emulsion would break up and oil sludgewould form in the cooling system.Observe the applicable environmental protection regulations when disposingof cooling water containing additives. For more information, consult the addi-tive supplier.BiocidesIf you cannot avoid using a biocide because the cooling water has been con-taminated by bacteria, observe the following steps:▪ You must ensure that the biocide to be used is suitable for the specificapplication.▪ The biocide must be compatible with the sealing materials used in thecooling water system and must not react with these.▪ The biocide and its decomposition products must not contain corrosion-promoting components. Biocides whose decomposition products con-tain chloride or sulphate ions are not permitted.▪ Biocides that cause foaming of cooling water are not permitted.Prerequisite for effective use of an anticorrosive agentClean cooling systemAs contamination significantly reduces the effectiveness of the additive, thetanks, pipes, coolers and other parts outside the engine must be free of rustand other deposits before the engine is started up for the first time and afterrepairs are carried out on the pipe system. The entire system must thereforebe cleaned with the engine switched off using a suitable cleaning agent (seeWork Cards 000.03 and 000.08 by MAN Diesel).Loose solid matter in particular must be removed by flushing the systemthoroughly as otherwise erosion may occur in locations where the flow veloc-ity is high.The cleaning agents must not corrode the seals and materials of the coolingsystem. In most cases, the supplier of the cooling water additive will be ableto carry out this work and, if this is not possible, will at least be able to pro-vide suitable products to do this. If this work is carried out by the engineoperator, he should use the services of a specialist supplier of cleaningagents. The cooling system must be flushed thoroughly following cleaning.Once this has been done, the engine cooling water must be treated immedi-ately with anticorrosive agent. Once the engine has been brought back intooperation, the cleaned system must be checked for leaks. Engine cooling water specifications 6680 3.3.7-01General 2012-05-09 - de3.3.7MAN Diesel & Turbo 4 (8) 6680 3.3.7-01 EN Questionnaire – Technical DocumentationMAN Diesel & Turbo Your opinion counts! Your opinion counts!Your opinion is valuable to us as it helps us to evaluate our services and to continuously improve the quality of our Technical Documentation. May we ask you for a few minutes of your time to complete and then return this questionnaire to TechDoc@mandieselturbo.com:Your company: Your position: Very satisfied RatherSatisfied Ratherdissatisfied Very dissatisfied How do you rate the overall level of satisfaction with the manuals supplied? Which improvements would you suggest to be made in the future? Ring binders and organisation Comments/suggestions: Labelling of ring binders Comments/suggestions: Structuring of information and documents Comments/suggestions: Access aids (contents page, index, register, etc.) Comments/suggestions: Preparation of CDs/DVDs (navigation, etc.) Comments/suggestions: Readability of texts and drawings (paper, CD/DVD) Comments/suggestions: Comprehensibility of contents Comments/suggestions: Scope of information provided Comments/suggestions: 1 (1)Customer satisfaction Regular checks of the cooling water condition and cooling watersystemTreated cooling water may become contaminated when the engine is inoperation, which causes the additive to loose some of its effectiveness. It istherefore advisable to regularly check the cooling system and the coolingwater condition. To determine leakages in the lube oil system, it is advisableto carry out regular checks of water in the compensating tank. Indications ofoil content in water are, e.g. discoloration or a visible oil film on the surface ofthe water sample.The additive concentration must be checked at least once a week using thetest kits specified by the manufacturer. The results must be documented.Concentrations of chemical additivesThe chemical additive concentrations shall not be less than theminimum concentrations indicated in the table „Nitrite-containingchemical additives“.Excessively low concentrations can promote corrosion and must be avoided.If the concentration is slightly above the recommended concentration this willnot result in damage. Concentrations that are more than twice the recom-mended concentration should be avoided.Every 2 to 6 months send a cooling water sample to an independent labora-tory or to the engine manufacturer for integrated analysis.Emulsifiable anticorrosive agents must generally be replaced after abt. 12months according to the supplier's instructions. When carrying this out, theentire cooling system must be flushed and, if necessary, cleaned. Once filledinto the system, fresh water must be treated immediately.If chemical additives or anti-freeze solutions are used, cooling water shouldbe replaced after 3 years at the latest.If there is a high concentration of solids (rust) in the system, the water mustbe completely replaced and entire system carefully cleaned.Deposits in the cooling system may be caused by fluids that enter the cool-ing water, or the break up of emulsion, corrosion in the system and limescaledeposits if the water is very hard. If the concentration of chloride ions hasincreased, this generally indicates that seawater has entered the system. Themaximum specified concentration of 50 mg chloride ions per kg must not beexceeded as otherwise the risk of corrosion is too high. If exhaust gas entersthe cooling water, this may lead to a sudden drop in the pH value or to anincrease in the sulphate content.Water losses must be compensated for by filling with untreated water thatmeets the quality requirements specified in the section Requirements. Theconcentration of the anticorrosive agent must subsequently be checked andadjusted if necessary.Subsequent checks of cooling water are especially required if the coolingwater had to be drained off in order to carry out repairs or maintenance. 2012-05-09 - deEngine cooling water specifications 6680 3.3.7-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.7 6680 3.3.7-01 EN 5 (8) Protective measuresAnticorrosive agents contain chemical compounds that can pose a risk tohealth or the environment if incorrectly used. Comply with the directions inthe manufacturer's material safety data sheets.Avoid prolonged direct contact with the skin. Wash hands thoroughly afteruse. If larger quantities spray and/or soak into clothing, remove and washclothing before wearing it again.If chemicals come into contact with your eyes, rinse them immediately withplenty of water and seek medical advice.Anticorrosive agents are generally harmful to the water cycle. Observe therelevant statutory requirements for disposal.Auxiliary enginesIf the same cooling water system used in a MAN Diesel & Turbo two-strokemain engine is used in a marine engine of type 16/24, 21/ 31, 23/30H, 27/38or 28/32H, the cooling water recommendations for the main engine must beobserved.AnalysisWe analyse cooling water for our customers in our chemical laboratory. A 0.5l sample is required for the test.Permissible cooling water additivesNitrite-containing chemical additivesManufacturer Product designation Initial dosing for1,000 litresMinimum concentration ppmProduct Nitrite(NO2)Na-Nitrite(NaNO2)Drew MarineOne Drew PlazaBoontonNew Jersey 07005USALiquidewtMaxigard15 l40 l15,00040,0007001,3301,0502,000Wilhelmsen (Unitor)KJEMI-Service A.S.P.O.Box 49/Norway3140 BorgheimRocor NB LiquidDieselguard21.5 l4.8 kg21,5004,8002,4002,4003,6003,600Nalfleet MarineChemicalsP.O.Box 11NorthwichCheshire CW8DX, U.K.Nalfleet EWT Liq(9-108)Nalfleet EWT 9-111Nalcool 20003 l10 l30 l3,00010,00030,0001,0001,0001,0001,5001,5001,500Nalco Nalcool 2000TRAC 102TRAC 11830 l30 l3 l30,00030,0003,0001,0001,0001,0001,5001,5001,500Maritech ABP.O.Box 143S-29122 KristianstadMarisol CW 12 l 12,000 2,000 3,000 Engine cooling water specifications 6680 3.3.7-01General 2012-05-09 - de3.3.7MAN Diesel & Turbo 6 (8) 6680 3.3.7-01 EN Manufacturer Product designation Initial dosing for1,000 litresMinimum concentration ppmProduct Nitrite(NO2)Na-Nitrite(NaNO2)UniserviceVia al Santuario di N.S.della Guardia 58/A16162 Genova, ItalyN.C.L.T.Colorcooling12 l24 l12,00024,0002,0002,0003,0003,000Marichem – Marigases64 Sfaktirias Street18545 Piraeus, Griechen-landD.C.W.T. - Non-Chromate48 l 48,000 2,400 -Marine Care3144 NA MaasluisThe NetherlandsCaretreat 2 16 l 16,000 4,000 6,000VecomSchlenzigstraße 721107 HamburgDeutschlandCool Treat NCLT 16 l 16,000 4,000 6,000Table 2: Nitrite-containing chemical additivesNitrite-free additives (chemical additives)Manufacturer Product designation Initial dosingfor 1 000 litresMinimum concentrationArtecoTechnologieparkZwijnaarde 2B-9052 Gent, BelgiumHavoline XLI 75 l 7.5 %Total LubricantsParis, FranceWT Supra 75 l 7.5 %Q8 Oils Q8 Corrosion InhibitorLong-Life75 l 7.5 %Table 3: Chemical additives - nitrite freeEmulsifiable slushing oilsManufacturer Product(designation)BP Marine, Breakspear Way, Hemel Hempstead,Herts HP2 4ULDiatsol MFedaro MCastrol Int., Pipers Way, Swindon SN3 1RE, UK Solvex WT 3Deutsche Shell AG, Überseering 35,22284 Hamburg, GermanyOil 9156Table 4: Emulsifiable slushing oils 2012-05-09 - deEngine cooling water specifications 6680 3.3.7-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.7 6680 3.3.7-01 EN 7 (8) Anti-freeze solutions with slushing propertiesManufacturer Product designation Minimum concentrationBASFCarl-Bosch-Str.67063 Ludwigshafen,RheinDeutschlandGlysantin G 48Glysantin 9313Glysantin G 0535%Castrol Int.Pipers WaySwindon SN3 1RE, UKAntifreeze NF, SFBP, Britannic TowerMoor Lane,London EC2Y 9B, UKAnti-frost X2270ADeutsche Shell AGÜberseering 3522284 HamburgDeutschlandGlycoshellMobil Oil AGSteinstraße 520095 HamburgDeutschalndFrostschutz 500Arteco, TechnologieparkZwijnaarde 2B-9052 Gent, BelgiumHavoline XLCTotal LubricantsParis, FranceGlacelf Auto SupraTotal OrganifreezeTable 5: Anti-freeze solutions with slushing properties Engine cooling water specifications6680 3.3.7-01General 2012-05-09 - de3.3.7MAN Diesel & Turbo 8 (8) 6680 3.3.7-01 EN Cooling waterinspectingSummaryAcquire and check typical values of the operating media to prevent or limitdamage.The fresh water used to fill the cooling water circuits must satisfy the specifi-cations. The cooling water in the system must be checked regularly inaccordance with the maintenance schedule.The following work/steps is/are necessary:Acquisition of typical values for the operating fluid,evaluation of the operating fluid and checking the concentration of the anti-corrosive agent.Tools/equipment requiredThe following equipment can be used:▪ The MAN Diesel & Turbo water testing kit, or similar testing kit, with allnecessary instruments and chemicals that determine the water hardness,pH value and chloride content (obtainable from MAN Diesel & Turbo orMar-Tec Marine, Hamburg)When using chemical additives:▪ Testing equipment in accordance with the supplier's recommendations.Testing kits from the supplier also include equipment that can be used todetermine the fresh water quality.Testing the typical values of waterTypical value/propertyWater for filling and refilling (without additive)Circulating water(with additive)Water type Fresh water, free of foreign matter Treated cooling waterTotal hardness≤ 10°dGH 1)≤ 10°dGH 1)pH value 6.5 - 8 at 20 °C ≥ 7.5 at 20 °CChloride ion content ≤ 50 mg/l≤ 50 mg/l 2)Table 1: Quality specifications for cooling water (abbreviated version)1) dGHGerman hardness1°dGh = 10 mg/l CaO= 17.9 mg/l CaCO3= 0.179 mmol/L2) 1mg/l= 1 ppm Equipment for checking thefresh water qualityEquipment for testing theconcentration of additivesShort specification 2011-06-21 - deCooling water 6682 000.07-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo000.07 6682 000.07-01 EN 1 (2) Testing the concentration of anticorrosive agentsAnticorrosive agent ConcentrationChemical additives according to the quality specification in Volume 010.005 Engine - Operating Instructions,Chapter 3, Sheet 3.3.7Anti-freeze agents according to the quality specification in Volume 010.005 Engine - Operating Instructions,Chapter 3, Sheet 3.3.7Table 2: Concentration of the cooling water additiveThe concentration should be tested every week, and/or according to themaintenance schedule, using the testing instruments, reagents and instruc-tions of the relevant supplier.Chemical slushing oils can only provide effective protection if the right con-centration is precisely maintained. This is why the concentrations recommen-ded by MAN Diesel & Turbo (quality specifications in Volume 010.005 Engine– Operating Instructions, Chapter 3, Page 3.3.7) must be complied with in allcases. These recommended concentrations may be other than those speci-fied by the manufacturer.The concentration must be checked in accordance with the manufacturer'sinstructions or the test can be outsourced to a suitable laboratory. If indoubt, consult MAN Diesel & Turbo.Small quantities of lubricating oil in cooling water can be found by visualcheck during regular water sampling from the expansion tank.We test cooling water for customers in our laboratory. To carry out the test,we will need a representative sample of abt. 0.5 l.Short specificationTesting the concentration ofchemical additivesTesting the concentration ofanti-freeze agentsRegular water samplingsTestingCooling water 6682 000.07-01General 2011-06-21 - de000.07MAN Diesel & Turbo 2 (2) 6682 000.07-01 EN Cooling water systemCleaningSummaryRemove contamination/residue from operating fluid systems, ensure/re-establish operating reliability.Cooling water systems containing deposits or contamination prevent effec-tive cooling of parts. Contamination and deposits must be regularly elimina-ted.This comprises the following:Cleaning the system and, if required,removal of limescale deposits,flushing the system.CleaningThe cooling water system must be checked for contamination at regularintervals. Cleaning is required if the degree of contamination is high. Thiswork should ideally be carried out by a specialist who can provide the rightcleaning agents for the type of deposits and materials in the cooling circuit.The cleaning should only be carried out by the engine operator if this cannotbe done by a specialist.Oil sludge from lubricating oil that has entered the cooling system or a highconcentration of anticorrosive agents can be removed by flushing the systemwith fresh water to which some cleaning agent has been added. Suitablecleaning agents are listed alphabetically in the table entitled "Cleaning agentsfor removing oil sludge". Products by other manufacturers can be used pro-viding they have similar properties. The manufacturer's instructions for usemust be strictly observed.Manufacturer Product Concentration Duration of cleaning procedure/temperatureDrew HDE - 777 4 - 5% 4 h at 50 – 60 °CNalfleet MaxiClean 2 2 - 5% 4 h at 60 °CUnitor Aquabreak 0.05 – 0.5% 4 h at ambient temperatureVecom Ultrasonic Multi Cleaner4% 12 h at 50 – 60 °CTable 1: Cleaning agents for removing oil sludgeLime and rust deposits can form if the water is especially hard or if the con-centration of the anticorrosive agent is too low. A thin lime scale layer can beleft on the surface as experience has shown that this protects against corro-sion. However, limescale deposits with a thickness of more than 0.5 mmobstruct the transfer of heat and cause thermal overloading of the compo-nents being cooled.Rust that has been flushed out may have an abrasive effect on other parts ofthe system, such as the sealing elements of the water pumps. Together withthe elements that are responsible for water hardness, this forms what isknown as ferrous sludge which tends to gather in areas where the flowvelocity is low.Products that remove limescale deposits are generally suitable for removingrust. Suitable cleaning agents are listed alphabetically in the table entitled"Cleaning agents for removing lime scale and rust deposits". Products by Oil sludgeLime and rust deposits2010-02-09 - deCooling water system 6682 000.08-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo000.08 6682 000.08-01 EN 1 (3) other manufacturers can be used providing they have similar properties. Themanufacturer's instructions for use must be strictly observed. Prior to clean-ing, check whether the cleaning agent is suitable for the materials to becleaned. The products listed in the table entitled "Cleaning agents for remov-ing lime scale and rust deposits" are also suitable for stainless steel.Manufacturer Product Concentration Duration of cleaning procedure/temperatureDrew SAF-AcidDescale-ITFerroclean5 - 10%5 - 10%10%4 h at 60 - 70 °C4 h at 60 - 70 °C4 - 24 h at 60 - 70 °CNalfleet Nalfleet 9 - 068 5% 4 h at 60 – 75 ℃Unitor Descalex 5 - 10% 4 - 6 h at approx. 60 °CVecom Descalant F 3 – 10% Approx. 4 h at 50 – 60°CTable 2: Cleaning agents for removing limescale and rust depositsHydrochloric acid diluted in water or aminosulphonic acid may only be usedin exceptional cases if a special cleaning agent that removes limescaledeposits without causing problems is not available. Observe the followingduring application:▪ Stainless steel heat exchangers must never be treated using dilutedhydrochloric acid.▪ Cooling systems containing non-ferrous metals (aluminium, red bronze,brass, etc.) must be treated with deactivated aminosulphonic acid. Thisacid should be added to water in a concentration of 3 - 5 %. The tem-perature of the solution should be 40 - 50 °C.▪ Diluted hydrochloric acid may only be used to clean steel pipes. If hydro-chloric acid is used as the cleaning agent, there is always a danger thatacid will remain in the system, even when the system has been neutral-ised and flushed. This residual acid promotes pitting. We therefore rec-ommend you have the cleaning carried out by a specialist.The carbon dioxide bubbles that form when limescale deposits are dissolvedcan prevent the cleaning agent from reaching boiler scale. It is thereforeabsolutely necessary to circulate the water with the cleaning agent to flushaway the gas bubbles and allow them to escape. The length of the cleaningprocess depends on the thickness and composition of the deposits. Valuesare provided for orientation in the table entitled "Detergents for removing limescale and rust deposits“.The cooling system must be flushed several times once it has been cleanedusing cleaning agents. Replace the water during this process. If acids areused to carry out the cleaning, neutralise the cooling system afterwards withsuitable chemicals then flush. The system can then be refilled with water thathas been prepared accordingly.Only carry out the cleaning operation once the engine hascooled downStart the cleaning operation only when the engine has cooled down.Hot engine components must not come into contact with cold water.Open the venting pipes before refilling the cooling water system.Blocked venting pipes prevent air from escaping which can lead tothermal overloading of the engine.In emergencies onlyFollowing cleaningCooling water system 6682 000.08-01General 2010-02-09 - de000.08MAN Diesel & Turbo 2 (3) 6682 000.08-01 EN Cleaning products can cause damageThe products to be used can endanger health and may be harmful tothe environment.Follow the manufacturer's handling instructions without fail.The applicable regulations governing the disposal of cleaning agents or acidsmust be observed. 2010-02-09 - deCooling water system 6682 000.08-01General MAN Diesel & Turbo000.08 6682 000.08-01 EN 3 (3) Water specification for fuel-water emulsions PrerequisitesThe water used for the fuel-water emulsion is an operating fluid that must becarefully selected, processed (if necessary) and monitored. If this is not done,deposits, corrosion, erosion and cavitation may occur on the fuel systemcomponents that come into contact with the fuel-water emulsion.SpecificationsThe characteristic values of the water used must be within the following limitvalues:Properties/CharacteristicCharacteristic value UnitWater type Seawater, brackish water, river water, brines,industrial waste water and rainwater, distilledor fresh water-Total hardness max. 10 ºdH*pH value 6.5 - 8 -Chloride ion content max. 50 mg/lTable 1: Fuel-water emulsion - characteristic values to be observed*) 1º dH (German hard-ness)≙ 10 mg CaOin 1l water≙ 17.9 mg CaCO3/l ≙ 0.357 mval/l ≙ 0.179 mmol/lThe MAN Diesel water testing kit contains instruments that allow the watercharacteristics referred to above (and others) to be easily determined.Additional informationIf distillate (e.g. from the fresh water generator) or fully desalinated water (ionexchanger) is available, this should ideally be used for the fuel-water emul-sion. These types of water are free of lime and salts.The total hardness of the water is the combined effect of the temporary andpermanent hardness. It is largely determined by the calcium and magnesiumsalts. The temporary hardness depends on the hydrocarbonate content inthe calcium and magnesium salts. The lasting (permanent) hardness is deter-mined by the remaining calcium and magnesium salts (sulphates).Water with hardness greater than 10°dH (German total hardness) must beblended or softened with distillate. It is not necessary to increase the hard-ness of extremely soft water.Treatment with anticorrosive agents not requiredTreatment with anticorrosive agents is not required and must beomitted. Limit valuesTesting instrumentsDistillateHardness2011-03-25 - deWater specification for fuel-water emulsions Water specification for fuel-water emulsionsGeneral MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.10 6680 3.3.10-01 EN 1 (1) MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 1 (1)L28/32HCycle : 4-strokeConfiguration : In-lineCyl. Nos. available : 5-6-7-8-9Power range : 1050-1980 kWSpeed : 720/750 rpmBore : 280 mmStroke : 320 mmStroke/bore ratio : 1.14:1Piston area per cyl. : 616 cm2Swept volume per cyl. : 19.7 ltr.Compression ratio : 13.9:1Max. combustion pressure : 130 barTurbocharging principle : Constant pressure system and inter cool ingFuel quality acceptance : HFO (up to 700 cSt/50° C, RMK700) MDO (DMB) - MGO (DMA, DMZ) according ISO8217-2010Main Particulars11.36 - ES1 - Tier II - WB2 - GenSetPower lay-outSpeedMean piston speedMean effective pressureMax. combustion pressurePower per cylinderrpmm/sec.barbarkW/cyl.7207.717.81302107508.017.9130220Power per cylinderkW/cyl.230 240Overload rating (up to 10%) allowable in 1 hour for every 12 hoursMCR version600.00Edition 07H Specifications for intake air (combustion air) GeneralThe quality and condition of intake air (combustion air) have a significanteffect on the power output, wear and emissions of the engine. In this regard,not only are the atmospheric conditions extremely important, but also con-tamination by solid and gaseous foreign matter.Mineral dust in the intake air increases wear. Chemicals and gases promotecorrosion.This is why effective cleaning of intake air (combustion air) and regular main-tenance/cleaning of the air filter are required.When designing the intake air system, the maximum permissible overall pres-sure drop (filter, silencer, pipe line) of 20 mbar must be taken into considera-tion.RequirementsGas engines or dual-fuel engines may only be equipped with a dry filter. Anoil filter should not be installed, because they enrich air with oil mist, which isnot permissible for gas operated engines. Filters of efficiency class G4according to EN 779 must be used. The concentrations downstream of theair filter and/or upstream of the turbocharger inlet must not exceed the fol-lowing limit values:Properties Typical value Unit *Dust (sand, cement, CaO, Al2O3 etc.) max. 5mg/Nm3Chlorine max. 1.5Sulphur dioxide (SO2) max. 1.25Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) max. 5Salt (NaCl) max. 1* One Nm3 corresponds to one cubic meter ofgas at 0 °C and 101.32 kPa. Table 1: Intake air (combustion air) - typical values to be observedIntake air shall not contain any flammable gasesIntake air shall not contain any flammable gases. Make sure that thecombustion air is not explosive. 2012-01-17 - deSpecifications for intake air (combustion air) Specifications for intake air (combustion air)General MAN Diesel & Turbo3.3.11 6680 3.3.11-01 EN 1 (1) Cylinder head 505/605 GeneralThe cylinder head is made of cast iron and is tight-ened to form a gas-tight seal against a sealing ringon the cylinder liner by means of 6 nuts and 6studs, which are screwed into the engine frame.The nuts are tightened by means of hydraulic jacks.Each cylinder head is equipped with two air inletand two exhaust valves which are actuated byrocker arms running in bearings on a shaft suppor-ted in a bracket on top of the cylinder head.The fuel injection valve (see section 614) is locatedin a interchangeable sleeve in the center of the cyl-inder head.Furthermore the cylinder head is equipped with anindicator valve and a safety valve.The cylinder head has a screwed-on coamingwhich encloses the valves. The coaming is closedwith a top cover and thus provides an oil tightenclosure for the valve gear. The coaming is equip-ped with an inspection cover for the rotators.Air inlet and exhaust valvesThe inlet valve spindles are identical to the exhaustspindles.The valves are made of heat-resistant material.Hard metal is welded on to the valve spindle seatsto avoid depressions by combustion particles.The valve spindles are fitted with valve rotatorswhich turn the spindles a little each time the valvesopen.The cylinder head is equipped with interchangeableseat rings and valve guides for inlet and exhaustvalves.The valve seat rings and valve guides for inletand exhaust valves are identical.The seat rings are made of heat-resistant steel,directly hardened on the seating surface and theseat rings are directly water cooled in order toassure low valve temperature.Valve rotatorThe retainer body of the valve rotator (1) has a num-ber of pockets, arranged in circumferential direc-tion, with balls that are forced against the upperend of an inclined race by coil springs acting in tan-gential direction. The ball race (3) serves as balltrack in the opposite direction. The spring washer(4) seats against the inner rim of the retainer bodyand is encased by the seating collar (5) which over-laps it. The assembled valve rotator is heldtogether, when removed, by the retaining ring (6).1 Retainer body 2 Balls3 Ball race 4 Spring washer5 Seating collar 6 Retainer ring7 Valve spindle Figure 1: Valve rotatorAs the valve starts to open, the increasing valvespring-load causes the spring washer to flatten, andthe load applied to the balls in the pockets of theretainer body forces the balls in the ball race to rolldown the inclined races. The transfer of the reactionload of the ball race to the spring washer reducesthe reaction load of the spring washer on the innerrim of the retainer body. Ball race, spring washer,seating collar and valve springs are, however, force-locked by friction grip. The reaction load of the ballson the inclined races induces rotation to the retainerbody and valve with relation to the seating collarand the valve springs. As the valve closes, load isreleased from the spring washer and thus from theballs, allowing them to be returned to their originalpositions without rolling by the tangential force ofthe coil springs.MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 1 (1)Cylinder head605.01Edition 14H L28/32H, V28/32H 1990.10.29 - ES0 MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dismantling of cylinder head for inspection and/or overhaul.Starting position:Cooling water has been drained from engine.Related procedure:Dismounting of piston and connecting rod, 606-01.00Dismounting and inspection of inlet valve, exhaust valve and valve guide, 605-01.05Safety valve, 605-01.25Dismantling, overhaul and testpressure of fuel oil valve, 614-01.10 Man power:Working time : 1 HourCapacity : 2 menData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.00Edition 01H91.45 - ES0SL/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62021 10 62021 01 Oil injector, (complete) 62021 50 6 Piece 62021 51 1 Piece 62021 15 62005 01 62021 25 Hydraulic tools 62014 15Hand tools:Ring and open end spanner 14 mm.Ring and open end spanner 17 mm.Ring and open end spanner 24 mm.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./Dismantling of Cylinder HeadWorking CardPage 1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboDismantling of Cylinder Head605-01.00Edition 01HWorking CardPage 2 (2) 1) Open the drain cock and vent cock for cool-ing water. 2) Take off the rocker arm top cover. 3) Take off the cover which gives access to the injection pump. 4) Disconnect the fuel oil high-pressure pipe. 5) Disconnect the cooling oil pipes, (inlet and outlet. 6) Disconnect the rocker arm lubricating oil pi-pe. 7) Remove the thermometer attachment bran-ch (cooling water outlet pipe). 8) Remove the exhaust pipe flange screws. 9) Remove the cylinder head nuts, as shown, by means of hydraulic jacks, see working card 620-01.05. 10) Mount the lifting tool on the cylinder head.11) Attach the hook to the lifting tool and lift the cylinder head away. 91.45 - ES0SL/V28/32H Fig. 1Fig. 2V28/32HL28/32H MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionDismounting of inlet and exhaust valve, inspec-tion of valve guide and mounting of inlet and exhaust valve.Starting positionCylinder head, dismantled from engine 605-01.00Related procedureReconditioning of valve spindle seat and valve seat ring, 605-01.10Valve rotator, 605-01.15Replacement of valve guide, 605-01.20Replacement of valve seat ring, 605-01.35Mounting of cylinder head, 605-01.45Man powerWorking time : 1 hourCapacity : 1 manDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)00.43 - ES0Special tools Plate no Item no Note 62005 01 62005 05 62005 25/30 Extra tools 62005 55 Hand toolsRing and open end spanner, 19 mm.Ring and open end spanner, 24 mm.Small screw driver.Measuring tools.Replacement and wearing parts Plate no Item no Qty. / 60501 017 4/cyl. L+V28/32HInspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve andValve GuideWorking CardPage 1 (3)605-01.05Edition 06H MAN Diesel & TurboL+V28/32H00.43 - ES0605-01.05Edition 06HInspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve andValve GuideWorking CardPage 2 (3)Dismantling of Inlet and Exhaust Valve Spind les 1) Land and fasten the cylinder head upon the spe -cial work table and remove the lifting tool. Or as an Alternative: Land the cylinder head on the floor upon wood en supports and remove the lifting tool. 2) Mount the supporting devices for the valve spindle heads on the work table. Or as an Alternative: Place wooden blocks under the valve spindle heads. 3) Turn back the rocker arm and remove the spring-loaded valve bridge over the valve spindles. 4) After having removed the valve bridge and turn ed the rocker arm back, the tool should be fit ted by means of the screws (A), see fig 2 tightened in the threaded holes in the cy linder head.Fig 1V28/32HL28/32HFig 2 5) Now compress the valve springs by tigh ten-ing the nut (B), after which the cone rings can be re-moved, see fig 3.Fig 3 MAN Diesel & Turbo00.43 - ES0L+V28/32HInspection of Inlet Valve, Exhaust Valve andValve GuideWorking CardPage 3 (3)605-01.05Edition 06H 6) Release the springs again. Remove the nut (B) and the traverse (C). Now valve rotator and springs can be removed. 7) Remove the supporting devices under the work table and take out the valve spindle. 8) Repeat point 4 - 7 to remove the two other valve spindles.Inspection of Valves/Valve Seats 9) A slight grinding of valve/valve seat can be carried out by means of the handle as shown, see fig 4. If the valve seat is heavily burnt or scarred, it should be ground using the valve seat grinder according to working card 605-01.10.Fig 4Inspection of valve guide 10) Too much clearance between valve spindle and spindle guide may cause in creas ed lub. oil consumption, fouling up of the spindle guide and thus give the risk of a sticking valve spindle. Too much clearance also means in suf fi cient guid-ance of the valve spindle, and thus bad alignment between spind le head and valve seat ring. In con nec tion with overhaul of the cylinder head, the valve spindle guides should be cleaned, inspected and measured for wear. If the inner diameter of the valve spindle guide exceeds the tolerance, see page 600.35 the valve spindle guide must be replaced. See working card 605-01.20. 11) For mounting of valve spindle follow the in-structions in point 4 - 7 in reversed order.Fig 5 MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Reconditioning of valve spindle seat and valve seat ring, with special grinding machine.Starting position:Valve spindle has been removed, 605-01.05Related procedure:Mounting of valve spindle, 605-01.05Man power:Working time : 6 HoursCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.10Edition 01H91.45 - ES0SL/V28/32HWorking CardPage 1 (3)Reconditioning of Valve Spindle Seatand Valve Seat RingSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62005 40 Grinding machine for valve spindle. 62005 35 Grinding machine for valve seat ring. (Extra tools).Hand tools:All the hand tools and new stones, are included in the tools box for grinding machine.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ MAN Diesel & TurboReconditioning of Valve Seat Ring.Reconditioning of valve seat rings by machining is carried out by means of a grinding machine, the pilot spindle of which is to be mounted in the valve spindle guide. For operation of the grinding machine, see separate instructions.The grinding of the valve seat ring should be carried out according to the following sequence: 1) The seating surface itself is ground with a feed at an angle "A" of 30° ± 0,10°.The grinding should be continued until a clean and uniform surface condition has been obtained.Carry out the final grinding with a feed in direction from inside to outwards, as normally the best surface quality is obtained in this way.L/V28/32H91.45 - ES0S605-01.10Edition 01HWorking CardPage 2 (3)Reconditioning of Valve Spindle Seatand Valve Seat Ring"A" 30 ± 0,10°"R"0"S"Fig. 1. 2) Normally the valve seat ring can be re con di-tion ed several times.However when the seat "S" has been ground to such an extent, that the recess "R" disappears, the valve seat ring has to be scrapped and a new one to must installed, see working card 605-01.35Reconditioning of Valve Spindle.Reconditioning by machining is carried out with the valve spindle being rotated in a turning lathe and a special grinding machine mounted on the tool post of the turning latch. For operation of the grinding machine, see se pa ra-ted instructions. 1) The seating surface itself is ground with a feed at an angel "A" of 30° ± 0. 2) The grinding shoud be continued until a clean and uniform surface condition has been obtained. 3) After completing the grinding, the height "H"1 of the valve head should be checked."H"1 has to be at least, see page 600.35.If measured to be less, the spindle has to be scrap-ped.0.0,25°."H"1"A" 30° ± 00,25°Fig. 2. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 1 (1)Introduction600.01Edition 08HIntroductionThis instruction book provides general information on the engine design, operation and maintenance. It can also be used as a reference when ordering spare parts. Reliable and economical operation of the plant is conditional upon its correct operation and maintenance in accordance with MAN Diesel & Turbo’s instructions. Emissions-related maintenance of the diesel engine shall be performed as speci-fied in MAN Diesel & Turbo’s instructions and any additional instructions to that effect included in the Technical File. Consequently, it is essential that the engine room personnel are fully acquainted with the contents of this book and the Technical File.Every care is taken to ensure that all information in this instruction book is present and correct.This book must not, either wholly or partly, be copied, reproduced, made public or in any other way made available to any third party without the written consent to this effect from MAN Diesel & Turbo.If an instruction book is delivered in another language than English and doubts arise concerning the trans-lation, the English text shall prevail.10.47 - ES0GeneralDescriptionThe book is a basic instruction manual for the particu-lar engine supplied, with plant-adapted infor mation such as basic media-system drawings, electrical wiring diagrams and test bed reports.The first five sections (500-504) of the book serve as a guide to engine operation, and the next fifteen sections (505-519) contain technical de scrip tions, spare parts illustrations with appurtenant parts lists, as well as working cards.The last section (520) comprises tools.The engine is divided into a number of main com-ponents/as semblies, each of which is described in a section of this book (section 505-519).Each of these sections starts with technical de-scriptions of the systems/components, followed by working cards and the spare parts illustration plates and parts lists.Fig. 1. Structuring of instruction book. MAN Diesel & Turbo605-01.10Edition 01H91.45 - ES0SL/V28/32HWorking CardPage 3 (3)Reconditioning of Valve Spindle Seatand Valve Seat Ring"H"2Fig. 3.After assembling the valves, check - on account of the valve motion - that distance "H"2 between the upper edge of the cylinder head and the upper edge of the valve spindle does not exceed the maximum value, see page 600.35. MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dismantling, inspection and mounting of valve rotator.Starting position:Valve spindles has been removed, 605-01.05Related procedure:Mounting of valve spindles, 605-01.05Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.15Edition 01H91.45 - ES0SL/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62005 05 Hand tools:Small screw driver.Ring and open end spanner 24 mm.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./Valve RotatorWorking CardPage 1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboL/V28/32HInspection of Rotocap.Dirt especially in the ball pockets due to residues in the oil (abrasives, combustion products), can cause the individual parts to become stuck, and hinder the movement of the balls.Rotocap valve rotators need no servicing under normal operating conditions.Unusual operating conditions may lead to di stur ban-ces. Rotation of the valve should be checked at the intervals specified in the "Maintenance program". Rotator performance is satisfactory when the valve rotates visibly and evenly.Dismantling of Rotocap.See working card 605-01.05, point 3 to 6.OverhaulsValve rotators should be cleaned and inspected for wear and ball impressions whenever the valves are removed. The individual parts can be disassembled after removal of the retaining ring, by means of which the seating collar is fastened to the retainer body.Parts showing wear grooves or depressions formed by the balls should be replaced.91.45 - ESOS605-01.15Edition 01HValve RotatorWorking CardPage 2 (2)Fig. 1. The inner ring of the spring washer should rest on the retainer body.Note ! Having assembled the valve rotator in dry condition it should be placed in clean lubricating oil for a short period of time.Mounting of RotocapSee working card 605-01.05, point 3 to 6 , opposite direction.When inserting the balls and the tangential springs, note that all balls on the inclined races of the ball pockets point in the same direction, see fig. 1. MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionDismantling and mounting of valve guide, for inlet and exhaust valve.Starting positionValve spindle has been removed, 605-01.05Related procedureMounting of valve spindles, 605-01.05Man powerWorking time : 3/4 HourCapacity : 1 manDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.20Edition 05H00.43 - ES0L+V28/32HSpecial tools Plate no. Item no. Note. 62005 60 Lytra toolsHand toolsHammer.Nitrogen (N2), or similar.Replacement and wearing parts Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 60501 017 4/cyl. 60501 029 4/cyl.Replacement of Valve GuideWorking CardPage1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboL+V28/32H00.43 -ESO605-01.20Edition 05HReplacement of Valve GuideWorking CardPage 2 (2)Fig 1 2) After having knocked out the valve guide, ca-refully clean the bore of the cylinder head and inspect for marks that can prvent mounting of a new valve guide.Valve seat ringIf the clearance exceeds the shown max. limit, (see page 600.35), the valve guide must be replaced.Dismounting of valve guide 1) The valve guide is knocked out from the bot tom of the cylinder head,by means of a mandrel, which has a shoulder turning that fits into the valve guide, see fig. 1. 3) Before mounting the new valve guide, it has to be cooled down to approx. -70°C with nitrogen or similar. When the new valve guide has been inserted into the bore be sure that the shoulder bears against the cylinder head, by knocking slightly with the mandrel and a hammer. 4) Before mounting of the valve spindle insert a new o-ring in the valve guide.Fig 2.Correct mounting can easily be done by the use of two valve spindles as mounting tool, one spindle to be used as support and the other spindle to be used for pushing the o-ring downwards.Screw drivers or other sharp tools should never be used for this purpose. 5) For mounting of valve spindle, see working card 605-01.05.Valve guideMandrel MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dismantling, inspection, reassembling andpressure testing of safety valve.Starting position:Related procedure:Indicator valve 605-01.26Man power:Working time : 1 hourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.25Edition 04H96.27 - ES0SL+V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no Item no Note 62014 01 Pressure test pump. 62014 04 Pipe for fuel injectorHand tools:Open end spanner, 32 mm.Small hammer.Copaslip.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no Item no Qty. / 60508 14 1/cyl.Safety ValveWorking CardPage 1 (3) MAN Diesel & TurboL+V28/32H96.27 - ES0S605-01.25Edition 04HSafety ValveWorking CardPage 2 (3)2. Reassembling. 2.1 Lubricate the threads on valve housing (2) with copaslip or similar. 2.2 Reassemble the safety valve, reverse se-quence of operations outlined above, point 1.1 to 1.5.3. Test of Safety Valve.The valve is to be tested after each overhaul by making a leakage test and testing the opening pres-sure. 3.1 Mount the safety valve in the fuel injection test pump by using the test pipe for fuel injections. 3.2 Vent the system by pumping until the oil flows free of air bubbles through the valve ports (7) in the valve housing (2).Leakage Test 3.3 Increase the pressure to 135 bar. 3.4 Check that the pressure do not sink below 135 bar within 1 minute.Maintenance and Checking.During extended periods of standstill and at general engine overhauls, the safety valves should be tho-rough ly cleaned.Note: Do not attempt to stop a safety valve from leaking by increasing the spring load.The setting of the opening pressure is stamped onto the cap nut (1), see fig 1.1. Dismantling. 1.1 Screw the safety valve out of the cylinder head.Then Continue with point 3.5. Scrap the valve. or Lap the valve cone and seat.If the pressure isOKbelow 135 bar 1. Cap nut 5. Split pin 2. Valve housing 6. Valve cone 3. Pressure spring 7. Valve ports 4. Valve spindleFig 1. Safety valve 1.2 Clamp valve in vice. 1.3 Unscrew cap nut (1). 1.4 Remove pressure spring (3), valve spindle (4) and valve cone (6). 1.5 Inspect and carefully clean all parts and con di tion valve, if necessary. MAN Diesel & Turbo605-01.25Edition 04H96.27 - ES0SL+V28/32HSafety ValveWorking CardPage 3 (3)Test of Opening Pressure 3.5 Increase the pressure to the opening pres-sure.4. Adjustment of Opening Pressure 4.1 Increase the pressure to the opening pres-sure. 4.2 Turn the cap nut (1) to the correct opening pressure. 4.3 Drill a new hole for mounting of split pin (5).5. Mounting of Safety Valve 5.1 Lubricate the threads on the valve housing (2) with copaslip or similar. 5.2 Mount the safety valve on the cylinder head.Then The procedure is ended. The valve must be adjusted, see point 4.If the opening pressure isOKNot OK MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dismounting, inspection and mounting of indi-cator valve.Starting position:Related procedure:Safety valve 605-01.25Man power:Working time : 1/2 hourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque momen (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.26Edition 02H94.26 - ES0SL+V28/32HIndicator ValveWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools: Plate No Item No Note Hand tools:Ring and open end spanner 10 mmRing and open end spanner 27 mmSteel brushCopaslip Replacement and wearing parts: Plate No Item No Qty./ 60508 16 1/Cyl. MAN Diesel & TurboL+V28/32H94.26 - ES0S605-01.26Edition 02HIndicator ValveWorking CardPage 2 (2)MaintenanceBy normal working conditions the indicator valve require very little maintenance except an inspec-tion in connection with the normal cylinder cover overhaul.Inspection of the Indicator Valve: 1. Disassemble the indicator valve. 2. Check the valve seat and the cone for "burning through".If the valve seat in the housing is "burned", the entire valve is to be replaced. 3. Clean and lubricate all components before remounting. 4. Ensure that the spindle is in "OPEN" position when assembling the valve.NOTE: Otherwise cone and seat may be dama-ged. 1. Indicator valve, complete 2. Connecting pieceFig 1 Indicator valve. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (2)Safety600.02Edition 06HGeneralProper maintenance, which is the aim of this book, constitutes the crucial point in obtaining optimum safety in the engine room. The general measures mentioned here should therefore be a natural routine to the entire engine room staff.CleanlinessThe engine room should be kept clean above and below the fl oor plates. If grit or sand blows into the engine room when the ship is in port, the ventilation should be stopped and ventilating ducts, skylights, and doors in the engine room should be closed.In particular, welding or work which causes spread ing of grit and chips must be avoided near the engine, unless this is closed or covered, and the turbo char-ger air intake fi lters are covered.The exterior of the engine should be kept clean and the paintwork maintained so that leakages can easily be detected.FireIf the crankcase is opened before the engine is cold, welding and the use of naked light will involve the risk of explosions and fi re. The same applies to inspec tion of oil tanks and the space below the fooler. Attention is furthermore drawn to the danger of fi re when using paint and solvents with a low fl ash point. Porous insulating material drenched with oil from leakages is easily infl ammable and should be re newed. See also: "Ignition in crankcase" in section 603.OrderHand tools should be placed easily accessible on tool boards. Special tools should be fastened to tool panels (if supplied) in the engine room close to the area of application. No major objects must be left unfastened, and the fl oor and passages should be kept clear.91.12 - ES0UGeneralSparesLarge spare parts should, as far as possible, be pla-ced well strapped near the area of application and accessible by crane. The spare parts should be well preserved against corrosion and protected against mechanical damage. The stock should be checked at intervals and replenished in time.LightAmple working light should be permanently installed at appropriate places in the engine room, and port-able working light, in explosion-proof fi ttings, should be obtainable everywhere.FreezingIf there is a risk of damage due to freezing when the plant is out of service, engines, pumps, coolers, and pipe systems should be emptied of cooling water.WarningThe opening of cocks may cause discharge of hot liquids or gases. The dismantling of parts may cause springs to be released.The removal of fuel valves (or other valves in the cylinder head) may cause oil to run down to the piston crown, and if the piston is hot, an explosion may then blow out the valve.When testing fuel valves with the hand pump, do not touch the spray holes, as the jet may pierce the skin. Think out beforehand which way the liquids, gases or fl ames will move, and keep clear.Crankcase workCheck beforehand that the starting air supply to the engine is shut off. MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionDismounting, inspection and mounting of sleeve for fuel injector.Starting positionThe cylinder head has been dis-mounted from engine, 605-01.00The fuel injector has been removed, 614-01.10Related procedureMounting of fuel valve, 614-01.10Man powerWorking time : 1 HourCapacity : 1 manDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.30Edition 04H00.43 - ES0L+V28/32HSpecial tools Plate no. Item no. Note.Hand toolsBrass mandrel.Hammer.Lub. oil.Two small screw driver.Loctite 572.Replacement and wearing parts Plate no. Item no. Qty./ 60501 125 1/cyl. 60501 137 1/cyl. 60501 149 1/cyl.Replacement of Sleeve for Fuel InjectorWorking CardPage 1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboL+V28/32H00.43 - ES0605-01.30Edition 04HReplacement of Sleeve for Fuel InjectorWorking CardPage 2 (2) Dismounting of Sleeve for Fuel Injector 1) Remove the snap ring by means of two screw drivers. 2) The sleeve can now be driven out of the bo-re by use of a brass mandrel and a hammer.Fig 1Brass mandrel 4) Coat the sealing ring zone in the bore with grea se or lub. oil.Snap ringSleeveO-ringLoctite 572Fig 2 5) Install new sealing rings on the sleeve. 6) Coat the sealing surfaces on the sleeve with loctite 572. 7) Insert the sleeve in the bore. 8) Mount the snap ring.Inspection of Bore in Cylinder Head and mount ing of the Sleeve: 3) Clean and inspect the bore in the cylinder head. Any marks which could pre vent mounting of the sleeve, should be gent ly smoothed. MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionReplacement of valve seat ring, for inlet and exhaust valve.Starting positionInlet and exhaust valves have beenremoved, 605-01.05Related procedureMounting of valve spindles, 605-01.05Man powerWorking time : 1 1/2 HoursCapacity : 1 manDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.35Edition 06H00.43 - ES0L+V28/32HSpecial tools Plate no. Item no. Note. 62021 01 62021 50 1 piece 62005 45 Extra tools 62005 50 Extra tools 62021 46 1 piece Hand toolsRing and open end spanner 36 mmHammer.Loctite, 648.Lub. oil.Replacement and wearing parts Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 60501 245 4/cyl. 60501 257 4/cyl.Replacement of Valve Seat RingWorking CardPage 1 (4) MAN Diesel & TurboL+V28/32H00.43 - ES0605-01.35Edition 06HReplacement of Valve Seat RingWorking CardPage 2 (4)Dismounting of Valve Seat RingsWhen reconditioning of a valve seat ring no longer is possible due to dimensions exceeding the scrapping criteria, the seat ring has to be replaced.Dismounting of a valve seat ring is carried out by means of a special extractor tool set somprising following components, see fig 1.Procedure for Dismounting a Valve Seat Ring 1) By means of the guide pin (7) the guide disc (5) is led vertically through the valve seat ring. Then the guide disc (5) is lifted with the guide pin (7) until the latter is guided by the valve seat ring. The stud (1) is then screwed in until it rests in the valve guide. 1 Stud 6 Eye screw 2 Collar nut hexagon 7 Guide pin 3 Guide disc 8 Valve guide 4 Disc 9 Hydraulic jack 5 Guide disc 10 Valve seat ring Fig 1Fig 2 2) The guide disc (3) is positioned so that it bears against the bottom of the cylinder head, and the hydraulic jack is clamped with the disc (4) and collar nut hexagon (2), see fig 1. The hydraulic jack is the one used for main bearing caps.12435810967 MAN Diesel & Turbo605-01.35Edition 06HL+V28/32HReplacement of Valve Seat RingWorking CardPage 3 (4) 3) By pumping up the pack, see working card 620-01.05 for the use of hydraulic tools, the valve seat is pressed out max. 6 mm, and the pressure is released again. The collar nut hexa-gon is tightenied and the operation is continued until the valve seat ring can be removed.Mounting of Valve Seat Rings 1) Prior to mounting of a new valve seat ring, the bore must be cleaned thoroughly and inspected for marks. Marks that can hinder mounting of the valve seat ring must be removed. 2) Tools for mounting of valve seat rings are shown in fig 3.00.43 - ES0 3) To facilitate mounting of the valve seat ring it is cooled down, however to no more than -25°C or the O-ring can be damaged. 4) Place the O-ring on the valve seat ring and coat with oil/loctite as shown in fig 4, just before positioning it in the bore.Fig 4Coat withloctite 648Valve seat ringO-RingFig 5 1 Handle 2 Stud 3 Washers 4 Hexagon nut with collarFig 32134Coat with oil 5) The valve seat ring is positioned in the bore, handle with stud inserted as shown in fig 5, and washer with screw is screwed tight. MAN Diesel & TurboL+V28/32H00.43 - ES0605-01.35Edition 06HReplacement of Valve Seat RingWorking CardPage 4 (4) 6) By knocking on the handle and at the same time tightening the nut (4), the valve seat ring slides in place in the bore and it is felt on the knocks when it bears in the bore. 7) Prior to mounting of the valve spindle the valve seat ring must be ground to ensure correct centering of valve guide and valve seat ring. This can be done according to working card 605-01.05 or 605-01.10. MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionMounting of cylinder head after inspection and/or overhaul.Starting positionCylinder head is completely assembled, 605-01.05 to 605-01.35Valve gear of respective cylinder is in right posi-tion (valve closed).Control of the surface on the cylinder liner, 606-01.45Related procedureAdjustment of valve clearance 608-01.10Man powerWorking time : 1 1/2 HourCapacity : 2 menDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.40Edition 06H00.44 - ES0L+V28/32HSpecial tools Plate no. Item no. Note. 62021 10 62021 01 62021 50 6 Pieces 62021 51 1 Piece 62021 15 62005 01 62010 01 62021 25 62014 15 Hand toolsRing and open end spanner, 14 mm.Ring and open end spanner, 17 mm.Ring and open end spanner, 24 mm.Lub. oil and copaslip.Replacement and wearing parts Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 60501 269 2/cyl. 60510 08 1/cyl. 60610 01 2/cyl. 61202 31 1/cyl. 61625 01 2/cyl.Mounting of Cylinder HeadWorking CardPage 1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboL+V28/32H 1) Check the jointing surfaces of the cylinder head/cylinder liner to see that they are clean and without damage marks, see working card 606-01.45, Fit new o-rings on the water pas-sage, lubricate the o-rings with a little oil. 2) Check all contact faces on the cylinder head and nuts, including threads, and make sure that these are plane and smooth and absolutely free from foreign particles. 3) Attach the lifting tool to the cylinder head that has been made ready for installation, and position it carefully on the cylinder liner.00.44 - ES0605-01.40Edition 06HMounting of Cylinder HeadWorking CardPage 2 (2)Fig 1 4) Make sure that the nuts run easily on the threads and that they bear on their entire contact sur-faces. 5) Coat threads and contact faces with copaslip before fitting the nuts. 6) Screw nuts onto the studs and tighten lightly with the tommy bar.Place the spacer ring around the nuts with the slot in such a position that the tommy bar can be used.Tighten the hydraulic jacks and make sure that the cylinder of the jacks bears firmly against the spacer ring. Tighten up all the nuts, see page 600.40. For using the hydraulic tools, see working card 620-01.05.L28/32HV28/32HFig 2 7) If new studs or nuts have been fitted, the nuts must be tightened and loosened three times, in order to compensate for deformation of the thread and in order to ensure a safe minimum load of the studs through the tightening. 8) Adjust the valve clearance, see working card 608-01.10. 9) Fit the pipes for fuel oil, lub. oil, cooling oil. cooling water and the flange for exhaust pipe. 10) Prior to start up check for leakages, and after start up check for leakages and oil flow. 11) Mount the cover for rocker arm and the front cover for fuel pump. MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Inspection of cylinder head cooling water space.Starting position:The cylinder head dismantledfrom engine, 605-01.00Related procedure:Man power:Working time : ¼ HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)605-01.45Edition 01H93.20 - ES0SL/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note.Hand tools:Steel brushReplacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./Inspection of Cylinder Head Cooling Water SpaceWorking CardPage 1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboL/V28/32H93.20 - ES0S605-01.45Edition 01HInspection of Cylinder Head Cooling Water SpaceWorking CardPage 2 (2)Inspection of Cylinder Head Cool. Water Space. 1) Inspect the cooling water inlet at the bottom and the cooling water outlet in the top of the cylinder head, see fig. 1. 2) Remove all possible deposits. 3) Pour water into the cooling water outlet and make sure, that water is coming out of all the cooling water inlet bores at the bottom of the cylinder head. 4) Clean if necessary the cooling water inlet and outlet by means of a steel brush. Flush the cooling water space after cleaning. 5) Should the cylinder head cooling water space contrary to expectation be blocked with deposits, contact MAN B&W Diesel, Holeby for further instruc-tions.Fig. 1. Cylinder HeadCooling water, outletCoolingwater, inlet MAN DieselDescriptionPage 2 (2)Feeling overWhenever repairs or alterations have been made to the running gear, apply the "Feel-over sequence" until ensured that there is no undue heating, oil-mist formation, blow-by, or failure of cooling water or lubricating oil systems.Feel-over sequenceFeel-over after 5-15 and 30 minutes' idle running and fi nally when the engine is running at full load. See also "Starting-up sequence" in the section 602.Safety91.12 - ES0UGeneral600.02Edition 06HTurning with airAfter prolonged out-of-service periods or overhaul work which may involve a risk of accumulation of liquid in the combustion spaces, turning with open indicator cocks should always be effected, through at least two complete revolutions.Check and maintainLubricating oil condition, fi lter elements and mea-suring equipment. MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)Cylinder Head60501-19HL+V28/32H03.44 - ES0091101113113101257245269294282198042030186125137149162174017029054066078233270221208304 MAN DieselO-ringVentilstyr, indstr. og udstr.PropskruePakningMøtrikAfstandsrørTapTrykfl angePropskruePakningLåseringForing for br. ventilO-ringMøtrikTapTapFjederstiftPropskrueSkrueKoblingO-ringVentilsædering,(indstr. og udstødning)O-ringPropskrueCylinderdæksel mon-teret med spindelstyr, foring for br. ventil og ventilsæderingeCylinderdæksel (som 282), monteret med ventilspindlerDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationL+V28/32HCylinder Head Item No.O-ringValve guide, inlet and exhaustPlug screwGasketNutDistance pipeStudThrust collarPlug screwGasketSnap ringSleeve for fuel valveO-ringNutStudStudSpring pinPlug screwScrewCouplingO-ringValve seat ring,(inlet and exhaust)O-ringPlug screwCylinder head with valve guide sleeve for fuel valve and valve seat ringsCylinder head (as 282) with valve spindles installed017029030042 0540660780911011131251371491621741861982082212332452572692702822944/C4/C6/C6/C2/C2/C2/C2/C4/C4/C1/C1/C1/C8/C8/C4/C4/C2/C2/C2/C4/C4/C2/C2/C Qty.Qty.Item No.60501-19HWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/C = Antal/CylinderPlatePage 2 (2)03.44 - ES0Cylinder head (as 294) with brackets and rockerarms installedCylinderdæksel (som 294) monteret med buk-ke og vippearne.304 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H09PlatePage 1 (2)Valve Spindles and Valve Gear08.28 - ES0262522/230660502-31H0835272829303119192021320334131406070705040201080910111516171011331212383637 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel0102030405060708 0910111213141516171920212223252627Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationThrust pieceNutPlug screwValve bridge,inletThrust screwCirclipThrust pieceConical ring in 2/2Rotocap, complete incl. item 22, 23, 25, 26Inner springOuter springValve spindle, inletand exhaust (valve spindle exh. only for marine engines)Valve bridge,exhaustThrust pieceSpringBall guideSecuring ringRocker arm bracket incl spring pinRocker arm shaftRocker arm, compl.(Item 03, 27, 28, 29,30, 31)SpringBallSpring washerRetainer ringNutTrykstykkeMøtrikPropskrueVentilbro,indstrømningTrykskrueFjederringTrykstykkeKonisk ring 2/2Rotationsgiver, kom-plet inkl. item 22, 23, 25, 26Indvendig fjederUdvendig fjederVentilspindel, inds.og uds. (ventilspindel uds. kun for marine motorer)Ventilbro, udstødningTrykstykkeFjederKuglestyrSikringBuk for vippearm inkl spændstiftAksel for vippearmVippearm, komplet(Item 03, 27, 28, 2930, 31)FjederKugleFjederskiveLåseringMøtrik Item No. Qty.2/C2/C4/C1/C2/C4/C4/C4/C4/C4/C4/C4/C1/C2/C2/C2/C2/C4/C2/C2/C24/C24/C4/C4/C2/CQty.Item No.08.28 - ES060502-31H Valve Spindles and Valve GearPlatePage 2 (2)L+V28/32HWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./C = Qty./CylinderQty./ = Qty./IndividualVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/C = Antal/CylinderAntal/I = Antal/Individuelt28293031323334353637382/C2/C2/C2/C/I1/C1/C1/C4/C2/C/IRocker armThrust screwBearing bushThrust pinLoctite 572Cylinder head asPlate 60501 +Plate 60502Valve bridge, inletcomplete incl. item01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 07,14, 15, 16 and 17Valve bridge, exhaust complete incl. item01, 02, 05, 06, 07, 13,14, 15, 16 and 17ScrewValve spindle,exhaust (only forstationary engines)Loctite 243VippearmTrykskrueLejebøsningTrykskrueLoctite 572Cylinderdæksel somPlate 60501 +Plate 60502Ventilbro, indstrømningkomplet inkl. item 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 07,14, 15, 16 og 17Ventilbro, udstødningkomplet inkl. item01, 02, 05, 06, 07, 13,14, 15, 16 og 17SkrueVentilspindel, uds.(kun for stationæremotorer)Loctite 243 MAN DieselL+V28/32HPlatePage 1 (2)Safety Valve and Indicator Valve94.25 - ES0S60508-11H15171618 MAN Diesel03*06*13141516171825*26*27*28*Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationValve conePressure springSafety valve, com-plete incl. item 03,06, 25, 26, 27, 28GasketGasketGasketConnecting pieceIndicator valve,completeValve housingValve spindleCap nutSplit pinVentilkugleTrykfjederSikkerhedsventil,komplet inkl. item 03,06, 25, 26, 27, 28PakningPakningPakningForbindelsesstykkeIndikatorventil,kompletVentilhusVentilspindelDækselmøtrikFjedernot Item No. Qty.1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/CQty.Item No.94.25 - ES0SSafety Valve and Indicator ValvePlatePage 2 (2)60508-11HL+V28/32HWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/C = Antal/Cylinder MAN DieselL+V28/32H Cylinder Head, Top Cover06.32 - ES0S60510-12H PlatePage 1 (2)0105, 16021315080910070611 MAN DieselHåndtagO-ringMøtrikTopdækselTopdæksel, kompl.inkl. pos. nr.01, 02, 05, 06PakningFjederstiftKarmPakningSkiveSkrueLoctite 638HandleO-ringNutTop coverTop cover, compl.incl. item Nos.01, 02, 05, 06GasketSpring pinCoamingGasketWasherScrewLoctite 638Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation0102050607080910111315164/C4/C4/C1/C1/C1/C6/C1/C1/C18/C18/C/I Item No. Qty.Item No.Qty.06.32 - ES0S60510-12HPlatePage 2 (2)Cylinder Head, Top CoverL+V28/32HWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/C = Antal/Cylinder Piston/connecting rod 506/606 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner606.01Edition 10HPistonThe piston, which is oil-cooled and of the monobloc type made of nodular cast iron, is equipped with 3 compression rings and 1 scraper ring.By the use of a combination of compression rings with different barrel-shaped profi les and chrome-plated running surface on all rings, the piston ring pack is optimized for maximum sealing effect and minimum wear rate.The piston has a cooling oil space close to the piston crown and the piston ring zone. The heat transport and thus the cooling effect is based on the shaker effect arising during the piston movement. As coo ling oil is used oil from the engine's lubricating oil system.Piston PinThe piston pin is fully fl oating which means that it can turn freely in the pin bosses of the piston as well as in the connecting rod bush. The piston pin is upwords in place in axial direction by two circlips (seeger rings).Connecting RodThe connecting rod is die-forged. The big-end has an inclined joint in order to facilitate the piston and con-necting rod assembly to be withdrawn up through the cylinder liner. The joint faces on connecting rod and bearing cap are serrated to ensure precise location and to prevent relative movement of the parts.90.43 - ES0UL/V28/32HThe big-end bearing is of trimetal type, i.e. steel shells lined with tin-aluminium or lead-bronze coated with a running layer. Design as plain type or rillen type. The bearing shells are of the precision type and are therefore to be fi tted without scraping or any other kind of adaption.The small-end bearing is of trimetal type and is pres-sed into the connecting rod.Cylinder LinerThe cylinder liner is made of fi ne-grained, pearlite cast iron and is fi tted in a bore in the engine frame. Between the liner and the cylinder head and be tween the liner and the frame there are fi tted repla ceable cast iron sealing rings. The liner is clamped by the cylinder head and is guided by a bore at the bot-tom of the cooling water space of the engine frame. The liner can thus expand freely downwards, when heated during the running of the engine. Sealing for the cooling water is obtained by means of silicone rubber rings which are fi tted in grooves machined in the liner.Tell-tale borings in the frame, starting from a level between the sealing rings and leading to the exterior will reveal any sealing malfunction by sign of leaking water or lubricating oil mist. MAN Diesel & Turbo10.36 - ES1600.05Edition 07HL28/32HCross SectionDescriptionPage 1 (1) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dismounting of piston and connecting rod as-sembly, for inspection and/or overhaul.Starting position:Cylinder head has been dismountedfrom engine, 605-01.00Crank case open.Related procedure:Separation of piston and connectingrod, 606-01.05Inspection and honing of cylinder liner, 606-01.35Man power:Working time : 1 HourCapacity : 2 menData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.00Edition 01H96.06 - ES0SL28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 01 62006 03 62006 09 2 pieces 62006 22 62006 28 140 - 760 Nm 62010 01Tool combination for dismounting of connecting rod screw, see working card 620-01.20.Hand tools:Threaded pin M16.Open end spanner 32 mm.Wire.Scraper or similar.Small adjustable spanner.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ Dismounting of Piston and Connecting RodWorking CardPage 1 (3) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL28/32H96.06 - ES0S606-01.00Edition 01HDismounting of Piston and Connecting RodWorking CardPage 2 (3) e) Turn the piston in top, in order to push the fl ame ring out of the cylinder by means of the tool.Info: It is the used piston ring which pushes the fl ame ring out of the cylinder, while the fl ame ring tool guides the piston ring out against the cylinder liner. 2) Remove the gangway, if any installed, in order to improve the access conditions. 3) Turn the crankshaft to bring the crank throw concerned into a position approx. 50 degrees before TDC.This position is identifi able by the connecting rod shaft being very close to cylinder liner shirt, see fi g. 1. 4) Clean the threaded hole in the piston top, and mount the eye screw.Mount the tube (for holding down the cylinder liner during the piston withdrawal) on one of the cylinder head studs, screw on the nut and tighten it slightly. 1) Clean the upper part of the cylinder, if not, the piston may get stuck during removal in the carbon deposited in this area.If the liner is mounted with a fl ame ring then start with item No a to e.If the liner is not mounted with a fl ame ring then continue with item No 2. a) Turn the piston to the buttom. b) Mount the tool for dismounting of the fl ame ring in the cylinder at the top of the piston. c) Place a used piston ring on top of the fl ame ring tool. d) Mount the tube (for holding down the cylinder liner during the piston withdrawal) on one of the cylinder head studs, screw on the nut and tighten it slightly.Fig. 1. Mounting of tools. (placing).Fig. 2. Removal of bearing cap. 5) Attach a wire rope to the eye bolt by means of a shackle, hook the wire on to a tackle and pull the wire rope tight. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel606-01.00Edition 01H96.06 - ES0SL28/32HDismounting of Piston and Connecting RodWorking CardPage 3 (3)Fig. 4. Lift of piston and connecting rod assembly.Fig. 3. Removal of upper big-end bearing shell.If minor adjustment of the crank throw position ap-pears necessary for acces to the connecting rod screws, the wire rope must be slackened before turning of the crankshaft and tightened up again in the new crank throw position. 6) Unload the connecting rod screws and un screw one of the upper screws. 7) Mount the guide pin for the bearing cap in one of the threaded holes and fi t a screwdrive or similar in the hole in the guide pin, and unscrew the screws. 8) Remove the screwdriver from the guide pin, and dis mount the bearing cap by sliding it along the guide pin, see fi g. 2. 9) Remove the guide pin from the connecting rod. 10) Pull the piston and connecting rod assembly upwards and remove the upper big-end bearing shell, see fi g. 3. 11) Lift the piston and connecting rod assembly up through the cylinder liner and out of the engine, see fi g. 4.NOTE: The purpose of the guide pin is to prevent any damage of crank journal, joint faces or bearing sur face to occur during dismounting of the bearing cap, and to facilitate easy handling when removing the bearing cap from the crankcase. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Separation of piston and connecting rod for in-spection or/and overhaul.Assembly of the piston and connecting rod after inspection or/and overhaul.Starting position:Piston and connecting rod are dismountedfrom engine, 606-01.00Related procedure:Inspection or/and overhaul of piston, 606-01.10Inspection or/and overhaul ofconnecting rod, 606-01.15Inspection of connecting rodbig-end bearing, 606-01.16Man power:Working time : 1/4 hourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.05Edition 03H92.08 - ES0SL/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 01 L28/32H 62006 03 L28/32H 62006 05 V28/32H 62006 20 Hand tools:Open end spanner, 32 mm.Wooden wedge, 2 pieces.Wooden support.Wire.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ Separation of Piston and Connecting RodWorking CardPage 1 (2) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL/V28/32H92.08 - ES0S606-01.05Edition 03HSeparation of Piston and Connecting RodWorking CardPage 2 (2)Separation of the Piston and Connecting Rod: 1) Land the piston and connecting rod carefully on wooden support to prevent damage of piston and scraper ring, see fi g. 1 or 2.Wooden wedges should be used to prevent the con-necting rod from swinging out and thus impact the piston skirt during the lifting into upright position. 5) Place a wire around the big-end of the con-necting rod, attach a tackle and tighten the wire rope, see fi g. 3 6) Take out the securing ring, (seeger circlips), push out the piston pin and lift the connecting rod away.Fig. 1. L28/32H 2) The bearing cap should be mounted with the screws tightened only by hand, in order to protect the serrated joint faces during handling of the assembly, see fi g. 1 or 2.Fig. 2. V28/32H 3) Remove the shackle and eye screw/lifting tool from the piston crown, see fi g. 1 or 2. 4) Place the piston and connecting rod assembly in upright position resting on the top face of the piston crown, see fi g. 3.Fig. 3.Assembly of the Piston and Connecting Rod. 7) For assembly of the piston and connecting rod, see point 1-6 in opposite direction. 8) Lubricate the piston pin before assembling. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionCleaning and inspection of piston. Control of piston ring, scraper ring and ring grooves.Starting positionPiston has been dismantlet fromconnecting rod 606-01.05Related procedureMounting of piston and connecting rod 606-01.20Man powerWorking time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.10Edition 09H01.16 - ES0L+V28/32HSpecial tools Plate no Item no Note. 62006 13 62006 15 62006 16Hand toolsTools for cleaning of piston, steel brush, scraper etc.Replacement and wearing parts Plate no Item no Qty. /Piston (with fl ame ring)Working CardPage 1 (4) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H01.16 - ES0606-01.10Edition 09HPiston (with fl ame ring)Working CardPage 2 (4)Inspection of Piston 1) Remove the piston and scraper rings. 2) Clean and examine the piston rings to determine if reuse is acceptable, see page 3. 3) Clean the piston outside and inside. 4) Inspect the piston ring and scraper ring grooves for wear, see page 3.Removal of Piston RingFor removal of piston rings, which are to be used again, and for all mounting of rings, only the special ring opener which prevents local over stressing of the rings should be used.Straps to expand the ring gap or tools working on the same principle must not be used, as this would result in permanent deformation which might cause blow-by or broken rings. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselThe piston has to be scrapped if: A) The wear limit on the testing mandrel is ex ceed-ed, see fi g 1Aor B) The clearance between the new piston/scraper ring and ring groove is exceeded, see fi g 1B.Note: At each piston overhaul: - The piston and scraper ring must be ex-changed. - The cylinder liner must be honed according to the instructions.01.16 - ES0A) Testing Mandrel for Ring GroovesIf the wear limit (2 mm mark) on the testing mandrel is exceeded, the specifi ed max. wear limits are ex ce ed ed, and the piston must be scrapped.The handle is marked with the nominal size.Wear limit line.Fig 1 Wear limits for ring groovesB) Clearance Ring/Groove0.45Maximum vertical clearance between new piston ring/scraper ring and ring groove: 0.45 mm.Piston (with fl ame ring)Working CardPage 3 (4)L+V28/32H+0.18+0.16+0.14+0.12+0.14+0.12+0.12+0.10New ring grooves.Tolerances.Ring grooves.Max. wear limit.5.43 mm5.43 mm5.43 mm8.43 mm5.0 mm5.0 mm5.0 mm8.0 mmPiston and oilscraper ring.Nominal size.New5.0 mmNew5.0 mmNew4.95 mmNew8.0 mmPiston ringno 1Piston ringno 2Piston ringno 3Scraper ringTable 1 Nominal size, new ring groove tolerance and wear limit for ring grooves606-01.10Edition 09H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel01.16 - ES0L+V28/32HPosition of Piston and Scraper RingsMarking of Piston and Scraper RingsPiston Ring No 2:marked with ident.no "top 1619394-4"or "1242".Scraper ring:marked with ident.no "top 1600387-9"or "0121".Piston Ring No 1:marked with ident.no "top 1619394-4"or "1242".Piston Ring No 3:marked with ident.no "top 1600381-8"or "0950".MarkingIdentifi cation marks to face upwards against the piston crown when mounted.Note: The marking may include other fi gures than mentioned above, for instance trade mark and production codes.Piston (with fl ame ring)Working CardPage 4 (4)606-01.10Edition 09H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Cleaning, inspection and test measurement of connecting rod.Starting position:Connecting rod has been dismantlet from piston, 606-01.05Related procedure:Mounting of piston andconnecting rod, 606-01.20Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.15Edition 04H97.24 - ES0SL/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 28 140-760 NmHand tools:Inside micrometer (242 mm).Feeler gauge 0,15 - 0,20 mm.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / Connecting RodWorking CardPage 1 (4) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselKey for Engine DesignationGeneralNo of cylinders5, 6, 7, 8, 9 12, 16, 18Engine TypeL : In-lineV : V-builtCyl. diam/stroke16/24 : 160/24021/31 : 210/31023/30 : 225/30027/38 : 270/38028/32 : 280/32032/40 : 320/400Design VariantRatingMCR : Maximum continuous ratingECR : Economy continuous rating6 L 28/32 H MCR04.08 - ES1DescriptionPage 1 (1)Engine Type Identifi cationThe engine types of the MAN B&W programme are identifi ed by the following fi gures:600.10Edition 02H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL/V28/32H97.24 - ES0S606-01.15Edition 04HConnecting RodWorking CardPage 2 (4)Screws, which are damaged as mentioned above or cannot be turned into the threaded holes by hand, must be renewed.Measurement of Big-end Bore.Cleaning and Inspection of Big-end Bore.The connecting rod is cleaned on all machined surfaces.The serrated joint faces and threaded screw holes are to be degreased with a volatile solvent and blown dry with working air.The serrated joint faces are inspected.The serration on the connecting rod may, due to relative movements between the mating surfaces, show damages in form of wear marks and pittings or even cracks in highly loaded zones.Observed damages should be registered in the schem "Connecting Rod Inspection". See page 4.Wear marks are visible but not appreciable at a fi ngernail. Pittings are not only visible but also noti-ceable at a fi ngernail.Single distinctly raised spots caused by pitting should be gently smoothed by careful, local treatment with a fi le.The serration on the connecting rod and on the bearing cap can be damaged by improper handling during dismounting, transport and overhaul work.Note ! The connecting rod and bearing cap must therefore be handled with care.Single dent marks caused by impact can be rectifi ed by gentle and careful local treatment with a fi le.In case of damage of the serration, reuse must be rejected, and a new connecting rod assembly including new bea ring shells must be mounted in the engine.The connecting rod screws are to be carefully clean-ed.The threads are inspected for seizures and tested in the threaded holes in the connecting rod. The test must confi rm, that the screws can be turned into bottom position by hand. The contact surface of the screw heads is inspected for seizure and pittings.Fig. 1. Point of measurementFor check of roundness the big-end bore has to be measured in a condition, where the connecting rod is mounted with the bearing cap but without bearing shells, and the connecting rod screws are tightened up with the prescribed torque, see working card 606-01.25.Note ! The ident no. on the connecting rod and the bearing cap, must always be the same, see fi g. 3.Measurements must be taken 30 mm from seration centerline. See fi g. 1.The measuring is executed with an inside micro-meter.Five different diameters are measured in the middle of the boring, see fi g. 1 and registered in the scheme "Con nec ting Rod Inspection". See page 4.The maximum ovalnees is calculated as the dif-ference between biggest and smallest diamenter measured. For maximum allowable ovalness see page 600.35.C of serrationLABBCCD30 mmxxxx 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel606-01.15Edition 04H97.24 - ES0SL/V28/32HConnecting RodWorking CardPage 3 (4)Please note that squares for statement of information and identifi cation, should also be properly fi lled in.Connecting Rod Bush.Inspect the surface of the piston pin and the con nec-ting rod bush. Measure the clearance between the piston pin and bush, max. clearance between pin and bush, see page 600.35.In case the specifi ed clearance is exceeded, con tact MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Holeby for replacement.Bearing Shells for Big-end.Criteria for replacement of connecting rod big-end bearing, see working card 606-01.16.If the ovalness exceeds this value, reuse must be rejected and a new complete connecting rod, in clu-ding new screws and new bearing shells has to be mounted in the engine.The example, see fi g. 2 shows measurements and da ma ge observations for two connecting rods, on the scheme "Connecting Rod Inspection", (In case the specifi ed maximum ovalness is exceeded, contact MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Holeby for overhaul).For connecting rod no. 1 the maximum ovalness is 0,07 mm and reuse thus acceptable.For connecting rod no. 2 the maximum ovalness is 0,125 mm and therefore the connecting rod is being rejected.Fig. 2. "Connecting rod inspection".Connecting rodIdent no.Fig. 3. - 0,5 - 3,0 - 2,0 - 7,0 - 1,5 - 5,0 + 5,0 + 5,5 + 3,0 + 3,5 7,0 12,5 to be to be reused rejected 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselConnecting Rod606-01.15Edition 04HL/V28/32HWorking CardPage 4 (4)97.24 - ES0S 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Inspection of bearing shells.Starting position:Bearing shells removed from engine:Big-end bearing, 606-01.00 and 606-01.30orMain bearing, 610-01.05Guide bearing, 610-01.10Related procedure:Mounting af bearing shells:Big-end bearing, 606-01.20 and 606-01.30Main bearing, 610-01.05Guide bearing, 610-01.10Man power:Working time : 1/4 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.16Edition 02H96.41 - ES0SL+V28/32HWorking CardPage 1 (8)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 55 Hand tools:Magnifi er (x30).Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / Criteria for Replacement ofConnecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H96.41 - ES0S606-01.16Edition 02HWorking CardPage 2 (8)Criteria for Replacement ofConnecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing ShellsThis paper gives information about the evaluation of the connecting rod big-end and main bearing shells when wear appears on the run ning surface under normal ope ra ting conditions.Bearing damages caused by incorrect running con-di tions, like - Scoring of the running surface due to foreign particles in the lubricating oil. - Cavitation. - Corrosion - Overloading, overheating a.s.o. are not described in this paper.In these cases, the bearing shells must be ex chang-ed, of course, and in order to avoid further bearing failures, the cause of the failure must be found and e li mi na ted.Wear of the bearings running surface starts primarily in the soft overlay, where the overlay in the slots is re duced ap prox. 0.001 mm. The difference between the light-alloy metal and the overlay is by further wear almost constant, i.e. ap prox. 0.005 mm.The gravity of the running surface’s wear must be determined with a magnifi er (x30), hereby the over-lay can be seen as the dark area and the light-alloy metal as the light area.The ratio between the width of the light-alloy metal and the width of the slot as well as the dimension of the worn area are important for determining the wear of the bearing.The bearing can also operate although part of the overlay is missing in the slots. Practice has shown, that bearings with partly empty slots can run without any negative infl uence on the operation of the bea ring.By determining the condition of the bearing shell, the overlay at a minor stressed area must be used as comparison.The valuation of the bearing shell condition is divided into 5 groups: 1. Re-use 2. Limiting case - wear 3. Limiting case - local levelling 4. Limiting case - permanent breakage on the overlay 5. Empty slots.In case of a combination of the above mentioned conditions, the lowest possible limits are valid. Overlay (~75%)Light metal (~25%)Nickel strike(max.5%)Fig. 1. Running surface of the bearing shell.A new bearing shell has a running surface with approx. 75 % galvanic overlay and approx. 25 % light-alloy metal, see fi g. 1. MAN Diesel MAN Diesel MAN Diesel 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H96.41 - ES0S606-01.16Edition 02HWorking CardPage 6 (8)Criteria for Replacement ofConnecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells 3. Limit Case - LevellingCondition: The slots are locally totally levelled as shown in fi g. 10.Valuation: If the limits shown in fi g. 11 and 12 are exceeded the bearing shells must be exchanged. Fig. 10.Fig. 12.max. 10% of widthmax. 5%of extentmax. 10% of width ormax. 5 mmFig. 11. MAN Diesel MAN DieselIndexGenSetL28-2Text Index Drawing No.Engine data 500/600Preface Description A6000 Warning Description A6001 Questionnaire Description A6002 Main particulars Description 600.00 (07H) Introduction Description 600.01 (08H) Safety Description 600.02 (06H) Cross section Description 600.05 (07H) Key for engine designation Description 600.10 (02H) Designation of cylinders Description 600.11 (01H) Engine rotation clockwise Description 600.12 (02H) Code identification for instruments Description 600.20 (03H) Introduction to planned maintenance programme Description 600.24 (02H) Planned maintenance programme Description 600.25 (33H) Operation data & set points Description 600.30 (50H) Green Passport Description 600.33 (02H) Data for pressure and tolerance Description 600.35 (16H) Data for tightening torque Description 600.40 (18H) Declaration of weight Description 600.45 (01H) Ordering of spare parts Description 600.50 (06H) How to return spare parts Description 600.51 (05H) Service letters Description 600.55 (01H) Conversion table Description 600.60 (01) Basic symbol for piping Description 600.65 (01H) Operation of engine 501/601Operating Description 601.01 (21H) Out of service Description 601.05 (17H) Starting-up after out of service periods Description 601.10 (17H) Guidelines for longterm low-load operation on HFO Description 601.15 (03H) Guidelines regarding MAN Diesel GenSets operating on low sulphur fuel oil Description 601.16 (02H) Performance and condition 502/602Engine performance and condition Description 602.01 (12H) Evaluation of readings regarding combustion condition Description 602.02 (11H) Condensate amount Description 602.05 (08H) Engine performance data Working card 602-01.00 (03H) Trouble shooting 503/603Starting failure Description 603.01 (08H) Faults in fuel oil system Description 603.02 (09H) Disturbances during running Description 603.03 (08H) Ignition in crankcase Description 603.04 (09H) Trouble shooting guide for centrifugal by-pass filter Description 603.05 (08H) Trouble shooting guide for turbine starter Description 603.06 (09H) Trouble shooting guide for cooling water system Description 603.09 (08H) Trouble shooting guide for lubricating oil cooler Description 603.10 (01H) Media specification 504/604Quality requirement for lube oil (SAE30) for heavy fuel oil operation (HFO) Description 604.01 (27H) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDesignation of CylindersL28/32H89.17 - ES1S-LDescriptionPage 1 (1)600.11Edition 01HFront EndFlywheel endExhaust Side / Right SideControl Side / Camshaft Side / Left Side 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H96.41 - ES0S606-01.16Edition 02HWorking CardPage 8 (8)Criteria for Replacement ofConnecting Rod Big-end and Main Bearing Shells 5. Limit Case - Empty SlotsCondition: In some areas there is no overlay in the slots, see fi g. 17.Fig. 17.Valuation: If the limits shown in the below fi g. 18 and 19, are ex ceeded, the bearing shells must be ex chang ed. max. 10% of width ormax. 5 mmFig. 19.max. 15% of extentmax. 30% of widthFig. 18. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Mounting of piston and connecting rod assembly, after overhaul and/or inspection.Starting position:Piston mounted on the connecting rod, crank-shaft turned in the right position and the cylinder liner is OK, see working card 606-01.35.Related procedure:Tightening of connecting rod screws, 606-01.25Mounting of cylinder head, 605-01.40Man power:Working time : 1 1/2 HoursCapacity : 2 menData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.20Edition 01H91.49 - ES0SL28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 01 62006 03 62006 11 62006 13 62006 22Hand tools:Open end spanner 32 mm.Clean lubricating oil.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ 60601 09 1/cyl. 60601 10 1/cyl. 60601 11 1/cyl. 60601 12 1/cyl. Assembling of Piston and Connecting RodWorking CardPage 1 (4) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL28/32H91.49 - ES0S606-01.20Edition 01HAssembling of Piston and Connecting RodWorking CardPage 2 (4) 1) Mount the lifting device comprising eye screw, shackle and wire rope on the piston. 2) Lift up the piston and connecting rod and mount the piston and scraper rings, see point 14, and working card 606-01.10. 3) Remove the backstop for cylinder liner and place the piston guide ring on top of the cylinder liner, see fi g. 1. 4) When the piston approaches the guide ring, stop the lowering, coat guide ring, piston, piston rings and scraper ring, with clean lubricating oil in order to minimize friction during the subsequent lowering of the assembly.A crank throw position of approx 50 degrees before TDC will ensure this and also be suitable for the further mounting procedure. 6) Lower the piston further down, lubricate the ends of the bearing shells (a in fi g. 2) with copaslip, molycote pasta or similar and mount the upper shell of the big-end bearing.aa 7) Coat the crank journal with clean lubricating oil. 8) Now lower the piston and connecting rod slow ly into correct landing on the journal.During this the connecting rod must be guided by hand to ensure correct approach and landing on the journal, see fi g. 3.Fig. 2.Fig. 1. 5) Make sure that the crank throw is in a position allowing the connecting rod to go clear of both crank journal and cylinder liner skirt during further low er-ing. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselFig. 3.Note ! The ident no. on the connecting rod and on the bearing cap, must always be the same, see fi g. 4. 9) Mount the bearing cap with inserted lower shell of the big-end bearing, using the guide pin, see fi g. 4. 10) Lubricate threads and contact face of the con-necting rod screws with copaslip, molycote pasta or similar. 11) Mount the screws and tighten them slightly using an open end spanner. 12) Slacken the tackle and dismount the eye screw/shackle from the piston.606-01.20Edition 01H91.49 - ES0SL28/32HAssembling of Piston and Connecting RodWorking CardPage 3 (4)Fig. 5. 13) Tighten the screws according to "Tightening Procedure for Connecting Rod Screws", see work ing card 606-01.25.Fitting of Piston and Scraper Rings. 14) Piston rings should only be removed from and fi tted to the piston by the use of a special tool, the socalled piston ring opener. Con. Rod - Ident No.Fig. 4. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselIf the rings are opened further than necessary there is a risk of overstressing, which means that rings will become permanently distorted and will not confi rm to the cylinder inner running surface.The piston rings should be installed with the iden ti fi -ca tion mark, which is stamped into the ring close to the ring joints, facing upwords.Before fi tting the coil spring loaded scraper ring, the coil spring is dismantled from the ring by removal of the joint pin. The coil spring is placed and assembled in the ring groove then the scraper ring is fi tted in the groove in such a way that the ring joint is ap prox i ma-te ly 180° offset to the spring joint.Ascertain correct assembling by checking the back clearance.The back clearance is suffi ent when the face of the ring is below the groove edge, when the ring is pressed against the bottom of the groove.When installed on the piston, the rings should be pushed back and forth in the grooves to make sure that they can move freely. It is also advisable to insert a feeler gauge of adequate thickness between ring and groove.Adequate clearance is present of the feeler gauge can be moved all the way round.To prevent gas leakage through coinciding ring joints the piston rings should be turned into positions off-setting the ring joint 180° to each other.L28/32H91.49 - ES0S606-01.20Edition 01HAssembling of Piston and Connecting RodWorking CardPage 4 (4)Joint pin for coil springCoil spring joint to be pla-ced opposite to ring jointRing jointFig. 6. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety Precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Tightening procedure for connecting rod screws.Check of connecting rod screws, tightening condition.Starting Position:Piston, connecting rod, bearing shells and bearing cap preassembled. 606-01.20Related Procedure:Man Power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 2 menData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.25Edition 04H97.43 -ES0SL+V28/32HSpecial Tools: Plate No Item No Note 62021 Hand Tools:Replacement and Wearing Parts: Plate No Item No Qty./ Hydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod ScrewsWorking CardPage 1 (2) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H97.43 - ES0S606-01.25Edition 04HHydraulic Tightening of Connecting Rod ScrewsWorking CardEdition 2 (2)132654 1) Tighten the screw pos. 3 home to the connecting rod by hand. 2) Mount the lower part pos. 2 and fasten the lower part with the nuts, pos. 4. 3) Tighten the nuts by hand. 4) Mount the hydraulic tool, pos. 5.Be aware of the max. lifting heigt of the tool and adjust the distance between the piston and the cylinder before adding pressure to the tool. Please see Working Card 620-01.05 5) Connect the tool to the hydraulic tool. 6) Add the prescribed hydraulic pressure, (to both screws simultaneously). Please see Description 600.40, and tighten the screws by using a handle, pos 6. 7) Relieve the hydraulic pressure on the tool. 8) Add the hydraulic pressure to the tool. 9) Tighten the nuts again.Note: The Points 7 to 9 are to be followed in order to remove tensions in the screws, if any. 10) If there still is a distance and the nuts still can be tightened then repeat the points 7, 8 and 9.11) Relieve the pressure on the tool and remove it from the screws.Note: General instruction about hydraulic tightening. Please see Working Card 620-01.10Fig. 1 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:In-situ inspection and/or replacement of con-necting rod big-end bearing, dismounting and moun-ting.Starting position:Fuel injector dismounted, 614-01.00Crankcase open.Top cover for cylinder head removed.Related procedure:Inspection of connecting rod big-end bearing 606-01.16Tightening and check of connecting rod screws, 606-01.25Man power:Working time : 1 1/2 HoursCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.30Edition 01H91.22 - ES0SL28/32HIn-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end BearingWorking CardPage 1 (3)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 07 62006 22 62006 28 140 - 760 NmTool combination for tightening of connecting rod screw, see working card 620-01.20.Hand tools:Open end spanner 32 mm.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL28/32H91.22 - ES0S606-01.30Edition 01HIn-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end BearingWorking CardPage 2 (3)The big-end bearing shells can be inspected and/or replaced in-situ i.e. without dismounting the piston and connecting rod assembly from the engine.Dismounting. 1) The crankshaft of the engine is turned into a po si tion allowing the connecting rod screws to be lo-sen ed. Having loosened the connecting rod screws, the crankshaft is turned until the piston in a position thus allowing the connecting rod bearing cap to be dismounted, see fi g. 1.Fig. 1. 2) Before removing connecting rod bearing cap, the especially long eye bolt is mounted. It is inserted through the fuel injector sleeve and is screwed into the thread hole in the piston, see fi g. 2. Then by means of a tackle it is slightly tightened.Fig. 2. 3) Having tightened the tackle slightly, the con-necting rod bearing cap and bearing shell are dis-mount ed, see working card 606-01.00, for use of guide pin. 4) When connecting rod bearing cap and bearing shell have been dismounted, the piston/connecting rod is lifted from the bearing journal. Piston/connec-ting rod should not be lifted further than just to allow dismounting of the upper bearing shell, see fi g. 3. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselFig. 3. 5) For inspection of bearing shell, see working card 606-01.16Mounting.Before remounting of inspected or new bearing, all components must be cleaned.Note: See also working card 606-01.20. 1) The bearing shell is placed in the bore, the contact surfaces of the shells to be in parallel to the contact surface of the connecting rod, the bearing cap respectively. 2) Ascertain that the crank throw concerned is in a position of approx 50 degrees before TDC. 3) Coat the journal with clean lubricating oil and lower the piston and connecting rod assembly slowly into correct landing on the journal. While lowering the connecting rod, it must be guided by hand to ensure correct approach and landing on the journal, see fi g. 4. 4) Mount the bearing cap with inserted lower big-end bearing shell, using the guide pin. 5) Lubricate threads and contact face of the con-necting rod screws with copaslip or similar. 6) Mount the screws and tighten them slightly using an open-end spanner. 7) Slacken the tackle and dismount the eye screw from the piston crown. 8) Tighten the screws according to "Tightening Procedure for Connecting Rod Screw", see working card 606-01.25.Fig. 4.606-01.30Edition 01H91.22 - ES0SL28/32HIn-situ Inspection of Connecting Rod Big-end BearingWorking CardPage 3 (3) MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 1 (1)Engine Rotation ClockwiseGeneral10.39 - ES1EngineDirection of rotation seen from flywheel end “Clockwise”Alternator600.12Edition 02H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Inspection and honing of cylinder liner with ho-ning brush.Starting position:Piston and connecting rod is removed, 606-01.00Related procedure:Mounting of piston and connecting rod, 606-01.20Replacement of cylinder liner, 606-01.40Grinding of seal face on cylinderhead and cylinder liner, 606-01.45Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.35Edition 08H05.28L+V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 50 Extra tools 62006 51 Extra tools 62006 60 Extra toolsHand tools:Drilling machine 60-180 rpm.Honing oil.Gas oil.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ Inspection and Honing of Cylinder LinerWorking CardPage 1 (4) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32HMeasurement of Cylinder Diameter.While the piston is removed from the cylinder, the latter is measured to record the wear. The mea sure-ments are taken by means of an inside micrometer, with measuring points at TDC-position for up per most piston ring, halfway down and at the bottom of the cylinder liner, see fi g. 1.05.28606-01.35Edition 08HInspection and Honing of Cylinder LinerWorking CardPage 2 (4)Fig. 1.The measurements should normally be taken in transverse as well as in longitudinal direction.When measuring, take care that the measuring tool has the approximately same temperature as the liner. When the wear of a cylinder liner exceeds the value indicated on page 600.35, i.e. when it becomes too troublesome to maintain satisfactory service con-ditions, the cylinder liner in question should be ex-changed.Honing the Cylinder Liner.The renovation can be made either with dismantled liner in the workshop or with liner mounted in the engine frame and by the use of the belonging fun-nel.Prior to the honing, deposits of coke and possible wear edges in the top of the liner must be removed by scraping.If the cylinder is of the fl ame ring type, the used fl ame ring has to be cleaned in water. Subsequently, the fl ame ring is remounted in the cylinder before carrying out the honing process.Note: After the honing process has taken place the used fl ame ring is discarded. A new fl ame ring is always mounted in the cylinder when replacing a piston ring.Fig. 2.The honing is made by means of a fl ex-honer with fi ness grains 80-120. A revolution speed between 80 and 160 rpm is chosen.80-160 rpm. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselIn order to achieve the required angle between the honing grooves, see fi g. 2, the vertical speed is ad-justed to about 1 m/sec. which corresponds to about 2 sec. for one double movement (the fl ex honer is lead from below up and down in 2 sec.)The procedure is to be continued until the cylinder wall is covered by honing grooves and the surface has a slight matt appearance and without any signs of glaze .During the honing it is important to lubricate freely with honing oil or cutting oil.After the honing, the liner is carefully cleaned with gas oil, and make sure that all abrasive particles have been removed.606-01.35Edition 08H05.28L+V28/32HInspection and Honing of Cylinder LinerWorking Cardpage 3 (4)Fig. 3.60° 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H05.28606-01.35Edition 08HInspection and Honing of Cylinder LinerWorking CardPage 4 (4)Measurements of Cylinder LinerPlant/ship: Engine T y pe: Engine No.: Date: Sign.:Cyl. A-side B-side no. Pos. A B C D Running hours: 1 Fuel: cSt 1 2 Separator: Yes 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 5 2 3 1 6 2 3 1 7 2 3 1 8 2 Tem. of cyl. liner 25°C 3 Nom. diameter 280H8 1 Minimum 280.0 9 2 Maximum 280.60 3 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Replacement of cylinder liner.Dismounting and mounting of cooling water guide jacket.Starting position:Cylinder head and piston/connecting rod dis-mantled,working card 605-01.00 and 606-01.00.Related procedure: Mounting of piston andconnecting rod, 606-01.20Grinding of seal face on cylinderhead and cylinder liner, 606-01.45Man power:Working time : 2 HoursCapacity : 2 menData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.40Edition 01H91.22 - ES0SL/V28/32HReplacement of Cylinder LinerWorking CardPage 1 (3)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 45 Hand tools:Allen key, 8 mm.Adjustable spanner.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 60610 04 1/cyl. 60610 07 12/cyl. 60610 08 2/cyl. 60610 11 2/cyl.See also plate 60610. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL/V28/32HDismounting of Cylinder Liner. 1) Dismount the cooling water guide jacket. 2) Prior to mounting of the lifting tool and dis moun-ting from the frame, it must be ensured that the liner and frame have been marked to match, for the sake of a posible remounting of the liner, see fi g. 1.91.22 - ES0S606-01.40Edition 01HReplacement of Cylinder LinerWorking CardPage 2 (3)Fig. 2.Hole for charging airHole for roller guide houseMarking scratch linerMarking scratch frameFig. 1.L28/32HV28/32H 3) Mount the lifting tool as shown, see fi g. 2. 4) Turn the lifting eye nut to pull out the liner, until the upper edge of the liner lie aligned against the copper protecting pieces of the cross bar. 5) Attach a tackle hook to the eye nut or the wire and the cross bar, and lift the liner out from the engine frame and stand it careful onto wooden supports. 6) Clean all parts and inspect for damage and wear, according to the description. For mea su re ment of cylinder liner, see working card 606-02.00. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselMounting of Cylinder Liner. 7) Check that the sealing surfaces on engine, cylinder liner, and sealing rings are perfectly clean. 8) Mount the lifting tool, attach a tackle hook to the eye nut or to the wire in the cross bar and lift the liner. 9) Check that the o-ring grooves are clean. Mount the o-rings and lubricate with a little oil. Place a new sealing on top of the frame. 10) Lower the cylinder liner carefully into the en gine frame.When the fi rst o-ring touches the sealing face, align the liner so that the scratch mark on the liner fl ange points to the scratch mark on the frame as illustrated, or align the liner so that the milling groove in the liner fl ange coinside with the fi xing piece on the engine frame control side (if mounted). 11) After having cleaned and inspected the cool-ing water jacket, mount new o-rings on the cooling water connections and change air connections. Fit a new sealing ring and mount the jacket. 12) Mount the cooling water jacket, (for torque mo-ment see page 600.40), piston/connecting rod and cylinder head according to working card 606-01.20 and 605-01.40. 13) When preparing the start-up, check for possible leakages of water and oil, including the inspection hole in the frame, see fi g. 3.606-01.40Edition 01H91.22 - ES0SL/V28/32HReplacement of Cylinder LinerWorking CardPage 3 (3)Fig. 3.Inspection hole 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Grinding of seal face on cylinder liner and cylinder head by hand, with grinding tools and grinding pasta.Starting position:Cylinder head has been removedfrom the engine, 605-01.00Cooling water guide jacket, removed.Related procedure:Mounting of cylinder head, 605-01.40Man power:Working time : 1 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)606-01.45Edition 01H91.45 - ES0SL/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62005 20 Hand tools:Grinding pasta.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 60610 08 1/cyl.Working CardPage 1 (2)Grinding of Seal Face onCylinder Liner and Cylinder Head. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL/V28/32HNote: The grinding tool is used for both grinding the groove in the liner fl ange (1) and the seating surface on the cylinder head (2), see fi g. 1.91.45 - ES0S606-01.45Edition 01HWorking CardPage 2 (2)Grinding of Seal Face onCylinder Liner and Cylinder HeadFig. 1.Grinding. 1) Loosen the sealing ring in liner fl ange and take it out. 2) Face-grind sealing groove in cylinder liner fl ange, see fi g. 2 and sealing surface on the cylinder head, see fi g. 3. With the use of grinding pasta and the grinding tool.Fig. 2.To do so, move the tool back and forth and lift it out from time to time, to allow the grinding compound to distribute evenly.Fig. 3. 3) After grinding, remove all traces of abrasive and grinding compound. 4) When having ground the contact faces, it must be observed that the gap between cylinder head and liner is no less than 0,5 mm, that is, the difference between measurements y and z must not be less than 0,5 mm, see fi g. 4.y - z = 0,5 mm, min.Fig. 4. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel606-01.50Edition 01H94.38 - ES0S-GL+V28/32HWorking CardPage 1 (2)Dismounting of Piston and Cylinder Liner at Low Overhaul HeightsSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dismounting of piston, connecting rod and cylinder liner for inspection and/or overhaul.Starting position:Cylinder head has been dismounting from the engine. Crankcase open.Related procedure:Separation of piston and connecting rod.Inspection and honing of cylinder liner.Manpower:Working time : 2 ½ HoursCapacity : 2 menData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)Special tools: Plate no Item no Note 62050 62006 05 62006 09 2 pieces 62006 22 62006 24 62006 28 62006 65 62010 01 If necessaryTool combination for dismounting of conncting rod screw, 620-01.20Hand tools:Inside micrometer (195 mm).Feeler gauge 0,15 - 0,20 mm.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no Item no Qty/ MAN Diesel & TurboCode Identification for Instruments11.19 - ES1DescriptionPage 1 (2)General600.20Edition 03HExplanation of SymbolsMeasuring deviceLocal readingTemperature IndicatorNo. 40 *Measuring deviceSensor mounted on engine/unitReading/identification mounted in a panel on the engine/unitPressure IndicatorNo. 22 *Measuring deviceSensor mounted on engine/unitReading/identification outside the engine/unitTemperature Alarm HighNo. 12 *Measureing deviceSensor mounted on engine/unitReading/identification in a panel on the engine/unit and reading/indication out-side the engine/unitPressure TransmittingNo. 22 ** Refer to standard location and text for instruments on the following pages.Specification of letter code for measuring devices 1st letter Following letters F Flow A Alarm L Level D Differential P Pressure E Element S Speed, System H High T Temperature I Indicating U Voltage L Low V Viscosity S Switching, Stop X Sound T Transmitting Z Position X Failure V Valve, AtuatorTI40TAH12PI22PT22 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel94.38 - ES0S-GDismantling of Piston at Low Overhaul Heights. 1) Lift up the piston and the connecting rod through the cylinder liner until the piston is clear of the liner. 2) Mount collar on the connecting rod, see plate 62050, item 1896. 3) Place the piston with the collar on the cylinder liner. 4) Mount pull-lifts on the collar. If ThenThe overhaul height is Dismount the piston fromtoo low to pull out piston the connecting rod, re-and connecting rod in move the piston and pullone piece. out the connecting rod by the pull-lifts.The overhaul height is Remove the piston andsuffi cient to pull out the connecting rod by means piston and the connect- of the pull-lifts.ing rod in one piece.Dismantling of Cylinder Liner at Low Overhaul Heights. 1) Mount normal lifting tool for cylinder liners. 2) Carefully pull the cylinder liner half-way out of the frame. 3) Mount special lifting tool for cylinder liners at low overhaul heights, see plate 62050, item 1895. 4) Attach pull-lifts on the lifting tool for the cylinder liner, see plate 62050, item 1895 5) Take out the liner over the camshaft side.606-01.50Edition 01HL+V28/32HDismounting of Piston and Cylinder Liner at Low Overhaul HeightsWorking CardPage 2 (2) MAN DieselL28/32H PlatePage 1 (2)Piston and Connecting Rod (Hydraulic Tightened)07.01 - ES060601-34H MAN DieselPiston pin incl.item No 02Socket screwRetaining ringPlug screwBush forconnecting rodConnecting rodincl. item Nos 04, 05, 14, 15, 16PistonPiston ringPiston ringPiston ringOil scraper ringConnecting rodbearing 2/2Plug screwConnecting rod studNutDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationL28/32HItem NoQty. Item No Qty.0102030405060809101112131415161/C4/C2/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C2/C2/CStempelpind inkl.pos. nr. 02KraterskrueSikringsringPropskruePlejlstangs-bøsningPlejlstang inkl.pos. nr. 04, 05, 14, 15, 16StempelStempelringStempelringStempelringOlieskraberingPlejlstangs-leje 2/2PropskruePlejlstangsboltMøtrik07.01 - ES0Piston and Connecting Rod (Hydraulic Tightened)PlatePage 2 (2)60601-34HWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/C = Antal/Cylinder MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HCylinder Liner and Water Guide JacketPlatePage 1 (2)94.07 - ES0S60610-09H MAN Diesel & Turbo0102030405060708091011121314151617Designation BeskrivelseBeskrivelseDesignationItemNoQty ItemNo Qty.2/C1/C1/C1/C6/C6/C12/C1/C6/C1/C2/C4/C4/C4/C1/C1/C1/C94.07 - ES0SCylinder Liner and Water Guide Jacket60610-09H PlatePage 2 (2)L28/32HWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50 * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssætAntal/C = Antal/CylinderO-ringSleeveWater guidejacketO-ringSealing ringPlug screwO-ringSealing ringCooling waterconnectionCylinder linerO-ringHexagon screwWasherSleeveWater guide jacket incl. item no. 05 and 06.Sealing ringFlame ringO-ringMuffeKølekappeO-ringTætningsringPropskrueO-ringTætningsringKølevands-overgangCylinderforingO-ringUnbracoskrueSkiveForingKølekappe inkl. item nr. 05 og 06TætningsringFlammering Camshaft 507/607 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneralThe camshaft which controls the actuation of inlet valves, exhaust valves and fuel injection pumps is driven by a gear wheel on the crankshaft through an intermediate wheel, and rotated by a speed which is half of that of the crankshaft, see fi g. 1.The camshaft is placed in the engine frame at the control side, (left side, seen from the fl ywheel end) and is carried in bearing bushes which are fi tted in bores in the engine frame, each bearing is replace-able and locked in position in the engine frame by means of lock screws.The camshaft is built-up of sections, one for each cylinder unit. Each section is equipped with fi xed cams for operation of fuel injection pump, air inlet valve and exhaust valve. The sections are assem bled by bolting of the ample dimensioned and pre cision made fl ange connections, which also act as bearing journals.Except for the foremost and the aftmost ones, the sections are identical and therefore interchange able. The foremost section is equipped with a clutch for driving the fuel oil feed pump (if mounted). The gear wheel for driving the camshaft as well as a gear wheel connection of governor are screwed on the aftmost section.DescriptionPage 1 (1)Camshaft and Camshaft Drive607.01Edition 05H91.03 - ES0SL28/32HThe lubricating oil pipes for the gear wheels are equipped with nozzles which are adjusted to apply the oil at the points where the gear wheels are in mesh. The position of the nozzles is determined by direction of rotation of the engine.Engine seen from aft - fl y wheel endClockwise rotation directionFig. 1. Intermediate wheel 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Checking of gear wheels, bolted connections and lubricating system.Starting position:Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 3 HoursCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)607-01.00Edition 01H92.13 - ES0UL/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 26 20 - 120 Nm.Hand tools:Allen key, 12 mm.Ring and open end spanner, 19 mm.Socket spanner, 19 mm. Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ 60705 12 6/eng. 60705 24 3/eng. 61106 11 1/cyl. 61106 13 1/cyl. 61106 14 1/eng. Camshaft and Camshaft DriveWorking CardPage 1 (2) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL/V28/32H 1) Dismount the covers which give access to the gear wheels, camshaft and crankcase.Examine all gear wheels for cracks, wear and de for-ma tions. While turning the engine to enable in spec-tion allover the circumference of the gear wheels. 2) Check all screws, nuts and bolted con nec tions, including locking devices everywhere in the gear wheel housing, camshaft housing and crank case to check that they have not worked loose. Tigh te ning torques, see page 600.40.92.13 - ES0U607-01.00Edition 01HCamshaft and Camshaft DriveWorking CardPage 2 (2) 3) Examine all lubricating oil spray pipe nozz-les. 4) Start the electrical lubricating oil pump and check the oil fl ow everywhere. Be particularly care ful to check that the oil jet hits the gear wheels correctly at the points where the wheels mesh. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionCheck of roller path of cams and check of cam-shaft bearing. Replacement of camshaft bearing.Starting positionCover for camshaft and gear wheel has been removed.Related procedureCamshaft and camshaft drive, 607-01.00Man powerWorking time : 2 HoursCapacity : 2 menDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)607-01.05Edition 01H01.51 - ES0L+V28/32HSpecial tools Plate No Item No Note 62006 26 20 - 120 Nm.Hand toolsRing and open end spanner, 19 mm.Socket spanner, 19 mm.Feeler gauge.Big screw driver.Replacement and wearing parts Plate No Item No Qty. / 60705 01 1/eng. 60705 03 1/cyl. 60705 21 1/cyl.Inspection and Replacement of Camshaft BearingWorking CardPage 1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboCode Identification for Instruments11.19 - ES1DescriptionPage 2 (2)General600.20Edition 03HStandard Text for InstrumentsDiesel Engine/AlternatorLT Water System 01 inlet to air cooler 04 inlet to alternator 07 inlet to lub. oil cooler 02 outlet from air cooler 05 outlet from alternator 08 inlet to fresh water cooler (SW) 03 outlet from lub. oil cooler 06 outlet from fresh water cooler (SW) 09HT Water System 10 inlet to engine 14 inlet to HT air cooler 17 outlet from fresh water cooler 10A FW inlet to engine 14A FW inlet to air cooler 18 inlet to fresh water cooler 11 outlet from each cylinder 14B FW outlet from air cooler 19 preheater 12 outlet from engine 15 outlet from HT system 19A inlet to prechamber 13 inlet to HT pump 16 outlet from turbocharger 19B outlet from prechamberLubricating Oil System 20 inlet to cooler 24 sealing oil - inlet engine 28 level in base frame 21 outlet from cooler / inlet to filter 25 prelubricating 29 main bearings 22 outlet from filter / inlet to engine 26 inlet rocker arms and roller guides 23 inlet to turbocharger 27 intermediate bearing / alternator bearingCharging Air System 30 inlet to cooler 34 charge air conditioning 38 31 outlet from cooler 35 surplus air inlet 39 32 jet assist system 36 inlet to turbocharger 33 outlet from TC filter / inlet to TC compr. 37 charge air from mixerFuel Oil System 40 inlet to engine 44 outlet from sealing oil pump 48 41 outlet from engine 45 fuel-rack position 49 42 leakage 46 inlet to prechamber 43 inlet to filter 47Nozzle Cooling System 50 inlet to fuel valves 54 58 oil splash 51 outlet from fuel valves 55 valve timing 59 alternator load 52 56 injection timing 53 57 earth/diff. protectionExhaust Gas System 60 outlet from cylinder 64 68 61 outlet from turbocharger 65 69 62 inlet to turbocharger 66 63 compustion chamber 67Compressed Air System 70 inlet to engine 74 inlet to reduction valve 78 inlet to sealing oil system 71 inlet to stop cylinder 75 microswitch for turning gear 79 72 inlet to balance arm unit 76 inlet to turning gear 73 control air 77 waste gate pressureLoad Speed 80 overspeed air 84 engine stop 88 index - fuel injection pump 81 overspeed 85 microswitch for overload 89 turbocharger speed 82 emergency stop 86 shutdown 90 engine speed 83 engine start 87 ready to startMiscellaneous 91 natural gas - inlet to engine 94 cylinder lubricating 97 remote 92 oil mist detector 95 voltage 98 alternator winding 93 knocking sensor 96 switch for operating location 99 common alarm 100 inlet to MDO cooler 101 outlet to MDO Cooler 102 alternator cooling air 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32HTo Check Roller Path of Cams. 1) While turning the engine, examine the cam discs and in particular, check the roller path of all cams for cracks, crackles and ruffl e. Also examine the rollers of the roller guides.Note: if there are fl at spots on the roller and if some of the rollers may be blocked, if so, the roller must be replaced by a new one, see working card 608-01.00.To Check Camshaft Bearings. 2) The wearing surface of the camshaft bear-ings cannot be checked without dismounting the cam shaft. However, ab-normal wear of one or more bearings will become apparent in the form of burrs of white metal at the circumference of the camshaft journal, and in that case the bearing will in no doubt be discoloured, as well.The bearing clearance is measured with a feeler gauge, see data sheet 600.35.To Replace Camshaft Bearing. 3) If one or several of the camshaft bearings should be replaced the camshaft must be wholly or partly dismantled.Dismount the fuel oil feed pump, if mounted and check that the camshaft sections are marked in relation to each other. Disassemble the camshaft aft (toward fl y wheel) of the bearing that is to be replaced. Dismount all roller guides that are located forward of the disassembling position, see working card 608-01.00 and 608-01.05.Pull the disconnected sections of the camshaft so far a head that the bearing which is to be replaced is free.Take out the locating screw of the camshaft bearing concerned and push the bearing out of the bore in the engine frame, see fi g. 1.Check the lubricating oil ducts to the bearing for free fl ow.01.51 - ES0607-01.05Edition 01HInspection and Replacement of Camshaft BearingWorking CardPage 2 (2)Camshaft bearingHole for lubricating oilLocating screwFrameFig. 1.Mount a new camshaft bearing in the bore and make sure that the hole for insertion of the locating screw in the bearing is in a correct position. Lock the bea-ring by means of the locating screw, which is to be provided with a new gasket. To facilitate the fi tting of the bearing it can be cooled down with Co2.Inspect the camshaft journal for seizures.If necessary, the camshaft section must be entirely removed from the engine, and the journal concerned must be polished.Coat all the journals of the camshaft section with clean lubricating oil and push the camshaft into position, making sure that the marks on the fl anges coincide.Assemble the sections and fi t the bolts (coated with Molycote or similar).Tighten the nuts with a torque spanner, see data sheet 600.40.Mount all roller guides as well as the fuel oil feed pump. MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionAdjustment of the injection timing.Starting positionRelated procedureManpowerWorking time : 2-5 hoursCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 500.35)Data for torque moment (Page 500.40)Declaration of weight (Page 500.45)607-01.20Edition 04H11.37 - ES0 - Tier IIL28/32HAdjustment of Camshaft for Valve and Injection TimingWorking CardPage 1 (4)Special tools Plate no Item no Note 62006 26 20 - 120 Nm. 62010 01 62008 05 Hand toolsRing and open end spanner, 19 mm.Socket spanner, 19 mm.Depth gauge.Plastic hammer.Replacement and wearing parts Plate no Item no Qty / 60801 23 1 set/cylTier II MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32H11.37 - ES0 - Tier II607-01.20Edition 04HAdjustment of Camshaft for Valve and Injection TimingWorking CardPage 2 (4)Measure of fuel pump lead1) Dismantle covers for fuel camshaft and fuel pump and covers for gear whell2) Check the mobility of the regulating device. Turn engine to pos. cylinder No. 1 until the cambase circle is reached (approx. 40° BTDC).3) Position the support of the measuring tool on the two bolts of the camshaft covering. Slip on the distance sleeves and fasten to the cylinder crankcase by means of hexagon nuts.Note: During attaching, pay attention to the correct fitting position of the contact point, see fig 1.4) Insert the dial gauge into the support.5) Set the dial gauge to "Zero".6) Turn the engine until the TDC mark (ignition DC) for the actual cylinder is reached. Read the dial gauge and note down the gauge value.7) Determine the values for the other cylinders in the same way. Calculate the average value of all measure-ments.12Fixing screws and discs of enclosing cover used1. Contact point2 LeverFig 1 Fitting position of the contact point. MAN Diesel & TurboFig 3 Gear wheel with engraved scale.607-01.20Edition 04H11.37 - ES0 - Tier IIL28/32HAdjustment of Camshaft for Valve and Injection TimingWorking CardPage 3 (4)8) Compare the calculated value determined with the value mentioned below.9) If the values exceeds the limits, an adjustment must be done in order to correct the errors, on the X-measure or reset the gear wheel, see following text for changing "X"-measuring. To get a consistent lifting values on the plunger/combustion pressure on the different cylinders the "X"-measure can be changed.When changing “X” it must be ensured that the di-stance between the upper edge of the roller guide housing and the thrust piece on the roller guide is not exceeded, when the roller is resting on the circular part of the fuel cam, please see description 500.35.In all cases “X” must be checked and adjusted, if necessary, when fuel oil pump, roller guide, roller guide housing and/or camshaft section have been replaced/dismantled.Note: If several fuel oil pumps, roller guides, roller guide housings and/or camshaft sections are dis-mantled at the same time it is advisable to number the parts in order to facilitate remounting and adjustment.Fig 2 Plunger lift (average value)The gear wheel is provided with an engraved scale, see fig 3, and the hub of the cam shaft is provided with a mark.When the screws, which fasten the gear wheel, are loosened the gear wheel is turned (by turning the crankshaft) in relation to the camshaft. If the crankshaft is turned in the engines normal direction of rotation the injection timin is retarded (closer to TDC).If the crankshaft is turned against the engines normal direction of rotation the injection timing is advanced (away from TDC). After the adjustment the screws are fastened with a torque wrench, please see description 500.40, and secured.Cyl. kW/Cyl. rpm Average value5-6-7-8-9 210 720 See section 600,5-6-7-8-9 220 750 Desription 600.35 MAN Diesel & TurboFig 6 Action Results Total height Distance Injection Max. combustion on roller guide "x" timing pressure increased Reduced Advanced increased Reduced increased Delayed Reduced ↑↓↑↓↓↑↑↓Measure "x"Total heightFig 4 Measure "X"213412345234 1 Extractor 2 Thrust piece 3 Shims 4 Roller guide 5 Soft hammerFig 5 Remounting of thrust piece.The injection timing can be altered on each cylinders by inserting or removing shims under the thrust piece on the roller guide, thus changing the measure “X”, see Fig 4.Thinner and/or fewer shims (increase of the distance “X”) results in a retarded injection timing.L28/32H11.37 - ES0 - Tier II607-01.20Edition 04HAdjustment of Camshaft for Valve and Injection TimingWorking CardPage 4 (4)Thicker and/or more shims (reduction of the distance “X”) results in an advanced injection.If the distance “X” is to be changed the trigger (1) is used for dismantling of the thrust piece (2), where-after the thickness and/or the number of shims (3) can be changed.After replacement of shims the thrust piece is re-mounted, see fig 5, in the roller guide (4) with a soft hammer (5).10) Remove the complete measuring tool.11) Mount all camshaft covers. 12) Plunger lift value, please see description 500.35. MAN DieselL28/32HIntermediate WheelPlatePage 1 (2)06.28 - ES060701-06H0308+07010209101112+0406051716151413 MAN DieselSkrueSikringspladePakningVinkelforskruningRørVinkelforskruningSprøjterørPasboltSelvlåsendemøtrikDækselTandhjul, kompl.LejetapSelvlåsende møtrikTandhjulTandhjulBoltLejebøsning+ Item nr. 08 og 12 kræver en individuel tilpasning, før monte-ring kontakt MAN B&W, HolebyScrewLock plateGasketUnionPipeUnionSpray pipeFitted boltSelf lockingnutCoverGear wheel,completeAxle journalSelf locking nutSpur gearSpur gearBoltBearing bush+ Item No. 08 and 12 require an indivi-dual matching, before mounting, contactMAN B&W, HolebyDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationL28/32H 0102030405060708+09101112+13141516176/E6/E3/E1/E1/E1/E1/E3/E3/E1/E1/E1/E4/E1/E1/E4/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.06.28 - ES060701-06H Intermediate WheelPlatePage 2 (2)When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor MAN DieselL28/32HCamshaft and Camshaft BearingPlatePage 1 (2)21221416230625190302, 29, 32, 33, 340103150306.43 - ES0202627282913061108070504061460705-22H03 03030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303035 cyl.6 cyl.7 cyl.8 cyl.9 cyl.03010301030103010301382828 28 282828 28 34372727 27 272727 3336 26 262626 26 3235 202020 20 021629 29 29 29 MAN DieselStyreaksellejeStyreakselssektion"agter", 6 cyl. motorStyreaksellejeNavSkrueSkivefjederStyreringAkseltapSkrueTandhjulSelvlåsende møtrik6 cyl. motor7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motor9 cyl. motorSkrue6 cyl. motor7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motor9 cyl. motorStyreaksel "For"5 cyl. motorSkrueStyreaksel,mellem,6 cyl. motorPakning6 cyl. motor7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motor9 cyl. motorStyreskrue6 cyl. motor7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motor9 cyl. motorKoblingssfl angeSkrueCamshaft bearingCamshaft section"aft", 6 cyl. engineCamshaft bearingHubScrewDisc springGuide ringShaft pinScrewGear wheelSelf locking nut6 cyl. engine7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engine9 cyl. engineScrew6 cyl. engine7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engine9 cyl. engineCamshaft "Fore"5 cyl. engineScrewCamshaft,intermediate,6 cyl. engineGasket6 cyl. engine7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engine9 cyl. engineGuide screw6 cyl. engine7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engine9 cyl. engineCoupling fl angeScrewDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationL28/32H010203040506070811131415161920212223251/E1/E1/C1/E6/E24/E1/E1/E12/E1/E70/E52/E66/E92/E60/E42/E56/E82/E1/E10/E4/E7/E8/E9/E10/E7/E8/E9/E10/E1/E6/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.Camshaft and Camshaft BearingPlatePage 2 (2)06.43 - ES060705-22HWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./C = Qty./CylinderQty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/C = Antal/CylinderAntal/E = Antal/Motor5/E6/E7/E4/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E2627282932333435363738Camshaft,intermediate, 7 cyl. engineCamshaft,intermediate, 8 cyl. engineCamshaft,intermediate, 9 cyl. engineCamshaft section"aft", 5 cyl. engineCamshaft section"aft", 7 cyl. engineCamshaft section"aft", 8 cyl. engineCamshaft section"aft", 9 cyl. engineCamshaft "Fore"6 cyl. engineCamshaft "Fore"7 cyl. engineCamshaft "Fore"8 cyl. engineCamshaft "Fore"9 cyl. engineStyreaksel,mellem7 cyl. motorStyreaksel,mellem8 cyl. motorStyreaksel,mellem9 cyl. motorStyreakselsektion"agter", 5 cyl. motorStyreakselssektion"agter", 7 cyl. motorStyreakselssektion"agter", 8 cyl. motorStyreakselssektion"agter", 9 cyl. motorStyreaksel "For"6 cyl. motorStyreaksel "For"7 cyl. motorStyreaksel "For"8 cyl. motorStyreaksel "For"9 cyl. motor Operating gear 508/608 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Introduction to Planned Maintenance Programme600.24Edition 02HGeneralThe overhaul intervals are based on operation on a specifi ed fuel oil quality at normal service output, which means 70-100% of MCR.In the long run it is not possible to obtain a secure and optimal economic running without an effective main tenance system.With the structure and amount of information in the maintenance programme, it can be integrated in the entire ship's/power station's maintenance system or it can be used separately.The crux of the maintenance system is the key dia-gram, see page 600.25, indicating the inspection intervals for the components/systems, so that the crew can make the necessary overhauls, based on the engines' condition and/or the time criteria.The stated, recommended intervals are only for guidance as different service conditions, the quality of the fuel oil and the lubricating oil, treatment of the cooling water, etc, will decisively infl uence on the actual service results and thus the intervals between necessary overhauls.Experience with the specifi c plant/crew is to be used for adjustment of time between overhaul. Further it is to be used for adjusting the timetable stated for guidance in the working cards.Working cardsEach of the working cards can be divided into two: a front page and one or several pages, describing and illustrating the maintenance work.The front page indicates the following: 1. Safety regulations, which MUST be carried through before the maintenance work can start. 2. A brief description of the work. 3. Reference to work, which must be carried out, if any, before the maintenance work can start.94.35 - ES0SGeneral 4. Related procedures - indicates other works, depending on this work - or works which would be expedient to carry out. 5. Indicates x number of men in x number of hours for accomplishing the work.The stated consumption of hours is only intended as guide.Experience with the specifi c station/crew may lead to a bringing up-to-date. 6. Refers to data, which are required for carrying out the work. 7. Special tools, which must be used. Please note that not all tools are standard equip ment. 8. Various requisite hand tools. 9. Indicates the components/parts, which it is advisible to replace during the maintenance work. Please note, that this is a condition for the intervals stated.123456789Fig 1. Guidance instruction for working cards. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1(1)Operating Gear for Valve and Fuel Injection Pumps608.01Edition 12HRoller GuidesThe fuel injection pumps and the rocker arms for inlet and exhaust valves are operated by the cams, on the camshaft through roller guides. The roller guides for fuel pump, inlet and exhaust valves are located in bores in a common housing for each cylinder, this housing is bolted to the engine frame.The roller runs on a bush fi tted on a pin that is pres-sed into the roller guide and secured by means of a lock screw.Operating Gear for Fuel Injection PumpsThe injection pumps which is mounted directly on the roller guide housing is activated via thrust pieces from the roller guide.The roller is pressed down on to the cam by a spring, which is fi xed between the roller guide and the foot plate of the fuel injection pump.Operating Gear for Inlet and Exhaust ValvesThe movment from the roller guides for inlet and exhaust is transmitted via the push rods the rocker arms and spring-loaded valve bridges to each of the two valve sets. The bridge is placed between the valve spindles and in the one end it is provided with a pressed-on thrust shoe and in the other end it is fi tted with a thrust screw for adjustment of the valve clearance.On its top the bridge is controlled by a spherical thrust shoe on the rocker arm and at the bottom by a guide which rests in a spherical socket in the cylinder head.91.13 - ES0SL/V28/32HValve bridge Rocker armValve spindleValve springPush rodRoller guide housingRoller guidePinRollerCamshaftFig. 1. Valve Operating Gear.Protecting Tube MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dismounting, inspection and/or overhaul, and mounting of valve roller guides.Inspection of roller guide housing.Starting position:Top cover for cylinder head and cover for fuel injection pump removed.Related procedure:Inspection of fuel injection pump roller guide, 608-01.05Control and adjusting of valveclearance, 608-01.10Man power:Working time : 2 HoursCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)608-01.00Edition 01H12.24 - ES0L/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 26 20 - 120 Nm Hand tools:Ring and open end spanner, 19 mm.Socket spanner, 19 mm.Socket spanner, 24 mm.Allen key, 3 mm.Ratchet spanner.Hammer.Drift.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 60801 04 4/cyl. 60801 08 2/cyl. 60801 09 1/cyl.See also plate 60801.Inspection of Valve Roller GuidesWorking CardPage 1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboL/V28/32H12.24 - ES0608-01.00Edition 01HInspection of Valve Roller GuidesWorking CardPage 2 (2)Dismounting of Roller Guide. 1) Turn the engine so that the roller, rests on the circular part of the cam. 2) Unscrew the nuts which secure the rocket arm brackets, and lift off the rocker arm with brackets. 3) Remove the push rods (1), see fig. 1. 5) Dismount the screws (3) which secure the roller guide top cover, take off the cover, and lift out the roller guide (5).Disconnect any pipes that may be in the way (lub. oil and fuel oil pipes). 6) If the roller guide housing is to be dismantled, the fuel injection pump and the fuel injection pump roller guide are to be dismounted, see working card 614-01.05 and a number af lubricating oil and fuel oil pipes are also to be disconnected.The roller guide housing (6) cannot be dismantled with the roller guides fitted. 7) If the event of any marks or scores from sezu-res, these must be polished away. 8) Inspect the spherical stud for deformations (replace as necessary).Examine the surface of the roller for marks and other deformations.Make sure that there is free rotation between the roller and the bush and the shaft pin, and replace the bush, if necessary.Replacement of Roller, Bush and Shaft Pin. 9) Remove the lock screw which secures the roller guide shaft pin and push out the shaft pin.The roller, shaft pin, and bush can now be replaced as required. 10) Blow through the lubricating ducts in roller guide and roller guide housing, and clean the lu bri ca ting grooves.Mounting of Roller Guide. 11) When assembling the parts, which is carried out in the reverse order to the above care must be exercised not to damage the o-rings when mounting the proctecting tube. 12) Adjusting of valve clearance, see working card 608-01.10.123465 4) Loosen the lock screw for the push rod pro-tec ting tube, see plate 60801, item 07, on the roller guide top cover and lift up and remove the protecting tube (2).Fig. 1. MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dismounting, inspection and/or overhaul, and mounting af roller guide for fuel injection pump.Starting position:Cover for fuel injection pump removed.Fuel injection pump has been removed, 614-01.05Related procedure:Adjustment and/or check of max. combustion pressure, 614-01.20Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)608-01.05Edition 01H12.24 - ES0L/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Allen key, 3mm.Hammer.Drift.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ Inspection of Fuel Injection Pump Roller GuideWorking CardPage 1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboL/V28/32H12.24 - ES0608-01.05Edition 01HInspection of Fuel Injection Pump Roller GuideWorking CardPage 2 (2)Dismounting of Roller Guide. 1) Remove the support ring (1) and spring (2) and take up the roller guide (3), see fig. 1.123Fig. 1.Inspection of Roller Guide. 2) If the event of any marks or scores from sezu-res, these must be polished away. 3) Inspect the spherical stud for deformations (replace as necessary).Examani the surface of the roller for marks and other deformations.Make sure that there is free rotation between the roller and the bush and the shaft pin, and replace the bush if necessary.Replacement of Roller, Bush and Shaft Pin. 4) Remove the lock screw which secures the roller guide shaft pin and push out the shaft pin.The roller, shaft pin, and bush can now be replaced as required. 5) Blow through the lubricating ducts in roller guide and roller guide housing, and clean the lub ri ca ting grooves.Mounting of Roller Guide. 6) When assembling the parts which is carried out in the reverse order. 7) For adaption of the thrust piece of the roller guide, see working card 614-01.20. MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Control and/or adjusting of valve clearance.Starting position:Cover for rocker arm are removed.All indicator valves open.Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/4 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)608-01.10Edition 01H91.45 - ES0SL/V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62008 02 Exhaust 62008 01 Inlet 62010 01Hand tools:Ring and open end spanner, 30 mm.Big screw driver.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ See also plate 60502.Control and Adjusting of Valve ClearanceWorking CardPage 1 (3) MAN Diesel & TurboL/V28/32HAdjusting of Inlet Valve Clearance. 1) Turn the engine so that the roller, rests on the circular part of the cam, i.e. the inlet valves and the exhaust valves are closed. 2) Loosen the adjustment screws on valve bridge and rocker arm, see fig. 1.91.45 - ES0S608-01.10Edition 01HControl and Adjusting of Valve ClearanceWorking CardPage 2 (3)Fig. 1. 3) Clearance between valve bridge and valve spindle, see page 600.40. 4) Place the feeler gauge marked with "correct" o,4 mm above the valve spindle nearest to the rocker arm bracket, see fig. 1. 5) Adjust the clearance between valve bridge and valve spindle by means of the adjustment screw on the rocker arm (above the push rod) and tighten the lock nut.The feeler gauge is to remain in this position when adjusting the clearance of the other valve. 6) Place another feeler gauge, at the same size o,40 mm above the other valve spindle, see fig. 2. 7) Adjust the clearance between valve bridge and valve spindle by means of the adjusment screw on the valve bridge, and tighten the lock nut, see fig. 2.Fig. 2.Fig. 3. 8) Check that the clearance is correct si mul ta neo-us ly at both valve spindles.Adjusting af Exhaust Valve Clearance. 9) Carry out adjusment in the same way as dese-ribed for the inlet valves, but using the feeler gauge for exhaust valve clearance o,90 mm. MAN Diesel & Turbo608-01.10Edition 01H91.45 - ES0SL/V28/32HControl and Adjusting of Valve ClearanceWorking CardPage 3 (3)Fig. 4. 10) The feeler gauges for checking the clearance have two gauges which are marked "incorrect" and "correct", the latter to be used when adjusting the valve clearance, see fig. 4.After tightening up the counter nuts on rocker arms and valves bridge, be sure that the feeler gaugs mar-ked "correct" can be inserted into the two clear anc es simultaneously as where it must not be pos si ble to insert the gauges marked "incorrect". MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HPlatePage 1 (2)Roller Guide and Push Rods11.36 - ES060801-17H0102*0304040138050607080926101112131415272223241225131415161718192820+ MAN Diesel & TurboTrykstykkeRørSkærmrørTætningsringSkrueDækselSkruePakningPakningKugletapRullestyrTapStopskrueForingRulleSkive for fjederFjederStyrestiftSkrueHus forrullestyrTryktap1 sæt shims (0,1, 0,3, 0,5 og 1,0 mm)TryktapRullestyrRullestyr for ventil be-vægelse, komplet inkl. item 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1511.36 - ES0Thrust piecePipeProtecting tubeSealing ringScrewCoverScrewGasketGasketBall pinRoller guidePinStop screwBushRollerWasher for springSpringGuide pinScrewHousing forroller guidesThrust piece1 set shims (0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 mm)Thrust pieceRoller guideRoller guide forvalve gear, complete incl. item 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationRoller Guide and Push RodsL28/32H0102*030405060708091011121314151617181920+22232425264/C2/C2/C4/C4/C2/C2/C2/C1/C2/C2/C3/C3/C3/C3/C1/C1/C2/C8/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C2/CItem noQty.Qty.Item no60801-17HPlatePage 2 (2)When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/C = Antal/CylinderRoller guide for fuel injection pump, com-plete incl. item 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25ScrewPush rod, complete incl. item 01, 02+ Item no 20 requirean individual match-ing before mounting, contact MAN Diesel & Turbo, HolebyRullestyr for brændsels-pumpe, komplet inkl. item 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25SkrueStødstang, komplet inkl. item 01, 02+ Item nr. 20 kræveren individuel tilpasningfør montering, kontaktMAN Diesel & Turbo, Holeby2728381/C4/C2/C 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselOperating of Engine:Readings of data for Engine and Generator, with refe-rence to "Engine Performance Data", section 602-1 .......Cylinder Head:Inlet and exhaust valve - Overhaul and regrinding of spindel and valve seat .....................................................Inspection of inlet, exhaust valves and valve guide .........Check of valve rotators rotation during engine rotation ...Sleeve for fuel injector .....................................................Safety valve - Overhaul and adjustment of opening pressure ..........................................................................Indicator valve .................................................................Cylinder head cooling water space - Inspection ..............Cylinder head nut - Retightening ..................................... 200Piston, Connecting Rod and Cylinder Liner:Inspection of piston .........................................................Piston ring and scraper ring ............................................Piston pin and bush for connecting rod - Check of clearance ......................................................................... Connecting rod - Measuring of big-end bore ...................Inspection of big-end bearings shells ..............................Connecting rod - Retightening ......................................... 200Cylinder liner - Cleaning, honing and measuring ............Cylinder liner removed - Check the water space and guide ring in frame ...........................................................Camshaft and Camshaft Drive:Camshaft - Inspection of gear wheels, bolt, connections etc. ................................................................................... 200Camshaft bearing - Inspection of clearance ....................Camshaft adjustment - Check the condition ....................Lubrication of camshaft bearing - Check .........................602-01.00605-01.10605-01.05605-01.05605-01.30605-01.25605-01.26605-01.45605-01.40606-01.10606-01.10606-01.15606-01.15606-01.16606-01.25606-01.35606-01.40607-01.00607-01.05607-01.20607-01.00L28/32HDescriptionPage 1 (4)09.48 - ES0 ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Planned Maintenance Program600.25Edition 33HDescriptionWorking CardNo. ● = Overhaul to be carried out ■ = Check the conditionTime Between OverhaulCheck new/Overhauled parts after -hours1600032000800020002003th monthObservationsMontlyDailyWeekly50 Control/safety 509/609 MAN DieselGovernorThe engine speed is controlled by a hydraulic go-vernor. The purpose of the governor is to regulate the rate of delivery from the fuel pumps, so that the engine speed is kept within certain limits, indepen-ding on the load.Information about the design, function and operation of the governor is found in the special governor instruction book.The governor is mounted on the fl y wheel end of the engine and is driven from the camshaft via a cy lindrical gear wheel and a set of bevel gears.Pick-up for Engine RPMThe pick-up for transfer of signal to the tacho meter instrument for engine RPM is mounted on the fl y wheel end cover of the engine.A signal varying proportionally to engine RPM is created in the pick-up by the rotating toothed im-pulse wheel mounted on the camshaft end.Pick-up for Turbocharger RPMSee turbocharger instruction book, section 612.Regulating ShaftThe governor movements are transmitted through a spring-loaded pull rod to the fuel pump regulating shaft which is fi tted along the engine.The spring-loaded pull rod permits the governor to give full defl ection even if the stop cylinder of the manoeuv ring system keep the fuel pump regulating shaft at "no fuel" position.Each fuel pump is connected to the common, lon-gitudinal regulating shaft by means of a two-piece, spring-loaded arm.DescriptionPage 1 (2)Control and Safety Systems609.01Edition 20H08.43 - ES0L+V28/32HShould a fuel pump plunger seize in its barrel, thus blocking the regulating guide, governing of the remaining fuel pumps may continue un impaired owing to the spring-loaded linkage be tween the blocked pump and the regulating shaft.Stop Screw for Max. Delivery RateThe bracket for stop cylinder/limiting cylinder is fi tted with a stop screw which prevents the fuel pumps from being set to a higher delivery rate than what corresponds to the permissible overload rating.This is effected by the arm on the regulating shaft being stopped by the stop screw, see fi g. 1.Mechanical Overspeed (SSH 81)The engine is protected against overspeeding in the event of, for instance, governor failure by means of an overspeed trip.The engine is equipped with a stopping device which starts to operate if the maximum permissible revo lution number is exceeded.The overspeed tripping device is fi tted to the end cover of the lubricating oil pump and is driven through this pump.If the pre-set tripping speed is exceeded, the spring-loaded fl y weight (1), see fi g. 1, will move outwards and press down the arm (2).The arm is locked in its bottom position by the lock pin (3) which is pressed in by the spring (4).At the same time the arm (2) presses down the spindle (5), and the pneumatic valve (6) opens, whereby compressed air will be led to the Lambda cylinder , see Description 609.10, in which the piston is pressed forward and turns the fuel pump regulating rod to STOP position, thereby the engine stops, the spring-loaded pull rod connection to the governor being compressed. MAN Diesel08.43 - ES0L+V28/32H609.01Edition 20HDescriptionPage 2 (2)Control and Safety SystemsThe engine can be stopped manually by pressing down the button (7), see fi g. 1, which will activate the spring-loaded fl y weight (1) through the lever (8).If the overspeed has been activated the overspeed must be reset before the engine can be started. Reset is done by means of the button (10). 2 5 3 4 10 10718352619Normal poisition 1. Flyweight 2. Arm 3. Lock pin 4. Spring 5. Spindle 6. Pneumatic valve 7. Button 8. Lever 9. micro switch 10. ButtonOverspeed activatedFig 1 Mechanical overspeed (SSH 81).The overspeed alarm (SAH 81) is activated by means of the micro switch (9). 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (3)Instruments and AutomaticsL28/32H94.28 - ES2S609.05Edition 11HMain instrument panelAs standard the engine is equipped with an instru-ment panel, comprising instruments for visual indi-ca tion of the most essential pressures.Illu strated on fi g. 1.Push buttonValvesFlexible hoseRubber elementOn the engine is as standard mounted an instrument panel.The following incorporating pressure gauges for the most essential pressures.Pressure gauge for: PI 01 LT fresh water, inlet to air cooler PI 10 HT fresh water, inlet engine PI 21/22 Lubricating oil, inlet/outlet to fi lter PI 23 Lub. oil, inlet to turbocharger PI 31 Charge air, outlet from cooler PI 40 Fuel oil, inlet to engine PI 50 (*) Nozz. cool. oil, inlet to fuel valves Switch for PI 21/22 (*) If nozzle cooling oil applied only.Fig. 2. Cross section of instrument panelThe instrument panel is mounted fl exibly on rubber elements and all manometer connections are con-nec ted to the panel by means of fl exible hoses, as shown on fi g. 2.The connecting pipes to the manometers are equip-ped with valves which make it possible to replace the manometers during operation.In the charging air and nozzle oil piping damping fi lters are inserted for levelling out pressure fl uc tua-tions.Fig. 1. Lay-out of instrument panel 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel - too high press. drop across lub. oil fi lter - too high HT FW temperature - outlet engine - too low starting air pressure - inlet engine - too high engine speed (overspeed)The actual number and type of the alarm- and shut-down switches for the plant can be seen in the list "Engine Automatic part list" in this section.Leakage Alarm (LAH 42)Waste and leak oil from the comparement, for the injection equipment, fuel valves, high-pressure pipes and engine feed pump (if mounted) is led to a fuel leakage alarm unit.InstrumentationAs standard the engine is supplied with the following instrumentation mounted local on the engine:Thermometer TI 01 LT water - inlet air coolerThermometer TI 02 LT water - outlet from air coolerThermometer TI 03 LT water - outlet from lub. oil coolerThermometer TI 10 HT fresh water - inlet to engineThermometer TI 11 HT fresh water - outlet each cylinderThermometer TI 20 Lubricating oil - inlet to coolerThermometer TI 22 Lubricating oil - outlet from fi lterThermometer TI 30 Charge air - inlet to coolerThermometer TI 31 Charge air - outlet from coolerThermometer TI 40 Fuel oil - inlet to engineThermometer*) TI 51 Nozz. cool. oil - outlet from fuel valvesThermometer TI 60 Exhaust gas - outlet each cylinderThermometer TI 61 Exhaust gas - outlet turbocharger*) If nozzle cooling oil applied only.The actual number of the instrumentation for the plant can be seen on the diagrams for the specifi c plant in the sections 612-613-614-615-616.For code identifi cation see 600.20.Pressostates and ThermostatesThe engine is supplied with a number of alarm- and shut-down functions. The alarms shall via the alarm panel worn against an abnormal working condition, which can lead to break down and the shut-down functions shall stop the engine before a break down. I.e. a shut-down is "worse" than an alarm because a shut-down is given if the engine could be severe damage by running on these conditions.As standard the engine is equipped with:Shut-down Switches for - too low lubricating oil pressure - inlet engine - too high HT FW temperature - outlet engine - too high engine speed (over speed)Alarm Switches for - leaking fuel oil - too low lubricating oil pressure - inlet engine - too low prelubricating oil pressure (level alarm)Instruments and AutomaticsL28/32HDescriptionPage 2 (3)94.28 - ES2S609.05Edition 11HFig. 4. Fuel oil leakage alarm.Normal leakageHigh levelWaste oil outletAlarmNormalLeak alarmNormal levelCBALeakoil 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 3 (3)Instruments and AutomaticsL28/32H94.28 - ES2S609.05Edition 11HAlarm for Prelubricating (LAL 25)Alarm for missing prelubricating, when the engine is stopped is given by means of a level switch (LAL 25) mounted in the main lubricating oil pipe.Alarm and Shut-down for OverspeedWhen the mechanical overspeed is activated, see 609.01 fi g. 2, a micro-switch will release the alarm for overspeed (SAH 81) and activate the shut-down solenoid in the governor.The latter function is a back-up for the mechanical overspeed.The alarm unit consist of a box with a fl oat switch for level monitoring, see fi g. 4.The supply fuel oil to the engine is led through the unit in order to keep heated up, thereby ensuring free drainage passage even for high-viscous wa-ste/leak oil.Under normal conditions there will always be a smal-ler amount of waste/leak oil from the compare ment, this will be led out through the bore "A" in the pipe "B" as illustrated.In case of a larger then normal leakage, the level in the box will rise and the level switch "C" will be activated. The larger amount of leak oil will be lead out through the top of the pipe "B". MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (2)609.10Edition 15HThus the solenoid valve (4) opens. The jet system is activated, the turbocharger accelerates and increases the charge air pressure, thereby pressing the piston (3) backwards in the lambda cylinder (5). When the lambda ratio is satisfactory, the jet system will be de-activated.At a 50% load change the system will be activated for about 3-8 seconds.If the system is activated more than 10 seconds, the solenoid valve will be shut off and there will be a remote signal for "jet system failure".Fuel oil limiting during start procedureDuring the start procedure the lambda controller is used as an index limiter.Hereby heavy smoke formation is prevented during start procedure and further the regulating device cannot over-react.Air ConsumptionAt 50% step load the air consumption will be as follows: Cyl. no. 5 6 7 8 9 Nm3 1.12 1.35 1.57 1.80 2.02Lambda Controller04.15 - ES0L28/32HPurposeThe purpose with the lambda controller is to prevent injection of more fuel in the combustion chamber than can be burned during a momentary load in-crease. This is carried out by controlling the relation between the fuel index and the charge air pressure.The Lambda controller is also used as stop cylin-der.AdvantagesThe lambda controller has the following advan-tages: - Reduction of visible smoke in case of sudden momentary load increases. - Improved load ability. - Less fouling of the engine's exhaust gas ways. - Limitation of fuel oil index during starting procedure.Principles for functioningFigure 1 illustrates the controller's operation mode. In case of a momentary load increase, the regulat-ing device will increase the index on the injection pumps and hereby the regulator arm (1) is turned, the switch (2) will touch the piston arm (3) and be pushed downwards, whereby the electrical circuit will be closed.08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12 MAN Diesel609.10Edition 15HFig 1 Lambda controller incl. start limitation~Charge airreceiverEngine'scompressionair system4123561. Regulating arm2. Switch (Pick-up)3. Piston4. Solenoid valve5. Lambda controller6. Overspeed device(mecanical activated 3/2 valve)DescriptionPage 2 (2)Lambda ControllerL28/32H04.15 - ES0 MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32H609.35Edition 06H12.01 - ES1Starting BoxDescriptionPage 1 (1)DescriptionThe starting box is mounted on the engine's control side. On front of the box there are the following in-dications/pushbuttons: – Indication of engine or turbocharger RPM – Indication of electronic overspeed – Pushbutton for "Manual Start" – Pushbutton for "Manual Stop" – Pushbutton for "Remote" * – Pushbutton for "Local" * – Pushbutton for "Blocking" * – Pushbutton for change-over between engine and turbocharger RPM* The function chosen is indicated in the pushbutton.See fig. 1.Manual StartThe engine can be started by means of the start button, but only if the button "Local" is activated.The manual, local start is an electrical, pneumatic start, i.e. when activating the start button a solenoid valve opens for air to the air starter, thereby engaging the starter and starting the diesel engine. Throughout the starting cycle the start button must be activated.The air starter is automatically disengaged when the diesel engine exceeds 110 RPM. If the start button is disengaged before the diesel engine has exceeded 110 RPM, further starting cycles are blocked, until 5 sec. after the engine is at standstill.Remote StartRemote start can only take place if the pushbutton for "Remote" is activated.Manual StopThe "Manual Stop" button is connected to the stop coil on the governor.BlockingIf "Blocking" is activated, it is not possible to start the diesel engine.Engine / Turbocharger RPMBy activating the "Engine RPM/TC RPM" button, the indication is changed.Engine RPM indication is green light-emitting diodes and turbocharger RPM indication is red light-emitting diodes.External IndicationsThere are output signals for engine RPM and tur-bocharger RPM.Engine: 0 - 1200 RPM ~ 4-20 mATC: 0 - 60000 RPM ~ 4-20 mAThe pushbuttons for "Remote", "Local" and "Blocking" have potential free switches for external indication.All components in the starting box are wired to the built-on terminal box.Fig 1 Starting box. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Converter for Engine- and Turbocharger RPM SignalL+V28/32HEngine RPM signalFor measuring the engine's RPM, a pick-up mounted on the engine is used giving a frequency depending on the RPM. To be able to show the engine's RPM on an analogue tachometer, the frequency signal is sent through an f/I converter (frequency/current converter), where the signal is transformed into a proportional 4-20 mA ~ 0-1200 RPM signal.Further, the converter has following signals: - overspeed - engine run - safe start - tacho fail96.30 - ES2SThe "engine run" signals will be given through a relay. One for synchronizing and one for start/stop of pre. lub. oil pump or alarm blocking at start/stop.Safe startWhen the safe start signal is activated the engine can start. When the engine reach 140 RPM the air starter will be shut-off.Further, the safe start signal is a blocking function for the air starter during rotation.Tacho failThe tacho fail signal will be on when everything is normal. If the pick-up or the converter failes the signal will be deactivated. E.g. if there is power supply failure.The converter for engine RPM signal is mounted in the terminal box on the engine.Turbocharger RPM signalFor measuring the turbocharger RPM, a pick-up mounted on the engine is used giving a frequency depending on the RPM. To be able to show the turbocharger's RPM on an analogue tachometer, the frequency signal is sent through a f/I converter (frequency/current converter), where the signal is transferred into a proportional 4-20 mA ~ 0-60000 RPM.609.40Edition 01HFig 2. Converter for TC RPM.Fig 1. Converter for engine RPM.OverspeedWhen the engine speed reach the setpoint for elec-tronic overspeed the converter gives a shutdown signal and a alarm signal through a relay.Engine runWhen the engine speed reach 710 RPM or 200 RPM + 10 seconds, the converter gives a "engine run" signal.The engine run signal will be deactivated when the speed is 640 RPM. If the engine speed haven't been over 710 RPM the signal will be deactivated at 200 RPM.The converter is mounted in the terminal box on engine. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselPlanned Maintenance ProgramDescriptionPage 2 (4)09.48 - ES0Operating Gear for Inlet Valves, Exhaust Valves and Fuel Injection Pumps:Roller guide for valve gear ...............................................Valve gear - Valve bridge, spring, push rod, etc ..............Roller guide for fuel injection pump .................................Roller guide housing ........................................................Inlet and exhaust valve - Check and adjustment of valve clearance .........................................................................Lubricating of operating gear - Check .............................Control and Safety System, Automatics and Instruments:Safety, alarm and monitoring equipment ........................Jet system - Adjustment ..................................................Pick-up - Adjustment .......................................................Governor - Check oil level, see governor instruction book, section 609 ............................................................Crankshaft and Main Bearing:Checking of main bearings aligment, (autolog) ...............Inspection af main bearing ..............................................Inspection of guide bearing .............................................Vibration damper - Check the condition ..........................Lubricating of gear wheel for lub. oil pump and cooling water pump etc. ...............................................................Counter weight - Retightening, see page 600.40 ............ 200Main- and guide bearing cap - Retightening ................... 200 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■608-01.00608-01.10608-01.05608-01.10608-01.10608-01.00608-01.05609-01.00609-01.00609-10.00610-01.00610-01.05610-01.10610-04.00610-01.05610-01.10600.25Edition 33HL28/32HDescriptionWorking CardNo. ● = Overhaul to be carried out ■ = Check the conditionTime Between OverhaulCheck new/Overhauled parts after -hours320002003th monthObservationsWeekly502000800016000MontlyDaily 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel609-01.00Edition 01H03.32 - ES0UGeneralWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools Plate No Item No Note. See Related Procedure Hand toolsSee Related ProcedureReplacement and wearing parts Plate No Item No Qty. / Functional Test and Adjustment of Safety, Alarm and Monitoring EquipmentSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionFunction test and adjustment of safety, alarm and monitoring equipment.Starting positionRelated procedureOverspeed trip 609-01.05Pressostate 609-05.00Thermostate 609-05.01Level switch (LAL 25) 609-05.02Analog pressure transmitter 609-05.03Analog temperature transmitter 609-05.04Man powerWorking time : hoursCapacity : manDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneral03.32 - ES0U609-01.00Edition 01HWorking CardPage 2 (2)Functional Test and Adjustment of Safety,Alarm and Monitoring EquipmentMaintenance of monitoring and safety sy-stemsOne of the most important parameters in the pre-ventive work is that the alarm system as well as the shutdown and overspeed devices are functioning100%. If some of these functions are out of operation, they have to be repaired immediately. If this is not possible because of the present working situation, the engine has to be under constant observation until it can be stopped. It is recommended that all functions are tested every three month according to the mentioned workingcards.The extent of the alarm and safety functions is vari-able from plant to plant. For check of these functions use the working cards mentioned under related procedure on page 1. Alarm SystemIt is important that all alarms lead to prompt investi-gation and remedy of the error.No alarm is insignifi cant. It is therefore important that all engine crew members arefamiliar with and well trained in the use and impor-tance of the alarm system.The most serious alarms are equipped with slowdown and/or shutdown functions. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Functional test and adjustment of overspeed trip.Starting position:Functional test and adjustment of safetyalarm and monitoring equipment, 609-01.00Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)609-01.05Edition 01H91.45 - ES0SGeneralSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62009 01 Hand tools:Allen key, 4 mm.Allen key, 2 mm.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / Functional Test and Adjustment of Overspeed TripWorking CardPage 1 (2) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneral91.45 - ES0S609-01.05Edition 01HFunctional Test and Adjustment of Overspeed TripWorking CardPage 2 (2)Turn the engine until the adjusting screw is opposite the opening on the side of the housing. Now loosen the lock screw and turn the adjusting screw, using the tubular pin spanner supplied, se fi g. 2. 1) The engine is run up manually, (on governor "synchronizer") and at no load, while watching the tachometer.On reaching the revolution number indicated on page 600.30 or in "Test Report", the overspeed trip-ping device must function, thus actuating the stop cylinders. The fuel injection pump control rods are now moved to zero index, and the engine stops. 2) If the overspeed divice trip at a revolution number different from that stated on page 600.30 or in the "Test Report" the overspeed device must be adjusted.Fig. 1.Adjustment of Overspeed Trip. 3) Remove both covers on the housing of the overspeed tripping device, see fi g. 1.Turn the adjusting screw outwards (slacken fl y weight spring) to reduce the revolution number. Be careful not to screw the adjusting screw so far out that it may touch the release arm. Tighten the lock screw and test the overspeed device again. 4) Refi t the covers when the overspeed device functions at correct revolution number. 5) The overspeed device can be tested manually by depressing the button on top af the housing,see fi g. 1. This will activate the fl yweight and the arm for release of the air valve for the stop cylinders and the engine should thus stop. (This test must also be carried out without load). 6) It is recommended now and then, while the engine is at a standstill, to move the fl yweight by means of the push button to ensure that the fl y weight can always move with suffi cient ease.Fig. 2. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Adjustment and test of on/off pressostate. (lub. oil,fuel oil, water etc.).Starting position:Functional test and adjustment of safetyalarm and monitoring equipment, 609-01.00Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)609-05.00Edition 02H91.45 - ES0SGeneralSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Screw driver.Testing pump.Ring and open end spanner, 10 mm.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ Adjustment and Test of On/Off PressostateWorking CardPage 1 (2) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneralAdjustment: 1) When the pressostate cover is removed and locking screw pos. 5, fi g. 1 is loosened, the range can be set with the spindle pos. 1 while at the same time the scale pos. 2 is read.91.45 - ES0S609-05.00Edition 02HAdjustment and Test of On/Off PressostateWorking CardPage 2 (2) 1. Range spindle. 2. Range scale. 3. Differential spindle. 4. Differential scale. 5. Locking screw.Fig. 1. 2) In pressostates having an adjustable dif fe ren-ti al, the spindle pos. 3 must be used to make the adjusment. The differential obtained can be read directly on the scale pos. 4.Set points, see page 600.30.Test:It is possible to make a functional test of the pres-sure switch. This is to be carried out according to the following procedure. 3) Shut off system pressure with the valve pos. 3, fi g. 2. 1. Trial fl ange. 2. Drain screw. 3. Valve.Fig. 2. 4) Remove the screw pos. 2. 5) Mount the testing pump on the trial fl ange pos. 1.Alarm for Falling Pressure: 6) Pump up the pressure until the switch has changed. The pressure will slowly be relieved and it must be checked that the switch change back to the pressure stated as the alarm point.Alarm for Rising Pressure: 7) Pump up the pressure until the switch chang-es, and check that it happens at the stated alarm point. 8) After the fi nal check and adjustment, remove the testing pump, mount the screw pos. 2 and open the valve pos. 3. MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Adjustment and test of on/off thermostate. (lub. oil, fuel oil, water etc.).Starting position:Functional test and adjustment of safetyalarm and monitoring equipment, 609-01.00Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)609-05.01Edition 02H96.26 - ES0SL+V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Screw driver.Special testing devices.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / Adjustment and Test of On/Off ThermostateWorking CardPage 1 (2) MAN DieselTest: 3) The funcional test of the thermostate is to be carried out according to the following procedure. 4) Take out the sensor of the pocket. 5) Test the sensor in a water bath, where the temperature can be controlled.Alarm for Falling temperature: 6) Raise the temperature until the switch has changed.Then the temperature must slowly be reduced, and check that the switch changes back at the tem pe ra-ture stated in the list page 600.30.Alarm for Rising temperature: 7) Raise the temperature until the switch chang-es and check that is happens at the stated alarm points. 8) Adjust if necessary. 9) The sensor is mounted again.L+V28/32HAdjustment: 1) When the thermostate cover is removed and locking screw pos. 5, fi g. 1 is loosened, the range can be set with the spindle pos. 1 while at the same time the scale pos. 2 is read.96.26 - ES0S609-05.01Edition 02HAdjustment and Test of On/Off ThermostateWorking CardPage 2 (2) 1. Range spindle. 2. Range scale. 3. Differential spindle. 4. Differential scale. 5. Locking screw.Fig. 1. 2) Thermostates having an adjustable dif fe ren ti al, the spindle pos. 3 can be used while the scale pos. 4 is read.Set points, see page 600.30. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Function and test of level switch, LAL 25, in lubricating oil system.Starting position:Functional test and adjustment of safetyalarm and monitoring equipment, 609-01.00Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)609-05.02Edition 02H91.03 - ES0SGeneralSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / Function and Test of Level Switch (LAL 25)Working CardPage 1 (2) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneralThe level switch LAL 25, which is mounted on the main lubricating oil pipe of the engine, gives alarm for missing prelubricating oil.Function. 1) By starting the prelubricating oil pump the main lubricating oil pipe will be fi lled with lubricating oil, which means that the level switch is lifted and the alarm is disconnected. 2) When the prelubricating is interrupted, the lub. oil will run out of the system through the bearings, which means that level switch is lowered and the alarm starts.Test:The test is carried out when the engine is stop-ped. 3) Start the lubricating oil pump, and let the pump run about 5 min. 4) Stop the prelubricating oil pump. The alarm must be released after 0 - 5 min., depending of the oil viscosity.91.03 - ES0S609-05.02Edition 02HFunction and Test of Level Switch (LAL 25)Working CardPage 2 (2)Level switchMain lubricating oil pipeVent pipeFig. 1. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL28/32HDescriptionPage 3 (4)09.48 - ES0Engine Frame and Bedplate:Holding down bolts - Retightening, see page 600.40 ...... 200Bolts between engine frame and base frame - Retightening, see page 600.40 ....................................... 200For flexible mounted engines - Check anti-vibration mountings ........................................................................ 200Safety cover - Function test .............................................Turbocharger System:Dry cleaning of turbine side .............................................Wet cleaning of turbine side ............................................Water washing of compressor side .................................Cleaning of air filter - Compressor side (see turbo-charger instruction book) .................................................Turbocharger complete - Dismantling, cleaning, inspec-tion etc. (see turbocharger instruction book) ...................Charging air cooler - Cleaning and inspection ................Charging air cooler housing - Draining ............................Exhaust pipe - Compensator ...........................................Compressed Air System:Air starter motor - Dismantling and inspection ................Function test - Main starting valve, starting valve, main valves and emergency start valve ...................................Dirt separator - Dismantling and cleaning .......................Muffler - Dismantling and cleaning ..................................Compressed air system - Draining ..................................Compressed air system - Check of the system ...............Drain of bowl ....................................................................(filter element to be replaced when pressure drop exceeds 0.7 bar)600.25Edition 33HPlanned Maintenance ProgramDescriptionWorking CardNo. ● = Overhaul to be carried out ■ = Check the conditionTime Between Overhaul ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ● ● ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ● ● ● ■ ● 619-03.00611-01.00612-10.00612-15.00612-05.00612-01.00613-01.30613-01.40613-01.90613-01.90613-01.21Check new/Overhauled parts after -hours320002003th monthObservationsWeekly502000800016000MontlyDaily 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Adjustment and test of analogous pressure trans mit ter.Starting position:Functional test and adjustment of safetyalarm and monitoring equipment, 609-01.00Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)609-05.03Edition 02H91.45 - ES0SGeneralSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Ring and open end spanner, 10 mm.Testing pump.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ Adjustment and Test of Analogous Pressure TransmitterWorking CardPage 1 (2) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneralThe pressure transmitter registers the actual pres-sure and marks the change to an electrical signal, which adjusts the pressure.91.45 - ES0S609-05.03Edition 02HAdjustment and Test of Analogous Pressure TransmitterWorking CardPage 2 (2)Adjustment: 1) The pressure transmitter shall not be ad just-ed, but the alarm limit must be set on the alarm plant. Kindly see the instruction book for the alarm plant.Set points, see page 600.30.Test: 2) It is possible to make a functional test of the pressure transmitter. This is carried out according to the following procedure: 3) Shut off system pressure with the valve pos. 3. 4) Remove the screw pos. 2. 5) Mount the testing apparatus on the trial fl ange pos. 1. and pump on a pressure within the working area of the transmitter. If the alarm plant has an instrument unit, the pres-sure can be read on this. Other wise the test can be carried out by watching if the alarm plant gives any alarm, when the alarm limit which is stated on page 600.30 is exceeded (if the alarm plant is adjusted). 6) The screw pos. 2 is mounted, and the valve pos. 3. is opened after the test is fi nished.Fig. 1. 1. Trial fl ange. 2. Drain screw. 3. Valve. MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Adjustment and test of analogous temperature transmitter, (PT 100 sensor).Starting position:Functional test and adjustment of safetyalarm and monitoring equipment, 609-01.00Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)609-05.04Edition 02H96.26 - ES0SL+V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Special testing devices.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./ Working CardPage 1 (2)Adjustment and Test of Analogous Temperature Transmitter MAN DieselL+V28/32H96.26 - ES0S609-05.04Edition 02HWorking CardPage 2 (2)Adjustment and Test ofAnalogous Temperature TransmitterOtherwise the test can be carried out by watching if the alarm plant gives any alarm, when the alarm limit which is stated on page 600.30 is exceeded (if the alarm plant is adjusted). 5) The sensor is mounted again. The PT 100 sensor consist of a resistance wire which changes resistance depending on the tem-pe ra ture.Look and design varify depending on the place of measurement and manufacture.Adjustment: 1) The PT 100 sensor connot be adjusted, but the alarm limit must be set on the alarm plant.Set point, see page 600.30.Test: 2) The functional trial of the PT 100 sensor can be carried out according to the following procedure. 3) Take out the sensor of the pocket. 4) Test the sensor by diving the sensor in the water. Compare the signal from the sensor with the water temperature.If the alarm plant has an instrument unit, the tem pe-ra ture can be read on this.Fig. 1. MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut off starting air Shut off cooling water Shut off fuel oil Shut off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Adjustment of lambda controller.Starting position:Related procedure:Manpower:Working time : 1 hourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)609-10.00Edition 16HL28/32HLambda ControllerWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools: Plate no Item no Note Hand tools:Allen key.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no Item no Qty /10.23 - ES0 MAN DieselWorking CardPage 2 (2)L28/32H10.23 - ES0Lambda Controller609-10.00Edition 16H1. Compressed air from overspeed device2. Lambda cylinder3. Charge air pressure4. Piston of the lambda cylinder5. Regulating arm6. Adjustment screw 352146Fig 3. 2. Turn the lever (fig 2) of the governor a few times to full load with an adjustable spanner (spring between governor and fuel rack full com-pressed). Check that the fuel index is 24 mm at the fuel pump.Note: Be sure that the fuel index is 24 mm at the fuel pump when the engine is started. 3. In case of large deviation from index 24 ad-justment is done by turning the regulating arm (5), fig 3. Finally adjustment is done at the adjustment screw (6), fig 3. 4. Adjustment completed.Adjustment of the stop screw 5. Remove pipe for charge air pressure, see fig 3. 6. Supply air pressure until the piston rod reaches its upper position. 7. Adjust the stop screw, see fig 2, to 110% load according to the test bed, plus 1.5 index.Use the index arm on the fuel pump nearest to the lambda controller as control for the index. 8. Adjustment finished.Adjustment of the Lamda ControllerAll adjustments are made when the engine is in standstill position. 1. Check that the free space between the pick-up and the band steel on the regulating arm is min. 1 mm, see fig 1.Fig 2.Fig 1. MAN DieselL28/32HGovernor and Governor DrivePlatePage 1 (2)06.33 - ES060901-13H 19+2022210203040506070810111213141523242526292716171830For actuator,see specialinstruction book MAN Diesel06.33 - ES0Plug screwGasketNutStudO-ringCastle nutSplit pinActuatorScrewShim (set 0,1 -0,3 - 0,5 - 1,0 mm)DiscBall bearingBevel gear wheelKeyCastle nutSplit pinHousingStudPinPlugPlugAxle journalBushBevel gear wheelGear wheelDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationGovernor and Governor DrivePlatePage 2 (2)L28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.60901-13HPropskruePakningMøtrikTapO-ringKronemøtrikSplit AktuatorSkrueMellemlæg (sæt 0,1 -0,3 - 0,5 - 1,0 mm)SkiveKuglelejeKonisk tandhjulFederKronemøtrikSplitHusTapStiftPropPropAkseltapBøsningKonisk tandhjulTandhjul1/E1/E4/E2/E1/E1/E1/E1/E4/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E2/E2/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E0203040506070810111213141516171819+2021222324252627When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorWear discKey+ Item No. 19 require an individual match-ing (by shims) before mounting, contact, MAN B&W, HolebySlidskiveFeder+ Item nr. 19 kræver en individual tilpasning (med shims) før monte-ring, kontakt MAN B&W, Holeby.1/E1/E2930 MAN DieselL28/32HGovernor and Governor DrivePlatePage 1 (2)06.33 - ES060901-14H 19+20222102030405060708011009111213141523242526292716171830For governor,see specialinstruction book MAN Diesel06.33 - ES0SynchronnizingmotorPlug screwGasketNutStudO-ringCastle nutSplit pinShut downsolenoidGovernor - incl. item 01, 09 and 12ScrewShim (set 0,1 -0,3 - 0,5 - 1,0 mm)DiscBall bearingBevel gear wheelKeyCastle nutSplit pinHousingStudPinPlugPlugAxle journalBushBevel gear wheelGear wheelDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationGovernor and Governor DrivePlatePage 2 (2)L28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.29301/E1/EWear discKey+ Item No. 19 require an individual match-ing (by shims) before mounting, contact, MAN B&W, HolebySlidskiveFeder+ Item nr. 19 kræver en individual tilpasning (med shims) før monte-ring, kontakt MAN B&W, Holeby.60901-14HSynchroniserings-motorPropskruePakningMøtrikTapO-ringKronemøtrikSplitShut-downspoleRegulator - inkl. item 01, 09 og 12SkrueMellemlæg (sæt 0,1 -0,3 - 0,5 - 1,0 mm)SkiveKuglelejeKonisk tandhjulFederKronemøtrikSplitHusTapStiftPropPropAkseltapBøsningKonisk tandhjulTandhjul1/E1/E1/E4/E2/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E4/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E2/E2/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E01020304050607080910111213141516171819+2021222324252627When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel09.48 - ES0Planned Maintenance ProgramDescriptionPage 4 (4)Fuel Oil System and Injection Equipment:Fuel oil filter - Dismantling and cleaning ..........................Fuel oil feed pump ...........................................................Fuel oil injection pump - Dismantling and cleaning .........Fuel injection valve - Adjustment of opening pressure .... 200Fuel oil high-pressure pipe - Dismantling and check .......Adjustment of the maximum combustion pressure ..........Fuel oil system - Check the system .................................Nozzle cooling system - Check the system .....................Fuel oil - Oil samples after every bunkering, see sec.604 Lubricating Oil System:Lubricating oil pump - Engine driven ...............................Lubricating oil filter - Cleaning and exhange ...................Lubricating oil cooler .......................................................Prelubricating pump - El. driven ......................................Thermostatic valve ..........................................................Centrifugal filter - Cleaning and exhange of paper ..........Lubricating oil - Oil samples, see section 604 .................Lubricating oil system - Check the system ......................Cooling Water System:Cooling water pump - Engine driven (sea water and fresh water)......................................................................Thermostatic valve ..........................................................Cooling water system - Check the system ......................Cooling water system - Water samples, see sec. 604 ..... ● ● ● ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ● ● ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■614-01.15614-10.00614-01.05614-01.10614-01.05614-05.01614-01.90614-01.90615-01.00615-01.10615-06.00615-01.05615-01.20615-15.00615-01.90616-01.90600.25Edition 33HL28/32HDescriptionWorking CardNo. ● = Overhaul to be carried out ■ = Check the conditionTime Between OverhaulCheck new/Overhauled parts after -hours320002003th monthObservationsWeekly502000800016000MontlyDaily MAN DieselL28/32HGovernor and Governor DrivePlatePage 1 (2)06.47 - ES060901-15H19+202221020304050607081213141523242526292716171830For governor,see specialinstruction book10091131 MAN Diesel06.47 - ES0Plug screwGasketNutStudO-ringCastle nutSplit pinSynchronizing motorGovernor, Europa(720/750 rpm)ScrewShim (set 0,1 -0,3 - 0,5 - 1,0 mm)DiscBall bearingBevel gear wheelKeyCastle nutSplit pinHousingStudPinPlugPlugAxle journalBushBevel gear wheelGear wheelWear discDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationGovernor and Governor DrivePlatePage 2 (2)L28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.30311/E1/EKeyShutdown solenoid+ Item No. 19 require an individual match-ing (by shims) before mounting, contact, MAN Diesel A/S.FederShutdown spole+ Item nr. 19 kræver en individual tilpasning (med shims) før mon-tering, kontakt MAN Diesel A/S.60901-15HPropskruePakningMøtrikTapO-ringKronemøtrikSplitSynkroniseringsmotorRegulator, Europa(720/750 rpm)SkrueMellemlæg (sæt 0,1 -0,3 - 0,5 - 1,0 mm)SkiveKuglelejeKonisk tandhjulFederKronemøtrikSplitHusTapStiftPropPropAkseltapBøsningKonisk tandhjulTandhjulSlidskive1/E1/E4/E2/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E4/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E2/E2/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E020304050607080910111213141516171819+202122232425262729When ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor MAN DieselL28/32HRegulation Mechanism 60902-18HPlatePage 1 (3)06.35 - ES0191817Governor Plate 60901201817190102040305060708021309111210262527282425212223575859605563616256, 92, 93, 94, 9515, 7016131448495250535154646566676968 MAN DieselSplitTrækstangshovedTrækstangsendeCylindrisk stiftFjederhusPinolskrueFjederTrækstangCylindrisk stiftStyreringStyreringMøtrikLåseblikFjederbelastet træk-stang, kompletRegulator arm,WoodwardSkrueSplitSelvlåsende møtrikSkrue for kuglehovedArmFjederstiftLåseblikSkrueLejehusinkl. item 25BøsningSkrueSkive06.35 - ES0Split pinPull rod headPull rod endCylindrical pinSpring housingPointed screwSpringPull rodCylindrical pinGuide ringGuide ringNutLocking plateSpring loaded pullrod, completeGovernor arm,WoodwardScrewSplit pinSelf locking nutScrew for ball headArmSpring pinLocking plateScrewBearing housingincl. item 25BushScrewWasherDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationRegulation MechanismPlatePage 2 (3)60902-18HL28/32H0102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526271/R2/R1/R1/R1/R1/R1/R1/R1/R1/R1/R1/R2/R1/R1/R1/R2/R2/R2/R1/R1/R1/R1/R1/R2/R2/R2/R Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.28484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697092932/R 1/C1/C1/C1/C3/C1/C1/C1/C1/E1/C1/C1/C1/C2/C2/C2/C1/E1/E2/E2/E1/E2/E1/E1/E1/ESpring pinLinkagePinSpringSpring armSpring pinArm holderScrewSpring loadedlever, completeRegulating shaft5 cyl. engineSplit pinPin BushBearing bracketincl. item 59ScrewWasherSpring pinStop ringScrewScrewScrewBracketNutGovernor arm,EuropaRegulting shaft6 cyl. engineRegulating shaft7 cyl. engineFjederstiftLænkeledStiftFjederFjederarmFjederstiftArmholderSkrueFjederbelastetarm, kompletReguleringsaksel5 cyl. motorSplitStiftBøsningLejeblikinkl. item 59SkrueSkiveFjederstiftStopringSkrueSkrueSkrueKonsolMøtrikRegulator arm,EuropaReguleringsaksel6 cyl. motorReguleringsaksel7 cyl. motorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty./CylinderQty./R = Qty./Regulation mechanismVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/CylinderAntal/R = Antal/Reguleringsmekanisme MAN DieselReguleringsaksel8 cyl. motorReguleringsaksel9 cyl. motorRegulating shaft8 cyl. engineRegulating shaft9 cyl. engineDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation94951/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty./CylinderQty./R = Qty./Regulation mechanismVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/CylinderAntal/R = Antal/ReguleringsmekanismeL28/32HRegulation Mechanism 60902-18HPlatePage 3 (3)06.35 - ES0 MAN Diesel & Turbo01020304050607091011121320143031333234353641424344474538403926274617160821222324253715181948L+V28/32HOverspeed Device 60903-38HPlatePage 1 (2)11.02 - ES0 MAN Diesel & TurboMuffeKnapFjederstiftFjederSkrueSkrueDækselSpindelFjederstiftCylindrisk stiftArmSkrueHus for svingvægtJusteringsskrueFjederSikringsringSvingvægtNotKuglelejeHusDækselSkiveSkrueStiftArmMøtrikPakningSpindelFjeder11.02 - ES0SocketButtonSpring pinSpringScrewScrewCoverSpindleSpring pinCylindrical pinLeverScrewFlyweight housingAdjusting screwSpringCirclipFlyweightKeyBall bearingHousingCoverWasherScrewPinLeverNutGasketSpindleSpringDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationOverspeed DevicePlatePage 2 (2)60903-38HL+V28/32H01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262730311/E1/E1/E1/E4/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E4/E4/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor32333435363738394041424344454647481/E1/E1/E1/E1/E2/E2/E1/E1/E1/E1/E4/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/EButtonNippleSpindleSpring (left)SpindleWasherScrewBall bearingElastic couplingSpring (right)Valve attachmentScrewPneumatic valveSilencerOverspeed device,complete excl. item 27, 37, 38, 44Spare parts kit foritem 44Limit switch (optinal)KnapNippelSpindelFjeder (venstre)SpindelSkiveSkrueKuglelejeElastisk koblingFjeder (højre)VentilholderSkruePneumatisk ventilLyddæmperOverspeed anordning,komplet eksl. item 27, 37, 38, 44Reservedelskit for item 44Afbryder (option) MAN DieselL28/32HInstrument PanelPlatePage 1 (2)06.35 - ES0S60905-20H04 04 03PI 01 LT fresh water, inlet to air coolerPI 10 HT fresh water, inlet enginePI 21/22 Lubricating oil, inlet/outlet to fi lterPI 23 Lub. oil, inlet to turbochargerPI 31 Charge air, outlet from coolerPI 40 Fuel oil, inlet to enginePI 50 Nozz. cool. oil, inlet to fuel valves010429051912300611 180202A04033333A160910070824-2614252005130628 15 MAN DieselDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation1/E1/E1/E2/E4/E8/E1/E3/E2/E1/E2/E1/E1/E4/E2/E1/E8/E2/E2/E3/E8/E4/E8/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.Housing for instru-ment panelBracket for instrument panel , L23/30HBracket for instrunent panel, L28/32HPressure gauge 0-3 bar (PI 31 and PI 23)Pressure gauge 0-6 bar, PI 01, PI 10, PI 50, PI 21-22Needle valve3-way valve for PI 21-22Pressure gauge hose 195 mmPressure gauge hose 140 mmPressure gauge hose 300 mmPressure gauge hose 340 mmDamper(charging air)Damper (fuel oil)Rubber clutchUnionScrewed connectionPacking ringUnionUnionScrewNutSerrated washerWasher010202A0304050607080910111213141516181920242526When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorInstrument Panel60905-20HPlatePage 2 (2)Hus for instrument pa-nelKonsol for instrument panel, L23/30HKonsol for instrument panel, L28/32HManometer 0-3 bar (PI 31 og PI 23)Manometer 0-6 bar, PI 01, PI 10, PI 50, PI 21-22Nåleventil3-vejsventil for PI 21-22Manometer slange195 mmManometer slange 140 mmManometer slange 300 mmManometer slange 340 mmDæmper(ladeluft)Dæmper (fuel oil)GummikoblingForskruningSkrue forbindelsePakningsringForskruningForskruningSkrueMøtrikStjerneskrueSkive2829303333A1/E1/E4/E1/E1/EWasherPressure gauge 0-10 bar, PI 40Packing ringInstrument panel, complete, L23/30HInstrument panel, complete, L28/32HSkiveManometer 0-10 bar, PI 40PakningsringInstrument panel, kom-plet, L23/30HInstrument panel, kom-plet, L28/32HL28/32H06.35 - ES0S MAN DieselPI 01 LT fresh water, inlet to air coolerPI 10 HT fresh water, inlet enginePI 21/22 Lubricating oil, inlet/outlet to fi lterPI 23 Lub. oil, inlet to turbochargerPI 31 Charge air, outlet from coolerPI 40 Fuel oil, inlet to enginePI 50 Nozz. cool. oil, inlet to fuel valvesInstrument PanelPlatePage 1 (2)60905-27HL28/32H94.28 - ES0S MAN Diesel & TurboNormal Value at Full load at ISO conditionsAlarm Set point Autostop of engineAcceptable value at shop test or after repairOperation Data & Set PointsL28/32H11.33 - ES1DescriptionPage 1 (2)90° C100° C75° C85° C3 bar3.5 bar1.5 barlevel switchlow/high level95° C1.5 bar4 barleakage1.5 bar (B)95° C (B)0.4 bar + (C)0.4 bar + (C)90° C93° C550° C600° C410° Caverage (F) ±50° C500° C65° C 7 barLubricating Oil SystemTemp. before cooler SAE 30(outlet engine) SAE 40Temp. after cooler SAE 30(inlet engine) SAE 40Pressure after filter (inlet eng)Elevated pressure i.g. whencentrifugal filter installedPressure drop across filterPrelubricating pressurePressure inlet turbochargerLub. oil, level in base frameTemp. main bearingsFuel Oil SystemPressure after filter MDO HFOLeaking oilPress. nozz. cool. oil, inlet eng.Temp. nozz. cool. oil, outlet eng.Cooling Water SystemPress. LT-system, inlet enginePress. HT-system, inlet engineTemp. HT-system, inlet engineTemp. HT-system, outl. cyl.unitsTemp. HT-system, outlet engineTemp. raise across cyl. unitsExhaust Gas and Charge AirExh. gas temp. before TCExh. gas temp. outlet cyl.Diff. between individual cyl.Exh. gas temp. after TCCh. air press. after coolerCh. air temp. after coolerCompressed Air SystemPress. inlet engineTI 20TI 20TI 22TI 22PI 22PI 22PDAH 21-22PI 23TE 29PI 40PI 40PI 50TI 51PI 01PI 10TI 10TI 11TI 62TI 60TI 61PI 31TI 31 PI 7060-75° C65-82° C45-65° C50-72° C3.5-4 bar4-5 bar0.5-1 bar1.5 ±0.2 bar75-85° C2.5-5 bar5-16 bar (A)2-3 bar80-90° C1-2.5 bar (D)1.5-4.6 bar60-75° C70-85° Cmax. 10° C425-475° C270-380° C275-350° C2-2.5 bar35-55° C 7-9 barTAH 20TAH 20TAH 22TAH 22PAL 22PAL 22PDAH 21-22LAL 25LAL 28/LAH 28TAH 29PAL 40PAL 40LAH 42PAL 50PAL 01PAL 10TAH 12TAH 12-2TAH 62TAH 62-2TAH 60TAD 60TAH 61TAH 31 PAL 70TSH 22TSH 22PSL 22PSL 22TSH 1285° C95° C2.5 bar3.0 bar95° CSpecific plants will not comprise alarm equipment and autostop for all parameters listed above. For specific plants additional parameters can be included. For remarks to some parameters, see overleaf.10° C change in ambient temperature correspond to approx. 15° C exhaust gas temperature change<75° C<82° C<65° C<72° C>4.0 bar>4.5 bar<0.5 bar>1.5 bar<85° C>1.3 bar>1.8-<6 bar<85° Caverage±25° C<55° C>7.5-<9 bar600.30Edition 50H MAN DieselInstrument Panel60905-27HDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelse1/E1/E4/E8/E8/E2/E4/E1/E7/E1/E1/E1/E1/E2/E2/E2/E2/E1/E7/E2/E1/E2/EHousing for instru-ment panelBracket for instru-ment panelRubber clutchNutSpring lockPressure gauge0-3 bar(PI 31 and PI 23)Pressure gauge0-6 bar(PI 01, PI 10, PI 50,PI 21-22)Pressure gauge0-10 bar (PI 40)Needle valve3-way valve forPI 21-22WasherPipeAngle unionStraight unionPressure gauge hose 195 mmPressure gauge hose 140 mmPressure gauge hose 300 mmPressure gauge hose 340 mmPacking ringReductionDamper (fuel oil)Coupling for mano-meter01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122Hus for instrument-panelKonsol for instrument-panelGummikoblingMøtrikFjederskiveManometer0-3 bar(PI 31 og PI 23)Manometer0-3 bar(PI 01, PI 10, PI 50,PI 21-22)Manometer0-10 bar (PI 40)Nåleventil3-vejsventil forPI 21-22SkiveRørVinkelforskruningLigeforskruningManometer slange195 mmManometer slange 140 mmManometer slange 300 mmManometer slange 340 mmPakningsringReduktionDæmper (fuel oil)Kobling for manometer23434445464748491/E4/E4/E2/E2/E8/E1/E1/EDamper (charging air)ScrewSerrated lock washerScrewSerrated lock washerScrewSide plateInstrument panel,completeDæmper (ladeluft)SkrueStjernefjederskiveSkrueStjernefjederskiveSkrueSidepladeInstrument panel,kompletItem NoQty.DesignationQty.Item NoWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorL28/32HPlatePage 2 (2)94.28 - ES0S MAN DieselPI 01 LT fresh water, inlet to air coolerPI 10 HT fresh water, inlet enginePI 21/22 Lubricating oil, inlet/outlet to fi lterPI 23 Lub. oil, inlet to turbochargerPI 31 Charge air, outlet from coolerPI 40 Fuel oil, inlet to enginePI 50 Nozz. cool. oil, inlet to fuel valvesInstrument PanelPlatePage 1 (2)60905-32HL28/32H95.20 - ES0S022023220309101113070707060806202122070104-0515161718484719491443-44-451214 MAN DieselInstrument Panel60905-32HDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelse1/E1/E4/E8/E8/E2/E4/E1/E7/E1/E1/E1/E1/E2/E2/E2/E2/E1/E7/E2/E1/E2/EHousing for instru-ment panelBracket for instru-ment panelRubber clutchNutSpring lockPressure gauge0-3 bar(PI 31 and PI 23)Pressure gauge0-6 bar(PI 01, PI 10, PI 50,PI 21-22)Pressure gauge0-10 bar (PI 40)Needle valve3-way valve forPI 21-22WasherPipeAngle unionStraight unionPressure gauge hose 195 mmPressure gauge hose 140 mmPressure gauge hose 300 mmPressure gauge hose 340 mmPacking ringReductionDamper (fuel oil)Coupling for mano-meter01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122Hus for instrument-panelKonsol for instrument-panelGummikoblingMøtrikFjederskiveManometer0-3 bar(PI 31 og PI 23)Manometer0-3 bar(PI 01, PI 10, PI 50,PI 21-22)Manometer0-10 bar (PI 40)Nåleventil3-vejsventil forPI 21-22SkiveRørVinkelforskruningLigeforskruningManometer slange195 mmManometer slange 140 mmManometer slange 300 mmManometer slange 340 mmPakningsringReduktionDæmper (fuel oil)Kobling for manometer234344454748491/E4/E4/E4/E8/E1/E1/EDamper (charging air)ScrewLock washerNutScrewSide plateInstrument panel,completeDæmper (ladeluft)SkrueLåseskiveMøtrikSkrueSidepladeInstrument panel,kompletItem NoQty.DesignationQty.Item NoWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorL28/32HPlatePage 2 (2)95.20 - ES0S MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (3)04.11 - ES0Thermometer60907-19HL28/32HFig.ScaleLengthCodeItemNo°F°CL1L40-24040-24040-60040-40040-2200-1200-1200-3000-2000-1201101101501101101006310040100TI 01TI 02TI 31TI 22TI 20TI 30TI 40TI 51TI 03TI 10TI 110102030405LL1LL1 MAN DieselThermometerFig.ScaleLengthCodeItemNo.°F°CL1L100-1300100-130050-65050-650115115215215TI 60TI 610607080960907-19HPlatePage 2 (3)LL1L1°C°FPocketPocket04.11 - ES0°C°FL28/32H10065 MAN DieselPlatePage 3 (3)04.11 - ES0Thermometer60907-19HL28/32HFig.ScaleLengthCodeItemNo.°F°CL1L120-1200Thermo-meterFeelerNiCr-NiPocket120-1200120-1200FeelerNiCr-NiThermo-meterPocket50-65050-65050-650140165190215100115115200TI 61TI 62TI 60TI 60101112131415161718 MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)99.33 - ES0S60907-02HGeneralPressostate, ThermostateDifference Pressostate and Pressure TransmitterFig. and Description RangeCodeItem No.L0-8 bar6-18 bar10-35 bar1-10 bar20-60°C50-100°C70-120°C0.2-2.5 barPSL 22PAL 10PAL 22PAL 70PAL 24PAL 40TAL 10TAH 12TSH 12TAH 20TSH 22TSH 12PDAH 21-2201020304050607080910111213Pressostate2 m5 m2 m5 m8 m2 m5 m8 mThermostateLDifference Pressostate MAN Diesel141516171819202526Pressostate, ThermostateDifference Pressostate and Pressure TransmitterFig. and Description RangeCodeItem No.L0-2.5 bar0-4 bar0-6 bar0-10 bar0-16 bar0-40 bar0-400 barPT 31PT 10PT 22PT 40PT 7060907-02HGeneralPlatePage 2 (2)99.33 - ES0SPressure TransmitterNeedle ValveNeedle Valve with 3/8" pipe threadNeedle valve with 1/2" pipe thread 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel07.11 - ES0L+V28/32HPrelubricating Oil Alarm (LAL 25) 60919-01HPlatePage 1 (2)Switch point01020403 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.010203041/E1/E1/E1/EPlug screwPacking ringLoctite 577Level switchPropskruePakningsringLoctite 577NiveauafbryderWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorL+V28/32H07.11 - ES0Prelubricating Oil Alarm (LAL 25)60919-01HPlatePage 2 (2) MAN DieselIndex GenSetL28-2Text Index Drawing No.Quality requirem. for lube oil (SAE30) for operation with gas oil, diesel oil (MGO/MDO) and biofuel Description 604.01 (26H) Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil Description 604.03 (11H) Criteria for cleaning/exchange of lubricating oil Description 604.04 (17H) Lubricating points Description 604.05 (01H) Lubricating points Description 604.05 (02H) Lubricating oil in base frame Description 604.06 (16H) Specific lube oil consumption - SLOC Description 604.07 (02H) Heavy fuel oil (HFO) specification Description 3.3.3-01 Diesel oil (MDO) specification Description 3.3.2-01 Gas oil / diesel oil (MGO) specification Description 3.3.1-01 Bio fuel specification Description 3.3.1-02 Viscosity-temperature diagram (VT diagram) Description 3.3.4-01 Fuel oil cleaning Description 604.30 (01H) Engine cooling water specifications Description 3.3.7-01 Cooling water inspecting Description 000.07-01 Cooling water system cleaning Description 000.08-01 Water specification for fuel-water emulsions Description 3.3.10-01 Specifications for intake air (combustion air) Description 3.3.11-01 Cylinder head 505/605Cylinder head Description 605.01 (14H) Dismantling of cylinder head Working card 605-01.00 (01H) Inspection of inlet valve, exhaust valve and valve guide Working card 605-01.05 (06H) Reconditioning of valve spindle seat and valve seat ring Working card 605-01.10 (01H) Valve rotator Working card 605-01.15 (01H) Replacement of valve guide Working card 605-01.20 (05H) Safety valve Working card 605-01.25 (04H) Indicator valve Working card 605-01.26 (02H) Replacement of sleeve for fuel injector Working card 605-01.30 (04H) Replacement of valve seat ring Working card 605-01.35 (06H) Mounting of cylinder head Working card 605-01.40 (06H) Inspection of cylinder head cooling water space Working card 605-01.45 (01H) Cylinder head Plate 60501-19H Valve spindles and valve gear Plate 60502-31H Safety valve and indicator valve Plate 60508-11H Cylinder head, top cover Plate 60510-12H Piston/connecting rod 506/606Piston, connecting rod and cylinder liner Description 606.01 (10H) Dismounting of piston and connecting rod Working card 606-01.00 (01H) Separation of piston and connecting rod Working card 606-01.05 (03H) Piston Working card 606-01.10 (09H) Connecting rod Working card 606-01.15 (04H) Criteria for replacement of connecting rod big-end and main bearing shells Working card 606-01.16 (02H) Mounting of piston and connecting rod Working card 606-01.20 (01H) Hydraulic tightening of connecting rod screws Working card 606-01.25 (04H) In-situ inspection of connecting rod big-end bearing Working card 606-01.30 (01H) Inspection and honing of cylinder liner Working card 606-01.35 (08H) Replacement of cylinder liner Working card 606-01.40 (01H) Grinding of seal face on cylinder liner and cylinder head Working card 606-01.45 (01H) Dismounting of piston and cylinder liner at low overhaul heights Working card 606-01.50 (01H) Piston and connecting rod (hydraulic tightened) Plate 60601-34H Cylinder liner Plate 60610-09H MAN Diesel & TurboOperation Data & Set PointsRemarks to individual ParametersA. Fuel Oil Pressure, HFO-operation.When operating on HFO, the system pressure must be sufficient to depress any tendency to gasification of the hot fuel.The system pressure has to be adjusted according to the fuel oil preheating temperature.B. Nozzle Cooling Oil SystemThe nozzle cooling oil system is only applied for Tier II marine and stationary engines.C. Cooling Water Pressure, Alarm Set Points.As the system pressure in case of pump failure will depend on the height of the expansion tank above the engine, the alarm set point has to be adjusted to 0.4 bar plus the static pressure.D. Press. LT -system, inlet engine (PI 01)With two-string cooling water system the normal value can be higher, max. 4.0 bar.L28/32HE. Limits for Turbocharger Overspeed Alarm(SAH 89)11.33 - ES1DescriptoinPage 2 (2)Engine type 720 rpm 750 rpm5L28/32H 42,680 42,6806L28/32H 42,680 42,6807L28/32H 34,900 34,9008L28/32H 34,900 34,9009L28/32H 36,180 36,180Alarm Set point Autostop of engineAcceptable value at shop test or after repair820 rpm855 rpmSpeed Control SystemEngine speedGenSets for 60 HzMechanicalElec.GenSets for 50 HzMechanicalElec.Turbocharger speedSI 90SI 90SI 89720 rpm750 rpm(G)SAH 81SAH 81SAH 89815 rpm850 rpm(E)SSH 81SSH 81SSH 81SSH 81825 rpm815 rpm860 rpm850 rpmF. Exhaust Gas TemperaturesThe exhaust gas temperature deviation alarm is normally ±50° C with a delay of 1 min., but at start-up the delay is 5 min. Furthermore the deviation limit is ±100° C if the average temperature is below 200° C.G. Turbocharger SpeedNormal value at full load of the turbocharger is de-pendent on engine type (cyl. no) and engine rpm. The value given is just a guide line. Actual values can be found in the acceptance test protocol.Normal Value at Full load at ISO conditions600.30Edition 50H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)Level Switch in Oil Sump (LAL/LAH 28)60920-01HL28/32H07.12 - ES0090506160801151308151307MIN MAX0410040203 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.010203040506070809101315161/E1/E1/E4/E4/E1/E1/E2/E2/E1/E2/E/I1/ELevel alarmFlangePackingScrewNutPipe, LALPipe, LAHLevel switchReduction adaptorDipstick completeReduction adaptorLoctite 577O-ringNiveaualarmFlangePakningSkrueMøtrikRør, LALRør, LAHNiveaukontaktReduktionsadapterPejlestok kompletReduktionsadapterLoctite 577O-ringWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorL28/32H07.12 - ES0Level Switch in Oil Sump (LAL/LAH 28)60920-01HPlatePage 2 (2) MAN Diesel07.45 - ES0Local Starting Box - No 160935-13HL+V28/32HPlatePage 1 (2) MAN DieselLocal Starting Box - No 1PlatePage 2 (2)60935-13HL+V28/32H017029Item No.BenævnelsePanelStartboksDesignationPanelStarting boxQty.1/E1/EItem No.DesignationQty. BenævnelseVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty./E = Qty./MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. Qty./E = Qty./Enigne.07.45 - ES0 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel07.45 - ES0 - TCR laderLocal Starting Box - No 160935-16HL28/32HPlatePage 1 (2)STARTENGINE RPMTC RPMBLOCKINGLOCALSTOPREMOTEOVERSPEED6003000072075040000900500006000012002000030010000140TCENG.00RPM029017 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselLocal Starting Box - No 1PlatePage 2 (2)60935-16HL28/32H017029Item No.BenævnelsePanelStartboksDesignationPanelStarting boxQty.1/E1/EItem No.DesignationQty. BenævnelseVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty./E = Qty./MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. Qty./E = Qty./Enigne.07.45 - ES0 - TCR lader MAN Diesel07.45 - ES0Local Starting Box - No 260935-14HL+V28/32HPlatePage 1 (2) MAN DieselLocal Starting Box - No 2PlatePage 2 (2)60935-14HL+V28/32H017029Item No.BenævnelsePanelStartboksDesignationPanelStarting boxQty.1/E1/EItem No.DesignationQty. BenævnelseVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty./E = Qty./MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. Qty./E = Qty./Enigne.07.45 - ES0 MAN Diesel07.45 - ES0Local Starting Box - No 2 (incl. high lub. oil temp.)60935-15HL+V28/32HPlatePage 1 (2) MAN DieselLocal Starting Box - No 2 (incl. high lub. oil temp.)PlatePage 2 (2)60935-15HL+V28/32H017029Item No.BenævnelsePanelStartboksDesignationPanelStarting boxQty.1/E1/EItem No.DesignationQty. BenævnelseVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty./E = Qty./MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. Qty./E = Qty./Enigne.07.45 - ES0 MAN Diesel & Turbo"Green Passport"DescriptionPage 1 (1)General11.08 - ES0600.33Edition 02HIn 2009 IMO adopted the „Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009“Until this convention enters into force the recommen-datory guidelines “Resolution A.962(23)” (adopted 2003) apply. This resolution has been implemented by some classification societies as “Green Passport”.MAN Diesel & Turbo is able to provide a list of ha-zardous materials complying with the requirements of the IMO Convention. This list is accepted by classification societies as a material declaration for “Green Passport”.This material declaration can be provided on request. MAN Diesel & TurboPlatePage 1 (2)10.51 - ES0Engine Control Box 60936-08HGeneral-F3.0-F3.0.1Allen-Bradley-K6.6-K7.0-K8.0-K9.0 -K9.601234675 911108 12141513DC INPUTSDC/RELAY OUT81011957643210ISOLATED RELAYAC/DC OUT01234675ISOLATED RELAYAC/DC OUT01234675OKINPUTANALOGOKOUTPUTANALOGGNDGNDGND000GNDGNDGND41 42 43 4411 12 13 14-K9.2EXTERT70BeijerELECTRONICS536585345345727 715 703333644274561095573656404394416548142 MAN Diesel & TurboEngine Control BoxPlatePage 2 (2)60936-08HGeneral095142274333345394404416536548561573585644656668703715727Item noBenævnelseSikkerhedssystem,Base unitJordklemmeEndestopAnalogoutputmodulDigitaloutputmodulSikringsklemmeEndepladeSikringPanelKlemme, dobbeltEndepladeProcessor unit (CPU)EndestykkeAnaloginputmodulKonverterKabelKabelforskruningKabelforskruningKabelforskruningDesignationSafety system,Base unitTerminal, earthEnd stopAnalogoutput moduleDigitaloutput moduleFuse terminalEnd plateFusePanelTerminal doubleEnd plateProcessor unit (CPU)End capAnaloginput moduleConverterCableCable unionCable unionCable unionQty1/E1/E3/E1/E2/E2/E1/E4/E1/E50/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E8/E3/E2/EVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 500.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty/E = Qty/MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 500.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. Qty/E = Qty/Engine10.51 - ES0Item noBenævnelseDesignationQty 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)07.45 - ES0Terminal Box 60936-07HL28/32H( )4P1SSH 81SAH 81UX 95F1/1F1/23K93K33K24K25K64K34K54K6X:2X:14K75K45K94K4536490500477489453465274656597632607619620225394416681693274644668250 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselTerminal BoxPlatePage 2 (2)60936-07HL28/32H225250274394416453465477489490500536597607619620632644656668681693Item noBenævnelseLedningskanalLedningskanalEndestopSikringsklemmeSikring 2AKabelunion M16Møtrik M16Kabelunion M20Møtrik M20Kabelunion M25Møtrik M25PanelSpeed converter,motor 720 omdrTimerHjælperelæSokkelSpeed converter,motor 750 omdrKlemmeKlemmeDiode klemmeKabelunion M32Møtrik M32DesignationConduitConduitEnd stopFuse terminalFuse 2ACable union M16Nut M16Cable union M20Nut M20Cable union M25Nut M25PanelSpeed converter,engine 720 rpmTimerAux. relaySocketSpeed converter,engine 750 rpmTerminalTerminalDiode terminalCable union M32Nut M32Qty1/E1/E4/E2/E2/E2/E2/E2/E2/E2/E2/E1/E1/E1/E11/E11/E1/E12/E54/E2/E3/E3/EVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty/E = Qty/MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. Qty/E = Qty/Engine07.45 - ES0Item noBenævnelseDesignationQty 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)07.37 - ES0Converter 60956-01GeneralADAMDATA +DATA -TX +TX -RX +RX -(R) +Vs(B) GND 10(RS 485)(RS 422)ADAM-4520RS-232 TO RS-422/RS-485CONVERTER(RS-232)021033045 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselConverterPlatePage 2 (2)60956-01General021033045Item noBenævnelseConverterKabel, længde 1.8 mKabel, længde 10 mDesignationCoverterCable, length 1.8 mCable, length 10 mQty1/E1/E1/EVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty/E = Qty/MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. Qty/E = Qty/Engine07.37 - ES0Item noBenævnelseDesignationQty Crankshaft 510/610 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Crankshaft and Main Bearings610.01Edition 12HCrankshaftThe crankshaft, which is a one-piece forging with ground main bearing and crankpin journals, is sus-pended in inderslung bearings. The main bearings are equipped with insertion-type shells, which are coated with a wearing surface. To attain a suitable bearing pressure the crankshaft is provided with counterweights, which are attached to the crank-shaft by means of dovetail joints and secured with a centrally placed screw.At the fl ywheel end the crankshaft is fi tted with a gear wheel which through an intermediate wheel drives the camshaft. Also fi tted here is the fl ywheel and a coupling fl ange for connection of a reduction gear or a alternator. At the opposite end there is a claw-type coupling for the lub. oil pump or a fl exible gear wheel connection for lub. oil and water pumps.91.45 - ES0UL/V28/32HVibration DamperIn special cases a vibration damper is mounted on the crankshaft to limit torsional vibrations. The damper consists essentially of a heavy fl ywheel totally en-closed in a light casing. A small clearance is allowed between the casing and the fl ywheel, and this space is fi lled with a highly viscous fl uid. The casing is rigidly connected to the front end of the engine crankshaft and the only connection between the crankshaft and the damper fl ywheel is through the fl uid. Under conditions of no vibration, the casing and damper fl ywheel tend to rotate as one unit, since the force required to shear the viscous fi lm is consi-derable. As the torsional vibration amplitudes increase, the casing follows the movement of the crankshaft but the fl ywheel tends to rotate uniformly by virtue of its inertia, and relative motion occurs between the fl ywheel and the casing. The viscous fl uid fi lm there-fore undergoes a shearing action, and vibration energy is absorbed and appears as heat. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Checking of main bearings alignment (defl ec-tion).Starting position:Turning gear in engagement. (If mounted).Cover for crankshaft has been removed from frame.All indicator valves open.Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1 1/2 hoursCapacity : 2 menData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)610-01.00Edition 10H99.25 - ES0SL28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62010 01 62010 05 62010 35 Angle for mounting on crank webHand tools:Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / Checking of Main Bearings Alignment (Defl ection)(Hydraulic Tightened Connecting Rod)Working CardPage 1 (6) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL28/32H99.25 - ES0S610-01.00Edition 10HChecking of Main Bearings Alignment (Defl ection)(Hydraulic Tightened Connecting Rod)Working CardPage 2 (6)Alignment of Main Bearings.The lower main bearing shells should be posi tion ed so that they keep the main bearing journals of the crankshaft centered in a straight (ashore horizon-tal) line. Deviations from this centre line cause the crankshaft to bend and increase the load on some main bearings.If two adjacent main bearings are placed too low, the crankshaft centre line will in this place be lowered to form an arc, causing the intermediate crank throw to bend in such a way that it "closes" when turned into bottom position and "opens" in top position.As the magnitude of such axial lengthening and shor ten ing during the turning of the throw increases in proportion to the difference in the height of the bearing, it is measured as a check on the alignment and condition of the bearing.As the crankshafts of medium speed engines are very stiff, any great deviations in the alignment will result in clearance at the bottom shell of the bearings.The cause of incorrect main bearing position may be wear of the bearings or misalignmnet of the engine.Effecting The Defl ection Measurement.The defl ection measurement is effected by placing a springloaded dial gauge in the centre punch marks provided for this purpose, see fi g. 1."Closing" of the throw in top dead centre is regarded as negative, (compression of the gauge).In the example, page 3, the defl ection reading is therefore negative.As during the turning of the throw, the gauge and the connecting rod will meet near the bottom position of the throw, the measurement for the bottom position is to be replaced by the average of the two near by positions on either side.The dial gauge is set to zero, when the crank throw is in the near-bottom (x in fi g. 8) and during the turning the throw is stopped in the position ho ri zon-tal-top-horizontal-near bottom (P-T-S-Y in fi g. 8) for reading of the gauge.Fig. 1 Placing of dial gaugeChecking The Defl ection Measurement.The reading is entered in the table page 6, see example in fi g. 2 - 6.As "bottom" reading is used the mean value of the two "near bottom" readings X and Y, fi g. 3.The total defl ection ("opening-closing") of the throw during the turning from bottom to top position is entered in fi g. 4.These fi gures are due to vertical misalignment of the main bearings.Similarly, horizontal misalignment procedures the fi gures in the table fi g. 5.Besides misalignment of the bearings, the readings can be infl uenced by ovality or eccentricity of the journals.Engines Equipped with Turning Gear.When taking these defl ection readings for the three aftmost cylinders, the turning gear should at each stoppage be turned a little backwards to ease off the tangential pressure on the teeth of the turning wheel as this pressure may otherwise falsify the readings. MAN Diesel & TurboSection Descriptionmm. / bar605606607608609610611Safety valve to be adjusted toMaximum inner diameter, valve guideFor grinding of valve spindle and valve seat ring(see also working card 605-01.10)Minimum height of valve head, inlet valve and exhaust valve, "H" 1Maximum height of spindle above cylinder head, "H" 2Piston and piston ring grooves (see working card 606-01.10)Clearance between connecting rod bush and piston pinMaximum ovalness in big-end bore (without bearing)New cylinder liner, inside diameterMaximum inside diameter cylinder linerClearance between camshaft and camshaft bearingMaximum clearance between camshaft and camshaft bearingClearance between tooths on intermediate wheelPlunger lift at TDC, injection timing: IMO Tier II - D2, 720 rpmIMO Tier II - D2, 750 rpm*) for information on max settings check the engine's IMO Technical file.Plunger Lift, World Bank II****) Standard injection timing value is based on ISO condition. Special injection timing of engines can be necessary due to Power plant size and/or Ambient conditions.Valve clearance, Inlet valve (cold engine 15 - 55°C)Valve clearance, Exhaust valve (cold engine 15 - 55°C)Maximum clearance between rocker arm bush and rocker arm shaftClearance between pick-up and impulse wheelAdjustment of Lambda controller.(see working card 609-10.00)Clearance (equal on both sides) between main bearing cap and frame,before tightening of bracing screw (side screw)Deflection of crankchaft (autolog) (see working card 510-01.00)Clearance between crankshaft and sealing ring, (upper and lower part)Clearance in main bearingClearance in guide bearing (axial)Maximum clearance in guide bearing (axial) Clearance between bearing and gearwheel shaft:Clearance when new bearings are mountedMaximum clearanceClearance axialOpening pressure of safety relief valves (on crankcase), max:170 bar18.35 mm.6.5 mm.108.0 mm0.15 - 0.25 mm.0.10 mm.280.03 - 280.08 mm.280.60 mm.0.13 - 0.22 mm.0.35 mm.0.20 - 0.30 mm8.30+0.05 mm*8.27+0.05 mm*0.40 mm.0.90 mm.0.30 mm.1 ±0.3 mm0.06 ± 0.02 mm0.3 - 0.4 mm.0,2-0,344 mm0.15 - 0.46 mm0.8 mm0.125-0.2000.2500.2-0.30.20 barData for Pressure and ToleranceDescriptionPage 1 (2)L28/32H600.35Edition 16H12.08 - ESO, Tier II 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselBottom (0,5 x Y) = B 1 -0.5 0 -0.5 0 1Defl ection of crankshaft in 1/100 mm. (0.01 mm). Cyl. No.Crank position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bottom start X 0 0 0 0 0 0Left side P 2 0 2 0 -1 2Top T 3 -2 4 5 -2 3Right side S 3 -2 2 0 0 1Bottom stop Y 2 -1 0 1 0 2Defl ection from vertical misalignmenttop - bottom or T - B = V 2 -1.5 4 4.5 -2 2Defl ection from hori-zontal misalignmentRight side - left sideor P - S = H -1 2 0 0 -1 1Check on T + B = C 4 -2.5 4 5.5 -2 4gauge readings P + S = D 5 -2 4 0 -1 3TSYX P Front end view. Start in position X. Turn anti clockwise"Closing" of the crankthrow is considered negative.Working CardPage 3 (6)610-01.00Edition 10H99.25 - ES0SL28/32HChecking of Main Bearings Alignment (Defl ection)(Hydraulic Tightened Connecting Rod)Fig. 4.Fig. 2.Fig. 5.Fig. 3.Fig. 6.C and D should be nearly the same, reading for cylinder 4 to be repeated.Fig. 8.Fig. 7. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselWorking CardPagee 4 (6)L28/32HChecking of Main Bearings Alignment (Defl ection)(Hydraulic Tightened Connecting Rod)610-01.00Edition 10H99.25 - ES0SMeasurement of Crank Throw Defl ections by Means of Dial Indicator (Autolog)Crank throw defl ection = Difference in dial indicator readings in two diametrically opposite crank throw positions, i.e. two positions displa-ced 180°.Vertical defl ection = Difference in top-bottom readings.Horizontal defl ection = Difference in side-side readings.Vertical and Horizontal Defl ections of Crank ThrowsUnless otherwise stated the values refer to cold engine.For new or realigned aggregate Aim for + or - 4/100 mm Acceptable + or - 6/100 mmFor aggregate in service realignmentis recommended if defl ections exceed + or - 10/100 mmVertical Defl ection of Crank Throw at FlywheelUnless otherwise stated the values refer to cold engine.Rigid coupling between Flexible coupling between diesel engine and driven machine diesel engine and driven machineFor new or realigned For new or realignedaggregate 0 to + 4/100 mm aggregate Aim for - 7/100 mm Acceptable - 10/100 mmFor aggregate in service realignment is For aggregate in servicerecommended if defl ection measured realignment recommendableon warm engine exceeds - 10/100 mm if defl ection exceeds - 14/100 mm 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselProcess/Proces I.D. no.Plant/Anlæg Page of/Side af Engine Type/Motortype Engineer/Operatør Date/DatoInstruction/InstruktionTopLeft side1/100 mmRight sideCyl. no 1 2 3 Left sideRight sideCyl. no 1 2 3 Cyl. no 1 2 3 Left sideRight sideRemarks/BemærkningerWorking CardPage 5 (6)610-01.00Edition 10H99.25 - ES0SL28/32HChecking of Main Bearings Alignment (Defl ection)(Hydraulic Tightened Connecting Rod)Bottom end/Bund slutBottom start/Bund start 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDefl ection fromvertical misalign-ment.Top - bottomor T - B = VCheck on gaugereadings. T + B = CP + S = DDefl ection fromhorizontal mis- alignment.Left side - Right side or P - S = H Cyl. no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bottom X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Left side P Top T Right side S Bottom YWorking CardPage 6 (6)L28/32HChecking of Main Bearings Alignment (Defl ection)(Hydraulic Tightened Connecting Rod)610-01.00Edition 10H99.25 - ES0SComponent/Komponent Type I.D. no.Process/Proces Page of/Side afTest place/ Test bed/prøvehal Cold/KoldCondition On board/Om bord Warm/VarmTeststed/ Tilstand Plant/MaskinhalEngine no.:Motornr.:Bottom (0.5xY)=B 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dismantling, inspection and/or replacement and mounting of main bearing shells.Starting position:Related procedure:Inspection of guide bearing shell, 610-01.10Criteria for replacement of bearings, 606-01.16Manpower:Working time : 2 hoursCapacity : 2 menData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)610-01.05Edition 05H96.30 - ES0S-GL+V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no Item no Note 62010 10 2 pieces 62010 20 62010 01 62010 15 2 pieces 62010 30 Extra tools 62021 40 Hydraulic tools 62021 50 2 pieces 62021 51 62021 20Hand tools:Allen key, 12 mm.Socket spanner, 36 mm.Lead hammer.Silastene.Copaslip.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no Item no Qty/Inspection of Main Bearing ShellsWorking CardPage 1 (3) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32HMake Ready for Dismantling of the Main Bear-ing 1) Dismount crankcase covers in front and oppo-site the bearing concerned. 2) Turn the engine until the crank is in a con ve ni-ent position for carrying out the work. 3) Dismount the bracing screw (side screw). 4) Mount the hydraulic tools and loosen the main bearing stud nuts. For operation of the hydraulic tools, see working card 620- - ES0S-G610-01.05Edition 05HInspection of Main Bearing ShellsWorking CardPage 2 (3)Fig 1. Mounting of Hydraulic Tools. 5) Dismount the hydraulic tools and slacken the nuts somewhat.Dismantling of the Main Bearing Cap 6) Fit the eye screws, diagonally, in the threaded holes in the main bearing cap, see fi g 2.Pass the wire supplied through the eye screw and at-tach it as shown, so as to keep the bearing cap in place when the main bearing stud nuts are removed. 7) Work the main bearing cap loose from the engine frame with a lead hammer or similar. 8) Lift the main bearing cap a little and unscrew the bearing stud nut. 9) Fit guide tubes on the threads of the bearing studs and lower the bearing cap to make it rest on the collar of the guide tubes.Dismantling of the Main Bearing Shells 10) Remove the locking piece from the bearing cap and take out the bearing shell. 11) Fit the tool for upper main bearing, for dis-mant-ling of upper main bearing shell, in the lubricating hole in the crankshaft and turn out the upper bearing shell by turning the crankshaft, see fi g 3.Fig 2. Mounting of Wire Straps.Fig 3. Mounting of tool for upper main bearing.Tool for upper main bearing 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel610.01-05Edition 05H96.30 - ES0S-GL+V28/32H 17) Insert the lower bearing shell in the bearing cap and mount the locking piece. Lubricate the bearing shell and journal with clean lubricating oil.Mounting of the Main Bearing Cap 18) Raise the bearing cap into position, dismount the guide tubes, coat the bearing studs with mo ly co te pasta or similar and fi t the bearing stud nuts.Make sure that the bearing cap and bearing shell are in their correct position. 19) Dismantle the wire straps. 20) Mount the hydraulic tools, see working card 620-01.05, and tighten the nuts as prescribed on page 600-40. 21) Coat the back side of the bracing screws' (side screws') hexagonal head with a thin coat of silastene or similar. 22) Mount the screws and tighten with a torque spanner as indicated on page 600.40.Inspection of Main Bearing ShellsWorking CardPage 3 (3)Cleaning 12) Clean all machined surfaces, on frame, bearing cap, stud, nuts and bearing shells.Inspection of Main Bearing Shells 13) Inspect the main bearing shells according to working card 606-01.16.Note: The bearing is marked according to size and when replaced it must be by a new bearing of the same size.Mounting of the Main Bearing Shells 14) Push the upper bearing shell as far into po si tion as possible. 15) Fit the tool for upper main bearing in the lub-ricating hole in the crankshaft and turn in the upper bearing shell by turning the crankshaft.Make sure that the shell enters its correct position then remove the tool for upper main bearing. 16) Lubricate the end of the bearing shells with molycote pasta or similar. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.DescriptionDismantling, inspection and/or replacement and mounting of guide bearing shells and thrust washer.Starting positionRelated procedureInspection of main bearing shells. 610-01.05Criteria for replacement of bearingshells. 606-01.16ManpowerWorking time : 2 hoursCapacity : 2 menDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)610-01.10Edition 08H02.47 - ES0L+V28/32HSpecial tools Plate no Item no Note 62006 28 140 - 760 Nm 62010 10 2 pieces 62010 20 62010 01 62010 25 62010 15 2 pieces 62010 30 Extra tools 62021 40 Hydraulic tools 62021 50 2 pieces 62021 51 62021 20 Hand toolsAllen key, 12 mmSocket spanner, 36 mmLead hammerSilasteneMolycoteReplacement and wearing parts Plate no Item no Qty/ Inspection of Guide Bearing ShellsWorking CardPage 1 (4) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H02.47 - ES0610-01.10Edition 08HWorking CardPage 2 (4)Fig 2 Mounting of Wire StrapsMake Ready for Dismantling of the Guide Bearing 1) Dismount the crankcase covers opposite the bearing concerned. 2) Turn the engine until the crank is in a convenient position for carrying out the work. 3) Dismount the bracing screw (side screw). 4) Mount the hydraulic tools, see fi g 1, and loosen the guide bearing stud nuts. For ope-ration of the hydraulic tools, see working card 620-01.05.Fig 1 Mounting of Hydraulic Tools 5) Dismount the hydraulic tools and slacken the nuts somewhat.Dismantling of the Guide Bearing Cap 6) Fit the eye screws, diagonally, in the threaded holes in the guide bearing cap, see fi g 2. Pass the wire supplied through the eye screw and attach it as shown, so as to keep the bearing cap in place when the guide bearing stud nuts are removed. 7) Work the guide bearing cap loose from the engine frame with a lead hammer or similar.The thrust washer of the guide bearing is partially countersunk into the engine frame and attached by means of four screwed-on clamps which are visible after lowering the bearing cap, see fi g 3. 8) Lift the guide bearing cap a little and unscrew the bearing stud nut. 9) Fit guide tubes on the threads of the bearing studs and lower the bearing cap to make it rest on the collar of the guide tubes.Dismantling of the Guide Bearing Shells 10) Remove the locking piece from the bearing cap and take out the bearing shell.Thrust washerFig 3 Guide Bearing with Thrust WasherInspection of Guide Bearing ShellsTo pump 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel02.47 - ES0Fig 4 Dismounting of Upper ShellFig 5 Mounting of Upper Shell in Guide BearingGuide for mounting of upper shell.Inspection of Guide Bearing ShellsWorking CardPage 3 (4)610-01.10Edition 08HL+V28/32H 11) Unscrew the clamns and push out the thrust washers. 12) Fit the tools for dismantling of upper guide bearing shell, see fi g 4, in the bearing cap and raise the bearing cap into position, making sure that the guide shell is not being damaged. After that, dismount the guide tubes, fi t and tighten the nuts slightly. 13) With the guide shell tool, which is guided by the bearing cap, the upper bearing shell is carefully turned out into the bearing cap. Then dismount the nuts and lower the bearing cap on the collar of the guide tubes. Take out the bearing shell and the guide shell tool.In case the guide shell tool is locked between guide bearing and bearing studs, use the bolt on the back of the guide shell tool to dislodge it.Cleaning of Components 14) Clean all machined surfaces, on frame, bearing cap, stud, nuts and bearing shells.Inspection of Guide Bearing Shells 15) Inspect the guide bearing shells according to working card 606-01.16.Mounting of the Guide Bearing ShellsThe bearing shells of the guide bearing, which are identical to those of the main bearings, are narrower than the bore for the guide bearing and it is therefore essential that the shells are positioned perfectly cor-rect in the bore. For this purpose a guide tool is supplied for positio-ning on the engine frame when the upper bearing shell is to be fi tted, see fi g 5. 16) Push the bearing shell as far as possible into position through this guide tool. 17) Insert the guide shell tool in the bearing cap, which is resting on the collar of the guide tu-bes. MAN Diesel & TurboSection Descriptionmm. / barData for Pressure and ToleranceDescriptionPage 1 (2)L28/32H600.35Edition 16H12.08 - ESO, Tier IIMaximum combustion pressure at full loadIndividual cylinders; admissible deviation from averageA change of the height of the thrust piece spacer ring of 0.10 mm.will change the maximum pressure by1° turning of camshaft gear wheel changes max. pressure by approxMeasurement "X" between thrust piece and roller guide housingOpening pressure of fuel valvePressure testing, cooling oil sealing, on fuel valve614Max 133 bar± 3 bar1 bar6 bar11 ± 0.2 mm320 bar100 bar 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselInspection of Guide Bearing Shells02.47 - ES0Working CardPage 4 (4)610-01.10Edition 08HL+V28/32H 18) Raise the bearing cap with the guide shell tool into its correct position, dismount the guide tubes, fi t and tighten the bearing stud nuts slightly. 19) Now push the bearing shell into its correct position with the guide shell tool.Make sure that the shell enters its correct position. 20) Then unscrew the bearing stud nuts, fi t the guide tubes and lower the bearing cap again. 21) Fit the thrust washers and clamps.Note: Clearance in guide bearing axially, see page 600.35. 22) Lubricate the end of the bearing shells with molycote pasta or similar. 23) Insert the lower bearing shell in the bearing cap, and mount the locking piece.Bearing CapLubricate the bearing shell and journal with clean lubricating oil. 24) Raise the bearing cap into position, dismount the guide tubes, coat the bearing stud with molycote pasta or similar and fi t the bearing stud nuts. Make sure that the thrust washers, bearing shell and bearing cap are in their correct position. 25) Dismantle the wire straps. 26) Mount the hydraulic tools, see working card 620-01.05, and tighten the nuts as prescribed on page 600-40. 27) Coat the back side of the bracing screws' (side screws') hexagonal head with a thin coat of silastene or similar.28) Mount the screws and tighten with a torque spanner as indicated on page 600.40. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Taking a silicone oil sampleStarting position:Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 2-4 hoursCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)610-04.00Edition 01H10.15 - ES0GeneralVibration DamperWorking CardPage 1 (3)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Ring and open end spanner, 19 mm.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / See plate 61004 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneral10.15 - ES0610-04.00Edition 01HVibration DamperWorking CardPage 2 (3) A. Blank flange or cooling water pump. B. Front end cover. C. Damper. D. Gearwheel (if mounted) E. Main bearing (Frame) F. Crankshaft.Fig. 1. Mounting of Vibration Damper.The vibration damper is equipped with extraction plugs which provide the opportunity of testing the viscosity of the silicone oil inside the damper without having to dismantle it.Corresponding to the condition of the silicone oil an approximate assessment of the damper efficiency is possible.A silicone oil sample should be extracted as follows by means of a special tube that can be required from MAN Diesel & Turbo, PrimeServ Holeby, see plate 61004. 1. After the engine is stopped let damper cool down to approximately 40°C. 2. For access to the damper remove the blank flange (A) on the front end cover (B) see fig. 1.In some cases it is necessary to dismount the lub. oil pump or the cooling water pump, for access to the damper. 3. Rotate the engine in order to bring the extraction plugs (6) of the damper in optimal position, see fig. 2 A .FEBDCA531110Fig. 2. Vibration Damper 4. Prepare the sample container (10) by removing one of its caps (11), see fig. 2 C.C567B66A 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel610-04.00Edition 01H10.15 - ES0GeneralWorking CardPage 3 (3)Vibration Damper 5. Unscrew and remove one of the extraction plugs (6) and replace it with the sample container (10).If meeting the inertia ring (3) unscrew the container one revolution. 6. Remove the second cap from the sample container and wait until silicone fluid (5) begins to flow out from the free end. Depending on the silicone viscosity the process needs a certain amount of time. If possible it, can be speeded up by means of: A Turning the damper until the sample contai-ner is underneath the crankshaft. B Temporarily removing the second extraction plug too. 7. As soon as the silicone fluid begins to flow, close the sample container by the cap. Remove the container from the damper casing, wipe off the sealing jace round the extraction hole and screw in the plugs together with new sealing washers (7). Now close the second side of the container. 8. Tighten both extraction plugs with thumb and forefinger then turn them further 45° (about 20 Nm). Seal both plugs by caulking their grooves. 9. Send the sample container to: MAN Diesel & Turbo PrimeServ Holeby Østervej 2 4960 Holeby DenmarkThe sample must be marked in such a way that we can forward the result of the analysis correctly. - Name of ship. - Engine type. - Engine no. - Running hours. - Data for vibration damper. 10. For hours between taking new samples, see page 600.25.The quantity of silicone oil removed its so small that up to 10 such samples can be taken without risk. MAN Diesel06.33 - ES0L28/32HCrankshaft 61001-15HPlatePage 1 (2)13091208-141110040302+15+050607-1401161718 MAN DieselKrumtapaksel6 cyl. motorKontravægt6,7,9 cyl. motorSikringspladeSikringspladeSkrueSkrue forkontravægtPropskruePropskrueSkrueSelvlåsende møtrikSkiveOlieafslyngningsringTandhjul (krumtap)Loctite 242Kontravægt8 cyl. motorKrumtapaksel7 cyl. motorKrumtapaksel8 cyl. motorKrumtapaksel9 cyl. motor+ Item nr. 02 og 15kræver en individueltilpasning førmontering, kontaktMAN Diesel, Holeby06.33 - ES0Crankshaft6 cyl. engineCounterweight6,7,9 cyl. engineLocking plateLocking plateScrewScrew forcounterweightPlug screwPlug screwScrewSelf locking nutWasherOil throw ringGear wheel(crankshaft)Loctite 242Counterweight8 cyl. engineCrankshaft7 cyl. engineCrankshaft8 cyl. engineCrankshaft9 cyl. engine+ Item No. 02 and 15require an indi vi-dual matchingbefore mountingcontact MAN Diesel, HolebyDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationCrankshaftPlatePage 2 (2)61001-15HL28/32H0102+03040506070809101112131415+1617181/E/I1/W1/W2/W1/W1/C1/E12/E12/E12/E1/E1/E/I/I1/E1/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./W = Qty./CounterweightQty./I = Qty./IndividualQty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/W = Antal/KontravægtAntal/I = Antal/IndividueltAntal/C = Antal/Cylinder MAN Diesel06.33 - ES05L28/32HCrankshaft61001-21HPlatePage 1 (2)13091208-141110040302+050607-1401040615+0305 MAN DieselKrumtapakselKontravægtSikringspladeSikringspladeSkrueSkrue forkontravægtPropskruePropskrueSkrueSelvlåsende møtrikSkiveOlieafslyngningsringTandhjul (krumtap)Loctite 242Kontravægt+ Item nr. 02 og 15kræver en individueltilpasning førmontering, kontaktMAN Diesel, Holeby06.33 - ES0CrankshaftCounterweightLocking plateLocking plateScrewScrew forcounterweightPlug screwPlug screwScrewSelf locking nutWasherOil throw ringGear wheel(crankshaft)Loctite 242Counterweight+ Item No. 02 and 15require an indi vi-dual matchingbefore mountingcontact MAN Diesel, HolebyDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationCrankshaftPlatePage 2 (2)61001-21H5L28/32H0102+03040506070809101112131415+1/E/I1/W1/W2/W1/W1/C1/E12/E12/E12/E1/E1/E/I/I Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./W = Qty./CounterweightQty./I = Qty./IndividualQty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/W = Antal/KontravægtAntal/I = Antal/IndividueltAntal/C = Antal/Cylinder MAN DieselL28/32HResilient Gear Wheel 61002-07HPlatePage 1 (2)96.01 - ES0SCrankshaft(Plate 61001)0102181615091011050607081704101413120319+ MAN DieselFjedrende tandhjul,kompletAkseltapSkrueSelvlåsende møtrik,for Item nr. 03 og 19NavGlideskoAfstandsstykkeTandhjulLåseblik foritem nr. 10MøtrikCylindrisk stiftFjederstyrFjederAfstandsstykkeSkrueLåseblik forItem nr. 15SidepladeCylindrisk stiftPasbolt+ Item 19 kræver enindividuel tilpasningfør montering, kontaktMAN Diesel, Holeby96.01 - ES0SResilient gearwheel, compl.Axle journalScrewSelf locking nut, for Item No. 03 and 19HubSlide shoeDistance pieceGear wheelLocking washerfor item No. 10NutCylindrical pinSpring guideSpringDistance pieceScrewLocking washer,for Item No. 15Side plateCylindrical pinFitted bolt+ Item 19 require anindividual matching during mounting,contact MAN Diesel,HolebyDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationResilient Gear WheelPlatePage 2 (2)61002-07HL28/32H1/E1/E4/E6/E1/E6/E3/E1/E12/E12/E4/E6/E6/E3/E6/E6/E1/E2/E2/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor01020304050607080910111213141516171819+ MAN Diesel & TurboLoctite 243Oil / Molykote(Unimol gl 82)Molykote(Unimol gl 82)–Molykote(Unimol gl 82)––––––Loctite 243Molykote(Unimol gl 82)––––oil–– ––––––––––2008570250505016040200350600300500135013504807550060100100 - 120150100 - 1203010060StudNutStudNutNutScrewNutNutNutScrewNutStudNutScrewScrewScrewNutNutNutNutScrewNutScrewScrewPlugScrewNutNutNutNutCylinder head stud (in frame)Nut for cylinder head studConnecting rod screw(see working card 606-01.25)Connecting rod screw (hydraulic tightening)Camshaft assemblingGear wheel on camshaftIntermediate wheel shaftIntermediate wheel assemblingGear wheel on crankshaftHousing for valve gearRocker arm bracketMain bearing stud (in frame)Nut for main bearing studMain bearing side screw - L28/32HMain bearing side screw - V28/32HCounterweight on crankshaftVibration damper on crankshaftFlywheel mountng (witout fitted bolt)Flywheel mounting (with fitted bolt) - L28/32H- V28/32HGear rim on flywheelFrame / baseframeFuel-pump connecting pieceFuel-pump top flange (barrel)Fuel-pump cavitation plugsFuel-pump mountingFuel-valve (nozzle nut)Fuel-valve mountingFuel-valve (lock nut)High pressure pipeDescriptionPage 1 (2)600.40Edition 18HL+V28/32HData for Tightening TorqueDescriptionSectionTorqueNmTighteningThread PressurebarLubricant09.24605606607608610611614M 39M 39 x 3M 39 x 3M 39 x 3M 12M 12M 22 x 1.5M 12M 12M 16M 12M 56M 52 x 3M 24M 30M 26 x 1.5M 30M30M 30M 30M 16M 24M 10M 12M 20 x 1.5M16M 26 x 1.5M 16M 16 x 1.5M 22 x 1.5700700900(3 x cross-tightening20 - 40 - 60 Nm) MAN Diesel6-7-8-9L28/32HCoupling for Central Driven Lub. Oil Pump 61002-11HPlatePage 1 (2)07.02 - ES0Crankshaft(Plate 61001)020301 MAN DieselKoblingsfl angeLåsepladeSkrue07.02 - ES0Coupling fl angeLocking plateScrewDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationCoupling for Central Driven Lub. Oil PumpPlatePage 2 (2)61002-11H0102031/E3/E6/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor6-7-8-9L28/32H MAN Diesel5L28/32HCoupling for Central Driven Lub. Oil Pump 61002-12HPlatePage 1 (2)07.02 - ES004Crankshaft(Plate 61001)0203010506 MAN DieselKoblingsfl angeLåsepladeSkrueSvingklodsMøtrikSkrue07.02 - ES0Coupling fl angeLocking plateScrewFlyweightNutScrewDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationCoupling for Central Driven Lub. Oil PumpPlatePage 2 (2)61002-12H5L28/32H0102030405061/E3/E6/E1/E6/E6/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor MAN Diesel5L28/32HCoupling for Central Driven Lub. Oil Pump 61002-13HPlatePage 1 (2)07.03 - ES004Crankshaft(Plate 61001)010506 MAN DieselKoblingsfl angeSvingklodsMøtrikSkrue07.03 - ES0Coupling fl angeFlyweightNutScrewDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationCoupling for Central Driven Lub. Oil PumpPlatePage 2 (2)61002-13H5L28/32H010405061/E1/E6/E6/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor MAN DieselL28/32HCoupling for Central Driven Lub. Oil Pump 61002-14HPlatePage 1 (2)07.03 - ES0Crankshaft(Plate 61001)0602030105 MAN DieselKoblingsfl angeLåsepladeSkrueMøtrikSkrue07.03 - ES0Coupling fl angeLocking plateScrewNutScrewDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationCoupling for Central Driven Lub. Oil PumpPlatePage 2 (2)61002-14HL28/32H01020305061/E3/E6/E6/E6/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor MAN DieselL28/32HResilient Gear Wheel 61002-15HPlatePage 1 (2)07.03 - ES0Crankshaft(Plate 61001)01021816150910110506070817041014131203 MAN DieselFjedrende tandhjul,kompletAkseltapTapSelvlåsende møtrik,for Item nr. 03NavGlideskoAfstandsstykkeTandhjulLåseblik foritem nr. 10MøtrikCylindrisk stiftFjederstyrFjederAfstandsstykkeSkrueLåseblik forItem nr. 15SidepladeCylindrisk stift07.03 - ES0Resilient gearwheel, compl.Axle journalStudSelf locking nut,for Item No. 03HubSlide shoeDistance pieceGear wheelLocking washerfor item No. 10NutCylindrical pinSpring guideSpringDistance pieceScrewLocking washer,for Item No. 15Side plateCylindrical pinDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationResilient Gear WheelPlatePage 2 (2)61002-15HL28/32H1/E1/E6/E12/E1/E6/E3/E1/E12/E12/E4/E6/E6/E3/E6/E6/E1/E2/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor010203040506070809101112131415161718 MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 2 (2)600.40Edition 18HL+V28/32HData for Tightening TorqueDescriptionSectionTorqueNmTighteningThread PressurebarLubricant09.24615616619Gear wheel on lub. oil pumpImpeller and gear wheel on fresh-water cooling pump - L28/32HImpeller and gear wheel on fresh-water cooling pump - V28/32HConical elements mounting- L28/32HUpper mountingLower mountingSandwich elements mounting- V28/32HUpper mountingLower mountingNutNutNutScrewScrew/NutScrewScrewM 30 x 2M 24 x 1.5M 33 x 2M 20M 20M 16M 16400250400150320165165Molykote(Unimol gl 82)–––––– MAN DieselL28/32HResilient Gear Wheel 61002-16HPlatePage 1 (2)07.03 - ES0Crankshaft(Plate 61001)0102181615091011050607081704101413120319+ MAN DieselFjedrende tandhjul,kompletAkseltapSkrueSelvlåsende møtrik,for Item nr. 03 og 19NavGlideskoAfstandsstykkeTandhjulLåseblik foritem nr. 10MøtrikCylindrisk stiftFjederstyrFjederAfstandsstykkeSkrueLåseblik forItem nr. 15SidepladeCylindrisk stiftPasbolt+ Item 19 kræver enindividuel tilpasningfør montering, kontaktMAN Diesel, Holeby07.03 - ES0Resilient gearwheel, compl.Axle journalScrewSelf locking nut,for Item No. 03 and 19HubSlide shoeDistance pieceGear wheelLocking washerfor item No. 10NutCylindrical pinSpring guideSpringDistance pieceScrewLocking washer,for Item No. 15Side plateCylindrical pinFitted bolt+ Item 19 require anindividual matching during mounting,contact MAN diesel,HolebyDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationResilient Gear WheelPlatePage 2 (2)61002-16HL28/32H1/E1/E4/E6/E1/E6/E3/E1/E12/E12/E4/E6/E6/E3/E6/E6/E1/E2/E2/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor01020304050607080910111213141516171819+ MAN DieselL28/32HResilient Gear Wheel 61002-17HPlatePage 1 (2)07.03 - ES0Crankshaft(Plate 61001)0102181615091011050607081704101413120319+ MAN DieselFjedrende tandhjul,kompletAkseltapSkrueSelvlåsende møtrik,for Item nr. 03 og 19NavGlideskoAfstandsstykkeTandhjulLåseblik foritem nr. 10MøtrikCylindrisk stiftFjederstyrFjederAfstandsstykkeSkrueLåseblik forItem nr. 15SidepladeCylindrisk stiftPasbolt+ Item 19 kræver enindividuel tilpasningfør montering, kontaktMAN Diesel, Holeby07.03 - ES0Resilient gearwheel, compl.Axle journalScrewSelf locking nut,for Item No. 03 and 19HubSlide shoeDistance pieceGear wheelLocking washerfor item No. 10NutCylindrical pinSpring guideSpringDistance pieceScrewLocking washer,for Item No. 15Side plateCylindrical pinFitted bolt+ Item 19 require anindividual matching during mounting,contact MAN Diesel,HolebyDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationResilient Gear WheelPlatePage 2 (2)61002-17HL28/32H1/E1/E4/E6/E1/E6/E3/E1/E12/E12/E4/E6/E6/E3/E6/E6/E1/E2/E2/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor01020304050607080910111213141516171819+ MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)07.02 - ES0Flywheel with Gear Rim61003-02H5L28/32HCrankshaft (plate 61001)10050201030411 MAN DieselFlywheel with Gear RimPlatePage 2 (2)61003-02H01020304051011Item No.BenævnelseTandkrans 2/2SkrueSelvlående møtrik for item nr. 04SkrueSvinghjulSkrueStyrestiftDesignationGear rim 2/2ScrewSelf locking nut, for item no. 04Screw FlywheelScrewGuide pinQty.1/E18/E12/E12/E1/E2/E1/EItem No.DesignationQty. BenævnelseVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.Qty./E = Antal/MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.Qty./E = Qty./Engine07.02 - ES05L28/32H MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)07.02 - ES0Flywheel with Gear Rim61003-05HL28/32HCrankshaft (plate 61001)10050201030411 MAN DieselFlywheel with Gear RimPlatePage 2 (2)61003-05H01020304051011Item No.BenævnelseTandkrans 2/2SkrueSelvlående møtrik for item nr. 04SkrueSvinghjulSkrueStyrestiftDesignationGear rim 2/2ScrewSelf locking nut, for item no. 04Screw FlywheelScrewGuide pinQty.1/E18/E12/E12/E1/E2/E1/EItem No.DesignationQty. BenævnelseVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.Qty./E = Antal/MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.Qty./E = Qty./Engine07.02 - ES0L28/32H MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)07.02 - ES0Flywheel with Gear Rim61003-06HL28/32HCrankshaft (plate 61001)10050201030411 MAN DieselFlywheel with Gear RimPlatePage 2 (2)61003-06H01020304051011Item No.BenævnelseTandkrans 2/2SkrueSelvlående møtrik for item nr. 04SkrueSvinghjulSkrueStyrestiftDesignationGear rim 2/2ScrewSelf locking nut, for item no. 04Screw FlywheelScrewGuide pinQty.1/E18/E12/E12/E1/E2/E1/EItem No.DesignationQty. BenævnelseVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.Qty./E = Antal/MotorWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.Qty./E = Qty./Engine07.02 - ES0L28/32H MAN Diesel & Turbo080106101502, 16, 202001-09-1026190111263833346301-020222351125331119L28/32H605606607608609611612613614615616Cylinder Head, incl. rocker armsPiston, completePiston PinConnecting Rod, complete Cylinder Liner, completeCooling Water JacketCamshaft, sectionHousing for Roller GuideGovernor, completeMain Bearing CapGuide Bearing CapFront coverEnd cover, completeTurbocharger, completeIntermediate pieceAir CoolerInlet BendCharging Air Cooler HousingAir StarterFuel Injection PumpFuel Injection ValveFuel Oil Feed PumpLubricating Oil PumpThermostatic ValvePrelubricating Oil Pump, incl. el-motorCentrifugal FilterThermostatic ValveCooling Water Pump255401981119332917287585164179See special instruction9450933504015522452920242930Plate No.SectionItem No.Declaration of Weight600.45Edition 01HDescriptionPage 1 (1)Weight in Kg.Component00.32 - ES0U60501-6050260508-605106060160601606016061060610607056080160901611016110161102611066120261203612036120361309614016140261410615016150361504615156160461610 MAN DieselL28/32HTorsional Vibration Damper 61004-05HPlatePage 1 (2)10.14 - ES00104*03*0502* MAN DieselSvingningsdæmpermed 30 mm monte-rings-flange PropskruePrøveudtagings-beholderO-ringPrøvesæt for sving-ningsdæmper(Sættet er inklusiv en analyse af prøven. Alle informationer er til-gængelige i sættet) + Se også arbejdskort 610-04.0010.14 - ES0Torsional vibration damper, with 30 mm mounting flange Plug screwSample containerO-ringSampling kit for torsi-onal vibration damper (the kit includes an analysis of the sample taken. All information is available in the kit)+ See also working card 610-04.00Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationTorsional Vibration DamperPlatePage 2 (2)61004-05HL28/32H1/E 1/E1/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor0102*03*04*05+ MAN DieselL28/32HTorsional Vibration Damper 61004-12HPlatePage 1 (2)10.14 - ES00104*03*0502* MAN DieselSvingningsdæmpermed 30 mm monte-rings-flange PropskruePrøveudtagings-beholderO-ringPrøvesæt for sving-ningsdæmper(Sættet er inklusiv en analyse af prøven. Alle informationer er til-gængelige i sættet)+ Se også arbejdskort 610-04.0010.14 - ES0Torsional vibration damper, with 30 mm mounting flange Plug screwSample containerO-ringSampling kit for torsi-onal vibration damper (the kit includes an analysis of the sample taken. All information is available in the kit)+ See also working card 610-04.00Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationTorsional Vibration DamperPlatePage 2 (2)61004-12HL28/32H1/E 1/E1/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor0102*03*04*05+ MAN DieselL28/32HTorsional Vibration Damper 61004-13HPlatePage 1 (2)10.14 - ES00104*03*0502* MAN DieselSvingningsdæmpermed 30 mm monte-rings-flange PropskruePrøveudtagings-beholderO-ringPrøvesæt for sving-ningsdæmper(Sættet er inklusiv en analyse af prøven. Alle informationer er til-gængelige i sættet)+ Se også arbejdskort 610-04.0010.14 - ES0Torsional vibration damper, with 30 mm mounting flange Plug screwSample containerO-ringSampling kit for torsi-onal vibration damper (the kit includes an analysis of the sample taken. All information is available in the kit)+ See also working card 610-04.00Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationTorsional Vibration DamperPlatePage 2 (2)61004-13HL28/32H1/E 1/E1/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor0102*03*04*05+ MAN DieselL28/32HTorsional Vibration Damper 61004-14HPlatePage 1 (2)10.14 - ES00104*03*0502* MAN DieselSvingningsdæmpermed 30 mm monte-rings-flange PropskruePrøveudtagings-beholderO-ringPrøvesæt for sving-ningsdæmper(Sættet er inklusiv en analyse af prøven. Alle informationer er til-gængelige i sættet)+ Se også arbejdskort 610-04.0010.14 - ES0Torsional vibration damper, with 30 mm mounting flange Plug screwSample containerO-ringSampling kit for torsi-onal vibration damper (the kit includes an analysis of the sample taken. All information is available in the kit)+ See also working card 610-04.00Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationTorsional Vibration DamperPlatePage 2 (2)61004-14HL28/32H1/E 1/E1/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor0102*03*04*05+ MAN DieselL28/32HTorsional Vibration Damper 61004-15HPlatePage 1 (2)10.14 - ES00104*03*0502* MAN DieselSvingningsdæmpermed 30 mm monte-rings-flange PropskruePrøveudtagings-beholderO-ringPrøvesæt for sving-ningsdæmper(Sættet er inklusiv en analyse af prøven. Alle informationer er til-gængelige i sættet) + Se også arbejdskort 610-04.0010.14 - ES0Torsional vibration damper, with 30 mm mounting flange Plug screwSample containerO-ringSampling kit for torsi-onal vibration damper (the kit includes an analysis of the sample taken. All information is available in the kit)+ See also working card 610-04.00Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationTorsional Vibration DamperPlatePage 2 (2)61004-15HL28/32H1/E 1/E1/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor0102*03*04*05+ MAN Diesel & Turbo600.50Edition 06HDescriptionPage 1 (2)Ordering of Spare PartsSpare parts can be ordered from MAN Diesel & Turbo, PrimeServ.When spare parts are ordered or inquired, the fol-lowing data must be indicated, in order to ensure correct identification of the required parts: • Nameofcustomer • Nameofplant/vessel • VesselIMONo • Enginetype • EngineserialNo • Enginebuilder • PlateNoandeditionNo • ItemNo • Quantity • DesignationoftheitemNo12.11 - ES0GeneralNote:  • Components from different engine builderscannot be considered as interchangeable. • Awidenumberofsparepartscanbeordersas spare part kits.  • Selectedcomponentsmaybeavailableinbothoriginal and upgraded version.Thesedataarenecessarytoensuresupplyofthecorrect spare parts for a particular engine, even though the spare part illustrations contained in this book may not always be in complete accordancewith the individual components of a specific engine. For ordering of spare parts for governor, turbocharger and alternator, please see the special chapter in the instruction book for these components.Information found on the name plate of the engine(s)Example: Nameofcustomer NameofPlant/Vessel IMONo Enginetype Engine Enginebuilder serial No MercyShip AfricaMercy L7803188 5L21/31 SB5L21-10799 MANDiesel&Turbo     orLicenseeInformationfoundoneachplateattheinstructionmanual: PlateNo EditionNo ItemNo Qty. Description 51435 13 440 1 Leakoilpipe MAN DieselL28/32HTorsional Vibration Damper 61004-16HPlatePage 1 (2)10.14 - ES00104*03*0502* MAN DieselSvingningsdæmpermed 30 mm monte-rings-flange PropskruePrøveudtagings-beholderO-ringPrøvesæt for sving-ningsdæmper(Sættet er inklusiv en analyse af prøven. Alle informationer er til-gængelige i sættet) + Se også arbejdskort 610-04.0010.14 - ES0Torsional vibration damper, with 30 mm mounting flange Plug screwSample containerO-ringSampling kit for torsi-onal vibration damper (the kit includes an analysis of the sample taken. All information is available in the kit)+ See also working card 610-04.00Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationTorsional Vibration DamperPlatePage 2 (2)61004-16HL28/32H1/E 1/E1/E1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor0102*03*04*05+ MAN DieselL28/32HTuning Wheel 61004-06HPlatePage 1 (2)94.23 - ES0S01 MAN DieselAfstemningshjul med30 mm monterings-fl an-ge 94.23 - ES0STuning wheel with,30 mm mounting fl an-ge Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationTuning WheelPlatePage 2 (2)61004-06H1/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor01 L28/32H Engine frame/Oil pan 511/611 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Engine Frame and Base Frame611.01Edition 07HFrameThe engine frame is made of cast iron, and is at-tached to the top of the base frame by means of bolts. The cross girders of the frame are provided with bores for the main bearings in which the crank-shaft is underslung, i.e. it is carried by the main bearing caps.The main bearing caps are attached by means of studs and nuts, which are loosened and tightened with the aid of hydraulic tools. After mounting, the main bearing caps are further secured by means of bracing screws, which are screwed horizontally into the sides of the caps and tightened against the sides of the engine frame. The main bearings are equip ped with replaceable shells which are fi tted without scraping.91.13 - ES0UL28/32HThe crankshaft guide bearing is located at the fl y-wheel end of the engine.On the sides of the frame there are covers for acces to the camshaft, the charge air receiver and crank-case. Some of the covers are fi tted with relief valves which will act, should oil vapours in the crankcase be ignited, for instance in the event of a hot bearing.Base FrameEngine and alternator (gear, pump) are mounted on a common base frame which is in welded design.The base frame is used as lubricating oil reservoir "wet sump". 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Functional test of crankcase safety relief val-ves.Starting position:Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/4 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)611-01.00Edition 04H06.46 - ES0GeneralFunctional Test of Crankcase Safety Relief ValvesWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 61106 13 1/cyl. 61106 39 12/relief valve 61106 45 1/relief valve 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneral06.46 - ES0611-01.00Edition 04HFunctional Test of Crankcase Safety Relief ValvesWorking CardPage 2 (2)Functional TestingFunctional testing of the crankcase safety relief valves cannot be performed during operation of the engine, but it must be checked during overhauls that the valve fl ap is movable.When PaintingWhen painting the engine, take care not to block up the safety relief valves with paint.Check of Opening PressureTo check the proper opening pressure, proceed as follows: 1) Remove the relief valve cover from the engi-ne. 2) Place the cover on the fl oor with the pressure area upwards. 3) Apply a weight at 18 kg on the pressure area. The relief valve must open under this pres-sure. 4) Remount the relief valve cover of the engine. If the safety relief valves are actuated, the engine must be stopped immediately, and it must not be restarted until the cause is detected and the fault is detected, see also description 503.04, Ignition in Crankcase.Fig 1 Cover with relief valveCoverReliefvalve MAN Diesel06.49 - ES0L28/32HFrame with Main Bearings 61101-11HPlatePage 1 (2)0506030102031719+24251514132721+232410221009040410111213141521+222320181626+Cover( Plate 61102) MAN Diesel06.49 - ES0Wear ringProtective cap,plasticNut forcylinder coverCylinder coverstudProtective cap,metalO-ringSealing kitfor capLoctite 243Silicone oilFrameMain bearingshell 2/2Locking pieceScrewSafety sleeveScrewCylindrical pinGuide bearing capThrust bearingDistance pieceScrewMain bearing studNut for mainbearing studBracing screwMain bearing capDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationFrame with Main BearingsPlatePage 2 (2)61101-11HL28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.1/C1/C3/C6/C6/C3/C3/C6/C1/E1/B1/B2/B4/E4/E1/E1/E2/E2/B6/B2/B2/B2/B1/CSlidringBeskyttelseshætte,plastikMøtrik forcylinderdækselTap forcylinderdækselBeskyttelseshætte,metalO-ringTætningssæt fordækselLoctite 243SilikoneolieStativHovedleje-skaller 2/2LåsestykkeSkrueSikkerhedsbøsningSkrueCylindrisk stiftStyrelejedækselTryklejeAfstandsstykkeSkrueHovedleje tapMøtrik forhovedlejetapSideskrueHovedlejedæksel0102030405060910111213141516171819+2021+2223242526+27Cylindrical pin+ Item No. 19, 21 and 26 require an indi-vidualmatching beforemounting, contactMAN B&W, HolebyCylindrisk stift+ Item nr. 19, 21 og 26kræver en individueltilpasning før monte-ring,kontakt MAN B&W,HolebyWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty/CylinderQty./B = Qty/BearingVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/CylinderAntal/B = Antal/Leje MAN Diesel & Turbo600.50Edition 06H Ordering of Spare Parts500.50Edition0312.11 - ES0GeneralDescriptionPage 2 (2) Nameofcustomer NameofPlant/Vessel IMONo Enginetype EngineNo EngineBuilder PlateNo EditionNo ItemNo DesignationoftheItemNo Qty.Fororderingorinquiryforitemsinfreetext,kindlycontactMANPrimeServHolebyat:+4554693100orviae-mailprimeserv-hol@mandieselturbo.com MAN DieselL28/32H61102-09HPlatePage 1 (2)Front Cover forLubricating Oil Pump91.45 - ES0S01020304For lubricatingoil pump, seePlate 61501050607 MAN Diesel91.45 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationPlatePage 2 (2)61102-09HL28/32H010203040506071/E40/E2/E2/E1/E1/E6/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.CoverScrewGuide pinNutGasketCoverScrewDækselSkrueStyrestiftMøtrikPakningDækselSkrueWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorFront Cover forLubricating Oil Pump MAN DieselL28/32H61102-07HPlatePage 1 (2)91.40 - ES0SFront Cover forLubricating Oil Pump and Cooling Water Pump140410121101030209081008091004Lub. oil pump(Plate 61501)0706041305+Fresh water cooling pump(Plate 61610) MAN Diesel91.40 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationPlatePage 2 (2)61102-07HL28/32H0102030405+0607080910111213144/E4/E2/E52/E1/E2/E2/E2/E2/E18/E1/E1/E2/E2/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.ScrewLocking plateSpray pipeScrewCoverGuide pinNutGasketCoverScrewGasketCoverGuide pinNut+ Item No. 05require an indi vidualmatching beforemounting, contactMAN B&W, HolebySkrueLåseskiveSprøjterørSkrueDækselStyrestiftMøtrikPakningDækselSkruePakningDækselStyrestiftMøtrik+ Item nr. 05 kræveren individuel til-pasning før montering,kontakt MAN B&W,HolebyWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorFront Cover forLubricating Oil Pump and Cooling Water Pump MAN DieselL28/32H61102-10HPlatePage 1 (2)92.38 - ES0SFront Cover forLubricating Oil Pump and Cooling Water Pumps140401030208091004Lub. oil pump(Plate 61501)0706041305+Fresh water cooling pumps(Plate 61610)121110 MAN Diesel92.38 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationPlatePage 2 (2)61102-10HL28/32H0102030405+0607080910111213146/E6/E3/E58/E1/E2/E2/E1/E1/E12/E1/E1/E4/E4/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.ScrewLocking plateSpray pipeScrewCoverGuide pinNutGasketCoverScrewGasketCoverGuide pinNut+ Item No. 05require an indi vidualmatching beforemounting, contactMAN B&W, HolebySkrueLåseskiveSprøjterørSkrueDækselStyrestiftMøtrikPakningDækselSkruePakningDækselStyrestiftMøtrik+ Item nr. 05 kræveren individuel til-pasning før montering,kontakt MAN B&W,HolebyWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorFront Cover forLubricating Oil Pump and Cooling Water Pumps MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HCovers on Frame 61106-20HPlatePage 1 (2)06.06 - ES0 MAN Diesel & Turbo06.06 - ES0Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationCovers on FramePlatePage 2 (2)61106-20HL28/32H01020304050607080910111213+14+15+1617192425261/E12/E12/E1/C1/C1/C1/E1/C12/C1/C1/C7/E8/E10/E11/E12/E2/C6/E1/E1/E6/D6/D3/E4/E4/E5/E6/E1/D/I Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.Guard end aftWasherScrewIntermediate guardHandle, upperHandle, lowerGuard end foreIntermediate gaugecomplete, Item 04,05 and 06ScrewCover for camshafthousingO-ringCover forcrankcase5 cyl. engine6 cyl. engine7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engine9 cyl. engineO-ringScrewCoverGasketSelf locking nutScrewCover with safetyvalve complete5 cyl. engine6 cyl. engine7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engine9 cyl. engineSafety valvecompleteScrewSkærm, agterSkiveSkrueMellemskærmHåndtag, øverstHåndtag, nederstSkærm, forMellemskærm,komplet, Item 04,05 and 06SkrueDæksel forKamakselhusO-ringDæksel forkrumtaphus5 cyl. motor6 cyl. motor7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motor9 cyl. motorO-ringSkrueDækselPakningSelvlåsende møtrikSkrueDæksel med sikker-hedsventil komplet5 cyl. motor6 cyl. motor7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motor9 cyl. motorSikkerhedsventil,kompletSkrueWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty./CylinderQty./D = Qty./Safety coverQty./I = Qty./IndividualVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/CylinderAntal/D = Antal/SikkerhedsdækselAntal/I = Antal/Individuelt2728394045/I/I12/D1/D1/DCoverGasketWasherFlangeO-ring+ Item 14, 15 and 16 are only mounted if the engine is delive-red without fuel oil feed pumpDækselPakningSkiveFlangeO-ring+ Item 14, 15 og 16 er kun monteret hvis mo-toren er leveret uden fuel olieforpumpe MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HCovers on FramePlatePage 1 (2)07.08 - ES061106-14H0405010602150703080916141312111110 MAN Diesel & Turbo07.08 - ES0Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationCovers on FramePlatePage 2 (2)61106-14HL28/32H0102030405060708091011121314151612/E1/E2/E2/E2/E6/E1/E1/E4/E39/E1/E18/E1/E1/E2/E4/E Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.ScrewSealing ring 2/2Guide pinCylindrical pinScrewScrewFlangeGasketGuide pinScrewCover 2/2ScrewCoverGasketNutNutSkrueTætningsring 2/2StyrestiftCylindrisk stiftSkrueSkrueFlangePakningStyrestiftSkrueDæksel 2/2SkrueDækselPakningMøtrikMøtrikWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 1 (1)How to Return Spare Parts and/or Tools600.51Edition 05HHow to return spare parts and/or toolsIf the unfortunate situation occurs that your spare parts do not fit or is damaged in any way, you need to return your spare parts to us.The return procedure is as follows:Send an email to our office via Holeby: primeserv-hol@mandieselturbo.com or Frederikshavn: primeserv-frh@mandieselturbo.comClearly stating: - Our order number - Item numbers - Reason for return - Your reference - Pictures of damaged parts – if any.Please be noted that your parts are not to be re-turned unless there is an agreement with our Sales Coordinators and/or Superintendents.When parts are received in good condition, we will issue a credit-note. Please mark the box with our order number or attach a copy of our packing list.For return of tools please mark the box withour project name and number on the box (P-xxxxx)Remarks:Please note that spare parts and/or tools are not to be returned unless there is a written agreement with MAN Diesel & Turbo, PrimeServ in Holeby or Frederikshavn. - If you return your spare parts and/or tools with-out a written agreement you will be charged a fee for unauthorised returns.11.09 - ES0General - If you return to Holeby instead of Frederikshavn, you will have to pay freight charges of minimum EUR 70,-Please return by cheapest mean to the below address: - Spare Parts: MAN Diesel & Turbo Niels Juels Vej 15 9900 Frederikshavn Denmark Att: Dept.: Store (WLS-FRH) - Tools: MAN Diesel & Turbo Langerak 74 9900 Frederikshavn Denmark Att: Dept.: Service Center (DC5)For returns to Singapore warehouse please use the following address: MAN Diesel & Turbo Singapore Pte. Ltd. 14 Tuas Avenue 1 Singapore 639499 Att.: Logistic Centre, AsiaNote: Please be aware that it is only spare parts that have been purchased in Singapore that can be returned to Singapore warehouse. Turbocharger 512/612 MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (2)Turbocharger SystemL28/32H03.26 - EO2S612.01Edition 28HFig. 1. Diagram for Turbocharger SystemTurbocharger SystemThe turbocharger system of the engine, which is a constant pressure system, consists of an exhaust gas receiver, a turbocharger, a charging air cooler and a charging air receiver, the latter being inte grated in the engine frame.The turbine wheel of the turbocharger is driven by the engine exhaust gas, and the turbine wheel drives the turbocharger compressor, which is mounted on the same shaft.Turbocharger, see separate manual.The turbocharger pumps the air through the char-ging air cooler to the charging air receiver. From the charging air receiver, the air fl ows to each cylinder through the inlet valves.The charging air cooler is of the compact tube-type with a large cooling surface. The cooling water is pas-sed twice through the cooler, the end covers being designed with partitions which cause the cooling water to turn.The cooling water tubes are fi xed to the tube plates by expansion.From the exhaust valves, the exhaust is led through water cooled intermediate pieces to the exhaust gas receiver where the pulsatory pressure from the indi-vidual exhaust valves is equalized and passed to the turbocharger as a constant pressure, and further to the exhaust outlet and silencer arrangement.The exhaust gas receiver is made of pipe sections, one for each cylinder. The pipe sections are connected to each other with compensators. This prevents exces-sive stress in the pipes due to heat expansion. MAN DieselTurbocharger SystemL28/32H03.26 - EO2SDescriptionPage 2 (2)In the cooled intermediate piece a thermometer for reading the exhaust gas temperature is fi tted. It is also possible to fi t a sensor for remote reading.To avoid excessive thermal loss and to ensure a reasonably low surface temperature, the exhaust gas receiver is insulated.The turbocharger is equipped with a jet system for supply of extra driving torque to the compressor. 612.01Edition 28HThe purpose is to increase the compressor perfor-mance. With this system the engine can take up a large momentary load increase.The system is activated automatically and only when the engine is exposed to a large momentary load increase, see section 609. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)612.05Edition 07HCompressorFouling of the airways depends primarily on the pu-rity of the inlet air and thus, in turn, on the general maintenance condition of the machinery, i.e. mainly of the gas and oil tightness of the engines and on the fresh air ventilation system of the engine room.Fouling of air fi lter, compressor or charging air cooler may be observed as changes in performance para-meters: - Decreasing charging air pressure. - Decreasing turbocharger rotor speed. - Increasing exhaust gas temperature. - Severe fouling of airways may even result in compressor surge.Regular cleaning during operation by injection of water before the compressor wheel will reduce the fouling rate considerably, and consequently prolong the intervals between dismantling necessary for mechanical cleaning.94.01 - ES0UGeneralCleaning the Turbocharger In ServiceWater Washing of CompressorChemical cleaning will not improve the cleaning process as this primarily is based on the mechanical effect from the impact of the water droplets.Certain types of fl uid solvents can give formation of deposits on the compressor wheel, and should under no circumstances be used.The intervals between cleaning by injection of water should be adjusted after assessing the degree and rate of fouling in the particular plant, i.e. based on observations and experience. MAN DieselL+V28/32HDescriptionThe tendency to fouling on the gas side of turbo-char gers depends on the combustion conditions, which are a result of the load and the maintenance con di tion of the engine as well as the quality of the fuel oil used.Fouling of the gas ways will cause higher exhaust gas temperatures and higher wall temperatures of the combustion chamber components and will also lead to a higher fuel consumption rate.Tests and practical experience have shown that ra di-al-fl ow turbines can be successfully cleaned by the dry cleaning method.This cleaning method employs cleaning agents con-sisting of dry solid bodies in the form of granules. A certain amount of these granules, depending on the turbocharger size, is, by means of compressed air, blown into the exhaust gas line before the gas inlet casing of the turbocharger.The injection of granules is done by means of wor-king air with a pressure of 5-7 bar.On account of their hardness, particularly suited blasting agents such as nut-shells, broken or arti fi -ci ally shaped activated charcoal with a grain size of 1.0 mm to max. 1.5 mm should be used as cleaning a gents.The solid bodies have a mechanical cleaning effect which removes any deposits on nozzle vanes and turbine blades.Dry cleaning can be executed at full engine load and does not require any subsequent operating period of the engine in order to dry out the exhaust system.Experience has shown that regular cleaning intervals are essential to successful cleaning, as ex-cessive fouling is thus avoided. Cleaning every second day during operation is recommended.The cleaning intervals can be shorter or longer based on operational experience.Cleaning SystemThe cleaning system consists of a cleaning agent container (2) with a capacity of approx. 0.5 liters and a removable cover. Furthermore the system con sists of an air valve (3), a closing valve (1) and two snap on connectors.The position numbers (2) and (3) indicate the system's "blow-gun". Only one "blow-gun" is used for each en gine plant. The blow-gun is working according to the ejector principle with pressure air (working air) at 5-7 bar as driven medium. Injection time approx. 2 min. Air consumption approx. 5 Nm3/2 min.97.08 - ES2SDescriptionPage 1 (3)Fig 1 Arrangement of dry cleaning of turbocharger - Turbine.Cleaning the Turbocharger in ServiceDry Cleaning - Turbine612.10Edition 09H 1 Closing valve 2 Container 3 Air valve 4 working air inlet 5 Exhaust pipe 6 Snap coupling MAN DieselL+V28/32HDry cleaning of turbochargersSuppliers of cleaning agents: 1. "Solf Blast Grit, Grade 14/25" TURCO Products B.V. Verl. Blokkenweg 12, 617 AD EDE - Holland Tel.:08380 - 31380, Fax.: 08380 - 37069 2. Designation unknown Neptunes Vinke B.V. Schuttevaerweg 24, 3044 BB Rotterdam Potbus 11032, 3004 E.A. Rotterdam, Holland Tel.: 010 - 4373166 Fax.: 4623466 3. "Grade 16/10" FA. Poul Auer GmbH Strahltechnik D-6800 Mainheim 31, Germany 4. "Granulated Nut Shells" Eisenwerke Würth GmbH + Co. 4107 Bad Friederichshall, Germany Tel.: 0 71 36-60 01 5. "Soft Blasting Grade 12/3a" H.S. Hansen Eftf. Kattegatvej 2 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark Tel.:(31) 29 97 00 Telex: 19038 6. "Crushed Nutshells" Brigantine, Hong Kong 7. "Turbine Wash" Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ishiko Bldg., 2-9-7 Yassu, Chuo-Ku Tokyo 104, Japan Tel.: 03-2 77-42 91DescriptionPage 2 (3)97.08 - ES2SCleaning the Turbocharger in ServiceDry Cleaning - Turbine612.10Edition 09H MAN Diesel 8. "A-C Cleaner" (Activated Coal) Mitsui Kozan Co. Ltd. (Fuel Dept.) Yamaguchi Bldg., 2-1-1 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-Ku Tokyo 103, Japan 9. "OMT-701" Marix KK Kimura Bldg., 6-2-1 Shinbashi Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Tel.: 03-4 36-63 71, Telex: 242-7232 MAIX J 10. "OMT-701" OMT Incorporated 4F, Kiji Bldg., 2-8 Hatchobori, 4-chome, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104, Japan Tel.: 03-5 53-50 77, Telex: 252-2747 OMTINC J 11. "Marine Grid No. 14" (Walnut) Hikawa Marine Kaigan-Dori 1-1-1, Kobe 650, Japan Tel.: 0 78-3 21-66 56 12. "Marine Grid No. 14" Mashin Shokai Irie-Dori, 3-1-13, Hyogo-Ku Kobe 652, Japan Tel.: 0 78-6 51-15 81 13. Granulate MAN B&W Diesel A/S Teglholmsgade 41 2450 København SV, Danmark Tel.: +45 33 851100 Fax.: +45 33 851030The list is for guidance only and must not be considered complete. We under-take no responsibility that might be caused by these or other products.97.08 - ES2SDescriptionPage 3 (3)L+V28/32HCleaning the Turbocharger in ServiceDry Cleaning - Turbine612.10Edition 09H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)612.15Edition 02HDescriptionThe tendency to fouling on the gas side of turbo-chargers depends on the combustion conditions, which are a result of the load on and the maintenance condition of the engine as well as the quality of the fuel oil used.Fouling of the gas ways will cause higher exhaust gas temperatures and higher surface temperatures of the combustion chamber components and will also lead to a lower performance.Tests and practical experience have shown that radial-fl ow turbines can be successfully cleaned by injection water into the inlet pipe of the turbine. The cleaning effect is based on the water solubility of the deposits and on the mechanical action of the im pinging water droplets and the water fl ow rate.The necessary water fl ow is dependent on the gas fl ow and the gas temperature. Enough water must be injected per time unit so that, not the entire fl ow will evaporate, but about 0.25 l/min. will fl ow off through the drainage opening in the gas outlet. Thus ensuring that suffi cient water has been injected.Service experience has shown that the above mentioned water fl ow gives the optimal reduced or disappear. If the recommended water fl ow is ex ceed, there is a certain risk of a accumulation of water in the turbine casing, which can result in damage on the turbocharger.The best cleaning effect is obtained by cleaning at low engine load approx. 20% MCR. Cleaning at low load will also reduce temperature shocks.Experience has shown, that washing at regular inter-vals is essential to successful cleaning, as excessive fouling is thus avoided. Washing at inter vals of 100 hours is therefore recommended. De pending on the fuel quality these intervals can be shorter or longer. However, the turbine must be washed at the latest when the exhaust gas tempe rature upstream of the turbine has risen about 20° C above the normal temperature.92.01 - ES0UGeneralCleaning the Turbocharger in ServiceWater Washing - Turbine SideHeavily contami nated turbines, which where not cleaned periodically from the very beginning or after an overhaul, cannot be cleaned by this method.If vibration in the turbocharger occur after water-wa-shing has been carried out, the washing should be repeated. If unbalance still exists, this is pre sumably due to heavy fouling, and the engine must be stop-ped and the turbocharger dismantled and manually cleaned.The washing water should be taken from the fresh water system and not from the fresh cooling water system or salt water system. No cleaning agents are solvents need to be added to the water.To avoid corrosion during standstill, the engine must, upon completing of water washing run far at least 1 hour before stop so that all parts are dry.Water Washing SystemThe water washing system consists of a pipe system equipped with a regulating valve, a manoeuvring valve, a 3-way cock and a drain pipe with a drain valve from the gas outlet, see illustration on work card 612-15.00.The water for washing the turbine, is supplied from the external fresh water system through a fl exible hose with couplings. The fl exible hose must be disconnected after water washing.By activating the manoeuvring valve and the regu-lating valve, water is led through the 3-way cock to the exhaust pipe intermediate fl ange, equipped with a channel to lead the water to the gas inlet of the turbocharger.The water which is not evaporated, is led out through the drain pipe in the gas outlet. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Overhaul of charging air cooler.Starting position:Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 3-4 HoursCapacity : 2 menData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)612-01.00Edition 02H96.30 - ES0S-GL+V28/32HOverhaul of Charging Air CoolerWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Ring and open end spanner, 13 mm.Ring and open end spanner, 19 mm.Ring and open end spanner, 24 mm.Allen key, 10 mm.Wire rope.Tackle.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 61203 14 8/cooler 61203 35 1/cooler 61203 37 1/cooler 61203 39 1/cooler 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H96.30 - ES0S-G612-01.00Edition 02HOverhaul of Charging Air CoolerWorking CardPage 2 (2)The charging air cooler is normally cleaned and overhauled at the intervals indicated in the "Planned Maintenance Program", or if observations prove that the cooler does not work satisfactory, see section 602.Overhaul of Charging Air Cooler. 1) Close the cooling water inlet and outlet valves and disconnect the pipes. 2) Remove the screw (1), fi g. 1, which secure the end cover of the cooler element to the cooler hous-ing, and pull the cooler element half-way out.Place a wire rope round the cooler element and at-tach a tackle hook, after which the elements are lifted and pulled out of the cooler housing and landed on a couple of wooden planks on the fl oor. 4) Clean the cooler element of the water and air sides.After using cleaning agents the manufacting re com-mend ting must be followed.The greatest care must be exercised when dis mant-ling cleaning and mounting the cooler element, as the thin fi ns of the tubes cannot stand impacts and pressure.If nevertheless, the metal is damaged, it should be carefully straightened, as bent fi ns will increase the pressure drop across the cooler considerably.Should one ore more cooler tubes become leaky it/they must immediately be made tight, either by expending the tube ends into the tube plates or by blanking of the tube(s) concerned with plugs.It is important that the charging air cooler is not leaky as any sea water that leaks in will be carried along with the air to the cylinders where the salt contained in the water will damage valves, piston rings, and cylinder liners. 5) Also clean end cover and coat it on the inside with an anti-corrosion blocks agent. Inspect the anti-corrosion (6) and renew if ne ces sa ry.Note: That paint or similar must not be applied to these blocks. 6) Fouling and deposite in the pipes can be remo-ved by using a hand or machine operated circular steel brush. The pipe inner diameter is 13 mm. 7) When mounting the air cooler, renew all gas-kets.Out of Service Periods.At longer periods out of service the air cooler is drained if the coolant is sea water followed by fl ushing with fresh water and left with drain and venting cocks open.At fresh water coolant systems recommendations for the entire system is followed.123645 3) Remove screws (2) and end cover (3) reversal chamber (4) and side plates (5).Fig. 1. MAN DieselIndexGenSetL28-2Text Index Drawing No.Camshaft 507/607Camshaft and camshaft drive Description 607.01 (05H) Camshaft and camshaft drive Working card 607-01.00 (01H) Inspection and replacement of camshaft bearing Working card 607-01.05 (01H) Adjustment of camshaft for valve and injection timing Working card 607-01.20 (04H) Intermediate wheel Plate 60701-06H Camshaft and camshaft bearing Plate 60705-22H Operating gear 508/608Operating gear for valves and fuel injection pumps Description 608.01 (12H) Inspection of valve roller guides Working card 608-01.00 (01H) Inspection of fuel injection pump roller guide Working card 608-01.05 (01H) Control and adjustment of valve clearance Working card 608-01.10 (01H) Roller guide and push rods Plate 60801-17H Control/safety 509/609Control and safety system Description 609.01 (20H) Instruments and automatics Description 609.05 (11H) Lambda controller Description 609.10 (15H) Starting box Description 609.35 (06H) Converter for engine- and turbocharger RPM signal Description 609.40 (01H) Functional test and adjustment of safety, alarm and monitoring equipment Working card 609-01.00 (01H) Functional test and adjustment of overspeed trip Working card 609-01.05 (01H) Adjustment and test of ON/OFF pressostate Working card 609-05.00 (02H) Adjustment and test of ON/OFF thermostate Working card 609-05.01 (02H) Function and test of level switch (LAL 25) Working card 609-05.02 (02H) Adjustment and test of analogous transmitter Working card 609-05.03 (02H) Adjustment and test of analogous temperature transmitter Working card 609-05.04 (02H) Adjustment of lambda controller Working card 609-10.00 (16H) Governor and governor drive Plate 60901-13H Governor and governor drive Plate 60901-14H Governor and governor drive Plate 60901-15H Regulating mechanism Plate 60902-18H Overspeed device Plate 60903-38H Instrument panel Plate 60905-20H Instrument panel Plate 60905-27H Instrument panel Plate 60905-32H Thermometer Plate 60907-19H Pressostate, thermostate, diff. pressostate and pressure transmitter Plate 60907-02H Prelubricating oil alarm (LAL 25) Plate 60919-01H Level switch in oil sump (LAL/LAH 28) Plate 60920-01H Local starting box - No 1 Plate 60935-13H Local starting box - No 1 Plate 60935-16H Local starting box - No 2 Plate 60935-14H Local starting box - No 2 (incl. high lub. oil temp.) Plate 60935-15H Engine control box Plate 60936-08H Termnal box Plate 60936-07H Converter Plate 60956-01 Crankshaft 510/610Crankshaft and main bearings Description 610.01 (12H) Checking of main bearings alignment (deflection), hydraulic tigthened connecting rod Working card 610-01.00 (10H) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Service Letters600.55Edition 01HDescriptionIn order to ensure the most effi cient, economical and up-to-date operation of our engines, we regularly send out "Service Letters" containing fi rst-hand information regarding accumulated service expe ri ence.The service letters can either deal with specifi c engine types, or contain general instructions and recommendations for all engine types, and are used as a reference when we prepare up-dated editions of instruc tion books.91.14 - ES0GeneralSince new service letters might be of great impor-tance to the operation of the plant, we recommend that engine staff fi le them as supplements to the relevant chapters of this instruction book. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety Precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Check of drain from charge air cooler housing.Starting Position:Related Procedure:Man Power:Working time : Capacity : 1 personData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)612-01.05Edition 02H97.08 - ES0SL+V28/32HCharge Air Cooler Housing - DrainingWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special Tools: Plate No Item No Note Hand Tools: Replacement and Wearing Parts: Plate No Item No Qty. / 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H97.08 - ES0S612-01.05Edition 02HCharge Air Cooler Housing - DrainingWorking CardPage 2 (2)In order to prevent water from collecting at the bottom of the gas outlet of the turbocharger, the charge air cooler and the charge air receiver, the charge air cooler is equipped with a drain and an automatic water discharger.This installation will prevent water from the charge air to be sucked into the engine, where it will destroy the lubricating oil fi lm on the cylinder walls, resulting in increasing wear. Further, the water will cause corrosion of the intake components.Therefore, frequent control of the drain and the water discharger has to take place to secure that these components are free of foreign substances which could foul them. 1) The drain screw at the bottom of the water discharger has to be loosened and cleaned of im-purities, if any.Fig 1 Placement of Steam Trap If, with the drain screw dismounted - a constant air fl ow is present: 1. Everything is all right. 2. Mount the drain screw at the bottom of the water discharger. If, with the drain screw dismounted - no constant air fl ow is present: 1. Dismount the drain pipe and blow-through the pipe by means of compressed air. Clean the discharge hole in the charge air cooler in order to secure a clear passage of water. 2. Mount the drain pipe and check with your hand that a constant air fl ow is present. 3. Mount the drain screw at the bottom of the water discharger. MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Water washing of compressor side.Turbocharger cleaning with engine in service.Starting position:Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/4 hourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)612-05.00Edition 03H96.30 - ES0SL+V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no Item no Note Hand tools:Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no Item no Qty. / See the special instructions for turbocharger.Working CardPage 1 (3)Water Washing of Compressor SideTurbocharger Type NR15/R - NR20/R - NR24/R - NR26/R. MAN DieselL+V28/32H96.30 - ES0S612-05.00Edition 03HWorking CardPage 2 (3)Before CleaningThe cleaning process is only to be carried out when the engine is at operating temperature (see Opera-ting Data 600.30) and when it is loaded as close as possible to full load (see Main Data 600.00).See also "Description for Water Washing of Com-pressor side", 612.05.Cleaning Procedure 1) Run the engine with as high a load as pos-sible. 2) Discharge the excesspressure in the container by drawing out the spindle in the safety valve (see fi g. 1) before loosening the top cover.The spindle returns automatically by means of a built-in spring.Water Washing of Compressor SideTurbocharger Type NR15/R - NR20/R - NR24/R - NR26/RFig 1Fig 2 3) Fill the container with 2 litres fresh water (see the scale on the container).Warning: Do not use sea water or cooling water. 4) Mount the top cover on the container. 5) Blow air into the container by means of a blow gun, until an operation pressure of 3 bar is reached (see fi g 2).The safety valve will open at a pressure of 4 bar.Excesspressure will discharge through the safety valve. MAN Diesel612-05.00Edition 03H96.30 - ES0SL+V28/32HWorking CardPage 3 (3)Water Washing of Compressor SideTurbocharger Type NR15/R - NR20/R - NR24/R - NR26/R.5 Hand valve with handle6 Container7 Charge air line1 Injection tube2 Pipe3 Snap coupling4 Plug-in coupling 6) Connect the plug-in coupling of the lance to the snap coupling on the pipe (see fi g 3). 7) Depress the handle on the hand valve until the water is completely injected into the compressor (approx. 30 seconds).The water will enter the compressor in atomized condition, impinge the vanes of the compressor wheel with high velocity and thus wash off the dirt deposited. 8) Release the plug-in coupling and vent the container by drawing the spindle out of the safety valve.After Cleaning 9) Run the engine for minimum 10 minutes at un al ter ed high load. 10) Compare the measurements of the operating data (see fi g 4) before and after the cleaning proce-dure (see Operating Data 600.30).IFthe comparison indicates success of the washing procedurethe comparison indicates lack of the wa-shing proceduresevere dirt is being deposited in the com-pressorTHENthe water washing of the compressor side is fi nishedcarry out the washing procedure from step 1 with 10 minutes interval from the initial washingdismantling of the compressor com ponents for manual cleaning is neces sary (see spe-cial turbocharger manual in section 612).Fig 3Fig 4 MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Dry cleaning of turbine side, cleaning with engine in service.Starting position:Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)612-10.00Edition 02H97.07 - ES0SL+V28/32HDry Cleaning of Turbocharger - Turbine SideWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note.Blow gun with container.Hand tools:Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. /See the special instruction for turbocharger. MAN DieselL+V28/32H97.07 - ES0S612-10.00Edition 02HDry Cleaning of Turbocharger - Turbine SideWorking CardPage 2 (2)Cleaning Procedure. 1) The cleaning is carried out during high engine load minimum 75 % at full load. 2) Before connecting the "blow-gun" open the closing valve (1), see fi g 1 and check whether there is free passage. 3) Fill cleaning granulated substance into the container (2) for turbocharger type: NR20/R - NR20S: 0.2 - 0.3 liters. NR24/R - NR26/R: 0.3 - 0.4 liters.Connect to the working air system (4), 5 -7 bar. 4) Connect the "blow-gun" to valve (1). Open air valve (3).Then open valve (1) slowly until a whisling sound indicates that blowing-in of granulated substance takes place.Injection time approx. 2 min.For dry cleaning of turbine side, see also description 612.10 "Cleaning the Turbocharger in Service, Dry Cleaning - Turbine Side.Fig 1 Arrangement of dry cleaning of turbocharger - Turbine. 1 Closing valve 2 Container 3 Air valve 4 working air inlet 5 Exhaust pipe 6 Snap coupling 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Water washing of turbine side, cleaning with engine in service.Starting position:Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1/2 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)612-15.00Edition 01H91.04 - ES0SGeneralWater Washing of Turbine SideWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. /See the special instruction for turbocharger. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneral91.04 - ES0S612-15.00Edition 01HWater Washing of Turbine SideWorking CardPage 2 (2)Cleaning Procedure. 1) Adjust the engine load to approx. 20 % and let the engine stabilize for 10 min. 2) Open the drain cock at the turbocharger outlet and check for free passage, see fi g. 1.3-way cockPlate with clean-ing instructionManoeuvering valveRegulating valveCleaning water inletFig. 1. Arrangement for water washing.Drain cock 3) Turn the 3-way cock to position 2 "Open", see fi g. 2 and check for free passage. If ok turn to the water wash position 3 "Wash". 4) Connect the water supply to the water wash system. 5) Activate the manoeuvring valve, see fi g. 1. Then open the regulating valve and adjust the water fl ow until the drain fl ow is approx. 0,25 l/min. 6) Continue the water washing 5 - 10 min. or until the drain water is free of particles. 7) Release the manoeuvring valve and dis con nect the water supply. Turn the 3-way cock to position 1, "Closed" and check that the water drain fl ow has stopped. 8) Continue at this load at least 5 min. before increasing the load to the normal condition. 9) After the water washing, the engine should run for at least 1 hour before stop.Note: The regulating valve has to be opened slowly.The manoeuvring valve must not be locked in open position.The water injection time mentioned in item 6 must be not exceeded.For water washing of turbine side, see also de scrip-tion for water washing.Fig. 2. 3-way cock. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater97.06 - ES0S61201-12HPlatePage 1 (2)5-6L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselVelocity, Speed (m/s) (3.6 km/h = 1 m/s)1 kn (knot) = 1 nautical mile/h 1.852 km/h = 0.5144 m/sCincerning other conversions, see table for lengthDensity1 lb/cub. ft 16.02 kg/m3Force (1 kg m/s2 = 1 N)1 kp (kilopound)* 9.807 N1 poundal** 138.3 x 10-3 N1 lbf (pound force) 4.448 N* Can occasionally be found stated as kgf (kilogram force). Standard acceleration of free fall gn = 9.80665 m/s2** Unit of force in the ft-lb-s system Stress ( 1 N/m2 = 10 -6 N/mm2)1 kp/mm2 = 100 kp/cm2 9.807 N/mm21 lbf/sq. in (psi) = 0.07031 at 6.895 x 10-3 N/mm2Dynamic viscosity (N s/m2)1 kp s/m2 9.807 N s/m2 = 98.07 P (poise)1 poundal s/sq.ft 1.488 N s/m21 lbf/sq.ft 47.88 N s/m2poise is a special name taken from the CGS system. 1 P = 0.1 Pa s1 cP = 1 mPa s = 10-3 Pa sKinematic viscosity (m2/s)1 sq.ft/s 92.90 x 10-3 m2/s = 92.90 x 103 cSt ** 1 cSt (centi stokes) = 10-6 m2/s. Stokes is a special name taken from the CGS system. 1 St = 10-4 m2/sEnergy, Work (1 Nm = 1 J, Wh)1 cal I.T* 4.187 J*1 kpm 9.807 J1 hph (metric) 2.648 x 106 J = 0.7355 kWh1 ft. lbf 1.356 J1 hph (UK, US) 2.685 x 106J = 0.7457 kWh1 BTU (UK, US) 1.055 x 103J = 1.055 KJ* Exact value: 4.1868 J I.T. = International Steam TableBasic Sl UnitsQuantity Name Symbollength metre mmass kilogram kgtime second selectric current ampere Aabsolute temperature* kelvin Kamount of substance mole molluminous intensity candela cd* Also named "thermodynamic temperature"Supplementary SI UnitsQuantity Name Symbolplane angle radian radsolid angle steradian srAdditional SI UnitsQuantity Name Symbol Defi nitiontime minute min 1 min = 60 stime hour h 1 h = 60 minplane angle degree ° 1° = (p/180) radvolume litre l 1 l = 1 dm3pressure bar bar 1 bar = 105 PaLength (m)1 in (inch) 25.40 mm = 0.0254 m1 ft (foot) = 12 inches 0.3048 m1 yd (yard) = 3 ft = 36 inches 0.9144 m1 statute mile = 1760 yds 1609 m1 n mile (international nautical mile) 1852 m SI Prefi xesFactor Prefi x Symbol Factor Prefi x Symbol1018 exa E 10-1 deci d1015 peta P 10-2 centi c1012 tera T 10-3 milli m109 giga G 10-6 micro μ106 mega M 10-9 nano n103 kilo k 10-12 pico p102 hecto h 10-15 femto f10 deca da 10-18 atto aArea (m2)1 sq. in (square inch) 0.6452 x 10-3 m21 sq. ft (square foot) 92.90 x 10-3 m2DescriptionPage 1 (3)600.60Edition 0104.37 - ES0Conversion TableGeneral 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel97.06 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.0170290300420540660780911011131251371491501621741861982082212332452572823041/K1/K2/K1/K1/K4/K4/K1/K4/K8/K1/K1/K1/K32/K1/K5/K5/K5/K1/K4/K1/K1/K1/K22/K1/ECrossmemberCrossmemberPipeCooler blockGasket end coverPlug screwCu-washerEnd coverNutScrewSide plate rightGasket reversingcoverReversing coverScrewCrossmemberScrewCu-washerScrewSide plate leftScrewO-ringPlugGasketScrewCharging air cooler, complete, incl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 162, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233 and 245TraversTraversRørKølerblokPakning endedækselPropskrueCu-skiveEndedækselMøtrikSkrueSideplade højrePakning vendekam-merVendekammerSkrueTraversSkrueCu-skiveSkrueSideplade venstreSkrueO-ringPropPakningSkrueLadeluftkøler, komplet, inkl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 162, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233 og 245When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./Engine.Qty./K = CoolerVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/K = KølerCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater61201-12HPlatePage 2 (2)5-6L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater97.06 - ES0S61201-13HPlatePage 1 (2)7-8-9L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel97.06 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.0170290300420540660780911011131251371491501621741861982082212332452572823041/K1/K2/K1/K1/K4/K4/K1/K4/K8/K1/K1/K1/K32/K1/K5/K5/K5/K1/K4/K1/K1/K1/K22/K1/ECrossmemberCrossmemberPipeCooler blockGasket end coverPlug screwCu-washerEnd coverNutScrewSide plate rightGasket reversingcoverReversing coverScrewCrossmemberScrewCu-washerScrewSide plate leftScrewO-ringPlugGasketScrewCharging air cooler, complete, incl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 162, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233 and 245TraversTraversRørKølerblokPakning endedækselPropskrueCu-skiveEndedækselMøtrikSkrueSideplade højrePakning vendekam-merVendekammerSkrueTraversSkrueCu-skiveSkrueSideplade venstreSkrueO-ringPropPakningSkrueLadeluftkøler, komplet, inkl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 162, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233 og 245When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./Engine.Qty./K = CoolerVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/K = KølerCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater61201-13HPlatePage 2 (2)7-8-9L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater97.06 - ES0S61201-14HPlatePage 1 (2)5-6L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel97.06 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.0170290300420540660780911011131251371491501741861982082212332572692702822943041/K1/K2/K1/K1/K4/K4/K1/K4/K8/K1/K1/K1/K32/K5/K5/K5/K1/K8/K1/K1/K1/K1/K22/K1/K1/ECrossmemberCrossmemberPipeCooler blockGasket end coverPlug screwCu-washerEnd coverNutScrewSide plate rightGasket reversingcoverReversing coverScrewScrewCu-washerScrewSide plate leftScrewO-ringGasketRingDrain pipe for WMCScrewWater mist catcherCharging air cooler, complete, incl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233, 269, 270 and 294TraversTraversRørKølerblokPakning endedækselPropskrueCu-skiveEndedækselMøtrikSkrueSideplade højrePakning vendekam-merVendekammerSkrueSkrueCu-skiveSkrueSideplade venstreSkrueO-ringPakningRingDrænrør for WMCSkrueVandudskillerLadeluftkøler, komplet, inkl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233, 269, 270 og 294When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./Engine.Qty./K = CoolerVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/K = KølerCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater61201-14HPlatePage 2 (2)5-6L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater97.06 - ES0S61201-15HPlatePage 1 (2)7-8-9L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel97.06 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.0170290300420540660780911011131251371491501741861982082212332572692702822943041/K1/K2/K1/K1/K4/K4/K1/K4/K8/K1/K1/K1/K32/K5/K5/K5/K1/K8/K1/K1/K1/K1/K22/K1/K1/ECrossmemberCrossmemberPipeCooler blockGasket end coverPlug screwCu-washerEnd coverNutScrewSide plate rightGasket reversingcoverReversing coverScrewScrewCu-washerScrewSide plate leftScrewO-ringGasketRingDrain pipe for WMCScrewWater mist catcherCharging air cooler, complete, incl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233, 269, 270 and 294TraversTraversRørKølerblokPakning endedækselPropskrueCu-skiveEndedækselMøtrikSkrueSideplade højrePakning vendekam-merVendekammerSkrueSkrueCu-skiveSkrueSideplade venstreSkrueO-ringPakningRingDrænrør for WMCSkrueVandudskillerLadeluftkøler, komplet, inkl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233, 269, 270 og 294When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./Engine.Qty./K = CoolerVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/K = KølerCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater61201-15HPlatePage 2 (2)7-8-9L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCharging Air Cooler - Seawater97.45 - ES0S61201-16HPlatePage 1 (2)5-6L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel97.45 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.0170290300420540660780911011131251371491501741861982082212332572692702822941/K1/K2/K1/K1/K4/K4/K1/K4/K8/K1/K1/K1/K32/K5/K5/K5/K1/K8/K1/K1/K1/K1/K22/K1/KCrossmemberCrossmemberPipeCooler blockGasketend coverPlug screwCu-washerEnd coverNutScrewTop plateGasketreversing coverReversing coverScrewScrewCu-washerScrewBottom plateScrewO-ringGasketRingDrain pipe forwater mist catcherScrewWater mist catcherTraversTraversRørKølerblokPakningendedækselPropskrueCu-skiveEndedækselMøtrikSkrueToppladePakningvendekammerVendekammerSkrueSkrueCu-skiveSkrueBundpladeSkrueO-ringPakningRingDrænrør forvandudskillerSkrueVandudskillerWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./Engine.Qty./K = CoolerVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/K = KølerCharging Air Cooler - Seawater61201-16HPlatePage 2 (2)5-6L28/32H3043163283411/E12/K6/K12/KCharging air cooler, complete, incl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233, 269, 270, 294, 316, 328, 341NutAnti-corrosion blockStudLadeluftkøler, komplet, inkl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233, 269, 270, 294, 316, 328, 341MøtrikAnodeTapskrue 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCharging Air Cooler - Seawater97.45 - ES0S61201-17HPlatePage 1 (2)7-8-9L28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselConversion TableGeneral600.60Edition 01DescriptionPage 2 (3)04.37 - ES0Power (1 kg m2/s3 = 1 N m/s = 1 J/s = 1 W)1 kpm/s 9.807 W1 hp (metric) = 75 kpm/s 735.5 W = 0.7355 kW1 kcalI.T./h 1.163 W1 ft lbf/s 1.356 W1 hp (UK, US) = 550 ft.lbf/s 745.7 W1 BTU/h 0.2931 WMoment of Force, Torque (kg m2/s2 = Nm)Can easily be derived from the above tables.Moment of Inertia (kg m2)1 GD2 (old notation) = 4 x I* kg m21 WR2 (old notation)* = 1 x I* kg m2*I = ∫ dmr x r2 mr = mass at the radius rG = W = mass in kg D = Diameter of gyrationR = Radius of gyrationSpecifi c fuel consumption* (g/kWh)1 g/hph (metric) 1.360 g/kWh* See also table for specifi c fuel oil consumption valuesTemperature difference (K)1 °C (Celsius) 1 K1 °F (Fahrenheit) 5/9 KTemperature levels (K) (see "Derived SI Units with special Names) t °C (Celsius) tc + 273.15 = Kt°F (Fahrenheit) 5/9(tf - 32) + 273.15 = KCelsius from Fahrenheit: tc = 5/9(tf - 32)Fahrenheit from Celcius: tf = 9/5 x tc + 32Specifi c heat capacity (J/(kg K))1 kcalI.T./(kg x °C) 4.187 x 103 J/(kg K)1 BTU*/(lb x °F) = 1 kcalI.T. /(kg °C) 4.187 x 103 J/(kg K)* British Thermal Unit (see table for energy conversions)Heat conductance (W/(m K))1 calI.T./(cm x s x °C) 418.7 W/(m K)1 kcalI.T./(m x h x °C) 1.163 W/(m K)1 BTU*/(ft x h x °F) 1.731 W/(m K)* British Thermal Unit (see table for energy conversions)Heat transmission (W/(m2 K))1 calI.T./(cm x s x °C) 41.87 x 103 W/(m2 K)1 kcalI.T./(m" x h x °C) 1.163 W/(m2 K)1 BTU*/(ft2 x h x °F 5.678 W/(m2 K)Specifi c fuel oil consumption (SFOC)Reference conditionsSpecifi c fuel oil consumption values refer to brake power, and the following reference conditions:Reference conditions (ISO) Blower inlet temperature 25°C 298 KBlower inlet pressure 1000 mbarCharge air coolant temperature 25°C 298 KFuel oil lower calorifi c value (10200 kcal/kg) 42707 kJ/kgkDerived Si Units with Special NamesQuantity Name Symbol Expressed in basic, supplementary or derived SI unitsfrequency hertz Hz 1 Hz = 1 s-1force newton N 1 N = 1 kg m/s2pressure, stress pascal Pa 1 Pa = 1 N/m2*energy, working quantity of heat joule J 1 J = 1 Nmpower watt W 1 W = 1 J/selectric potential (DC) volt V 1 V = 1 W/Atemperature Celsius °C 1°C = 1 k*** For mechanical stresses N/mm2 is widely used. 1 N/mm2 = 106 N/m2** t (°C) = T(K) - T0(K), where T0 = 273.15 K 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel97.45 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.0170290300420540660780911011131251371491501741861982082212332572692702822941/K1/K2/K1/K1/K4/K4/K1/K4/K8/K1/K1/K1/K32/K5/K5/K5/K1/K8/K1/K1/K1/K1/K22/K1/KWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./Engine.Qty./K = CoolerVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/K = KølerCharging Air Cooler - Seawater61201-17HPlatePage 2 (2)7-8-9L28/32HTraversTraversRørKølerblokPakningendedækselPropskrueCu-skiveEndedækselMøtrikSkrueToppladePakningvendekammerVendekammerSkrueSkrueCu-skiveSkrueBundpladeSkrueO-ringPakningRingDrænrør forvandudskillerSkrueVandudskillerLadeluftkøler, komplet, inkl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233, 269, 270, 294, 316, 328, 341MøtrikAnodeTapskrueCrossmemberCrossmemberPipeCooler blockGasketend coverPlug screwCu-washerEnd coverNutScrewTop plateGasketreversing coverReversing coverScrewScrewCu-washerScrewBottom plateScrewO-ringGasketRingDrain pipe forwater mist catcherScrewWater mist catcherCharging air cooler, complete, incl. item 017, 029, 030, 042, 054, 066, 078, 091, 101, 113, 125, 137, 149, 150, 174, 186, 198, 208, 221, 233, 269, 270, 294, 316, 328, 341NutAnti-corrosion blockStud3043163283411/E12/K6/K12/K 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater07.12 - ES061201-29HPlatePage 1 (2)L28/32H007081056318081068019044139032020093093152140259260127284176211223164176272188115103247235176296306330 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel07.12 - ES0Designation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.0070190200320440560680810931031151271391401521641761882112232352472592602722842961/K1/K2/K1/K1/K5/K5/K5/K32/K1/K1/K1/K1/K2/K2/K4/K/I8/K8/K8/K1/K1/K8/K8/K4/K8/E4/KEnd coverGasket for end coverReversing chamberGasket forreversing chamberCooler blockScrewGasket ringScrewScrewRing by drain pipeO-ringSide cover- rightSide cover- leftCrossmemberDistance pipeNutLocktiteScrewScrewWasherWater mist catcherDrain pipe forwater mist catcherSpring, straight pin slottedSpring, side coverLock, side coverScrewPlug screwEndedækselPakning for endedækselVendekammerPakning for vendekammerKølerblokSkruePakningsringSkrueSkrueRing ved drænrørO-ringSidedæksel - højreSidedæksel - venstreTraversAfstandsrørMøtrikLocktiteSkrueSkrueSkiveVandudskillerDrænrør for vandudskillerSpændestiftFjeder, sidepladeLås, sidepladeSkruePropskrueWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./Engine.Qty./K = CoolerQty./I = IndividualVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/K = KølerAntal/I = IndividueltCharging Air Cooler - Freshwater61201-29HPlatePage 2 (2)L28/32H3063183304/K1/E1/KGasketCharge air cooler,completeGasketPakningLadeluftkøler, kompletPakning MAN Diesel5,6L28/32HExhaust Pipe Arrangement 61202-23HPlatePage 1 (2)11061109070810050508100510041614151213232229303128323334212022232425262791.18 - ES0S11 MAN Diesel91.18 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationExhaust Pipe ArrangementPlatePage 2 (2)61202-23H5,6L28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.04050607080910111213141516202122232425262728291/E4/E5/E1/E1/E4/E5/E1/E9/E11/E3/E108/E132/E108/E132/E8/E8/E16/E4/C1/C4/C4/C2/C2/C1/C1/C4/C1/CEnd cover, aftExhaust pipe5 cyl. engine6 cyl. engineExhaust pipe,inlet TC.Exhaust pipe forcyl. 1Compensator5 cyl. engine6 cyl. engineCompensatorGasket5 cyl. engine6 cyl. engineGasketScrew5 cyl. engine6 cyl. engineNut5 cyl. engine6 cyl. engineScrewNutScrewScrewGasketGasketPlugScrewWasherIntermediate piecePlug screwScrewPlug screwEndeplade, bagUdstødsrør5 cyl. motor6 cyl. motorUdstødsrør, tilgangturboladerUdstødsrør forcyl. 1Kompensator5 cyl. motor6 cyl. motorKompensatorPakning5 cyl. motor6 cyl. motorPakningSkrue5 cyl. motor6 cyl. motorMøtrik5 cyl. motor6 cyl. motorSkrueMøtrikSkrueSkruePakningPakningPropSkrueSkiveMellemstykkePropskrueSkruePropskrueWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/cylinder30313233341/C1/C1/C1/C1/CGasketGasketO-ringCooling waternippleO-ringPakningPakningO-ringKølevandsnippelO-ring MAN Diesel5,6L28/32HExhaust Pipe Arrangement with Welded Compensator 61202-32HPlatePage 1 (2)92.38 - ES0S1614151706110911070805232228293031323334272625242322212004 MAN Diesel92.38 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationExhaust Pipe Arrangement with Welded CompensatorPlatePage 2 (2)61202-32H5,6L28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.04050607080911141516172021222324252627282930313233341/E4/E5/E1/E1/E4/E5/E1/E2/E8/E8/E16/E1/E4/C1/C4/C4/C2/C2/C1/C1/C4/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/CEnd cover, aftExhaust pipe5 cyl. engine6 cyl. engineExhaust pipe,inlet TC.Exhaust pipe forcyl. 1Compensator5 cyl. engine6 cyl. engineCompensatorGasketScrewNutScrewGasketScrewGasketGasketPlugScrewWasherIntermediate piecePlug screwScrewPlug screwGasketGasketO-ringCooling waternippleO-ringEndeplade, bagUdstødsrør5 cyl. motor6 cyl. motorUdstødsrør, tilgangturboladerUdstødsrør forcyl. 1Kompensator5 cyl. motor6 cyl. motorKompensatorPakningSkrueMøtrikSkruePakningSkruePakningPakningPropSkrueSkiveMellemstykkePropskrueSkruePropskruePakningPakningO-ringKølevandsnippelO-ringWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/cylinder MAN Diesel7,8L28/32HExhaust Pipe Arrangement 61202-26HPlatePage 1 (2)17061109070810050508100510041614151213232229303128323334212022232425262791.18 - ES0S11 MAN Diesel91.18 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationExhaust Pipe ArrangementPlatePage 2 (2)61202-26H7,8L28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.04050607080910111213141516172021222324252627281/E6/E7/E1/E1/E6/E7/E1/E13/E15/E2/E156/E180/E156/E180/E8/E8/E16/E1/E4/C1/C4/C4/C2/C2/C1/C1/C4/CEnd cover, aftExhaust pipe7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engineExhaust pipe,inlet TC.Exhaust pipe forcyl. 1Compensator7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engineCompensatorGasket7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engineGasketScrew7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engineNut7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engineScrewNutScrewGasketScrewGasketGasketPlugScrewWasherIntermediate piecePlug screwScrewEndeplade, bagUdstødsrør7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motorUdstødsrør, tilgangturboladerUdstødsrør forcyl. 1Kompensator7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motorKompensatorPakning7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motorPakningSkrue7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motorMøtrik7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motorSkrueMøtrikSkruePakningSkruePakningPakningPropSkrueSkiveMellemstykkePropskrueSkrueWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/cylinder2930313233341/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/CPlug screwGasketGasketO-ringCooling waternippleO-ringPropskruePakningPakningO-ringKølevandsnippelO-ring MAN Diesel7,8L28/32HExhaust Pipe Arrangement with Welded Compensator 61202-28HPlatePage 1 (2)92.07 - ES0S1614151706110911070805232228293031323334272625242322212004 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 3 (3)600.60Edition 0104.37 - ES0Conversion TableGeneralVolume (1 m3 = 1000 l)1 cub. in (cubic inch) 16.39 x 10-6 m31 cub. ft (cubic foot) 28.32 x 10-3 m3 = 28.32 l1 gallon* (imperial, UK) 4.546 x 10-3 m3 = 4.546 l1 gallon* (US) 3.785 x 10-3 m3 = 3.785 l1 barrel (US petroleum barrel) = 42 gallon (US) 0.1590 m31 bbl (dry barrel, US) 0.1156 m31 register ton = 100 cub. ft 2.832 m3* 1 gallon = 4 quarts = 8 pintsMass (kg)1 lb (pound mass) = 16 ozs (ounces) 0.4536 kg1 cwt (UK) (hundredweight) = 112 lbs 50.80 kg1 long ton (UK) = 20 cwt = 2240 lbs 1.016 metric tons = 1016 kg1 short ton (UK) = 2000 lbs 0.907 metric tons = 907 kg1 slug* 14.59 kg* Unit and mass in the ft-lb-s systemPressure(1 N/m2 = 1 Pa, 1 bar = 105 Pa, 1 mbar = 10-3 bar)1 kp/cm2 = 1 at = 0.9678 atm 98.07 x 103 Pa = 0.9807 bar1 at = 735.5 mm Hg* = 10 m H2O** (T = 277 K)750 mm Hg* 105 Pa = 1 bar1 mm Hg* (T = 273 K) 133.3 Pa = 1.333 mbar1 mm H2O** (T = 277 K) 10-4 at = 9.807 Pa = 98.07 x 10-3 mbar1 in Hg* (T = 273 K) 3386 Pa = 33.86 mbar1 in H2O** (T = 277 K) 249.1 Pa = 2.491 mbar1 atm (standard atmosphere) 760 mm Hg, 1.013 x 105 Pa = 1013 mbar1 atm = 1.033 at1 lbf/sq.in (psi) 6895 Pa = 68.95 mbar* Mercury. 1 mm Hg = 1 Torr Values in table provided gn = 9.80665 m/s2** Water column (WC)Some physical data in SI unitsNomenclaturet = temp. in °C ΔK = temperature differencer = density in kg/m3 Cp = heat capacity in J/(kg DK) t ρ Cp t Cp rangeWater 18 999 4.18 x 103Lubricating oil (approx.)* 15 900 1.96 x 103Atmospheric air (dry) (p=1 bar) 0 1.276 998 0-150 1005Exhaust gas 200-400 1080* Viscosity: 100-140 cSt at 40°C 750 mm Hg = 1 bar = 105 Pa1 atm (standard pressure at sea level) = 760 mm Hg = 1013 mbarGas constant for air and exhaust gas = 287 J/(kg x K)Water, heat of evaporation 100°C 1.013 bar 2.256 x 106 J/kgFuel oil. Lower calorifi c value 41-43 x 106 J/kgISO 3046/1-1986 standard reference fuel 43 x 106 J/kgDiesel engine reference fuel (see below) MAN Diesel92.07 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationExhaust Pipe Arrangement with Welded CompensatorPlatePage 2 (2)61202-28H7,8L28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.04050607080911141516172021222324252627282930313233341/E6/E7/E1/E1/E6/E7/E1/E2/E8/E8/E16/E1/E4/C1/C4/C4/C2/C2/C1/C1/C4/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/CEnd cover, aftExhaust pipe7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engineExhaust pipe,inlet TC.Exhaust pipe forcyl. 1Compensator7 cyl. engine8 cyl. engineCompensatorGasketScrewNutScrewGasketScrewGasketGasketPlugScrewWasherIntermediate piecePlug screwScrewPlug screwGasketGasketO-ringCooling waternippleO-ringEndeplade, bagUdstødsrør7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motorUdstødsrør, tilgangturboladerUdstødsrør forcyl. 1Kompensator7 cyl. motor8 cyl. motorKompensatorPakningSkrueMøtrikSkruePakningSkruePakningPakningPropSkrueSkiveMellemstykkePropskrueSkruePropskruePakningPakningO-ringKølevandsnippelO-ringWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/cylinder MAN Diesel9L28/32HExhaust Pipe Arrangement 61202-27HPlatePage 1 (2)16061109070810050508100510041412131213232229303128323334212022232425262791.18 - ES0S1115 MAN Diesel91.18 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationExhaust Pipe ArrangementPlatePage 2 (2)61202-27H9L28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.040506070809101112131415162021222324252627282930313233341/E8/E1/E1/E8/E1/E17/E2/E216/E216/E12/E12/E1/E4/C1/C4/C4/C2/C2/C1/C1/C4/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/CEnd cover, aftExhaust pipeExhaust pipe,inlet TC.Exhaust pipe forcyl. 1CompensatorCompensatorGasketGasketScrewNutScrewScrewGasketScrewGasketGasketPlugScrewWasherIntermediate piecePlug screwScrewPlug screwGasketGasketO-ringCooling water nippleO-ringEndeplade, bagUdstødsrørUdstødsrør, tilgangturboladerUdstødsrør forcyl. 1KompensatorKompensatorPakningPakningSkrueMøtrikSkrueSkruePakningSkruePakningPakningPropSkrueSkiveMellemstykkePropskrueSkruePropskruePakningPakningO-ringKølevandsnippelO-ringWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/cylinder MAN Diesel9L28/32HExhaust Pipe Arrangement with Welded Compensator 61202-42HPlatePage 1 (2)97.08 - ES0S1614151706110911070805232228293031323334272625242322212004 MAN Diesel97.08 - ES0SDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationExhaust Pipe Arrangement with Welded CompensatorPlatePage 2 (2)61202-42H9L28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.04050607080911141516172021222324252627282930313233341/E8/E1/E1/E8/E1/E2/E12/E12/E24/E1/E4/C1/C4/C4/C2/C2/C1/C1/C4/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/C1/CEnd cover, aftExhaust pipeExhaust pipe,inlet TC.Exhaust pipe forcyl. 1CompensatorCompensatorGasketScrewNutScrewGasketScrewGasketGasketPlugScrewWasherIntermediate piecePlug screwScrewPlug screwGasketGasketO-ringCooling waternippleO-ringEndeplade, bagUdstødsrørUdstødsrør, tilgangturboladerUdstødsrør forcyl. 1KompensatorKompensatorPakningSkrueMøtrikSkruePakningSkruePakningPakningPropSkrueSkiveMellemstykkePropskrueSkruePropskruePakningPakningO-ringKølevandsnippelO-ringWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./C = Qty./CylinderVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/C = Antal/cylinder MAN Diesel & Turbo01*02*03*04*05*06*222120190910181707080910111213*14*1615*26*2725*24*23L+V28/32H Water Washing of Compressor Side94.01 - ES0S61205-02H PlatePage 1 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboTop cover with non-return valveO-ring for top coverO-ring for non-return valveValve seatSpring for non-return valveCap screw for non-return valveTop cover with non-return valve complete, incl. item 01-02-03-04-05 and 06Safety valveO-ringFinger nutCapGasket for the capCable binderStrapEye for strapStrap complete, incl. item 13-14 and 15ContainerFlexible pipeHandle with flexible pipe and cap screwFilter insertGasket for handleHand valveGasket forhand valveLanceDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation01*02*03*04*05*06*07080910111213*14*15*161718192021222324* Item No. Qty.Item No. Qty.94.01 - ES0S61205-02HPlatePage 2 (2)Water Washing of Compressor SideL+V28/32HWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/Motor1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E2/E2/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/EStraight male stud couplingPlug in couplingLance complete, incl. item 24-25 and 26Container complete, as shown on plate25*26*2728Topdæksel med kon-traventilO-ring for topdækselO-ring for kontraventilVentilsædeFjeder for kontraventilOmløber tilkontraventilTopdæksel med kontra-ventil komplet, inkl. item 01-02-03-04-05 og 06SikkerhedsventilO-ringFingermøtrikTopPakning for topKabelbinderGjordØje for gjordGjord komplet, inkl. item 13-14 og 15BeholderFleksibel slangeHåndtag med fleksibel slange og omløberFilterinsatsPakning til håndtagHåndventilPakning tilhåndventilLanseLigeforskruningKoblingLanse komplet, inkl. item 24-25 og 26Beholder komplet, som vist på plate MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)Steam TrapL+V28/32H97.07 - ES0S61208-01H05060704030201 MAN DieselDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.01020304050607Vandudlader,kompletPakningKlemmeHus, bundHus, topSvømmerVentilSteam Trap97.07 - ES0SL+V28/32HPlatePage 2 (2)61208-01HSteam trap,completePackingClipHouse, bottomHouse, topSwimmerValve1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/EWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty./E = Qty./Motor 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (2)Blowgun for Dry Cleaning of TurbochargerGeneral01.12 - ES061210-02H016 112 028 041 028053065 077089100136148 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel1. No Symbol Symbol designation 1. GENERAL CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS 2. PIPES AND PIPE JOINTS2. No Symbol Symbol designation 3. VALVES, GATE VALVES, COCKS AND FLAPSPipePipe with indication of direction of fl owValves, gate valves, cocks and fl apsAppliancesIndicating and measuring instrumentsHigh-pressure pipeTracingCrossing pipes, not connectedCrossing pipes, connectedTee pipeFlexible pipeExpansion pipe (corrugated) generalJoint, screwedJoint, fl angedJoint, sleeveJoint, quick-releasingExpansion joint with glandExpansion pipeCap nutBlank fl angeSpectacle fl angeOrifi ceOrifi ceLoop expansion jointSnap couplingPneumatic fl ow or exhaust to atmosphereValve, straight throughValve, angleValve, three-wayNon-return valve (fl ap), straightNon-return valve (fl ap), angleNon-return valve (fl ap), angle, screw downSafety valveAngle safety valveSelf-closing valveQuick-opening valveQuick-closing valveRegulating valveBall valve (cock)Butterfl y valveGate valveEnclosure for several components as-sem-bled in one unitNon-return valve (fl ap), straight screw downDescriptionPage 1 (3)Basic Symbols for PipingGeneral05.02 - ES0600.65Edition 01H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignation Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.016028041053065077089100112136148SnapkoblingNippelT-stykkeKugleventilSnapkoblingSnapkoblingPakningsringbeholder, kompletMuffeRensepistol, completeGranulatBlowgun for Dry Cleaning of Turbocharger01.12 - ES0GeneralPlatePage 2 (2)61210-02HSnap couplingNippleTeeBall valveSnap couplingSnap couplingPacking ringContainer, completeSocketBlowgun, completeGranulate1/E2/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E1/E/IWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./I = Qty./IndividualVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty./E = Qty./MotorQty./I = Qty./Individuelt Compressed air system 513/613 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCompressed Air SystemL28/32H94.23 - ES0SCyl. 1K1Fig. 1. Diagram for Compressed Air SystemMain starting valveStarting valveOverspeed deviceOn-off valve for jet-system613.01Edition 20HGeneralThe compressed air system on the engine contains a starting system, starting control system and safety system. Further, the system supplies air to the jet system.The compressed air is supplied from the starting air receivers (30 bar) through a reduction station, where from compressed air is supplied to the engine.To avoid dirt particles in the internal system, a dirt se-parator is mounted in the inlet line to the engine.The intervals between cleaning and draining will depend on the condition of the air in the main sup-ply system, and has therefore to be determined accor ding to service experience gained with the particular plant.Note: Due to the safety system, the air supply to the engine must not be interrupted during operation of the engine.Starting SystemThe engine is started by means of a built-on air starter, which is of the turbine starter motor type with gear box, safety clutch and drive shaft with pinion. Further, the starting system consists of a main starting valve.Control SystemThe air starter is activated electrically with a pneu-matic 3/2 way solenoid valve (starting valve).The valve can be activated manually from the star-ting box on the engine, and it can be arranged for remote control, manual or automatic.For remote activation, the starting spool must be connected so that every starting signal to the starting spool goes through the converter for engine RPM signal or via the engine control box if supplied.DescriptionPage 1 (2)Stop cylin-derAir starterEmergency starting valve 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCompressed Air SystemL28/32H94.23 - ES0SDescriptionPage 2 (2)613.01Edition 20HEmergencystart valve⇓Press downFig. 2. Emergency start valveFurther, the system is equipped with an emergency starting valve which makes it possible to activate the air starter manually in case of a power failure.Emergency Starting ValveThe emergency starting valve is activated by means of a screw-driver or similar as illustrated in fi g. 2.Safety SystemAs standard the engine is equipped with a pneu-ma ti cal ly/mechanically overspeed device, which starts to operate if the maximum permissible RPM is exceeded. This device is fi tted to the end cover of the engine driven lubricating pump and is driven from the pump through a resilient coupling, see section 609.When the maximum permissible RPM is exceeded, the overspeed device will activate a pneumatically controlled stop cylinder, which will bring the fuel index to zero and stop the engine.Pneumatic Start SequenceWhen the starting valve is opened, air will be sup plied to the drive shaft housing of the air starter.The air supply will - by activating a piston - bring the drive pinion into engagement with the gear rim on the engine fl y wheel.When the pinion is fully engaged, the pilot air will fl ow to, and open the main starting valve, whereby air will be led to the air starter, which will start to turn the engine.Simultaneously with air supply for the air starter, air will be supplied to the fuel limitating cylinder, thus limiting the fuel supply during the start sequence.When the RPM exceeds approx. 110, at which fi ring has taken place, the starting valve is closed whereby the air starter is disengaged. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul. DescriptionCleaning and/or maintenance of air fi lter.Starting positionRelated procedureManpowerWorking time : hoursCapacity : manDataData for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)613-01.21Edition 02H02.46 - ES0GeneralAir FilterWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools Plate no Item no Note Hand toolsReplacement and wearing parts Plate no Item no Qty/ 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneral02.46 - ES0613-01.21Edition 02HAir FilterWorking CardPage 2 (2)Cleaning Air Filter 1) Depressurize unit. 2) Remove bowl and bowl guard assembly by turning counter-clockwise. 3) Inspect bowl for damage seals and replace, if nessesary. 4) If bowl becomes dirty clean it by wiping the bowl with a soft dry cloth or mild detergent. 5) Before returning to service, insure that all seals have been reinstalled or replaced. 6) Reinstall bowl and bowl guard assembly and rotate bowl guard clockwise to securely lock in place. Align arrow on bowl guard with arrow on fi lter body.To replace fi lter element 7) Depressurize unit. 8) Remove bowl and bowl assembly by turning counter-clockwise. 9) Unscrew baffl e by turning counter-clockwise. 10) Remove fi lter element and discard. 11) Install new fi lter element and reassemble in reverse order. 12) Before returning to service, insure that all seals have been reinstalled or replaced. 13) Reinstall bowl and bowl guard assembly and rotate bowl guard clockwise to securely lock in place. Align arrow on bowl guard with arrow on fi lter body.Fig 1 Air Filter 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Disassembly, overhaul and assembly of the air starter.Starting position:All connection to the air starter have been re-moved, and air starter is removed.Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 4 HoursCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)613-01.30Edition 02H03.47 - ES0-GL+V28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62006 xx 20 - 120 Nm. Hand tools:Allen key, 4 mm.Allen key (long), 8 mm.Screwdriver.Big screwdriver.Chisel.Retaining ring pliers.Plastic hammer.Lubricating oil.Copaslip or similar.Sleeve.Bearing puller.Impact WrenchBearing pressing tool.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty./See plate 61309.Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Turbine StarterWorking CardPage 1 (9) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel613-01.30Edition 02HWorking CardPage 2 (9)General Information 1. Always mark adjacent parts on the housing exhaust cover (1), motor housing (8), intermediate gear case (13), gear case (28) and drive housing (38) so these members can be located in the same relative position when the starter is reassembled.Note: Do not disassemble the starter any further than necessary to replace worn or damaged parts.Never reuse old seals or o-rings.Never wash the inertia drive in a solvent. 2. Do not remove any part which is a press fi t in or on a subassembly unless the removal of that part is necessary for replacement or repairs. 3. Always have a complete set of seals and o-rings on hand before starting any overhaul of the turbine starter. 4. When grasping a part in a vise, always use copper-covered vise jaws to protect the surface of the part and help prevent distortion. This is particularly true of threaded members.Housing Exhaust Cover, Motor Assembly, and Motor Housing 1. If replacing the motor assembly (12), remove both housing plugs (10) and drain the oil from the gearing before beginning disassembly of the starter. Inspect the magnetic housing plugs (10) for metal particles. Very fi ne metal particles are normal. Re-move particles and reinstall plugs. Large particles or chips are an indication of a problem. Disassemble gear case (28) and inspect. 2. Using a screw driver, unscrew the exhaust cover (67) from the housing exhaust cover (1). 3. Using an 8 mm hex-head wrench, unscrew and remove the starter assembly cap screws (6) and washers (7), See fi g 1. 4. Pull the housing exhaust cover (1) from the motor housing (8). To dislodge the housing exhaust cover, rotate it until the ears clear the motor housing. Using a plastic hammer, tap the ears alternately until the housing cover can be removed from the motor housing.Fig 1. 5. Remove the defl ector retaining screw (5), de-fl ector retai-ning spring (4) and the splash defl ector (3) from the housing exhaust cover (1), See fi g 2.L+V28/32HOverhaul, Test and Inspection of Turbine Starter03.47 - ES0-GFig 2. 6. Tap the motor housing with a plastic hammer to dislodge it from the intermediate gear case (13). 7. Grasp the rear of the motor assembly (12) and pull it from the rear of the motor housing (8).If the motor assembly (12) is diffi cult to remove, lightly push the motor pinion which is on the front of the motor assembly toward the exhaust side of the motor housing in order to free the motor assembly. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel 8. Tap the intermediate gear case (13) with a plastic hammer to dislodge it from the gear case (28). 9. Position the intermediate gear case (13) on a bench in a copperfaced vise so that the intermediate pinion (26) is secured in the jaws of the vise. Tighten the vise only enough to hold the intermediate pinion securely. 10. Loosen the intermediate pinion retaining screw (27) 1-1/2 turns only. Do not remove.Warning: If the intermediate gear case is not sup-ported on a bench and if the intermediate pinion retaining screw is completely removed, the interme-diate gear case and compoments could fall causing injury. 11. Tap the intermediate pinion lightly to back the planet gear frame assembly out of the intermediate gear case. 12. Remove the intermediate gear case assembly from the vise and remove the intermediate pinion (26). Remove the rear gear case o-ring (14) and front gear case o-ring (15) from the intermediate gear case (13), See fi g 3.613-01.30Edition 02H03.47 - ES0-G 13. Remove the planet gear frame assembly from the intermediate gear case. Using a sleeve that con-tacts the outer race of the front gear frame bearing (17), press the planet gear frame shaft seal (16) and the front gear frame bearing (17) from the front end and out of the rear of the intermediate gear case. 14. Remove the rear gear frame bearing (24) from the planet gear frame (18), using a bearing puller and remove the gear shaft retaining washer (23), See fi g. 4.Remove the planet gear shafts (22), planet gears (19), planet gear bearings (20) and bearing spac-ers (21). 15. Remove the front bearing spacer (25), using a bearing puller and the gear shaft retaining washer (23) from the front of the planet gear frame by press-ing on the front of the planet gear frame shaft.Remove the gear shaft retaining washer only if the washer or front bearing spacer is damaged.Working CardPage 3 (9)Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Turbine StarterL+V28/32HFig 3.Fig 4.Drive Housing 1. Grasp the drive pinion (63) in a copper-faced vise with the starter supported on the workbench. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel613-01.30Edition 02HWorking CardPage 4 (9) 2. Remove the drive pinion retaining screw (61) which has a right-hand thread. 3. Remove the starter from the vise. 4. Remove the drive pinion washer (62) and the drive pinion (63). 5. Slide the pinion spring sleeve (64) and the pinion spring (65) off the drive shaft (57). 6. Unscrew the drive gear screw (34). Using an impact wrench with a 5/16" (8 mm) x 8" (203 mm) log hex inserted into the end of the drive shaft. 7. Unscrew and remove the drive housing cap screws (38) and lock washers (39). 8. Tap the drive housing (40) with a plastic ham-mer to help dislodge it from the gear case (28).Warning: Failure to follow this procedure could result in injury to personnel. 9. Place the drive housing (40) in an arbor press, piston end up. Apply a load to the piston (54) using the arbor press to compress the piston return spring (59) before removing the bulkhead retainer (45). Do not use compressed air to load the piston. 10. Remove the bulkhead retainer (45). Using a screwdriver and the arbor press.Caution: Make sure the tension of the spring pushes the bulkhead out of the drive housing before removing the drive housing from the arbor press. 11. Remove the bulkhead (46) from the piston (54). 12. Remove the outer bulkhead ring (47) and the inner bulkhead ring (48). 13. Slide the drive shaft (57) from the drive housing (40). 14. Pull the piston return spring (59) off the drive shaft.Note: Do not remove the front drive shaft bearing (42) or the drive housing seal (43) unless replace-ment is necessary and new parts are available. The bearing and/or the seal will always be damaged when removed from the drive housing. 15. Remove the piston ring (55) from the piston (54). 16. Press the clutch spring cup (50) down and remove the clutch spring cup retainer (49). 17. Remove the clutch spring cup and clutch spring (51). 18. Remove the two clutch jaws (52). 19. Remove the front drive gear bearing (30), drive gear cup (36), drive gear lock washer (35), drive gear screw ring (37) and drive gear screw (34). 20. Remove the large drive shaft bearing retainer (53) using a screwdriver. 21. Press the rear drive shaft bearing and drive shaft (57) out of the piston. If the rear drive shaft bearing needs to be replaced, proceed as follows: a. Cut and remove the small drive shaft bear-ing retained in the drive shaft, using a small chisel. b. Press the rear drive shaft bearing (58) off the drive shaft. 22. Place the gear case (28) on a workbench. 23. Remove the drive gear bearing retainer (32), using retaining ring pliers and working through the access holes in the gear web, See fi g 5. 24. Pull the drive gear (29) out of the gear case.Note: Do not disassemble the drive gear and clutch parts of the turbine powered starters. If the drive shaft is defective, install a new or factory-rebuilt unit. 25. Remove the drive gear shaft bearing retainer (33), using retaining ring pliers. 26. Remove the rear drive gear bearing (31) from the drive gear.03.47 - ES0-GOverhaul, Test and Inspection of Turbine StarterL+V28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel No Symbol Symbol designation No Symbol Symbol designation3. changeover valveSuction valve chestSuction valve chest with non-return valvesDouble-seated changeover valve, straightDouble-seated changeover valve, angleCock, straight throughCock, angleCock, three-way, L-port in plugCock, three-way, T-port in plugCock, four-way, straight through in plugCock with bottom connectionCock, straight through, with bottom conn.Cock, angle, with bottom connectionCock, three-way, with bottom connectionThermostatic valveValve with test fl ange3-way valve with remote control (actuator)Non-return valve (air)3/2 spring return valve, normally closed2/2 spring return valve, normally closed3/2 spring return valve contr. by solenoidReducing valve (adjustable) 4. CONTROL AND REGULATION PARTSFan-operatedRemote controlSpringMassFloatPistonMembraneElectric motorElectromagneticManual (at pneumatic valves)Push buttonSpringSolenoidSolenoid and pilot directional valveBy plunger or tracer4. 5. APPLIANCES5. or strainerMagnetic fi lterSeparatorSteam trapCentrifugal pumpOn/off valve controlled by solenoid and pilot directional valve and with spring returnDescriptionPage 2 (3)Basic Symbols for PipingGeneral05.02 - ES0600.65Edition 01H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel613-01.30Edition 02H03.47 - ES0-GWorking CardPage 5 (9) 5. Install the drive gear bearing retainer, using retaining ring pliers and working through the access holes in the gear web. 6. Lubricated the drive gear with approximately 240 ml of SHELL ALVANIA EPO grease. 7. Press the rear drive shaft bearing (58) onto the drive shaft. 8. Slide the small bearing retainer convex side fi rst, onto the drive shaft. Press it into position in accordance with the in-structions packaged with the new retainer. 9. Assemble the drive gear Schrew (34), drive gear lock washer (35), drive gear cup (36) and drive gear screw o-ring (37). 10. Grasp the drive shaft (57) in a vise, external splined end down. Place assembled drive shaft screw Unit into the drive shaft, screwhead down. Lubricate the inside diameter of the drive shaft with SHELL ALVANIA EPO grease. 11. Slide the drive gear bearing (30) into the drive shaft. 12. Lubricate with SHELL ALVANIA EPO grease and install the driving clutch jaw teeth facing up and driven clutch jaw teeth facing down into the drive shaft. 13. Insert the clutch spring (51) into the drive shaft. 14. Insert the clutch spring cup (50) into the drive shaft. 15. Press the inserted parts into the drive shaft, and install the clutch spring cup retainer (49).Note: If it is necessary to replace the drive hous-ing (40) and drive components, make sure that the piston seal has been removed from the rear of the new piston (54).The piston seal must be removed to prevent pressure build-up which will cause move-ment of the planet gear frame shaft seal (16). If this conditions occurs, the piston cannot retract and the drive pinion (63) will remain in engagement with the L+V28/32HOverhaul, Test and Inspection of Turbine StarterFig 5.Assembly of the Starter 1. Always press on the inner ring of a ball bearing when installing the bearing on a shaft. 2. Always press on the outer ring of a ball bearing when pressing the bearing in a bearing recess. 3. Whenever grasping a part in a vise, always use leather-covered, copper-covered vise jaws to protect the surface of the part and help prevent distortion. This is particularly true of threaded members. 4. Always clean every part, and wipe every part with a thin fi lm of oil before installation.Gear Case 1. Place the drive gear bearing retainer over the rear end of the drive gear. 2. Press the rear drive gear bearing (31) onto the rear end of the drive gear, using an arbor press. 3. Seat the rear drive gear bearing into the gear case by tap-ping the opposite end of the drive gear, using a plastic hammer. 4. Install the drive gear shaft bearing retainer (33), using retaining ring pliers. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Dieselfl ywheel, causing damage to the starter drive train and/or starter motor. To remove the piston seal, in-sert a screwdriver inside the lip of the seal and pry it loose from the piston. 16. Install the piston (54) onto the drive shaft until the rear drive shaft bearing seats into the piston. 17. Coil the large drive shaft bearing retainer (53) into the groove of the piston to retain the outer race of the drive shaft bearing, using a thin fl at blade screwdriver to assist in this operation. 18. Lubricate the piston o-ring (55) and install it in the groove of the piston. 19. Position the drive housing in an arbor press, pinion-end down and install the drive housing seal (43) into the drive housing. Using a pressing sleeve of the proper size, press the seal into the drive housing so that the lip of the seal faces away from the drive pinion. 20. Press the bearing into the drive housing until it seats, using a sleeve that contacts the outer race of the front drive shaft bearing (42). Drop the piston return spring seat (60) on top of front drive shaft bearing. 21. Slide the piston return spring (59) onto the drive shaft and snap it into the front of the piston so that it is against the large drive shaft bearing retainer (53). 22. Lubricate and insert the assembled drive shaft into the drive housing. 23. Lubricate and install the outer bulkhead o-ring (47) and the Inner bulkhead o-ring (48) on the bulkhead (46). 24. Slide the bulkhead onto the piston. 25. With the drive housing in the arbor press, press down on the rear face of the piston.Note: Feel the underside of the drive housing to make sure the drive shaft passes through the bearing. 26. Install the bulkhead retainer (45), using a screwdriver.Warning: Make sure the bulkhead retainer is properly seated in the motor housing groove before easing off the arbor press. Failure to do so will allow improperly retained parts to separate when removed from the arbor press resulting in injury to personnel. 27. Remove the drive housing from the arbor press. 28. Lubricate and install the drive housing o-ring (41) in the groove of the drive housing. 29. Position the assembled gear case on a work-bench. The as-sembled unit must be upright to accept the drive housing.Carefully position the assembled drive housing (40) onto the gear case so as not to damage the piston seal. Align the punch marks of the gear case and drive housing. 30. Install the drive housing cap screw lock wash-ers (39) and the drive housing cap screws (38) and tighten to 28 Nm torque. 31. Tighten the drive gear screw (34) 77.3 Nm torque, using an impact wrench with a 8 mm x 203 mm long hex inserted into the end of drive shaft. 32. Grease and slide the pinion spring (65) and the pinion spring sleeve (64) over the pinion end of the drive shaft. 33. Grease the pinion end of the drive shaft and install the drive pinion (63). 34. Grasp the drive pinion in a copper-covered vise with the starter supported on a workbench. 35. Place the drive pinion washer (62) onto drive pinion retaining screw (61).Note: The thread on the drive pinion retaining screw is right-hand thread. 36. Install the drive pinion retaining screw into the end of the drive shaft and tighten it to 108.5 Nm torque.613-01.30Edition 02HL+V28/32HOverhaul, Test and Inspection of Turbine StarterWorking CardPage 6 (9)03.47 - ES0-G 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel613-01.30Edition 02H03.47 - ES0-GWorking CardPage 7 (9)Intermediate Gear Case, Motor Housing, Motor Assembly and Housing Exhaust Cover 1. Press the front gear frame bearing (17) into the rear of the intermediate gear case (13), using a bearing pressing tool of the proper size. 2. Press the planet gear frame shaft seal (16) into the rear of the intermediate gear case over the front gear frame bearing, using a sleeve which contacts the outer ring of the seal.Note: Make sure the fl at side of the seal is installed against the bearing. 3. Install the rear gear case o-ring (14) in the groove at the rear of the intermediated gear case and the front gear case o-ring (15) in the groove at the front of the intermediate gear case. coat both o-rings. 4. Install one gear shaft retaining washer (23) on the front of the planet gear frame (18). Press the front bearing spacer (25) on the front shaft of the planet gear frame to hold the gear shaft retaining washer snugly in position.Note: Coat the front bearing spacer with gear Lube before installing it. Be careful not to gouge or scratch the front bearing spacer during installation as this could result in leakage between the planet gear frame and gear case. 5. Place planet gear frame on a bench, shaft side down. Place the planet gear bearing (20) inside of planet gear (19). Place bearing spacers (21) on top and bottom of bearing and gear. Slide the components into the slots in the side of the planet gear frame. Align holes in spacers and bearing with holes in planet gear frame and insert planet gear shaft (22), integral keyed end down, through the spacers and bearing so that the larger portion of the keyed end of the shaft contacts the planet gear shaft retain-ing washer (23). Repeat the procedure for the two remaining planet gears and components.Note: Do not move or turn over the planet gear frame until step 6 and 7 have been completed. Movement of the planet gear frame assembly could dislodge assembled components, making it necessary to repeat step 5. 6. Install the other planet gear shaft retaining washer over the shaft at the rear of the planet gear. 7. Press the rear gear frame bearing (24) on the shaft at the rear of the planet gear frame, using the proper size bearing inserting tool. 8. Slide the planet gear frame assembly, coupling end fi rst, into the rear of the intermediate gear case (13), making sure that the planet gears mesh with the ring gear. Use care so as to not damage the seal. 9. Install the intermediate pinion (26), making sure that the notches at the rear of the pinion align with the notches and tangs in the shaft of the planet gear frame. 10. Clean the threads of the intermediate pinion retaining screw (27) and apply 2-3 drops of Perm-abond HM 118 to the threads approximately 3 mm from the end of the screw. Install screw and tighten enough to hold assembly together. 11. For fi nal tightening, position the intermediate gear case so the intermediate pinion is secured in the jaws of the copperfaced vise. Tighten the inter-mediate pinion retaining screw to 122 Nm torque. 12. Remove the intermediate gear case from the vise and set it on a bench.Note: The intermediate gear case will work in only one orientation.Align the punch marks on the intermediate gear case and gear case and tap the intermediate gear case with a plastic hammer until it seats in the rear of the gear case. Make sure the intermediate pinion meshes with the drive gear.Coat the o-rings on the motor assembly and the inside of the cylinder before installing the motor assembly. 13. Install the motor assembly through the rear of the motor housing with the geared end of the rotor toward the front.Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Turbine StarterL+V28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel613-01.30Edition 02HL+V28/32HOverhaul, Test and Inspection of Turbine StarterWorking CardPage 8 (9)03.47 - ES0-GFig 6. Turbine Starter.Note: Turn the intermediate pinion so that the gear on the rotor meshes with the planet gears. Make sure that the rear of the motor assembly is installed fl ush with the rear of the cylinder. 14. Align the punch marks on the motor housing with the punch marks on the intermediate gear case and tap the motor housing with a plastic hammer until it seats on the rear of the intermediate gear case. 15. Install the splash defl ector (3), defl ector retain-ing spring (4) and defl ector retaining screw (5) in the rear of the housing exhaust cover.Note: Coat the threads of the defl ector retaining screw with Ingersoll-Rand SMB-441 sealant. 16. Coat the exhaust cover seal (2) and install it in the groove on the housing exhaust cover. 17. Align the punch marks on the housing exhaust cover with the punch marks on the motor housing and tap the housing exhaust cover with a plastic hammer until it seats. 18. Install the housing exhaust cover on the rear of the motor housing using the starter assembly cap screws (6) and cap screw washers (7). Use an 8 mm hex-head wrench to tighten each a little at a time to a fi nal torque of 61 to 68 Nm increments. 19. Mount the exhaust cover (68) on the housing exhaust cover (1).Note: Use Intersoll-Rand SMB-441 pipe sealant on all plugs. 20. Install the bottom housing plug (10) and the housing plug inlet boss (11). Put the starter on its side with the side plug hole upward. Add 175 ml automatic transmission fl uid fulfi lling DEXRON II D specifi cation, e.g. SHELL DONAX TA, through the side plug hole. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselCaution: Do not overfi ll.Install the side housing plug (10) and tighten all plugs to 6.8 to 13.6 Nm torque.Test and Inspection Procedure 1. Clutch Ratcheting: Turn the drive shaft pinion (63) by hand in the direction of the starter rotation. The clutch should rachet smoothly with a slight click-ing action. 2. Motor and Gearing Freeness: Tur n the drive shaft pinion (63) opposite the direction of the starter rotation. The drive shaft pinion should turn by hand.Note: Inadvertent application of air pressure to the “OUT” port will result in drive malfunction (pinion will fail to retract). If this condition occurs, loosen the drive housing cap screws (38) to vent gear case (28). Also, loosen housing plugs (10) and (11) to vent motor. 3. Pinion Engagement: Apply 50 psig (3.4 bar/345 kPa) pressure to the engagement “IN” port. drive shaft pinion (63) should move outward and air should escape from the “OUT” port.Plug the “OUT” port and apply 150 psig (10.3 bar/1034 kPa) pressure to the “IN” port. Check and make sure that no air is escaping.Measure the dimension from the face of the drive shaft pinion (63) to the face of the mounting fl ange. It should be 69.0 +2.0 mm).Working CardPage 9 (9)Overhaul, Test and Inspection of Turbine Starter613-01.30Edition 02H03.47 - ES0-GL+V28/32HRemove the pressure from the “IN” port. Measure the distance form the face of the drive shaft pinion the the face of the mounting fl ange. It should be 45.0 +2.0 mm. 4. Motor Action: Secure starter in a vise and ap-ply 90 psig (6.2 bar/620 kPa) pressure using a 3/8" (9 mm) supply line to the inlet of the motor. starter should run smoothly. 5. Motor Seals: Plug the exhaust and slowly apply 20 psig (1.38 bar/138 kPa) pressure to the inlet of the motor. Immerse the starter for 30 seconds in o non-fl ammable, bubble-producing liquid. If the starter is properly sealed, no bobbles will appear. 6. Gear Case Seals: Plug the exhaust and slowly apply 20 psig (1.38 bar/138 kPa) pressure to the inlet of the motor. Immerse the starter for 30 seconds in o non-fl ammable, bubble-producing liquid. There should be no leakage in the housing joints in the gear case area or in the shaft seal in the intermediate gear system. If the starter is properly sealed, no bubbles will appear. 7. Confi rm Drive Rotation: Apply low pressure to the motor and observe rotation. drive pinion (63) must rotate in the direction stamped on the nameplate. Chamfer on pinion teeth should be on the trailing edge of the gear tooth. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Lubricating, disassembly and reassembly of main starting valve in starting system.Starting position:Related procedure:Man power:Working time : 1 HourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)613-01.40Edition 01H91.08 - ES0S-GL+V28/32HMain Starting ValveWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Soft hammer.Locking ring plier.Allen key, 1/4".Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 61310 02 1/eng. 61310 03 1/eng. 61310 04 1/eng. 61310 07 1/eng. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H91.08 - ES0S-GMain Starting ValveWorking CardPage 2 (2)Warning:Do not attempt any maintenance on the main start-ing valve before the start ing air system has been bled off.Important:The main starting valve should be periodically lub-ri cat ed as follows: 1) Blend off the air pressure. 2) Remove the plug screw (A) , see fi g. 1. and squirt about 30 g of 10 w oil into the valve through the plug opening. 3) Reinstall the plug. A Plug screw B Pilot air C Starting air outlet D Starting air inlet 1 Valve housing 2 Piston 3 End plug 4 Piston o-ring 5 O-ring retainer 6 Piston o-ring 7 Bumper 8 Spring 9 Retaining ring 10 O-ring 11 O-ringDisassembly: 4) Clamp the main starting valve, in a vice with the locking ring (9) end up. 5) Carefully remove the locking ring (9). The end plug (3) should spring out. If it does not, tap the valve housing (1) lightly with a soft hammer until it does. 6) Remove the end plug (3), spring (8) and piston (2) assembly. 7) Remove and discard all used o-rings, o-rings retainer (5), bumper (7) and spring (8). 8) Wash all other parts in a clean, nonfl ammable solvent.Reassembly: 9) Using o-ring lubricant, lubricate and install the new piston o-ring (4) and the new upper piston o-ring (6) on the piston (2).Note: The upper piston o-ring (6) is slightly larger in diameter than the end plug o-ring (11). 10) Turn the piston over and insert the new bum ber (7).11) Using o-ring lubricant, lubricate and install the new end plug seal o-ring (10) and the new end plug o-ring (11) on the end plug (3). 12) Lubricate the lower small bore of the valve housing (1) with o-ring lubricant. 13) Insert the piston assembly into the valve hou-sing. Push on the piston until the piston o-ring seats against the bevelied face. 14) Install the new o-ring retainer (5) with the large opening over the piston o-ring. 15) Place the new piston spring (8) on the piston. 16) Place the end plug assembly on the piston spring. 17) Using a press to hold down the end plug as-sembly, install the end plug locking ring (9).613-01.40Edition 01H312BD117910C48A56Fig. 1. Main starting valve. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Check of compressed oil piping system.Starting position:Compressed air connected to the engine.Related procedure: Man power:Working time : ½ hourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)613-01.90Edition 02H94.21 - ES0U-GL+V28/32HCheck of Compressed Air Piping SystemWorking CardPage 1 (2)Special tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. Hand tools:Screwdriver.Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselL+V28/32H94.21 - ES0U-G613-01.90Edition 02HCheck of Compressed Air Piping SystemWorking CardPage 2 (2)With air connected.1) Examine the piping system for leaks.2) Retighten all bolts and nuts in the piping system.3) Drain the system for condensed water. - This should be based on observations.4) Check fl exible connections for leaks and dama-ges.5) Check manometers. With air disconnected and stopped engine. 6) Move all valves and cocks in the piping system. Lubricate valve spindles with graphite or similar. 7) Connect the air supply and make a function test of the emergency valve. See description 613.01. MAN DieselPlatePage 1 (3)96.26- ES0S-GTurbine Starter61309-05HL+V28/32H 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel No. Symbol Symbol designation No. Symbol Symbol designation5. or screw pumpHand pump (bucket)EjectorVarious accessories (text to be added)Piston pumpHeat exchangerElectric preheaterAir fi lterAir fi lter with manual controlAir fi lter with automatic drainWater trap with manual controlAir lubricatorSilencerSingle acting cylinder with spring returnedDouble acting cylinder with spring returnedSteam trap 7. READING INSTR. WITH ORDINARY DESIGNATIONS7. fl ow indicatorObservation glassLevel indicatorDistance level indicatorRecorder 6. FITTINGS6. / waste trayDrainWaste trayWaste tray with plugTurbochargerFuel oil pumpBearingWater jacketOverspeed deviceFixed capacity pneumatic motor with direc-tion of fl owDescriptionPage 3 (3)Basic Symbols for PipingGeneral05.02 - ES0600.65Edition 01H MAN DieselTurbine StarterPlatePage 2 (3)61309-05H1234567810111212A12B1314151616A1718192021Hus for udstøds-dæk-sel.Tætningsring for ud-stødsdæksel.Stænk defl ektor.Returfjeder for de-fl ektor.Spændeskive for defl ektor.Dækselskrue for mon-tage af starter.Skive for dækselskrue.Motorhus.Prop til motorhus.Tilgangsknast for prop til motorhus.Motor samling.O-ringstætning for cylinder.O-ringstætning for motorhus.Mellem gearkasse.Bagerste gearkasse o-ring.Forreste gearkasse o-ring.Tætningsring for pla-netgearakselstel.Afstandsring.Forreste gearstelleje.Planetgearstel.Planetgear.Nålevalse for planet-gear.Ligemellemstykke.Housing exhaust cover.Exhaust cover seal.Splash defl ector.Defl ector return spring.Defl ector retaining screw.Starter assembly cap screw.Cap screw washer.Motor housing.Housing plug.Housing plug inlet boss.Motor assembly.Cylinder o-ring seal.Housing o-ring seal.Intermediate gear case.Rear gear case o-ring.Front gear case o-ring.Planet gear frame shaft seal.Spacer ring.Front gear frame bearing.Planet gear frame.Planet gear.Planet gear needle roller.Bearing spacer.1/S1/S1/S1/S!/S4/S4/S1/S1/S1/S1/S2/S2/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S96.26 - ES0S-GL+V28/32HBenævnelseDesignationQty.Item No.Item No.Qty. Designation BenævnelsePlanet gear shaft.Gear shaft retainer washer.Rear gear frame bearing.Front bearing spa-cer.Intermediate pinion.Intermediate pinion retaining screw.Gear case.Drive gear.Front drive gear bearing.Rear drive gear bearing.Drive gear bearing retainer.Drive gear shaft bearing retainer.Drive gear screw.Drive gear lock washer.Drive gear cup.Drive gear screw o-ring.Drive housing cap screw.Drive housing cap screw lock washer.Drive housing kit.Drive housing o-ringFront shaft bearing.Drive housing seal.Drive housing vent plug.22232425262728293031323334353637383940414243441/S2/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S8/S8/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/SWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. Qty.//E = Qty./EngineQty./S = Qty./Turbine StarterVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty./E = Qty./MotorQty./S = Qty./TurbinestarterPlanetgearaksel.Spænderingsskive for gearaksel.Bagerste gearstelleje.Forreste gearstelleje.Mellemtandhjul.Spændeskrue for mel-lemtandhjul.Gearkasse.Drivgear.Forreste drivgearleje.Bagerste drivgearleje.Spændskrue for driv-gearleje.Spændskrue for driv-gearakselleje.Drivgearskrue.Skive for drivgear.Dæksel for drivgear.O-ring for drivgear-skrue.Dækselskrue for driv-gear.Skive for dækselskrue til drivgearhus.Drivgearhus.O-ring for drivgearhus.Forreste akselleje.Tætningsring for driv-gearhus.Afl uftningsprop for drivgearhus. MAN DieselTurbine StarterVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50.* = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Qty./E = Qty./MotorQty./S = Qty./TurbinestarterWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50.* = Only available as part of a spare parts kit. Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./S = Qty./Turbine StarterBenævnelseDesignationQty.Item No.Item No.Qty. Designation Benævnelse1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S1/S3/S1/S1/E45464748495051525354555758596061626363A646566676869Bulkhead retainer.Bulkhead kit.Outer bulkhead o-ring.Inner bulkhead o-ring.Clutch spring cup retainer.Clutch spring cup.Clutch spring.Clutch jaw kit.Large drive shaft bearing retainer.Piston kit.Piston o-ring.Drive shaft kit.Rear drive shaft bearing.Piston return spring.Seat.Drive pinion retain-ing screw.Drive pinion washer.Drive pinion. L28/32HDrive pinion. V28/32HPinion spring sleeve.Pinion spring.Inlet fl ange kit.CoverSelf drilling screwsTurbine starter, com-plete. L28/32HSkotholderSkotsætYdre skot o-ring.Indre skot o-ring.Fjedertallerken holder.Fjedertallerken.Koblingsfjeder.Koblingssæt.Stor lejespændering for drivaksel.Stempelsæt.Stempel o-ring.Drivakselsæt.Bagerste drivakselleje.Stempel returfjeder.Sædering.Tandhjulsspænde-skrue.Tandhjulsskive.Tandhjul. L28/32H.Tandhjul. V28/32H.Tandhjulsbøsning.Tandhjulsfjeder.Tilgangsfl angesæt.DækselSelvborende skruerTurbinestarter, kom-plet. L28/32H.96.26 - ES0S-G61309-05HL+V28/32HPlatePage 3 (3)69A70Turbine star-ter, complete. V28/32H.Spare parts kit, incl. item 2, 12A, 12B, 14, 15, 16, 16A, 17, 21, 23, 24, 25, 41, 45, 47, 48, 55, 61 and 62Turbinestar-ter, komplet. V28/32H.Reservedels-sæt incl. item 2, 12A, 12B, 14, 15, 16, 16A, 17, 21, 23, 24, 25, 41, 45, 47, 48, 55, 61 og 62.2/E MAN DieselL+V28/32HMain Starting Valve 61310-03HPlatePage 1 (2)03*01*02*0506*08.03 - ES0-G07*04*08 MAN Diesel08.03 - ES0-GDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationMain Starting ValvePlatePage 2 (2)61310-03HL+V28/32H Item No. Qty. Qty. Item No.01*02*03*04*0506*07*08091/V1/V1/V1/V1/V1/V1/V1/E1/VO-ringO-ring retainerO-ringBumperSpringO-ringO-ringMain starting valve,completeSpare part kitItem No. 01, 02, 03, 04, 06 and 07O-ringO-ring holderO-ringStødfangerFjederO-ringO-ringHovedstartventil,kompletReservedelssætItem nr. 01, 02, 03,04, 06 og 07When ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./E = Qty./EngineQty./V = Qty./ValveVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/E = Antal/MotorAntal/V = Antal/Ventil MAN DieselL+V28/32HMuffl er 61312-02HPlatePage 1 (2)0191.20 - ES0S-G MAN Diesel91.20 - ES0S-GDesignation BenævnelseBenævnelseDesignationMuffl erPlatePage 2 (2)61312-02HL+V28/32H ItemNo. Qty. Qty Item No.011/SMuffl erDæmperWhen ordering spare parts, see also page 600.50. * = Only available as part of a spare parts kit.Qty./S = Qty./Starting air motorVed bestilling af reservedele, se også side 600.50. * = Kun tilgængelig som en del af et reservedelssæt.Antal/S = Antal/Startemotor Operation of engine 501/601 MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (3)Operating 601.01Edition 21H96.30 - ES0UL+V28/32HPreparations for StartingThe following describes what to do before starting, when the engine has been out of service for a lon-ger period of time, or if major overhauls has been made. 1. Check the oil level in the base frame (or in the lub. oil tank if the engine is with dry sump), air lubricator and in the govenor.Start-up the prelubricating pump.The engine shall be prelubricated at least 2 minutes prior to start.Check oil pressures before and after the fi lter. 2. Open the cooling water supply, start separate cooling water pumps where installed, and check the cooling water pressure.Note: To avoid shock effects owing to large tempe-rature fl uctuations just after the start, it is recom-mended: a) to preheat the engine, cooling water of at least 60 °C should be circulated through the frame and cylinder head for at least 2 hours before start. - either by means of cooling water from en gines which are running or by means of a built-in preheater (if installed). or b) When starting without preheated cooling wa ter, the engine must only be started on MDO (Ma-rine Diesel Oil).The engine should not be run up to more than 50% load to begin with, and the increase to 100% should take place gradually over 5 to 10 minutes.Note: When starting on HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil), only item "a" should be used. 3. Open the nozzle cooling oil supply (only when started on HFO), circulate preheated oil through the nozzles for at least 15 minutes. 4. Open the fuel oil supply to the feed pump.Starting on HFO: circulate preheated fuel through the pumps until correct working temperatures has been obtained. Takes normally 30-60 minutes. 5. Check the pressure in the starting air receiver(s) and open the starting air supply (blow-off water, if any, drain the starting air system before opening. 6. Check that the sealing oil system for the in jec-tion pumps are working correct. 7. Check in the regulating gear: - That all fuel pumps are at index "0" when the regulating shaft is in the STOP position. - That each fuel pump can be pressed by hand to full index when the regulating shaft is in the STOP position, and that the pumps return automatically to the "0" index when the hand is removed. - That the spring-loaded pull rod is working correctly. - That the stop cylinder for regulating shaft works properly, both when stopping normally and at over speed and shut down. - Testing is made by simulating these situati-ons. 8. Open the indicator valves and turn the engine some few revolutions, check that no liquid is fl owing out from any of the indicator valves during the tur-ning.Slow-turning must always be carried out, before the engine is started after prolonged out of-service pe-riods and after overhauls, which may involve a risk of liquid having collected in the cylinders. 9. Close the indicator valves. 10. Disengage the turning gear, if fi tted. Check that it is locked in the "OUT" position. MAN DieselL+V28/32HOperating DescriptionPage 2 (3)96.30 - ES0UStarting 1. Start the engine, by activating the start but-tom. 2. Check the lubricating oil pressure, cooling water pressure, fuel oil feed pressure. Check that the prelubricating oil pump is stopped. 3. Check that all alarms are connected.See also "checks after starting-up".Tending during runningWhen the engine is running, the planned mainte nance program and the following should be checked: 1. The lubricating oil pressure must be within the stated limits and must not fall below the stated minimum pressure. The paper fi ltering cartridges must be replaced before the pressure drop across the fi lter reaches the stated maximum value, or the pressure after the fi lter has fallen below the stated minimum value. Dirty fi lter cartridges cannot be cleaned for re-use. 2. The lubricating oil temperature must be kept wi-thin the stated limits indicated on the data sheet. 3. The fuel oil pressure must be kept at the stated value, and the fi lter must be cleaned before the pressure drop across the fi lter reaches the stated maximum value. 4. The cylinder cooling water temperature must be kept within the limits indicated and the tempera ture rise across the engine should not exceed 10°C. 5. The cooling water temperature at the charging air cooler inlet should be kept as low as possible; however, not as low as to produce condensation water in the charging air space.Adjustment takes place in the external system out-side the engine, and the amount of cooling water must be so adjusted that the temperature rise across the charging air cooler is 3 - 5 °C. 6. The exhaust gases should be free from smoke at all loads. For normal exhaust temperatures, see the test sheet from shop and sea trials. 7. Keep the charging air pressure and tempera-ture under control. For normal values, see the test sheet from shop and sea trials. 8. Recharge the starting air recivers when the pressure has dropped to about 20 bar. Stop rechar-ging at 30 bar. 9. To ensure the greatest possible operational lia-bility, condition of the engine should be contin uously observed in order that preventive mainte nance work can be carried out before serious break downs oc-cour.Stopping 1. Before stopping, it is recommended to run the engine at reduced load, or to idle for about 5 minutes for cooling-down purposes. 2. The engine is stopped by keeping the fuel pump delivery rate at "0", by turning the "load- limit" knob on the governor to "0", or by activating the remote stopping device.Start and Stop on HFOStart and stop of the engine should take place on HFO in order to prevent any incompatibility problems by change-over to MDO.MDO should only be used in connection with main-tenance work on the engine or longer periods of engine standstill.Before starting on HFO the engine must be properly preheated. as described in "Preparations for star ting" and as below.Stopping the engine on HFO is no problem, but it should be ensured that the temperature of fuel pipes not are reduced to a level below the pour point of the fuel, otherwise reestabilishing of the circulation might cause problems.601.01Edition 21H MAN DieselIndex GenSetL28-2Text Index Drawing No.Inspection of main bearing shells Working card 610-01.05 (05H) Inspection of guide bearing shells Working card 610-01.10 (08H) Vibration damper Working card 610-04.00 (01H) Crankshaft Plate 61001-15H Crankshaft Plate 61001-21H Resilient gear wheel Plate 61002-07H Coupling for central drive lub. oil pump Plate 61002-11H Coupling for central drive lub. oil pump Plate 61002-12H Coupling for central drive lub. oil pump Plate 61002-13H Coupling for central drive lub. oil pump Plate 61002-14H Resilient gear wheel Plate 61002-15H Resilient gear wheel Plate 61002-16H Resilient gear wheel Plate 61002-17H Flywheel with gear rim Plate 61003-02H Flywheel with gear rim Plate 61003-05H Flywheel with gear rim Plate 61003-06H Torsional vibration damper Plate 61004-05H Torsional vibration damper Plate 61004-12H Torsional vibration damper Plate 61004-13H Torsional vibration damper Plate 61004-14H Torsional vibration damper Plate 61004-15H Torsional vibration damper Plate 61004-16H Tuning wheel Plate 61004-06H Engine frame/Oil pan 511/611Engine frame and base frame Description 611.01 (07H) Functional test of crankcase safety relief valves Working card 611-01.00 (04H) Frame with main bearings Plate 61101-11H Front cover for lubricating oil pump Plate 61102-09H Front cover for lubricating oil pump and cooling water pump Plate 61102-07H Front cover for lubricating oil pump and cooling water pumps Plate 61102-10H Covers on frame Plate 61106-20H Cover on frame Plate 61106-14H Turbocharger 512/612Turbocharger system Description 612.01 (28H) Cleaning the turbocharger in service, water washing of compressor Description 612.05 (07H) Cleaning the turbocharger in service, dry cleaning - turbine Description 612.10 (09H) Cleaning the turbocharger in service, water washing - turbine side Description 612.15 (02H) Overhaul of charging air cooler Working card 612-01.00 (02H) Charge air cooler housing - draining Working card 612-01.05 (02H) Water washing of compressor side - turbochager type NR15/R - NR20/R - NR24/R - NR26/R Working card 612-05.00 (03H) Dry cleaning of turbocharger - turbine side Working card 612-10.00 (02H) Water washing of turbine side Working card 612-15.00 (01H) Charging air cooler - freshwater Plate 61201-12H Charging air cooler - freshwater Plate 61201-13H Charging air cooler - freshwater Plate 61201-14H Charging air cooler - freshwater Plate 61201-15H Charging air cooler - seawater Plate 61201-16H Charging air cooler - seawater Plate 61201-17H Charging air cooler Plate 61201-29H Exhaust pipe arrangement Plate 61202-23H Exhaust pipe arrangement with welded compensator Plate 61202-32H Exhaust pipe arrangement Plate 61202-26H MAN DieselOperating 601.01Edition 21H96.30 - ES0UL+V28/32HStarting on MDOFor starting on MDO there are no restrictions except lubricating oil viscosity may not be higher than 1500 cSt (5° C SAE 30, or 10° C SAE 40).Initial ignition may be diffi cult if the engine and ambient temperature are lower than 5° C, and 15° C cooling water temperature.DescriptionPage 3 (3) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel92.02 - ES0UOut-of Service601.05Edition 17HGeneral 1. Stand-by EnginesDuring engine standstill in stand-by position, the media cooling water, fuel oil and nozzle oil should be continuously circulated at temperatures similar to the operation conditions.The engine shall be prelubricated 2 minutes prior to start, if there is not intermittent or continuous pre-lub ricating installed. intermittent prelub. is 2 min every 10 minutes. 2. Maintenance during Standstilin periods, duringe stand-still of the engine (not in stand-by position) it is recommended, that the pre-lub ricating oil pump is startet minimum 10 minutes once every week and that the engine during the prelubricating period is turnd 2-3 revolutions.. 3. Laid-up VesselsDuring the lay-up period (and also when laying-up the vessel), we recommend that our special in struc tions for preservation of the engines, are followed. 4. Works before Major Repairs 4.1 After stopping the engine, while the oil is still warm, start the electrically driven prelubrication pump, open up the crancase and camshaft housing and check that the oil is fl owing freely from all bea-rings. Also take off the top covers on the cylinder heads and make sure that oil is not supplied for lubrication of rocker arms, as non-return valves are fi tted which do not open until the oil pressure at the inlet to the rocker arms exceeds 1 bar.After overhaul of pistons, bearings, etc. this check should be repeated before starting the engine. 4.2. After stopping the prelubricating pump, check the bottom of the oil sump for fragments of babbitt from bearings, and check crankpin and main bea-rings clearances with a feeler gauge. Measure the bearing clerance at the top, at the bottom, and 10 degrees above and below the joints at both sides.DescriptionPage 1 (2) 4.3. Open up all fi lters to check that fi lter elements are intact. Filter cartridges in the lub. oil fi lter is to be replaced before start after repair or due to excessive differential pressure. After eremoval, dirty elements can be examined for particles of bearing metal at the bottom of the paper lamellae.(The elements can not be used again). 4.4. Check the cylinder walls. 4.5. Take defl ection measurements of the crank-shaft. 4.6. A lubricating oil sample should be send to a laboratory for immediate analysis. 4.7. Drain plugs are unscrewed from the bottom of turbochargers, or the drain cock is opened, if there is installed drain fasilities in the exhaust gas system this should be opened. 5. Works during RepairsThe following should be made during the major repairs. 5.1. Retighten all bolts and nuts in the crankcase and check their locking devices. Also retighten foundation bolts. 5.2. Check the various gear wheel drives for the camshaft(s). 5.3. Remedy leakages of water and oil in the en-gine, and blow through blocked-up drain pipes. 5.4. Drain starting air pipes of water. 5.5. Empty the oil sump of lubricating oil and re move the sludge, if not done within a period of one year. Very thoroughly clean the sump and subse quently coat with clean lubricating oil. 6. Works after Repairs 6.1. If an opening-up of engine or lubricating oil system may have caused ingress of impurities, cleaning should be carried out very carefully before starting the engine. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselGeneralDescriptionPage 2 (2)Out-of Service601.05Edition 17HThe differential pressure across the lub. oil fi lter must be watched very carefully after cleaning and star ting-up the engine. Be sure to replace fi lter cart-ridges in due time. 6.2. After restoring normal lubricating oil circula tion, turn the engine at least two revolutions by means of the turning rod to check the movability of the relevant parts of the engine. 6.3. Close drain cocks in the turbocharger (or in the exhaust gas system if mounted). 6.4. Lubricate bearings and rod connections in the manoeuvring gear. Disconnect the governor and move the rod connections by hand to check that the friction in bearings and fuel pumps is suffi ciently low. If repair of bearings or alignment of engine has been made, checks 1, 2, and 5 should be repated. 6.5. Cheks to be made just before starting of the engine are mentioned under 601.01. 6.6. Add cooling water and check with pressure on the system for leakage at the upper and lower cy-linder liner sealings and at cooling water connec-tions. 6.7. Check the governor as follows:Start up the engine and run it at the synchronous number of revolutions. 6.7 a) Speed setting: Check before switching-in ge nerator on the switchboard that the servomotor adjusts the r.p.m. with a suitable quickness after ac-tuation of the synchronizer knob on the switch board. The range from - 5% to + 5% from the syn-chronous r.p.m. should be tested. 6.7 b) Adjustment speed: Switch-in generator on the switchboard and set the load to about 40%. On reaching normal oil temperatures in governor and engine, increase the load instantaneously to about 80% ( by starting major pump or compressor). This must not cause the frequency to fall by more than some 8%, and the engine must return to a constant r.p.m. about 3 seconds (although this r.p.m. will be a little lower than before owing to the speed drop of the governor). If the engine is operated in parallel with other engines, an even sharing of load shall be established within about 3 seconds. If the gover-nor reacts too slowly, compensating adjustment is ef fected as indicated in Woodward's instruction ma nual (Compensating adjustment).Note: It is a condition for this test that the engine and turbocharger are in perfect operating condition, so that they can be elimated as possible sources of error. 6.7 c) Hunting: Run the engine at synchronous r.p.m., and without load. Provided the governor oil is warm, the regulating lever must not perform any major periodical movments, and neither must there be any variation up and down in the engine speed. If that is the case, repeat the compensating adjustment according to Woodward's instruction manual. 6.7 d) Speed Drop: in case of unsatisfactory load sharing between two ore more engines this can be rectifi ed by increasing the speed drop of the engine that is subject to the greatest load (or by reducing the setting of the other engines).The setting shoul not normally be increased beyond 70 on the scale, and satisfactory parallel operation can generally be obtained at settings between 40 and 60.92.02 - ES0U 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Starting-up after Out of Service Periods601.10Edition 17H96.30 - ES0UL+V28/32HThe following enumerates checks are to be made im mediately after starting, during load increase, and during normal running. The sequence has been ac-cordingly.In the following it is assumed that the engine has been out of service for some time, for instance due to repairs and - checks during out of service periods have been carried out as described in the previous chap ter.When starting after such an out-of-service period, the following checks must be made in the stated order in addition to normal surveillance and recor ding. 1. To be made immediately after starting: 1.1. See that the turbocharger is running. 1.2. See that the lubricating oil pressure is in order. 1.3. See that all cylinders are fi ring (see exhaust temperatures). 1.4. See that everyting is normal for the engine speed, fuel oil, cooling water and system oil. 1.5. Check by simulation of the overspeed shut down device that the engine stops. The overspeed setting should be according to " Set Points and Operation Data " section 600. 2. To be made during the starting-up, but only if re quired after repairs or alterations made: 2.1. If the condition of the machinery is not well-known, especially after repairs or alterations, the "feel-over sequence" should always be followed.that is:After 5-15 and 30 minutes' idle running, open the crankcase and the camshaft housing and feel-over on the surfaces of all moving parts where friction may arise and cause undue heating.Feel: Main bearings, big-end bearings, (alternator), and camshaft bearings, piston pins, cylinder liners, roller guides and gear wheels.After the last feel-over, repeat check 4 page 601.05, see also Ignition in Crankcase page 603.04 in sec-tion 603.After repair or renewal of cylinder liners, piston rings or bearings, allowance must be made for a running-in period, i.e. the engine load should be increased gradually as indicated in the tables below. The engine output is determined on the basis of the fuel index and the load on the electric switchboard. The turbocharger speed gives some indication of the engine output, but is not directly proportional to the output throughout the service period.Begin the starting-up sequence at a reduced engine speed, e.g. 400 rpm, until it can be known for certain that there areno hot spots in the engine. Then incre-ase the speed to the normal rpm and connect to the switchboard and put on load.The load increase during the starting-up sequence may, for instance, be: 25 % load for 2 hours 50 % load for 2 hours 75 % load for 2 hours 100 % load may be put on.The pump index indicated in the tables has been given as a percentage of the index at full load. To enable the index to be read directly off the fuel pumps the following formula can be employed: I = I% x IF 100 IF = Index at full load (from testbed table) I% = Index expressed as % of full load index (stated in the preceding starting-up sequence).Following the alteration of the pump index of the one or two cylinders concerned it must be checked that when in the STOP position the governor is able to move all the fuel pumps to an average pump index not exceeding 2 or 3, thus excluding the possibility of racing of the engine when the propeller is declutched.After completing the starting-up sequence, make sure that all fuel pumps are set at the same index and that the governor can cause all fuel pumps to move to "0" index. MAN Diesel & turboDescriptionPage 1 (1)Guidelines for Longterm Low-Load Operation on HFOGeneral08.20 - ES1Part load/low load operationIn certain ship and power station operation modes the diesel generating sets are exposed to part load/low load operation.During manoeuvring of the ship all diesel generating sets are often started up for safety reasons, result-ing in lowload operation of all the engines. During harbour stay one diesel generator could be low-loaded when only hotel purposes are consuming electricity.Island mode operation of diesel generating sets in power stations is frequently exposed to low load operation like on a ship.At part load/low load it is important to maintain constant media temperatures, i.e. for cooling water, lubricating oil and fuel oil in order to ensure adequate combustion chamber temperature and thus complete combustion.At loads lower than 20% MCR there is a risk of time dependant retardation of the engine performance condition due to fouling of the exhaust gas channels and combustion air channels, combustion chambers and turbocharger. HFO-operation at loads lower than 20% MCR should therefore only take place within certain time limitations according to the curves.After a certain period of HFO-operation at loads lower than 20% MCR, a change to MDO should take place in order to prevent further retardation of the engine performance condition. Alternatively, the engine load should be raised to 70% MCR over a period of 15 minutes and maintained here for some time in order to burn off the carbon deposits, thus re-establishing adequate performance condition. After such a "clean burning period" low load operation on HFO can be continued.However, the operator must be aware of the fact that fouling in the combustion air inlet channels, if any, will not be cleaned at high load operation. Extensive low load running can therefore result in the need for manual cleaning of the combustion air inlet channels. If special application conditions require continuous HFO-operation at loads lower than 20% MCR and occasionally performed "clean-burning" periods are inconvenient or impossible, special equipment andarrangements must be established.Fig 1 Low-load operation.Example: a) with 10% load 19 hours maximum operation on HFO admissible, then change-over to MDOor b) operate engine for approx. 1.2 hours with 70% rating minimum, in order to burn off residues. Afterwards low load operation on HFO can be continued.2015105Load %aa bbOperating period (h) Operating period (h)Necessary operating period with min. 70% load after low-load operation on HFO.Running-up period to 70% load: approx. 15 min.70% load HFO or MDO Admissible low-load operation (load percent/period) on HFO.601.15Edition 03H MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 1 (1)Guidelines Regarding MAN Diesel & Turbo GenSets Operating on Low Sulphur Fuel OilGeneral10.16 - ES1Exhaust emissions from marine diesel engines have been the focus of recent legislation. Apart from nitrous oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) are considered to be the most important pollution factor. A range of new regulations have been implemented and others will follow (IMO, EU Directive, and CARB). These regulations demand reduction of SOx emissions by restricting the sulphur content of the fuel. That is to say sulphur limits for HFO as well as mandatory use of low sulphur distillate fuels for particular ap-plications. This guideline covers the engine related aspects of the use of such fuels.Low sulphur HFOFrom an engine manufacturer’s point of view there is no lower limit for the sulphur content of HFO. We have not experienced any trouble with the currently available low sulphur HFO, that are related to the sulphur content or specific to low sulphur HFO. This may change in the future if new methods are applied for the production of low sulphur HFO (desulphuriza-tion, uncommon blending components). MAN Diesel & Turbo will monitor developments and inform our customers if necessary.If the engine is not operated permanently on low sulphur HFO, then the lubricating oil should be se-lected according to the highest sulphur content of the fuels in operation. Low sulphur distillatesIn general our GenSet is developed for continuous operation on HFO as well as on MDO/MGO. Occa-sionally changes in operation mode between HFO and MDO/MGO are considered to be within normal operation procedures for our engine types and do thus not require special precautions.Running on low sulphur fuel (< 0.1% S) will not cause problems, but please notice the following restrictions:In order to avoid seizure of the fuel oil injection pump components the viscosity at engine fuel oil inlet must be > 2.0 cSt. In order achieve this it may be necessary to install a fuel oil cooler, when the engine is running on MGO. This is both to ensure correct viscosity and avoid heating up the service tank, which is important as the fuel oil injection pumps are cooled by the fuel.When operating on MDO/MGO a larger leak oil amount from fuel oil injection pumps and fuel oil injection valves can be expected compared to op-eration on HFO.In order to carry out a quick change between HFO and MDO/MGO the change over should be carried out by means of the valve V1-V2 installed in front of the engine.For the selection of the lubricating oil the same ap-plies as for HFO. For temporary operation on distillate fuels including low sulphur distillates nothing has to be considered. A lubricating oil suitable for operation on diesel fuel should only be selected if a distillate fuel is used continuously.601.16Edition 02H Performance and condition 502/602 MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 1 (3)Engine Performance and ConditionPerformance Data and Engine ConditionDuring operation small changes in the engine condi-tion take place continuously as a result of combustion, including fouling of airways and gasways, formation of deposits, wear, corrosion, etc. If continuously recorded, these changes in the condition can give valuable information about the operational and maintenance condition of the engine. Continuous observation can contribute to forming a precise and valuable basis for evaluation of the optimum operation and maintenance programmes for the individual plant.Engine Performance DataIf abnormal or incomprehensible deviations in opera-tion are recorded, expert assistance in the evaluation thereof should be obtained.We recommend taking weekly records of the most important performance data of the engine plant. Dur-ing recording (working card 502-01.00 can be used) the observations are to be compared continuously in order to ascertain alterations at an early stage and before these exert any appreciable influence on the operation of the plant.As a reference condition for the performance data, the testbed measurements of the engine or possibly the measurements taken during the sea trial on the delivery of the ship can be used. If considerable de-viations from the normal conditions are observed, it will be possible, in a majority of cases, to diagnose the cause of such deviations by means of a total evaluation and a set of measurements, after which possible adjustment/overhauls can be decided on and planned.Evaluation of Performance DataAir CoolerFouling of the air side of the air cooler will manifest itself as an increasing pressure drop, lower charge air pressure and an increased exhaust/charge air temperature level (with consequential influence on the overhaul intervals for the exhaust valves).12.04 - ES0An increase in charge air temperature involves a cor-responding increase in the exhaust gas temperature level by a ratio of about 1:1.5, i.e. 1°C higher charge air temperature causes about 1.5°C higher exhaust gas temperature.Reduction of the charge air pressure results in a cor-responding reduction of the compression pressure and max. combustion pressure. When checking the max. pressure adjustment of the engine, it is therefore to be ensured that the existing charge air pressure is correct.Fuel Injection PumpThe amount of fuel injected is equivalent to the supplied energy and is thus an expression of the load and mean effective pressure of the engine. The fuel pump index can therefore be assumed to be proportional to the mean pressure. Consequently, it can be assumed that the connected values of the pump index are proportional to the load.The specific fuel consumption, SFOC (measured by weight) will, on the whole, remain unchanged whether the engine is operating on HFO or on MDO, when considering the difference in calorimetric heat value. However, when operating on HFO, the combination of density and calorific value may result in a change of up to 6% in the volumetric consumption at a given load. This will result in a corresponding change in the fuel pump index, and attention should be paid to this when adjusting the overload preventive device of the engine.To avoid overloading of the engine the charge air pressure and turbine speed recorded at the shop test should not be ex ceeded.At the Power Control Synchronizing (PCS) panel in the engine control room it is possible to reduce the load by adjusting the setting for maximum MCR load limitAbrasive particles in the fuel oil result in wear of fuel injection pumps and fuel valve nozzles. Effective treatment of the fuel oil in the purifier can keep the content of abrasive particles to a minimum. Worn fuel injection pumps will result in an increase of the index on account of an increased loss in the pumps due to leakage.L+V28/32H602.01Edition 12H MAN Diesel & TurboEngine Performance and ConditionDescriptionPage 2 (3)12.04 - ES0When evaluating operational results, a distinction is to be made between changes which affect the whole engine (all cylinder units) and changes which occur in only one or a few cylinders.Deviations occuring for a few cylinders are, as a rule, caused by malfunctioning of individual components, for example a fuel valve with a too low opening pres-sure, blocked nozzle holes, wear or other defects, an inlet or exhaust valve with wrongly adjusted clearance, burned valve seat, etc.TurbochargersFouling of the turbine side of the turbocharger will, in its first phase, manifest itself in increasing turbo-charger revolutions on account of increased gas velocity through the narrowed nozzle ring area. In the long run, the charging air quantity will decrease on account of the greater flow resistance through the nozzle ring, resulting in higher wall temperatures in the combustion chambers.Service experience has shown that the turbine side is exposed to increased fouling when operating on HFO.The rate of fouling and thereby the influence on the operation of the engine is greatest for small turbochargers where the flow openings between the guide vanes of the nozzle ring are relatively small. Deposits occur especially on the guide vanes of the nozzle ring and on the rotor blades. In the long run, fouling will reduce the efficiency of the turbocharger and thereby also the quantity of air supplied for the combustion of the engine. A reduced quantity of air will result in higher wall temperatures in the combus-tion spaces of the engine.Detailed information and instructions regarding water washing of the turbocharger are given in the instruction manual.Fuel ValvesAssuming that the fuel oil is purified effectively and that the engine is well-maintained, the operational conditions for the fuel valves and the overhaul in-tervals will not normally be altered essentially when operating on HFO.If, for any reason, the surface temperature of the fuel valve nozzle is lower than the condensation tempera-ture of sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid condensate can form and corrosion take place (cold corrosion). The formation of sulphuric acid also depends on the sulphur content in the fuel oil. Normally, the fuel nozzle temperature will be higher than the approx. 180°C at which cold corrosion starts to occur. Abrasive particles in the fuel oil involve heavier wear of the fuel valve needle, seat, and fuel nozzle holes. Therefore, abrasive particles are to the greatest pos-sible extent to be removed at the purification.Exhaust ValvesThe overhaul intervals for exhaust valves is one of the key parameters when the reliability of the entire engine is to be judged. The performance of the exhaust valves is therefore extremely informative.Especially under unfavourable conditions, fuel quali-ties with a high vanadium and sodium content will promote burning of the valve seats. Combinations of vanadium and sodium oxides with a corrosive effect will be formed during combustion. This adhesive ash may, especially in the event of increased valve tem-peratures, form deposits on the seats. An increasing sodium content will reduce the melting point and thereby the adhesive temperature of the ash, which will involve a greater risk of deposits. This condition will be especially unfavourable when the na weight ratio increases beyond 1:3. vaThe exhaust valve temperature depends on the actual maintenance condition and the load of the engine. With correct maintenance, the valve temperature is kept at a satisfactory low level at all loads. The air supply to the engine (turbocharger/air cooler) and the maximum pressure adjustment are key parameters in this connection.It is important for the functioning of the valves that the valve seats are overhauled correctly in accord-ance with our instructions.The use of rotocaps ensures a uniform distribution of temperature on the valves.L+V28/32H602.01Edition 12H MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 3 (3)Engine Performance and Condition12.04 - ES0Air Inlet ValvesThe operational conditions of the air inlet valves are not altered substantially when using residual fuel.Fuel Injection PumpsAssuming effective purification of the fuel oil, the operation of the fuel injection pumps will not be very much affected.The occurrence of increasing abrasive wear of plunger and barrel can be a consequence of insufficient purification of the fuel oil, especially if a fuel which contains residues from catalytic cracking is used. Water in the fuel oil increases the risk of cavitation in connection with pressure impulses occurring at the fuel injection pump cut-off. A fuel with a high asphalt content has deteriorating lubricating properties and can, in extreme cases, result in sticking of the fuel injection pump plungers.Engine Room Ventilation, Exhaust SystemGood ventilation of the engine room and suitable loca-tion of the fresh air intake on the deck are important. Sea water in the intake air might involve corrosive attack and influence the overhaul intervals for the exhaust valves.The fresh air supply (ventilation) to the engine room should correspond to approximately 1.5 times the air consumption of the engines and possible boilers in operation. Under-pressure in the engine room will involve an increased exhaust temperature level.The exhaust back-pressure measured after the turbo-chargers at full load must not exceed 300 mm water column. An increase in the exhaust back-pressure will also cause an increased exhaust valve temperature level, and increased fuel consumption. L+V28/32H602.01Edition 12H MAN DieselIndexGenSetL28-2Text Index Drawing No.Exhaust pipe arrangement with welded compensator Plate 61202-28H Exhaust pipe arrangement Plate 61202-27H Exhaust pipe arrangement with welded compensator Plate 61202-42H Water washing of compressor side Plate 61205-02H Steam trap Plate 61208-01H Blowgun for dry cleaning of turbocharger Plate 61210-02H Compressed air system 513/613Compressed air system Description 613.01 (20H) Air filter Working card 613-01.21 (02H) Overhaul, test and inspection of turbine starter Working card 613-01.30 (02H) Main starting valve Working card 613-01.40 (01H) Check of compressed air piping system Working card 613-01.90 (02H) Turbine starter Plate 61309-05H Main starting valve Plate 61310-03H Muffler Plate 61312-02H Emergency starting valve Plate 61313-03H Starting valve Plate 61314-03H Main stop valve Plate 61315-03H Air strainer Plate 61316-03H Safety valve Plate 61319-01H ON-OFF valve for jet system Plate 61320-05H ON-OFF valve for jet system Plate 61320-06H Air filter Plate 61321-03H Pressure reduction valve Plate 61322-04H Turning gear Plate 61325-07H Pneumatic turning gear (motor power unit) Plate 61325-08H Pneumatic turning gear (spindle, gear case and gearing) Plate 61325-09H Fuel oil system 514/614Internal fuel oil system Description 614.01 (25H) Fuel injection pump and fuel injection pipe Working card 614-01.05 (02H) Fuel injection pump and fuel injection pipe Working card 614-01.05 (05H) Fuel injection valve Working card 614-01.10 (03H) Fuel oil split filter Working card 614-01.15 (01H) Check of fuel oil piping system Working card 614-01.90 (01H) Adjustment of the maximum combustion pressure Working card 614-05.01 (02H) Fuel injection pump Plate 61401-03H Fuel injection pump Plate 61401-09H Fuel injection valve Plate 61402-04H Fuel injection valve, cooled Plate 61402-07H Fuel oil filter duplex Plate 61403-15H Fuel injection pipe Plate 61404-06H Pipes on cylinder section - forced lubrication with cooling oil pipes Plate 61430-03H Nozzle cooling pump Plate 61440-05H Lubricating oil system 515/615Internal lubricating oil system Description 615.01 (29H) Lubricating oil cooler Description 615.06 (02H) Centrifugal by-pass filter Description 615.15 (05H) Crankcase ventilation Description 615.31 (03H) Lubricating oil pump, engine driven Working card 615-01.00 (01H) Prelubricating pump Working card 615-01.05 (02H) Lubricating oil filter Working card 615-01.10 (01H) MAN Diesel & TurboGeneral602.02Edition 11HPlease also see Description 602.01, Engine Performance and ConditionTTDescriptionPage 1 (1)11.23 - ES0Evaluation of Readings RegardingCombustion ConditionTEMP. DIFFERENCETOO LARGEWater flow too smallTEMP. DIFFERENCETOO LARGEAir cooler fouled.ALL CYLINDERSExhaust temp. increa-sing:Air system fouled(Air filter-blower-cooler).Exhaust system fouled(nozzle ring, turbine wheel).PRESSURE DROPINCREASING(limit 50%)Air side ofcooler fouled.PRESSURE DROPINCREASING(limit 50%)Air filtersfouled.DECREASING CHARGE AIR PRESSURE:Decreasing air amount.Fouled turbocharger,air filter or chargeair cooler (air side).ONE CYLINDERExhaust temp. in-creasing: Fuel valve needs overhaul.Compression too low owing to leakage of exhaust valve or piston ring blow-by.Pcomp and Pmax are measured by means of max. pressure gauge.Pcomp too low: Leaky combustion chamber, charging air pressure too low.Pmax too low: to late injection timing, low charge air press., low comp. press., worn fuel pumpP comp too low, ignition too late. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel91.37 - ES1S30301040402050506060707000. air temperature (1 bar)Relativeair humidityWater content of air in kg water / kg airCharge air pressure (Above atmospheric)Pressurein air tankCharge air temperature after cooler.Air temperature in tank.2.0 bar3.0 barIIIIIIMax. water contentof atmosphere100%90%80%70%60%A B30 bar1.0 barFig. 1. Nomogram for calculation of condensate amount.GeneralThere is always a certain amount of water in air. When the air is saturated with aqueous vapour, the humidity is said to be 100% and there is as much water in the air as it can absorb with out con dens ing. The amount of water in kg/kg air can be found from the diagram. The ability to ab sorb the water de pends on the pressure and tem pe ra tu re of the air.Amount of Condensation Water in The Charge Air ReceiverBoth higher pressure and lower tem pe ra tu re reduce the ability to ab sorb wat er. A turbocharged diesel engine tak es air from outside, compresses and cools the air. Then, normally, the air cannot absorb the same amount of water as before. Condensate AmountGeneralCondensation of water in the engine's charge air receiver is consequently dependent on the humidity and the temperature of the ambient air. To fi nd out if condensation in the charge air receiver will occur the diagram can be used.Example:6L28/32H, 720 rpm (P) 1260 kWAmbient air condition: air temperature 35 °C relative air humidity 90 %Charge air temperature 50 °CCharge air pressure 2.6 barAs a guidance, an air consumption of 8.2 kg/kWh (Le) at full load can be used for MAN Diesel A/S, Holeby engines.602.05Edition 08HDescriptionPage 1 (2) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselAmount of Condensate Water in Air Tanks.The volume of condensate in the air tank is determin-ed by means of the curve at the bottom to the right of the diagram, representing an operating pressure of 30 bar.Example:Amount of condensate in air tank.Volumetric capacity of tank(V) 4000 dm³Temperature in tank (T) 40 °C=313KInternal press. of tank (p) 30 bar = 31 x 105 N/m²(abs.)Gas constant for air (R) 287 Nm/kg.KAmbient air temperature 35 °CRelative air humidity 90 %Weight of air in tankm = = = 138 kgSolution acc. to above diagram:Water content of air (l) 0.033 kg/kgMax. water cont. of air (lll) 0.0015 kg/kgAmount of condensate in air tank = (I - III) x m. = (0.033 - 0.0015) x 138 = 4.35 kg.91.37 - ES1S p x V 31 x 105 x 4 R x T 287 x 313Condensate AmountGeneralSolution according to diagram:Water content of air (l) 0.033 kg/kgMax. water cont. of air (ll) 0.021 kg/kgAmount of condensate in charge air recceiver. = (l - ll) x le x P = (0.033 - 0.021) x 8.2 x 1260 = 123 kg/hDraining of Condensation Water.This phenomenon will occur on all tur bo charg ed engines. For MAN B&W Holeby 4-stroke engine, the re is no risk with a small amount of water in the charge air receiver. But if the charge air re ceiv er is fi lled with water, there is a risk of get ting water in to the cylinder. This water have to be drain ed away. As standard a valve is mounted on the charge air re ceiv-er/cooler on the engine. This valve is to be used for draining of the water. If there is a great amount, the valve can be left half-open. If the amount is small, the charge air receiver can be drain ed pe rio di cal ly.602.05Edition 08HDescriptionPage 2 (2) MAN Diesel & TurboSafety precautions: Stopped engine Shut-off starting air Shut-off cooling water Shut-off fuel oil Shut-off cooling oil Stopped lub. oil circul.Description:Measurements of engine performance data.Starting position:Engine is running.Related procedure:Man power:Working time : ½ hourCapacity : 1 manData:Data for pressure and tolerance (Page 600.35)Data for torque moment (Page 600.40)Declaration of weight (Page 600.45)L28/32HSpecial tools: Plate no. Item no. Note. 62005 10 Max. pressure indicatorHand tools:Replacement and wearing parts: Plate no. Item no. Qty. / 602-01.00Edition 03HEngine Performance DataWorking CardPage 1 (4)11.25 - ES0 MAN Diesel & Turbo22 23 24L28/32HEngine Performance DataWorking CardPage 2 (4)11.25 - ES0602-01.00Edition 03H M/V Engine Type Engine No. Date/Year Hour Total Engine running Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 Engine Performance Data Engine RPM Fuel Type Turbocharger Turbocharger Visc. Density Type Serial No. RPM 7 8 9 10Switchboard Effect (kW) Voltage (V) Current (A) cos ϕ /kVAr11 12 13 1415 Cylinder No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1617 Fuel Pump Index18 Maximum Pressure (bar)19 Compress. Pressure (bar)20 Exhaust Temp. (° C)21 Cooling Water (°C)Cylinder DataAve-rage Temp. inlet blower (° C) Pressure before blower (mmWC) Temp. after blower (° C)Turbocharger Press. air cooler (mmWC) Temp. charge air (° C) Press. charge air (bar)∇ Temp. exhaust gas before TC (° C) Temp. exhaust gas after TC (° C) Press. exhaust gas after TC (mmWC)25 26 27 28 29 30Lubricating Oil System Temp. after engine (° C) Press. before filter (bar) Press. after filter (bar)31 32 33 Temp. inlet engine (° C) Press. before TC (bar)34 35 36Cooling Water System LT temp. inlet air cooler (° C) LT temp. outlet air cooler (° C) LT press. inlet air cooler (bar)43 44 45 LT temp. outlet alternator (° C) HT FW temp. inlet engine (° C) HT FW press. inlet engine (bar)37 38 3940 41 42 LT temp. inlet lub. oil cooler (° C) LT temp. outlet lub. oil cooler (° C) LT temp. inlet alternator (° C)Fuel Oil System Fuel oil temp. inlet engine (° C) Fuel oil press. before engine (bar)46 47 Nozz. cool. oil press. inlet engine (bar) Nozz. cool. oil temp. outlet engine (° C) Sign.48 4950 MAN Diesel & Turbo602-01.00Edition 03HWorking CardPage 3 (4)Engine Performance Data11.25 - ES0L28/32HCylinder Data. 15. Cylinder no. - can be read on engine plate. A/B is used for V-engines. 16. Average for all engine cylinders for point: 17-18-19-20-21. 17. Fuel pump index - can be read on each of the high pressure fuel oil injection pumps. 18. Max pressure (bar) can be read for each cylinder by means of indicator or Pmax gauge. 19. Compression pressure (bar) - can be read for each cylinder by means of the indicator measure-ment, which is carried out during idling by nominal RPM. 20. Exhaust temperature (°C)- Thermometer TI 60. 21. Water outlet cylinder (°C) (jacket cooling)- Thermometer TI 11.Turbocharger. 22. Thermometer inlet blower (°C) can be read by means of a thermometer placed in the engine room near the air filter of the TC. 23. Pressure before blower (mmWC) - can be read by means of a mmWC instrument placed in the engine room near the TC. 24. Temperature after blower (°C) - can be read by means of a thermometer TI 30. 25. ∆ Pressure air cooler (mm/WC). 26. Charge air temperature (°C). Temperature of the charge air in the charge air receiver.- Thermometer TI 31. 27. Pressure charge air (bar). Pressure of the charge air in the charge air receiver.- Pressure gauge PI 31. 28. Tempereture of the exhaust gas before TC (°C) - Thermometer TI 62.The Instruction for Filling in the Diagram "Engine Performance Data".The numbers in the instruction are commensurate with the numbers on the diagram.The automatic symbols mentioned in the instruction TI 01, TI 03, PI 01 etc, refer to the diagrams printed in the instruction books for specified plants.Engine Performance Data. 1. Name of ship, if stationary name of plant. 2. Engine type. 3. Engine no. 4. Date/year of observations. 5. Hour, time of observations. 6. Total engine running hours - engineer's log-book. 7. Engine revolutions per minute (RPM) - can be read on tachometer SI 90. 8. Fuel oil type: The viscosity must be stated (in cSt) and the temperature by which the viscosity has been measured f.inst. 180 cSt/50°C. Density must be stated: g/cm³. 9. Turbocharger: Type and serial number are stated on the rating plate of turbocharger. 10. Turbocharger revolutions per minute (RPM) - can be read on the tachometer SI 89.Switchboard. 11. Effect alternator (kW) - can be read on the main switchboard. 12. Voltage (V) - can be read on the switchboard. 13. Current (A) - can be read on the switchboard. 14. Cos ϕ/kVAr - can be read on the switchboard. MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HEngine Performance DataWorking CardPage 4 (4)11.25 - ES0602-01.00Edition 03H 29. Temperature of the exhaust gas after TC (°C) - Thermometer TI 61. 30. Pressure of the exhaust gas after the TC (bar)- Pressure gauge PI 61.Lubricating Oil System. 31. Temperature of the lub. oil inlet cooler (°C)- Thermometer TI 20. 32. Pressure of the lub. oil before the filter (bar)- Pressure gauge PI 21. 33. Pressure of the lub. oil after the filter (bar)- Pressure gauge PI 22.The filter element should be replaced with a pres-sure drop across the filter of 1.5 bar. 34. Temperature of the lub. oil inlet engine (°C)- Thermometer TI 22. 35. Pressure of the lub. oil before the turbocharger (bar).- Pressure gauge PI 23.Cooling Water System. 37. Temperature of low temperature (LT) cooling water (sea, raw or fresh) at inlet charge air cooler (°C)- Thermometer TI 01. 38. Temperature of low temperature (LT) cooling water (sea, raw or fresh) at outlet charge air cooler (°C)- Thermometer TI 02. 39. Pressure of the low temperature (LT) cooling water (sea, raw or fresh) at inlet charge air cooler (bar)- Pressure gauge PI 01. 40. Temperature of the low temperature (LT) cool-ing water (sea, raw or fresh) at inlet lub. oil cooler (°C)- Thermometer TI 07. 41. Temperature of the low temperature (LT) cool-ing water (sea, raw or fresh) at outlet lub. oil cooler °C)- Thermometer TI 03. 42. Temperature of the low temperature (LT) cool-ing water (sea, raw or fresh) at inlet alternator (°C)- Thermometer TI 04. 43. Temperature of the low temperature (LT) cool-ing water (sea, raw or fresh) at outlet alternator (°C)- Thermometer TI 05. 44. Temperature of the high temperature (HT) fresh water (FW) at inlet engine (°C)- Thermometer TI 10. 45. Pressure of the high temperature (HT) fresh water (FW) of outlet engine (°C)- Thermometer TI 10.Fuel Oil System. 46. Temperature of the fuel oil at inlet engine (°C)- Thermometer TI 40. 47. Pressure of the fuel oil before engine (bar)- Pressure gauge PI 40. 48. Nozzle cooling oil pressure at inlet engine (bar)- Pressure gauge PI 50. 49. Nozzle cooling oil pressure at outlet engine (bar)- Pressure gauge PI 51. 50. Signature. Trouble shooting 503/603 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Starting Failures603.01Edition 08H90.46 - ES0UGeneralTrouble shootingCheck electrical partsStart compressors, re-charge air receiverOpen valve at receiver and stop valve interposed in line between receiver and engineCheck the air starter for broken clutch jaws or other broken partsCheck the air motor for broken shafting, bearing or clutch jawsCheck electrical partsRemove and disassemble the air motor. Examine all parts and re-place any that are worn or damag-ed. Use the guidelines for determi-ning unserviceable partsCheck start valvePossible causeFaults in electrical systemAir pressure in starting air recei-ver too lowMain valve(s) closedPinion does not engage the fl y wheelAir motor runs, pinion engages but does not rotateFaults in electrical systemWorn air motor partsStart valve is sticking in close positionTroubleEngine turns as soon as shut-off valve is opened, without start but-ton being activatedEngine does not turn when start button is activatedEngine turns too slowly or ir-regularly when start but-ton is depressed 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (3)Faults in Fuel Oil System603.02Edition 09H02.47 - ES0L+V28/32HTrouble shootingLubricate and mobilize rod con-nections in manoeuvring gearAdjust governor, see special in-struction manualCancel shutdown functionCheck that piston is not sticking. Check that pressure in cylinder is relieved. Check that the over-speed trip is not actuated.Check pressures and tempera-tu-res. Check for faults in shut-down devicesCheck that governor is working properly. For further fault location, see special instr. manualCheck rod connec. Check that fuel pump index is corresponding to "Adjustments after trials" in testbed chartAdjust setting of limiter cylinderPump oil into the tankVent the fuel pumps unitl fuel with-out air bubbles appears. If ignition fails in just one cyl., vent the re-spective fuel injection valve. If igni-tion still fails, install a spare valve before attempting to start the engi-ne again.Change fuel pumpsChange defective fuel valvesIncrease the fuel oil feed pump pressureDrain off water and repeat venting of fuel pumpsChange defective fuel valves, see Working Card 614-01.10.Possible causeSluggish movement of manoeuvring gearGovernor setting incorrectOverspeed or another shutdown function is activatedPiston in Lambda controller is actuatedPiston in Lambda controller is actuated owing to uncancelled shut-down function (1)Failures in governorIncorrect adjustment of manoeuvring gearIncorrect adjustment of limiter cylinderFuel oil service tank emptyAir in fuel pumps and fuel injection valves (2)Worn-out fuel pumpDefective fuel injection valves or valve nozzles (4)Too low pressure before fuel injec-tion pumps (3)Water in the fuelFuel valves or nozzles defective (4)TroubleEngine turns on starting air, but ignition fails. Fuel pumps are not actuatedEngine turns on starting air, but no fuel is injected owing to failu-res in fuel systemEngine turns on starting air, fuel is injected, but ignition failsCont. MAN DieselIndex GenSetL28-2Text Index Drawing No.Lubricating oil, thermostatic valve Working card 615-01.20 (01H) Check of lubricating oil piping system Working card 615-01.90 (01H) Lubricating oil cooler Working card 615-06.00 (02H) Centrifugal by-pass filter Working card 615-15.00 (01H) Lubricating oil pump (central driven) Plate 61501-12H Lubricating oil pump (gear driven) Plate 61501-22H Lubricating oil filter (Type A) Plate 61502-11H Lubricating oil filter (Type B) Plate 61502-12H Lubricating oil filter (suppl. for plate 61502-11H/12H) Plate 61502-15H Lubricating oil thermostatic valve Plate 61503-08H Prelubricating pump with el-motor Plate 61504-04H Lubricating oil cooler Plate 61506-10H Centrifugal by-pass filter Plate 61515-09H Hand wing pump Plate 61525-02H Lubricating oil separator Plate 61530-07H Lubricating oil pipes on engine Plate 61530-02H Cooling water system 516/616Cooling water system Description 616.01 (17H) Cooling water thermostatic valve Description 616.04 (15H) Check of cooling water system Working card 616-01.90 (01H) Cooling water thermostatic valve Working card 616-04.00 (01H) Cooling water thermostatic valve Plate 61604-07H High temperature fresh water pump Plate 61610-05H Low temperature fresh water pump Plate 61610-07H Low temperature fresh water pump Plate 61610-10H Sea water pump Plate 61615-04H Pipes on cylinder head Plate 61625-04H Cooling water pipes on engine Plate 61630-01H Preheater - fresh water Plate 61635-06H Special equipment 517/617Kit for cylinder unit Kit 61704-02H Kit for overspeed device Kit 61743-01H Kit for covers on frame Kit 61751-01H Specific plant information 519/619Resilient mounting of generating sets Description 619.03 (10H) Fitting instructions for resilient mountings of gensets Working card 619-03.00 (21H) Fitting instructions for resilient mountings of gensets Working card 619-03.00 (22H) Fitting instructions for resilient mountings of gensets Working card 619-03.00 (23H) Replacement of conicals Working card 619-03.05 (01H) Maintenance of conicals Working card 619-03.10 (01H) Flexible external connections Plate 61902-03H Conical element Plate 61903-04H Tools 520/620Introduction to spare part plates for tools Description 620.01 (01H) Function of the hydraulic tools Working card 620-01.05 (03H) Application of hydraulic tools Working card 620-01.06 (01H) Hand lever pump Working card 620-01.07 (01H) Maintenance of hydraulic tools Working card 620-01.10 (01H) Tightening with torque spanner Working card 620-01.15 (01H) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 2 (3)Faults in Fuel Oil System02.47 - ES0L+V28/32HTrouble shootingPossible causeTrouble603.02Edition 09HFirst ignitions are too violent (sa-fety valves are opening). Engine runs erraticallyCompression during start too low (5)Incorrect timing of camshaft (6)Oil has collected on piston crown (7)Sluggish movement of manoeuvring gearFuel pump index to highCheck intake and exhaust valve for tight closing. Check cyl. wear and piston ringsCheck fuel pump timing advance, and fuel valve opening pressure as well as camshat adjustmentSlow turning with open indicator valves, to locate defective fuel val-ve, remove oilLubricate and mobilize rod con-nections and bearings in mano-euvring gearCheck rod connection in mano-euvring gear. Check that gover-nor is working properly. Limiter cylinder to be set lowerRemarks 1) If the shut-down function is due to overspeed, the shut-down activation is cancelled by reset-ting the overspeed device and thus venting the Lambda controller/air cylinder. 2) Whether air is present in the fuel oil system is seen be repeating the venting of fuel pumps. The cause may be that a fuel valve is kept in open position (spindle sticking or spring bro-ken). Heating of fuel to a too high temperature may have a similar effect owing to formation of gas in the fuel. If a sticking valve is found, it should be changed and overhauled. It should be cheked that no oil has collected on the piston crown. Air in the fuel oil system may also be the result of the fuel oil feed pump sucking-in air through a defective stuffi ng box or a leaky seal. 3) If the fuel oil pressure drops, the fi lter may be clogged up, or the by-pass at the feed pump may have opened. 4) If the fuel is forced into the cylinder through a defective fuel valve or through worn-out atomizer holes, no or too sluggish atomi zation may prevent ignition, possibly followed by too violent ignition. 5) To obtain ignition temperature in the cylinders, the compression pressure during star ting should be normal, see the testbed chart. This can be checked by measuring the compression pressure during starting. Cylinders having too low compression should be inspected. 6) Major alterations of the com bustion charac-teristics of the fuel may demand adjustment of the timing of the fuel pumps. One or more cam-shaft sections may be incorrectly fi tted (after dis mantling). Too high opening pressure of the fuel valves will also delay the injection. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselFaults in Fuel Oil System603.02Edition 09H02.47 - ES0L+V28/32HDescriptionPage 3 (3) 7) Oil on the piston crown will in most cases have leaked down from a defective fuel valve. As these oil accumulations are dangerous, the lea-kage should be found and remedied before the engine is started again. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (3)Disturbances during Running603.03Edition 08H05.08 - ES0L+V28/32HTrouble shootingSee Working Card 612-01.00.Reduce load and water-wash tur-bine. Clean air fi lters and coolersSee Description 604.25.Check Pmax. Check camshaft ad-justmentSee Working Card 614-01.10.Check the valve clearance. Repla-ce cyl. head with defective valveSee Working Card 606-01.00.Check timing advance of fuel pumpCheck that thermostatic valve (by-pass valve) in cold water system is working properly and correctly setVenting of fuel pump(s) until fuel without air bubbles appears. Check feed pump pressureChange and overhaul defective fuel valveChange fuel pump plunger/barrel assemblyRaise fuel oil feed pump pressure to normal. Check fi lterChange defective valve or pumpDrain off water and vent the fuel pumpsReplace defective governorSee "Ignition in Crankcase"Possible cause(All cyls.) Increased charging air temperature due to ineffective air coolers(All cyls.) Fouling or air and gas passages(All cyls.) Insuffi cient cleaning of fuel oil or changed combustion characteristics(All cyls.) Wrong position of cam-shaft (Maladjustment)(Single cyls.) Fuel valve or valve nozzle defective(Single cyls.) Leaky exhaust valves (1)(Single cyls.) Blow-by-leaky com-bustion chamber (2)(Single cyls.) Damaged fuel pump cam(All cyls.) Decreased charging air temperature(Single cyls.) Air in fuel pump(s) and fuel injection valve(s)(Single cyls.) Spindle in fuel valve sticking (3)(Single cyls.) Fuel pump plunger sticking or leakingPressure before fuel pumps too lowFuel valve or fuel pump defectiveWater in the fuelGovernor defective (4)Increased internal friction in engine (5)TroubleExhaust temperature(s) increase(s)Exhaust temperature(s) decrease(s)Engine RPM decreasesCont. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 2 (3)Disturbances during Running05.08 - ES0L+V28/32HTrouble shootingPossible causeTrouble603.03Edition 08HCheck pressure and temperatu-res. If OK, check for faults in shut-down devices. See also Starting FailuresReasonably smoke is normal when RPM increases; no measu-res cal-led for. If smoky exhaust during normal running, clean turbine(s) and check valvesFouling of air and gas passages, see section 612.See Working Card 614-01.10.Overhaul fuel valves. Re-establish nozzle-coolingInspect and replace defective parts as necessaryStop the engine. Check the cooling water. Find cause of incre-ased friction and remedy faultStop the engine. For further de-tails, see "Ignition in crankcase"Flywheel must be dismounted and guide pin replacedShut-downTurbine RPM lagging behind en-gine RPMAir supply too lowFuel valves or nozzles defective"Trumpets" at nozzle holes. Fai-lure of cooling (especially during hea-vy-oil operation) (6)Adjsuting screw for valve set-ting loose. Push rod thrust disc da-magedPump stopped. Increased friction (7)Lubricating oil pump defective. (8) Filters/cooler fouledShort circuitEngine stopsSmoky exhaustExhaust valve knockingRising cooling water temperatureLubricating oil pressure failsAlternatorRemarks 1) This manifests itself by rise of the exhaust temperature and falling of the compression and maximum combustion pressure of the respective cylinder. To limit the damage to the valves, these should be changed immediately, if possible, or the fuel pump of the cylinder concerned should be put out of opera tion by moving the index to stop and locking it in this position. 2) Blow-by means a serious danger of piston seizure, and the engine must if possible be stopped and the piston in question pulled. If this is not possible, the fuel pump index must, as described above, be moved to stop. Leaky piston rings will normally result in a heavy excess pressure in the crankcase. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDisturbances during Running603.03Edition 08H05.08 - ES0L+V28/32HDescriptionPage 3 (3) 6) If the cooling of the atomizers fails (if arranged for oil cooling) while running, carbon de posits will build up round the nozzle holes, some times in the shape of small cones or trumpets which causes the engine to smoke, or ot will cause sticking of the valve spindle. For this reason the nozzle cooling should be well maintained. 7) If the cooling water temperature for the entire engine has risen to 90-100° C, it should be checked - by opening the test cocks, if fi tted on the discharge from cylinders - whether steam has de veloped. If this is the case, there is no water on the cooling surfaces, which may the-refore be heated unduly. To avoid heat stresses arising in cylinder liners and cylinder heads, if the water returns too early, the engine should be stopped and left to cool, while the discharge valve is closed. After 15 minutes it is opened a little to allow the water to rise slowly in the cooling jackets. Check fi lling at test cocks. Make crankcase inspection to ascertain that internal water leakage has not arisen. Remember slow turning withopen indicator valves at subsequent starting-up. 8) If the lubricating oil pressure drops below the minimum mentioned in Data; Find the cause of the pressure drop and remedy the defect before re-starting the engine. Feel over 5-15-30 minutes after starting, and again when full load is obtained. See section 602. 3) If this happens the fuel pump barrel and plun-ger must be changed, and if, to obtain full load of the respective cylinder, it is necessary to increase the fuel pump index by more than 10 index degrees, the fuel pump is in most cases worn out. Usually this is confi rmed by inspection of the fuel pump plunger on which the helical cut-off edge will show a pitted and corroded area where material is plucked out. In that case the pump can be provided with a new barrel and plunger. 4) The governor will not reduce the fuel pump delivery to zero in case of, for instance, failure of the governor oil pump, but the engine speed will start fl uctuating. When the governor is defective the engine is pro tected against racing by the overspeed trip, i.e. the engine is stopped automatically in case of excessive speed. It is essential, there-fore, that the overspeed trip is kept in perfect order. Regarding governor failure, see special instruction book. 5) Usually a bearing failure will not slow down the engine appreciably, but the seizure of a piston in the cylinder liner might do so. If a PG-governor is employed, the index will increase and exhaust temperatures rise. If such cases occur, repair is necessary before starting the engine again. Feel over and look out for oil mist. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Ignition in Crankcase603.04Edition 09H96.30 - ES0UL+V28/32H 1. Stop the engine 2. Leave the engine room. Shut doors and keep away from them. Make ready fi re-fi ghting equip-ment.Warning: Do not open crankcase until 10 minutes after stopping of the engine. When opening up, keep clear of possible fl ames. Do not use naked light and do not smoke. 3. Take off all doors on one side of the crank case. Cut off starting air. Engage turning gear, if fi tted. 4. Locate the hot spot. Powerful lamps should be employed at once (in explosion-proof fi ttings). Feel over all sliding surfaces (bearings, liners, pistons, roller guides, etc.).Look for squeezed-out bearing metal and discolo-ration by heat (blistered paint, burned oil, heated steel). 5. Prevent further heating, preferably by making a permanent repair. Special attention should be given to ensure lubricating oil supply and satisfac-tory condition of the frictional surfaces involved. It is equally important to replace fi lter elements in time. 6. Start electrically driven lubricating oil pump and check oil fl ow from all bearings and splash pipes in crankcase while turning the engine through at least two revolutions. See Description 601.05, Point 4.1. 7. Stop and feel over. Look out for oil mist.Especially the frictional surfaces that caused the heating should be felt over (5-15-30 minutes after starting, and again when full load is obtained). See Description 601.10, Point 2. 8. In case it has not been possible to locate the hot spot, point 7 should be intensifi ed and repeated until the cause of the oil mist has been found and remedied. In very rare cases oil mist could be due to "atomization" of lubricating oil by the action of an air jet (for instance blow-by, or blow-by through cracked piston).CauseDuring running, the atmosphere in the crankcase contains the same gases (N2-O2-CO2) in the same proportions as in the ambient air, but an intense spray of coarse oil drops is fl ung around everywhere. If undue friction and thus heating arises between sliding surfaces, or heat is transmitted otherwise to the crankcase, the heated surface will cause eva poration of the lubricating oil splashed on to it. When the oil vapours condense they form a multi-tude of minute drops suspended in the atmosphere, i.e. a milky white oil mist is formed, able to nourish and spread a fl ame if ignited. Such ignition may be caused by the same "hot spot" which produced the oil mist. If a large quantity of oil mist has developed before ignition, the burning may cause considerable pressure rise in the crankcase, forsing the relief valves to open. In a few cases, when presumably the whole crankcase has been fi lled with oil mist, the consequential explosion has thrown off crankcase doors and caused fi re in the engine room.Every precaution should therefore be taken to (A) avoid "hot spots" and (B) discover oil mist in time. A. "Hot spots" in crankcase.Overheating of bearings is a result of too bad or failing lubrication possibly caused by pullution of the lubricating oil.It is therefore important that the lubricating oil fi ltra tion equipment is in perfect condition. Filter cartrid ges must not be used again, if they have been removed from the fi lter. Check of the oil condition by analysis is recommended. B. Oil mist in crankcase.Presence of oil mist may by noted at the vent pipe, which is usually fi tted to the top of the engine frame.Measures (in case of white oil mist).Warning: Keep away from doors and relief valves on crankcase. Do not stay unnecessarily in door ways near doors of the engine room casing. MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Trouble Shooting Guide for Centrifugal By-pass Filter603.05Edition 08H96.30 - ES0UL+V28/32HTabulated below are the corresponding remedial actions to be taken if the following faults are obser-ved:Trouble shootingReplace O-ringReplace O-ringReplace O-ringReplace rotor assemblyTighten and bring to notice of main-tenance staffRe-fi t or replace if damagedClean and bring to notice of main-tenance staffReplace rotor assemblyFollow sequence in Working Card 615-15.00 in section 615.Fit nes bearing tube assemblyPossible causeMissing or damaged O-ring (see Item 29, Plate 61515)Seal face damagedRotor out of balance owing to un-even build-up of deposit on rotor walls resulting from:Missing or damaged O-ring, al-lowing leakage (see Item 23, Plate 61515)O-ring seat on rotor joint faces damagedRotor assembly inadequately tight enedStandtube incorrectly seated or damagedDirt deposit not completely remo-vedRotor castings distorted through maltreatmentRotor assembly components fi tted in wrong sequenceBushes loose or worn in tube as-semblyTroubleOil leakage through cover nutExcessive vibrations 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (2)603.06Edition 09H94.34 - ES0U-GL+V28/32HTrouble shootingCheck for blockage or damage to air supply lines or tank.Inspect motor assembly and power train and repair power train or re-place motor assembly if necessary.Remove motor assembly and piping and remove the blockage.Remove housing exhaust cover (1) and check for blockage.Replace control valve or relay valve.Check air supply.Check for blockage or damage to air lines.Clean or replace lines or relay valve. Lubricate relay valve.Check for blocked or damaged piping. Clean or replace piping. Check for dirt or foreign material and clean or remove. Check for ice build-up. Melt ice and reduce moisture build-up to starter.Replace motor assembly.Check air supply.Remove blockage.Remove fl uid.Replace damaged or worn parts.Relubricate o-rings and seals.Disassemble drive train and replace worn or damaged parts.Inspect drive pinion and fl ywheel and replace if necessary.Inspect drive components and replace worn or damaged parts.Cont. ....Possible causeNo air supply.Damaged motor assembly (12).Foreign material in motor and/or piping.Blocked exhaust system.Defective control or relay valve.Low air pressure to starter.Restricted air supply line.Relay valve malfunctioning.Exhaust fl ow restricted.Damaged motor assembly.No pressure to drive housing port.Internal drive housing ports blocked.Fluid in drive unit components.Damaged or worn piston assembly (54), o-rings or seals.O-rings and seals dry.Damaged or broken drive train.Damaged drive pinion (36) or (63) or fl ywheel.Damaged starter drive (36) or (57) components.Trouble Shooting Guide for Turbine StarterTroubleMotor will not run.Loss of powerDrive (36) of (57) will not engage.Motor runs, pinion engages, but does not rotate fl ywheel.Excessive butt engagement. MAN Diesel94.34 - ES0U-GDescriptionPage 2 (2)603.06Edition 09HCheck air supply.Replace with proper drive pinion.Inspect air line and remove source of oil.Install splash defl ector retaining screw or pipe plug.Replace static seals on outside of motor or send motor to Inger-soll-Rand to be rebuilt.Replace o-rings.Make sure that joints fi t properly and starter assembly cap screws are tightened to 60 ft-lb (81 Nm) torque. Make sure all seals and o-rings fi t and seal properly at their perimeters. If they do not replace with new seals and o-rings.Operate according to recommen-dations.Replace worn components.Tighten or replace pipe plugs using Ingersoll-Rand No SMB-441 pipe sealant.Tighten splash defl ector retaining screw or replace pipe plug.Make sure that joints fi t properly and starter assembly cap screws are tightened to 60 ft-lb (81 Nm) torque. Make sure all seals and o-rings fi t and seal properly at their perimeters. If they do not replace with new seals and o-rings.Operate according to recommen-dations.Replace worn components.Tighten or replace pipe plugs.Tighten splash defl ector retaining screw or replace pipe plug. Trouble Possible cause Trouble shootingLow air pressure.Wrong drive pinion.Oil in air supply line.Splash defl ector retaining screw (5) or pipe plug missing.Worn or damaged rotor seals or static o-rings.Worn or damaged o-rings.Loose joints.Excessive high-speed operation.High number of start cycles.Loose or leaking pipe plugs (10) or (11).Splash defl ector retaining screw loose or pipe plug missing.Loose joints.Excessive high-speed operation.High number of start cycles.Loose or leaking pipe plugs.Splash defl ector retaining screw loose or pipe plug missing.Trouble Shooting Guide for Turbine StarterL+V28/32HOil blowing out of exhaust.Oil leaking from gear case (28).Air or gas leakage. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (1)Trouble Shooting for Cooling Water System603.09Edition 08HDescriptionThe built-on fresh water pump in the high tempera-ture (HT) circuit is of the centrifugal type and is mounted on the front cover of the engine and is driven through a gearing.91.14 - ES0UGeneralThe pump bearings are lubricated automatically with oil from the lubricating oil system of the engine.If the pump leaks and the shaft sealing rings are worn, it is recommended to replace the shaft seal, see work card 616-02.00.Trouble shootingCheck packings and pipes for tightnessCheck the level in the expansion tankVent the systemCheck the shaft sealOverhaul the shaft sealClean the impellerOpen the suction valveReplace the sealsOverhaul the pumpPossible causePump draws in air at suction sideThe system is not fi lled-upAir cannot escape on delivery sideLeaking shaft sealAir leakages of shaft sealFouled impellerSuction valve not fully openDefective sealsWorn impeller and worn wear ringsTroubleThe pump does not work after startPump capacity drops after nor-mal operationPump does not give maximum deliveryNote! Running troubles with the pump, apart from mechanical faults, are most often due to leaks in the suction line. It is essential, therefore, that all pack ings and gaskets are in order and that they are renewed when necessary. Even a thiny hole in the suction line will reduce the pump capacity. MAN DieselIndexGenSetL28-2Text Index Drawing No.Tool combinations for tightening of connecting rod screws Working card 620-01.20 (01H) Max. pressure indicator Working card 620-01.25 (02H) Tools for cylinder head Plate 62005-03H Tools for piston, connecting rod and cylinder liner Plate 62006-11H Tools for operating gear for inlet valves, exhaust valves and fuel injection pumps Plate 62008-03H Tools for control and safety systems, automatics and instruments Plate 62009-02H Tools for crankshaft and main bearing Plate 62010-07H Tools for crankshaft and main bearing Plate 62010-10H Tools for crankshaft and main bearing Plate 62010-11H Tools for fuel oil system and injection equipment Plate 62014-02H Tools for lubricating oil system Plate 62015-02H Hydraulic tools Plate 62021-08H Tools for low overhaul height, piston, cylinder liner and connecting rod Plate 62050-01H Operating manual for testing tool (Fuel injection valve) Description GXO-D001 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselDescriptionPage 1 (2)603.10Edition 01H92.08 - ESOUTrouble Shooting for Lubricating Oil CoolerGeneralTrouble Shooting.In case of damage to plates or gaskets, it will often be necessary to replace them.First examine very carefully the external conditions around the plate heat exchanger in order to localize the cause of the damage!In case of fatigue fracture, this will normally neces-sitate a replacement of all plates and gaskets - as there may be a risk of fatigue fracture in all the material.In case of corrosion, all plates must be examined carefully!For work to be carried out see working card 615-05.00.Visible LeakageTrouble Trouble shootingPossible causeReduce the pressure to the correct working pressure, see page 600.30 "Operating Data & Set Points".Tighten up the plate heat exchanger - however, not under the minimum dimension and never, when the plate heat exchanger is under pressure or over 40°C.If the plate heat exchanger is still leaky, procede with phase 2.Separate the plate heat exchanger and check if the plates are deformed or fouled.Check that the gaskets are elastic and non-deformed, and that the faces of the joints are clean.Replace deformed plates and gaskets, if any.Before assembling, clean very carefully all plates and gaskets.Assemble the plate heat exchanger and start it up again.Note! Even tiny impurities such as sand grains may cause leakage.Separate the plate heat exchanger.Clean the plates very carefully.Replace the gaskets.Assemble the plate heat exchanger and start it up again.Separate the plate heat exchanger.Replace defective plates and gaskets, if any.Assemble the plate heat exchanger and start it up again.Too high pressure.Insuffi cient tighteningFouled or deformed plates.Inelastic or deformed gaskets.Gaskets.Defective gasket or badly corroded plate.Leakage.Leakage.(Phase 1)Leakage.(Phase 2)Leakage.(Even after tightening of the plate heat exchanger to minimum dimension)Leakage.(Through the drain holes of the gaskets) 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel603.10Edition 01HDescriptionPage 2 (2)92.08 - ES0UTrouble Shooting for Lubricating Oil CoolerGeneralReduced heat transmission and/or increasing pressure drop.Leakage.(The fl uids get mixed)(Phase 1)Leakage.(The fl uids get mixed)(Phase 2)Fouled plates or choked plate chan-nels.Holes in plates.Corrosion or fatigue fracture.Holes in plates.Corrosion or fatigue fracture.Separate the plate heat exchanger and check if the plates are fouled.Clean the plates very carefully.Assemble the plate heat exchanger and start it up again.A suspected leakage can be localized in the following way:Remove one of the lower pipe con-nections.Then put the opposite side under pressure.If the medium continues to run out of the lower pipe connections- after the pressure has stabilized - one or several plates are leaking.Close down the plate heat ex-changer.Separate the plate heat exchanger and check the plates very carefully.Check suspected plates with a dye penetrant.Check defective plates and gaskets.Before assembling, clean all plates and gaskets.Assemble the plate heat exchanger and check to fi nd more defective plates, if any, by putting one side under pressure.Start up again.Close down the plate heat ex-changer.Separate the plate heat exchanger.Put all plates to dry. Suspend the plates in the plate heat exchanger again and tighten it.Circulate medium at full capacity on one plate side (every second plate channel). Keep the other plate channels unpressurised and free from liquid!Stop the circulation after a few minutes of operation and open the plate heat ex-changer again. Take care to avoid water spraying onto the dry plate side!By a careful study of the plates it will be possible to fi nd moist areas, if any, on the otherwise dry plate sides.Check these areas with a dye pen-etrant!Replace defective plates and gas-kets.Before assembling, clean all plates and gaskets.Assemble the plate heat exchanger and check to fi nd more defective plates, if any, by putting one side under pressure.Start up again.If the unit is still leaking, check all plates with a dye penetrant!Non-Visible LeakageTroublePossible causeTrouble shooting Media specification 504/604 MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 27HDescriptionPage 1 (5)11.01 - ES1 - 3.3.6 (2011-01-04)Specification for lubricating oils (SAE30) forheavy fuel oil operation (HFO)For 500-serien vælg A og B master, for 600-serien vælg C og D masterThe specific output achieved by modern diesel en-gines combined with the use of fuels that satisfy the quality requirements more and more frequently increase the demands on the performance of the lubricating oil which must therefore be carefully se-lected.Medium alkalinity lubricating oils have a proven track record as lubricants for the moving parts and turbocharger cylinder and for cooling the pistons.Lubricating oils of medium alkalinity contain addi-tives that, in addition to other properties, ensure a higher neutralisation reserve than with fully doped engine oils (HD oils).International specifications do not exist for medium alkalinity lubricating oils. A test operation is there-fore necessary for a corresponding period in ac-cordance with the manufacturer's instructions.Only lubricating oils that have been approved by MAN Diesel & Turbo may be used. These are listed in the table entitled "Lubricating oils approved for use in heavy fuel oil-operated MAN Diesel & Turbo four-stroke engines".SpecificationsBase oilThe base oil (doped lubricating oil = base oil + addi-tives) must have a narrow distillation range and be refined using modern methods. If it contains par-affins, they must not impair the thermal stability or oxidation stability.The base oil must comply with the limit values in the table below, particularly in terms of its resist-ance to ageing:Properties/characteristics Unit Test method Limit valuesMake-up - - Ideally paraffin basedLow temperature behaviour, still flowable °C ASTM D 2500 - 15Flash point (Cleveland) °C ASTM D 92 > 200Ash content (oxidised ash) Weight % ASTM D 482 < 0.02Coke residue (according to Conradson) Weight % ASTM D 189 < 0.50Ageing tendency following 100 hours of heating up to 135 °C- MAN ageing oven * -insoluble n-heptane Weight %ASTM D 4055 or DIN 51592< 0.2Evaporation loss Weight % - < 2Spot test (filter paper) -MAN Diesel & Turbo testPrecipitation of resins orasphalt-like ageing products must not be identifiable.Table 1 Base oils - target values* Works' own method MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 27HDescriptionPage 2 (5)11.01 - ES1 - 3.3.6 (2011-01-04)Specification for lubricating oils (SAE30) forheavy fuel oil operation (HFO)Engine SAE–Class23/30H, 28/32H, 23/30A, 28/32AAt cooling water temperatures > 32° C a SAE40 oil can be used.In this case please contact MAN Diesel30 Table 2 Viscosity (SAE class) of lube oilsMedium-alkaline lubricating oilThe prepared oil (base oil with additives) must have the following properties:AdditivesThe additives must be dissolved in the oil and their composition must ensure that as little ash as pos-sible is left over, even if the engine is provisionally operated with distillate oil.The ash must be soft. If this prerequisite is not met, it is likely the rate of deposition in the combustion chamber will be higher, particularly at the exhaust valves and at the turbocharger inlet casing. Hard additive ash promotes pitting of the valve seats and causes the valves to burn out, it also increases me-chanical wear of the cylinder liners.Additives must not increase the rate at which the filter elements in the active or used condition are blocked.Washing abilityThe washing ability must be high enough to prevent the accumulation of tar and coke residue as a result of fuel combustion. The lubricating oil must not ab-sorb the deposits produced by the fuel.DispersibilityThe selected dispersibility must be such that com-mercially-available lubricating oil cleaning systems can remove harmful contaminants from the oil used, i.e. the oil must possess good filtering prop-erties and separability.Neutralisation capabilityThe neutralisation capability (ASTM D2896) must be high enough to neutralise the acidic products produced during combustion. The reaction time of the additive must be harmonised with the process in the combustion chamber.For tips on selecting the base number, refer to the table entitled “Base number to be used for various operating conditions".Evaporation tendencyThe evaporation tendency must be as low as pos-sible as otherwise the oil consumption will be ad-versely affected.Additional requirementsThe lubricating oil must not contain viscosity index improver. Fresh oil must not contain water or other contaminants.Lubricating Oil SelectionNeutralisation properties (BN)Lubricating oils with medium alkalinity and a range of neutralisation capabilities (BN) are available on the market. According to current knowledge, a re-lationship can be established between the antici-pated operating conditions and the BN number as shown in the table entitled "Base number to be used for various operating conditions". However, the operating results are still the overriding factor in determining which BN number produces the most efficient engine operation. MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 27HDescriptionPage 3 (5)11.01 - ES1 - 3.3.6 (2011-01-04)Specification for lubricating oils (SAE30) forheavy fuel oil operation (HFO)Operation with low sulphur fuelTo comply with the emissions regulations, the sul-phur content of fuels used nowadays varies. Fuels with a low-sulphur content must be used in envi-ronmentally-sensitive areas (SECA). Fuels with a high sulphur content may be used outside SECA zones. In this case, the BN number of the lubricat-ing oil selected must satisfy the requirements for operation using fuel with a high-sulphur content. A lubricating oil with low BN number may only be selected if fuel with a low-sulphur content is used exclusively during operation.However, the results obtained in practise that dem-onstrate the most efficient engine operation are the factor that ultimately decides which additive fraction is permitted.Cylinder lubricating oilIn engines with separate cylinder lubrication, the pistons and cylinder liners are supplied with lubri-cating oil via a separate lubricating oil pump. The quantity of lubricating oil is set at the factory ac-cording to the quality of the fuel to be used and the anticipated operating conditions. Use a lubricating oil for the cylinder and lubricating circuit as specified above.approx. BN of fresh oil (mg KOH/g oil)Engines / Operating conditions20Marine diesel oil (MDO) with a lower quality (ISO-F-DMC) or heavy fuel oil with a sulphur content of less than 0.5 %30generally 23/30H and 28/32H. 23/30A, 28/32A and 28/32S under normal operating conditions. For engines 16/24, 21/31, 27/38, 32/40, 32/44CR, 40/54, 48/60 as well as 58/64 and 51/60DF with exclusive HFO operation only with sulphur content < 1.5 %.40With unfavourable operating conditions 23/30A, 28/32A and 28/32S and also where corre-sponding requirements in relation to the oil service life and washing ability exist. In general 16/24, 21/31, 27/38, 32/40, 32/44CR, 40/54, 48/60 as well as 58/64 and 51/60DF with exclusive HFO operation providing the sulphur content is greater than 1.5 %.5032/40, 32/44CR, 40/54, 48/60 and 58/64, if the oil service life or engine cleanliness is insufficient with a BN number of 40 (high sulphur content of fuel, extremely low lubricating oil consumption). Table 3 Base number to be used for various operating conditionsSpeed controllerMultigrade oil 5W40 should ideally be used in me-chanical-hydraulic controllers with a separate oil sump. If this oil is not available when filling, 15W40 oil can be used instead in exceptional cases. In this case, it makes no difference whether synthetic or mineral-based oils are used.The military specification for these oils is O-236.Lubricating oil additivesThe use of other additives with the lubricating oil, or the mixing of different brands (oils by different man-ufacturers), is not permitted as this may impair the performance of the existing additives which have been carefully harmonised with each another and also specifically tailored to the base oil.Selection of lubricating oils / warrantyThe majority of mineral oil companies are in close regular contact with engine manufacturers and can therefore provide information on which oil in their specific product range has been approved by the engine manufacturer for the particular application. Irrespective of the above, lubricating oil manufac-turers are liable in any case for the quality and char-acteristics of their products. If you have any ques-tions, we will be happy to provide you with further information. MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 27HDescriptionPage 4 (5)11.01 - ES1 - 3.3.6 (2011-01-04)Specification for lubricating oils (SAE30) forheavy fuel oil operation (HFO)Limit value ProcedureViscosity at 40 °C 75-160 mm2/s ISO 3104 or ASTM D 445Base Number (BN) at least 50% of fresh oil ISO 3771Flash Point (PM) at least 185 °C ISO 2719Water Content max. 0.2% (max. 0.5% for brief periods) ISO 3733 or ASTM D 1744n-Heptan Insoluble max. 1.5% DIN 51592 or IP 316Metal Contentdepends on engine type and operating conditionsGuide value onlyFeCrCuPbSnAlmax. 50 ppmmax. 10 ppmmax. 15 ppmmax. 20 ppmmax. 10 ppmmax. 20 ppmTable 4 Limit values for used lubricating oilOil during operationThere are no prescribed oil change intervals for MAN Diesel & Turbo medium speed engines. The oil properties must be regularly analysed. The oil can be used for as long as the oil properties remain within the defined limit values (see table entitled "Limit values for used lubricating oil“). An oil sample must be analysed every 1-3 months (see mainte-nance schedule). The quality of the oil can only be maintained if it is cleaned using suitable equipment (e.g. a separator or filter).Temporary operation with gas oilDue to current and future emission regulations, heavy fuel oil cannot be used in designated regions. Low-sulphur diesel fuel must be used in these re-gions instead.If the engine is operated with low-sulphur diesel fuel for less than 1000 h, a lubricating oil which is suitable for HFO operation (BN 30 – 40 mg KOH/g)can be used during this period.If the engine is operated provisionally with low-sul-phur diesel fuel for more than 1000 h and is sub-sequently operated once again with HFO, a lubri-cating oil with a BN of 20 must be used. If the BN 20 lubricating oil by the same manufacturer as the lubricating oil used for HFO operation with higher BN (30 or 40), an oil change will not be required when effecting the changeover. It will be sufficient to use BN 20 oil when replenishing the used lubri-cating oil.If you wish to operate the engine with HFO once again, it will be necessary to change over in good time to a lubricating oil with a higher BN (30 – 40).If the lubricating oil with higher BN is by the same manufacturer as the BN 20 lubricating oil, the changeover can also be effected without an oil change. In doing so, the lubricating oil with higher BN (30 – 40) must be used to replenish the used lubricating oil roughly 2 weeks prior to resuming HFO operation. MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 27HDescriptionPage 5 (5)11.01 - ES1 - 3.3.6 (2011-01-04)Specification for lubricating oils (SAE30) forheavy fuel oil operation (HFO)ExaminationsWe can analyse heavy fuel oil for customers at our laboratory. A 0.5 l sample is required for the test.Note!No liability when using these oilsMAN Diesel & Turbo does not assume liability for problems that occur when using these oils.Manufacturer Base Number [mg KOH/g]20 30 40AGIP - Cladium 300 - SAE30 Cladium 400 - SAE30BP Energol IC-HFX 203 Energol IC-HFX 303 Energol IC-HFX 403CASTROL TLX Plus 203 TLX Plus 303 TLX Plus 403CEPSA - Troncoil 3030 Plus Troncoil 4030 PlusCHEVRON(TEXACO, CALTEX)Taro 20DP30Taro 20DP30XTaro 30DP30Taro 30DP30XTaro 40XL 30Taro 40XL30XEXXON MOBIL -Mobilgard M330EXXMAR 30 TP 30Mobilgard M340EXXMAR 40 TP 30PETROBRAS Marbrax CCD-320 Marbrax CCD-330 Marbrax CCD-340REPSOL Neptuno NT 2030 Neptuno NT 3030 Neptuno NT 4030SHELL Argina S 30 Argina T 30 Argina X 30TOTAL Lubmarine -Aurelia XL 3030Aurelia TI 3030Aurelia XL 3040Aurelia TI 3040 Table 5 Approved lubricating oils for heavy fuel oil-operated MAN Diesel & Turbo four-stroke engines. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 26HDescriptionPage 1 (5)Master for GenSet vælg A og B document master og for Propulsion vælg C og D document master10.20 - ES1 - 3.3.5 (2010-02-25)Quality Requirements for Lube Oil (SAE30) for Opera-tion with Gas Oil, Diesel Oil (MGO/MDO) and BiofuelThe specific output achieved by modern diesel en-gines combined with the use of fuels that satisfy the quality requirements more and more frequently increase the demands on the performance of the lubricating oil which must therefore be carefully se-lected.Doped lubricating oils (HD oils) have a proven track record as lubricants for the drive, cylinder, turbo-charger and also for cooling the piston. Doped lu-bricating oils contain additives that, amongst other things, ensure dirt absorption capability, cleaning of the engine and the neutralisation of acidic combus-tion products.Only lubricating oils approved by MAN Diesel may be used. These are listed in the tables below.SpecificationsBase oilThe base oil (doped lubricating oil = base oil + addi-tives) must have a narrow distillation range and be refined using modern methods. If it contains par-affins, they must not impair the thermal stability or oxidation stability.The base oil must comply with the following limit values, particularly in terms of its resistance to age-ing.Properties/characteristics Unit Test method Limit valuesMake-up - - Ideally paraffin basedLow temperature behaviour, still flowable °C ASTM D 2500 - 15Flash point (Cleveland) °C ASTM D 92 > 200Ash content (oxidised ash) Weight % ASTM D 482 < 0.02Coke residue (according to Conradson) Weight % ASTM D 189 < 0.50Ageing tendency following 100 hours of heating up to 135 °C- MAN ageing oven * -insoluble n-heptane Weight %ASTM D 4055 or DIN 51592< 0.2Evaporation loss Weight % - < 2Spot test (filter paper) - MAN Diesel testPrecipitation of resins or asphalt-like ageing products must not be identifiable.Table 1 Base oils - target values* Works' own method 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 26HDescriptionPage 2 (5)Engine SAE–Class23/30H, 28/32H, 23/30A, 28/32AAt cooling water temperatures > 32° C a SAE40 oil can be used.In this case please contact MAN Diesel30 Table 2 Viscosity (SAE class) of lube oils10.20 - ES1 - 3.3.5 (2010-02-25)Doped lubricating oils (HD-oils)The base oil to which the additives have been add-ed (doped lubricating oil) must have the following properties: AdditivesThe additives must be dissolved in the oil and their composition must ensure that as little ash as pos-sible remains following combustion.The ash must be soft. If this prerequisite is not met, it is likely the rate of deposition in the combustion chamber will be higher, particularly at the exhaust valves and at the turbocharger inlet casing. Hard additive ash promotes pitting of the valve seats and causes the valves to burn out, it also increases me-chanical wear of the cylinder liners.Additives must not increase the rate at which the filter elements in the active or used condition are blocked.Washing abilityThe washing ability must be high enough to prevent the accumulation of tar and coke residue as a result of fuel combustion.DispersibilityThe selected dispersibility must be such that com-mercially-available lubricating oil cleaning systems can remove harmful contaminants from the oil used, i.e. the oil must possess good filtering prop-erties and separability.Neutralisation capabilityThe neutralisation capability (ASTM D2896) must be high enough to neutralise the acidic products produced during combustion. The reaction time of the additive must be harmonised with the process in the combustion chamber.Evaporation tendencyThe evaporation tendency must be as low as pos-sible as otherwise the oil consumption will be ad-versely affected.Additional requirementsThe lubricating oil must not contain viscosity index improver. Fresh oil must not contain water or other contaminants.Lubricating Oil SelectionQuality Requirements for Lube Oil (SAE30) for Opera-tion with Gas Oil, Diesel Oil (MGO/MDO) and BiofuelDoped oil qualityWe recommend doped lubricating oils (HD oils) according to international specifications MIL-L 2104 or API-CD with a base number of BN 10 – 16 mgKOH/g. Military specification O-278 lubricating oils can be used.The operating conditions of the engine and the quality of the fuel determine which additive frac-tions the lubricating oil contains. If marine diesel oil with a sulphur content of up to 2.0 % by weight according to ISO-F-DMC and coke residues of up to 2.5 % by weight is used, you should choose a base number of roughly 20. However, the operating results that ensure the most efficient engine opera-tion ultimately decide the additive content.Cylinder lubricating oilIn engines with separate cylinder lubrication, the pistons and cylinder liners are supplied with lubri-cating oil via a separate lubricating oil pump. The quantity of lubricating oil is set at the factory ac-cording to the quality of the fuel to be used and the anticipated operating conditions.Use a lubricating oil for the cylinder and lubricating circuit as specified above. Engine data 500/600 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 26HDescriptionPage 3 (5)10.20 - ES1 - 3.3.5 (2010-02-25)Speed controllerMultigrade oil 5W40 should ideally be used in me-chanical-hydraulic controllers with a separate oil sump. If this oil is not available when filling, 15W40 oil can be used instead in exceptional cases. In this case, it makes no difference whether synthetic or mineral-based oils are used.The military specification for these oils is O-236.Lubricating oil additivesThe use of other additives with the lubricating oil, or the mixing of different brands (oils by different man-ufacturers), is not permitted as this may impair the performance of the existing additives which have been carefully harmonised with each another and also specifically tailored to the base oil.Selection of lubricating oils / warrantyThe majority of mineral oil companies are in close regular contact with engine manufacturers and can therefore provide information on which oil in their specific product range has been approved by the engine manufacturer for the particular application. Irrespective of the above, lubricating oil manufac-turers are liable in any case for the quality and char-acteristics of their products. If you have any ques-tions, we will be happy to provide you with further information.Oil during OperationThere are no prescribed oil change intervals for MAN Diesel medium speed engines. The oil prop-erties must be regularly analysed. The oil can be used for as long as the oil properties remain within the defined limit values (see table entitled "Limit values for used lubricating oil“). An oil sample must be analysed every 1-3 months (see maintenance schedule). The quality of the oil can only be main-tained if it is cleaned using suitable equipment (e.g. a separator or filter).Quality Requirements for Lube Oil (SAE30) for Opera-tion with Gas Oil, Diesel Oil (MGO/MDO) and BiofuelTemporary operation with gas oilDue to current and future emission regulations, heavy fuel oil cannot be used in designated regions. Low-sulphur diesel fuel must be used in these re-gions instead.If the engine is operated with low-sulphur diesel fuel for less than 1000 h, a lubricating oil which is suitable for HFO operation (BN 30 – 40 mg KOH/g)can be used during this period.If the engine is operated provisionally with low-sul-phur diesel fuel for more than 1000 h and is sub-sequently operated once again with HFO, a lubri-cating oil with a BN of 20 must be used. If the BN 20 lubricating oil by the same manufacturer as the lubricating oil used for HFO operation with higher BN (30 or 40), an oil change will not be required when effecting the changeover. It will be sufficient to use BN 20 oil when replenishing the used lubri-cating oil.If you wish to operate the engine with HFO once again, it will be necessary to change over in good time to a lubricating oil with a higher BN (30 – 40).If the lubricating oil with higher BN is by the same manufacturer as the BN20 lubricating oil, the changeover can also be effected without an oil change. In doing so, the lubricating oil with higher BN (30 – 40) must be used to replenish the used lubricating oil roughly 2 weeks prior to resuming HFO operation. 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 26HDescriptionPage 4 (5)10.20 - ES1 - 3.3.5 (2010-02-25)Quality Requirements for Lube Oil (SAE30) for Opera-tion with Gas Oil, Diesel Oil (MGO/MDO) and BiofuelTestsWe can analyse heavy fuel oil for customers at our laboratory. A 0.5 l sample is required for the test.Danger!Improper handling of fuelsIf fuels are improperly handled, this can pose a danger to health, safety and the environment. The relevant safety information by the fuel supplier must be observed.Note!No liability assumed if these oils are usedMAN Diesel SE will not assume liability for any problems associated with using these oils.Approved lubricating oils SAE 30ManufacturerBase Number 10-161) [mgKOH/g]AGIPCladium 120 - SAE 30Sigma S SAE 30 2)BP Energol DS 3-153CASTROLCastrol MLC 30Castrol MHP 153Seamax Extra 30CHEVRON (Texaco, Caltex)Taro 12 XD 30 Delo 1000 Marine SAE 30Delo SHP30EXXON MOBILExxmar 12 TP 30Mobilgard 312 Mobilgard ADL 30 2)Delvac 1630PETROBRAS Marbrax CCD-310Q8 Mozart DP30REPSOL Neptuno NT 1530SHELLGadinia 30Gadinia AL30Sirius FB30 2)Sirius/Rimula X30 2)STATOILMarWay 1530MarWay 1030TOTAL Lubmarine Disola M3015Table 3 Lubricating oils (SAE30) which have been ap-proved for the use in MAN Diesel four-stroke engines running on gas oil and Diesel oil1) If marine diesel oil with a low quality (ISO-F-DMC) is used, a base number (BN) of roughly 20 should be used.2) with a sulphur content of less than 1% 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN Diesel & TurboL28/32HV28/32H604.01Edition 26HLimit value ProcedureViscosity at 40 °C 75-160 mm2/s ISO 3104 or ASTM D445Base Number (BN) at least 50% of fresh oil ISO 3771Flash Point (PM) at least 185 °C ISO 2719Water Content max. 0.2% (max. 0.5% for brief periods) ISO 3733 or ASTM D 1744n-Heptan Insoluble max. 1.5% DIN 51592 or IP 316Metal Contentdepends on engine type and operating conditionsGuide value onlyFeCrCuPbSnAlmax. 50 ppmmax. 10 ppmmax. 15 ppmmax. 20 ppmmax. 10 ppmmax. 20 ppmWhen operating with biofuels:biofuel fractionmax 12% FT-IRTable 4 Limit values for used lubricating oilDescriptionPage 5 (5)10.20 - ES1 - 3.3.5 (2010-02-25)Quality Requirements for Lube Oil (SAE30) for Opera-tion with Gas Oil, Diesel Oil (MGO/MDO) and Biofuel GeneralDuring operation of trunk engines the lubricating oilwill gradually be contaminated by small particlesoriginating from the combustion.Engines operated on heavy fuels will normallyincrease the contamination due to the increasedcontent of carbon residues and other contaminants.Contamination of lubricating oil with either freshwa-ter or seawater can also occur.A certain amount of contaminants can be kept sus-pended in the lubricating oil without affecting thelubricating properties.The condition of the lubricating oil must be keptunder observation (on a regular basis) by analyzingoil samples. See Section 504.04 "Criteria for Clean-ing/Exchange of Lubricating Oil".The moving parts in the engine are protected by thebuilt-on duplex full-flow lubricating oil filter. Thereplaceable paper filter cartridges in each filterchamber have a fineness of 10-15 microns. Thesafety filter, at the centre of each filter chamber, is abasket filter element, with a fineness of 60 microns(sphere passing mesh).The pressure drop across the replaceable paper fil-ter cartridges is one parameter indicating the con-tamination level. The higher the dirt content in theoil, the shorter the periods between filter cartridgereplacement and cleaning.The condition of the lubricating oil can be main-tained / re-established by exchanging the lubricat-ing oil at fixed intervals or based on analyzing oilsamples.Operation on Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) &Marine Gas Oil (MGO)For engines exclusively operated on MDO/MGO werecommend to install a built-on centrifugal bypassfilter as an additional filter to the built-on full flowdepth filter.It is advisable to run bypass separators continu-ously for engines operated on MDO/MGO as sepa-rators present the best cleaning solution. Mesh fil-ters have the disadvantage that they cannot removewater and their elements clog quickly.Operation on Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)HFO-operated engines require effective lubricatingoil cleaning. In order to ensure a safe operation it isnecessary to use supplementary cleaning equip-ment together with the built-on full flow depth filter.It is mandatory to run bypass separators continu-ously for engines operated on HFO, as an optimallubricating oil treatment is fundamental for a reliableworking condition. Therefore it is mandatory toclean the lubricating oil with a bypass separator, sothat the wear rates are reduced and the lifetime ofthe engine is extended.Bypass equipmentAs a result of normal operation, the lubricating oilcontains abraded particles and combustion resi-dues which have to be removed by the bypasscleaning system and to a certain extent by theduplex full-flow lubricating oil filter as well.With automatic mesh filters this can result in anundesirable and hazardous continuous flushing. Inview of the high cost of cleaning equipment forremoving micro impurities, this equipment is onlyrated for a certain proportion of the oil flowingthrough the engine since it is installed in a bypass.The bypass cleaning equipment is operated▪ continuously when the engine is in operation orat standstillFor cleaning of lubricating oil the following bypasscleaning equipment can be used:▪ Separator unit▪ Decanter unit▪ Self cleaning automatic bypass mesh filter▪ Centrifugal bypass filter (Holeby Gensets can bedelivered with this built-on filter)▪ Bypass depth filterThe separator unit, decanter unit, the self-cleaningautomatic bypass mesh filter and the bypass depthfilter capacity must be adjusted according tomaker’s recommendations.In case full flow filtration equipment is chosen, thismust only be installed as in-line cleaning upstreamto the duplex full-flow lubricating oil filter, built ontothe engine.MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 1 (4)Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil604.03Edition 11H L32/40, L28/32H, V28/32H 2012.05.15 - ES1 The most appropriate type of equipment for a par-ticular application depends on the engine output,the type and amount of combustion residues, theannual operating time and the operating mode ofthe plant. Even with a relatively low number of oper-ating hours there can be a great deal of combustionresidues if, for instance, the engine is inadequatelypreheated and quickly accelerated and loaded.SeparatorContinuous lubricating oil cleaning during engineoperation is mandatory. An optimal lubricating oiltreatment is fundamental for a reliable working con-dition of the engine.If the lubricating oil is circulating without a separatorin operation, the lubricating oil will gradually be con-taminated by products of combustion, water and/oracid. In some instances cat-fines may also bepresent. In order to prolong the lubricating oil lifetime andremove wear elements, water and contaminantsfrom the lubricating oil, it is mandatory to use a by-pass separator. The separator will reduce the carbon residue con-tent and other contaminants from combustion onengines operated on HFO, and keep the amountwithin MDT’s recommendation, on condition thatthe separator unit is operated according to maker'srecommendations.When operating a cleaning device, the followingrecommendations must be followed:▪ The optimum cleaning effect is achieved bykeeping the lubricating oil in a state of low vis-cosity for a long period in the separator bowl.▪ Sufficiently low viscosity is obtained by preheat-ing the lubricating oil to a temperature of 95°C -98°C, when entering the separator bowl.▪ The separator unit capacity must be adjustedaccording to maker’s recommendations.Slow passage of the lubricating oil through the sep-arator is obtained by using a reduced flow rate andby operating the separator 24 hours a day, stop-ping only for maintenance, according to maker'srecommendation.Lubricating oil preheatingThe installed heater on the separator unit ensurescorrect lubricating oil temperature during separa-tion. When the engine is at standstill, the heater canbe used for two functions:▪ The oil in the sump can be preheated to 95 –98 °C by the heater and cleaned continuouslyby the separator.▪ The heater can also be used to maintain an oiltemperature of at least 40 °C, depending oninstallation of the lubricating oil system.Cleaning capacityNormally, it is recommended to use a self-cleaningfiltration unit in order to optimize the cleaning periodand thus also optimize the size of the filtration unit.Separators for manual cleaning can be used whenthe reduced effective cleaning time is taken intoconsideration by dimensioning the separatorcapacity.The required flowIn order to calculate the required lubricating oil flowthrough the separator, the separator maker’s rec-ommendation must be followed.As a guidance, the following formula should formthe basis for choosing the required flow for the sep-arator capacity:Q = P x 1.36 x nT Q = required flow (l/h)P = engine output kW)t = actual effective separator operatingtime per day (hour)n = number of turnovers per day of thetheoretical oil volume correspond-ing to 1.36 l/kW or 1 l/HPThe following values for "n" are recommended:n = 5 for HFO operation (residual)n = 4 for MDO operationn = 3 for distillate fuel MAN Diesel & Turbo604.03Edition 11HTreatment and maintenance of lubricating oilDescriptionPage 2 (4)L32/40, L28/32H, V28/32H 2012.05.15 - ES1 Example 1 For multi-engine plants, one separator per engine inoperation is recommended.Figure 1: Example 1One 1000 kW engine operating on HFO connectedto a self-cleaning separator with a daily effectiveseparating period of 23 hours:Example 2 As alternative one common separator can be instal-led, with one in reserve if possible, for multi-engineplants.1 Interconnected valves Figure 2: Example 2Three 1000 kW engines operating on HFO connec-ted to a common self-cleaning separator with adaily effective separating period of 23 hours:Separator installationWith multi-engine plants, one separator per enginein operation is recommended, but if only one sepa-rator is in operation, the following layout can beused:▪ A common separator can be installed, with onein reserve if possible for operation of all enginesthrough a pipe system, which can be carriedout in various ways. The aim is to ensure thatthe separator is only connected to one engineat a time. This to ensure that there is no suctionand discharging from one engine to another.It is recommended that inlet and outlet valves areconnected, so that they can only be changed oversimultaneously.With only one engine in operation there are noproblems with separating, but if several engines arein operation for some time it is recommended tosplit up the time so that there is separation on allengines, which are operating in turns.The capacity of the separator has to correspondwith the separating of oil on the single engine ntimes during the available time, every 24 hours. Seesection regarding required flow.Check of lubricating oil systemFor cleaning of the lubricating oil system after over-hauls and inspection of the lubricating oil pipingsystem the following checks must be carried out:1. Examine the piping system for leaks.2. Retighten all bolts and nuts in the piping sys-tem.3. Move all valves and cocks in the piping system.Lubricate valve spindles with graphite or similar.4. Blow through drain pipes.5. Check flexible connections for leaks and dam-ages.6. Check manometers and thermometers for pos-sible damages.MAN Diesel & TurboDescriptionPage 3 (4)Treatment and maintenance of lubricating oil604.03Edition 11H L32/40, L28/32H, V28/32H 2012.05.15 - ES1 Deterioration of oilOil seldomly loses its ability to lubricate, i.e. to forma friction-decreasing oil film, but it may become cor-rosive to the steel journals of the bearings in such away that the surface of these journals becomes toorough and wipes the bearing surface.In that case the bearings must be renewed, and thejournals must also be polished. The corrosivenessof the lubricating oil is either due to far advancedoxidation of the oil itself (TAN) or to the presence ofinorganic acids (SAN). In both cases the presenceof water will multiply the effect, especially sea wateras the chloride ions act as an inorganic acid.Signs of deteriorationIf circulating oil of inferior quality is used and the oxi-dative influence becomes grave, prompt action isnecessary as the last stages in the deterioration willdevelop surprisingly quickly, within one or twoweeks. Even if this seldomly happens, it is wise tobe acquainted with the signs of deterioration.These may be some or all of the following:▪ Sludge precipitation in the separator multiplies▪ Smell of oil becomes acrid or pungent▪ Machined surfaces in the crankcase becomecoffee-brown with a thin layer of lacquer▪ Paint in the crankcase peels off or blisters▪ Excessive carbon is formed in the piston cool-ing chamberIn a grave case of oil deterioration the system mustbe cleaned thoroughly and refilled with new oil.Oxidation of oilsAt normal service temperature the rate of oxidationis insignificant, but the following factors will acceler-ate the process:High temperature If the coolers are ineffective, the temperature levelwill generally rise. A high temperature will also arisein electrical pre-heaters if the circulation is not con-tinued for 5 minutes after the heating has beenstopped, or if the heater is only partly filled with oil.Catalytic action Oxidation of the oil will be accelerated considerablyif catalytic particles are present in the oil. Wear par-ticles of copper are especially harmful, but also fer-rous particles and rust are active. Furthermore, thelacquer and varnish oxidation products of the oilitself have an accelerating effect. Continuous clean-ing of the oil is therefore important to keep thesludge content low.Water washingWater washing of HD oils (heavy duty) must not becarried out.Water in the oilIf the TAN is low, a minor increase in the fresh watercontent of the oil is not immediately detrimentalwhile the engine is in operation. Naturally, it shouldbe brought down again as quickly as possible(below 0.2% water content, which is permissible,see description "B 12 15 0/504.04 criteria forexchange of lube oil”). If the engine is stopped whilecorrosion conditions are unsatisfactory, the crank-shaft must be turned ½ - ¾ revolution once everyhour. Please make sure that the crankshaft stops indifferent positions, to prevent major damage tobearings and journals. The lubricating oil must becirculated and separated continuously to removewater.Water in the oil may be noted by steam formationon the sight glasses, by appearance, or ascertainedby immersing a piece of glass or a soldering ironheated to 200-300°C in an oil sample. If there is ahissing sound, water is present. If a large quantity ofwater has entered the lubricating oil system, it hasto be removed. Either to suck up sediment waterfrom the bottom, or replace the oil in the sump. Anoil sample must be analysed immediately for chlor-ide ions.MAN Diesel & Turbo604.03Edition 11HTreatment and maintenance of lubricating oilDescriptionPage 4 (4)L32/40, L28/32H, V28/32H 2012.05.15 - ES1 MAN Diesel & turboDescriptionPage 1 (2)Criteria for Cleaning/Exchange of Lubricating OilGeneral07.11 - ES1604.04Edition 17HReplacement of Lubricating OilThe expected lubricating oil lifetime in operation is difficult to determine. The lubricating oil lifetime is depending on the fuel oil quality, the lubricating oil quality, the lubricating oil consumption, the lubricating oil cleaning equipment efficiency and the engine operational conditions. In order to evaluate the lubricating oil condition a sample should be drawn on regular basis at least once every three month or depending on the latest analysis result. The lubricating oil sample must be drawn before the filter at engine in operation. The sample bottle must be clean and dry, supplied with sufficient indentification and should be closed im-mediately after filling. The lubricating oil sample must be examined in an approved laboratory or in the lubricating oil suppliers own laboratory.A lubricating oil replacement or an extensive lubri-cating oil cleaning is required when the MAN Diesel exchange criteria's have been reached.Evaluation of the Lubricating Oil ConditionBased on the analysis results, the following guidance are normally sufficient for evaluating the lubricating oil condition. The parameters themselves can not be jugded alonestanding, but must be evaluated together in order to conclude the lubricating oil condition.1. Viscosity Limit value : Unit : cSt (mm2/s) Possible testmethods : ASTM D-445, DIN 51562/53018, ISO 3104Increasing viscosity indicates problems with inso-lubles, HFO contamination, water contamination, oxidation, nitration and low load operation. Decrea-sing viscosity is generally due to dilution with lighter viscosity oil.2. Flash Point Min. value : 185° C Possible test method : ASTM D-92, ISO 2719 Normally used to indicate fuel dilution.3. Water Content Max. value : 0.2 % Unit : Weight % Possible test method : ASTM D4928, ISO 3733Water can originate from contaminated fuel oil, an engine cooling water leak or formed as part of the combustion process. If water is detected also Sodium, Glycol or Boron content should be checked in order to confirm engine coolant leaks.4. Base Number (BN)Min. value : The BN value should not be lower than 50% of fresh lubricating oil value, but minimum BN level never to be lower than 10-12 at operat-ing on HFO! Unit : mg KOH/g Possible test method : ASTM D-2896, ISO 3771SAE 30 [cSt@40° C]SAE 30 [cSt@100° C]SAE 40 [cSt@40° C]SAE 40 [cSt@100° C]Normalvalue95 - 12511 - 13135 - 16513.5 - 15.0min.value75910011max.value1601522019 MAN Diesel & turbo604.04Edition 17HCriteria for Cleaning/Exchange of Lubricating OilDescriptionPage 2 (2)General07.11 - ES1The neutralization capacity must secure that the acidic combustion products, mainly sulphur originate from the fuel oil, are neutralized at the lube oil consumption level for the specific engine type. Gradually the BN will be reduced, but should reach an equilibrium.5. Total Acid Number (TAN) Max. value : 3.0 acc. to fresh oil value Unit : mg KOH/g Possible test method : ASTM D-664TAN is used to monitor oil degradation and is a measure of the total acids present in the lubricating oil derived from oil oxidation (weak acids) and acidic products of fuel combustion (strong acids).6. Insolubles ContentMax. value : 1.5 % generally, depending upon actual dispersant value and the increase in vis co si ty. Unit : Weight % Possible test method : ASTM D-893 procedure B in n- Heptane, DIN 51592 Additionallytest : If the level in n-Heptane insolub les is considered high for the type of oil and appli ca tion, the test could be followed by a sup ple men tary determination in To lu ene.Total insolubles is maily derived from products of combustion blown by the piston rings into the crank-case. It also includes burnt lubricating oil, additive ash, rust, salt, wear debris and abrasive matter.7. Metal ContentMetal contentIronChromiumCopperLeadTinAluminiumSiliconRemarksDepend upon engine type and operating condi-tionsAttention limitsmax. 50 ppmmax. 10 ppmmax. 15 ppmmax. 20 ppmmax. 10 ppmmax. 20 ppmmax. 20 ppm 08028-0D/H5250/94.08.12MAN DieselLubricating Oil Types used in the Engine.92.02 - ES0U Description Lub. Oil Type Engine system lubricating oil. SAE 30 oil according to lubricating oil specifi cation on page 604.01. Turbocharger Engine system lubricating oil. Governor See Governor instruction in section 609. Air lubricator SAE 10W non-detergent oil. Alternator See special instructions in section 618 or separate instruction. Hydraulic tools Hydraulic oil or turbine oil. (with a viscocity of about SAE 20).Lubricating PointsDescriptionPage 1 (1)604.05Edition 01HGeneral
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