
发布时间:2024-06-18 00:06:08浏览次数:21
【巩固练习】I. 任务性阅读真题演练。 1.阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。【2012 山东潍坊市】 Many parents like setting family rules for their kids. When kids break rules, parents will give them some punishments, which aren’t included in rules. In fact, when you tell your kids about a new rule, you should talk with them about the price they should pay for breaking the rule—what the punishment will be. Punishments you set should be reasonable, without violence or threat(暴力或威胁). For example, if you find your son smoking, you may limit(限制)his social activities for two weeks. You should punish your kids only in ways you have discussed before the rule isbroken. A study shows that the most popular punishment is to limit kids’ TV time. It’s understandable that you’ll be angry when rules are broken. Punishment is a way to express your anger, but it’s not a very good one. Sharing your feelings of anger,disappointment or sadness with your kids can have a better effect on them. Try to do that. When your kids know what they have done has made you_______, they will feel guilty(内疚的). When they know their actions influence you greatly, they will obey rules better.Family rules are made to help your kids behave better. If your rules or ways of punishment make them unhappy or under a lot of pressure, are they helpful?1)What price should the kids pay for breaking the family rules? (根据短文内容回答问题) ________________________________________________2)Find out the key sentence of Paragraph 2. (找出第二段的中心句) _________________________________________________3)What can be a better way than punishment to educate kids when rules are broken?(根据短[中国 文内容回答问题) __________________________________________________4)Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with only one word.(根据对文章的理解,在第三段空白处 填入一个适当的单词) ___________________________________________________5)请将最后一段的划线句子翻译成汉语。 ___________________________________________________2.阅读下面新闻报道,整理信息,完成表格。【2012 贵州贵阳市】Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, said, “Happiness depends on ourselves.” In other words, we make our own happiness by ourselves. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, if we spend too much time thinking about the future, for example, getting into college or getting a good job, we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends tend to live a happier andhealthier life.Another secret of leading a happy life is to be active and have hobbies. They can helpyou forget your problems and lose track of time. Many people experience this by dancing, or playing a sport, such as snowboarding or soccer. You can forget about problems, and only think about the activity. Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. According to studies, people feel good when they volunteer their time to help others. If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping tobuy food for an elderly relative, or simply help around the house by washing the dishes. ParagraphsThe main idea of each paragraphParagraph OneIn this paragraph the writer tries to tell us that happiness 1)___________Paragraph TwoThis paragraph tells us if we want to be happy, we should learn to2)_________in our life.Paragraph ThreeTo be active and have hobbies can also help us 3)___________,Paragraph Four4)_________is a good way for us to find happiness.After reading, we know the best title of this passage is 5)“___________________”II. 任务性阅读综合演练。1.阅读下面的短文.并根据短文后的要求答题。Since 1850, the temperature of Earth’s surface has increased about 0.6°C.Scientistspredict it may warm much more by the end of this century. Who’s turning up the heat? Well, it seems that we are! Some of this global warming may be natural. However, nearly all scientists now agree that most of it is due to peoples actions. Over the past 150 years, we've added huge amounts of certain gases, especially carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) to the air. These gases can keep heat near Earth's surface, so more carbon dioxide means more heat is kept near Earth's surface. Global warming may change the weather in ways that lead to more severe storms, floods and droughts.We add carbon dioxide to the air when we burn things, especially fossil fuels. Fossilfuels are energy sources formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Coal, oil, and natural gas are all fossil fuels. People in the United States and other countries started bunting large amounts of fossil fuels more thana century ago. The amount of fossil fuels being burned each year has been increasing worldwide. The more we burn,         .What can we do to help? Nowadays to live a low-carbon life is quite popular in the world. Low-carbon means to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. Saving energy and reusingare the key words. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make our lives low-carbon.1)What problem can global warming cause?(根据短文内容回答问题)                               2)What are fossil fuels?(同上)                               3)请将第一段中的划线句子翻译成汉语。                               4)请根据第二段内容,将最后一个句子补充完整。The more we bum,_____________________________________________.5)请写出日常生活中的一种“低碳”行为(用英语写一个句子)。                                2.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在短文后 1~5 小题中句子空白处填入适当的词语或句子。We know that many animals do not stay in one place. Birds, fish and other animals movefrom one place to another place at a certain time. They move for different reasons: most of them move to find food more easily, but others move to get away from places that are too crowded.When cold weather comes, many birds move to warmer places to find food. Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. The most famous migration is probably the migration of fish, which is called “salmon” (鲑鱼). This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water. There it spends its life. When it isold, it returns to its birthplace in fresh water. Then it gives birth and dies. In northern Europe, there is a kind of mouse. They leave their mountain homes when they become too crowded. They move down to the low land. Sometimes they move all the way to the seaside, and many of them are killed when they fall into the sea.Recently, scientists have studied the migration of a kind of lobster (龙虾). Every year, when the season of the bad weather arrives, the lobsters get into a long line and start to walk across the floor of the ocean. Nobody knows why they do this, and nobody knows where they go. So, sometimes we know why humans and animals move from one place to another place, but at other times we don’t. Maybe living things just like to travel.1. The reason for most of the animals to move is _____________________.2. Find the word in the passage which means “the movement from one place to another of a large group of animals” and write it down here __________.3. The underlined word “ There” in the second paragraph refers to (指的是)____________.4. The salmon comes back to its birthplace in order to ____________.5. The lobsters begin to move to another place when _____________.3. 请分别为下面四则谚语和相应的寓意搭配,并把序号 A、B、C、D 填在相应的位置。1) It’s never too late to learn. ________________2) A crane standing amidst a flock of chickens. _________________3) The early bird catches the worm. _________________4) Play a harp before a cow. _________________5) A book holds a house of gold. _________________A. This proverb means that you do something useless. B. This proverb means that someone is the best of all. C. This proverb means that if you study hard, you will succeed. D. This proverb means that there’re many things to learn no matter how old you are.E. This proverb means that if you do something early or before others, you will have more chances and be successful. 4. 阅读短文,把后面所给句子放在短文的适当位置,使短文意思完整。Giving directions in different placesIf you ask people of different countries “Could you tell me the way to the post office?” You will get different answers.In Japan, people use landmarks (路标) instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. 1)_______________. The post office is across from the bus stop.”In Kansas, America,there are no towns or buildings within miles. So instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distance. For example, people will say, “Go north two miles. 2)_______________.” People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions. They will often say, “Follow me.” 3)_______________.Sometimes if a person doesn’t know the answer to your question, he or she, like a NewYorker, might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers “I don’t know.” 4)_______________. They usually give an answer, but often a wrong one. A visitor can often get lost in Yucatan!5)_______________. You might not understand a person’s words, but maybe you can understand his or her body language. He or she will usually point to the correct direction. Go on in that direction and you may find the post office!A. Turn east, and then go another mile.B. But one thing will help you everywhere.C. People there think “I don’t know” is not polite.D. Turn left at a big hotel and go past a fruit market.E. Then he or she will take you through the streets of the city to the post office.3【答案与解析】I. 任务性阅读真题演练。1.阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。1)They will be punished./They may get punishment./punishment.(意思表达正确即可得分)2)Punishments you set should be reasonable, without violence or threat(暴力或威胁). 3)Sharing your feelings of anger, disappointment or sadness with your kids.4)sad/angry/disappointed/unhappy(其中任何一个形容词或者符合文意的其他形容词即可)5)制定家规是为了帮助你的孩子表现更好。(意思表达正确即可得分)2.阅读下面新闻报道,整理信息,完成表格。1) depends on ourselves 2) enjoy the simple things 3) have a happy life 4) Helping others 5) The Secrets of Happiness II.任务性阅读综合演练。1.阅读下面的短文.并根据短文后的要求答题。1) Global warming may change the weather in ways that lead to more severe storm, floods and droughts. 2) Fossil fuels are energy sources formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago./Coal, oil, and natural gas are all fossil fuels. 3) 在过去的 150 年间,我们向空气中排放了大量这类气体,特别是二氧化碳。4) The more we burn,the more carbon dioxide will be added to the air./ the more carbon dioxide will be produced. 5) We’d better go to school by bike or on foot.(关于节约能源)/I can give my old books to the younger students.(关于反复利用)结合日常生活写出关于节约能源或循环利用的事例即可。2. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在短文后 1~5 小题中句子空白处填入适当的词语或句子。1) to find food more easily 2) migration 3) (in) salt water。 4) give birth and die。 5) the season of the bad weather arrives / the bad weather arrives。 3. 请分别为下面四则谚语和相应的寓意搭配,并把序号 A、B、C、D 填在相应的位置。1) D。此谚语意思是“活到老学到老。”,所以用后面的 D 来解释。2) B。此谚语意思是“鹤立鸡群”,这个谚语的英语解释是“Someone is the best of all.”。3)E。此谚语意思是“早起的鸟儿有虫吃。/笨鸟先飞早入林”,用英语解释是“if you do something early or before others, you will have more chances and be successful.”4) A。此谚语意思是“对牛弹琴”,用英语解释是“you do something useless.” 5) C。此谚语意思是“书中自有黄金屋。”,用英语解释是“if you study hard, you will succeed.”。4. 阅读短文,把后面所给句子放在短文的适当位置,使短文意思完整。1) D。从短文第二段的主题 “In Japan, people use landmarks (路标) instead of street names.” 可以判断“日本人指路用路上标志性建筑物,所以选项 D 正确,用 big hotel 和 fruit market”来指路。2) A。从此段落的主题“美国人用方向和距离指路”,所以 A 选项符合要求,即用“Turn east and then go another mile.”来指路。3) E。从此段落的主题“希腊人不给你指方向,他们会说跟我来”,可以推知句子 E 表示他们下面的行为:他们会直接带你穿过街道到达邮局。4) C。从上文的句子可知要选 C,解释上文“不说‘我不知道’”的原因:“他们认为说“我不知道”那样是不礼貌的”。5) B。此段落的主题是“在语言不通的情况下肢体语言是大家都明白的”,所以此段首句是“在任何地方一件事情可以帮助你”,从而引出下文。
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