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中考冲刺八:听力技巧【真题再现】 听力测试【2012 北京】 听力部分共包括两小节(共 24 分)第一节一、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共 4 分,每小题 1 分)二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共 12 分,每小题 1 分)请听一段对话,完成第 5 至第 6 小题。5. Where does the woman want to go?A. The library. B. The post office. C. The City Bank.6. What should the woman do at the traffic lights?A. Turn right. B. Turn left. C.Go forward.请听一段对话,完成第 7 至第 8 小题。7. Why did the woman take pictures of her flat?A. To put them in her living room.B.To show them to her friends.C. To send them to her parents.8. Which room does the woman like best?A. The study. B. The living room. C. The bedroom.请听一段对话,完成第 9 至第 10 小题。9. When does the man go to the gym every day? scientists 可以判断是科学家提出这些规则。所以第一个空填 scientists。2. To enjoy yourself。本题是考查听力段落主题的判断能力。从短文的第二段主题即第一个句子可以判断第一个规则是 to enjoy yourself。3. your health。从短文的第三个规则即 Third, where you live also has a great effect on your health.可以判断 on your health。4. sixth。本题是考查学生的听力快速反应能力,从短文的关键句子 Seeing the doctors is thesixth rule 可以听到是第六个规则,要注意用序数词形式。5. feel happier。从短文的最后一个规则即短文的最后一个句子可以听到第十个规则是 Rule 10 isthat you should smile and feel happier in life.所以填 feel happier。4. 中考听力测试题的解答技巧:1) 快速读题有目的“听”。  聪明的考生一旦拿到试卷,就应该利用一切可能的时间快速读题,比较各个选项的不同之处,对将可能听到的信息或考核内容进行预测,并可适当地做一些标记,带着问题听,带着预测去搜索答案,即有目的地“听”。这是中考听力测试中能否得到高分乃至满分的关键,它使考生由被动转为主动,打一场有准备的仗。听力答题的良好发挥,也将帮助考生更镇静,沉着,以饱满的情绪进行下面的答题。 2) 平心静气集中精力,克服犹豫不决的毛病。  考生要善于控制自己的情绪,尤其要排除对听力测试的恐惧感,坦然放松,静心聆听。不能因为一个单词或一句话没听清楚而急躁慌乱,影响后面内容的聆听而影响答题。对自己有把握的试题应快速作答,对无把握的试题也要在所听信息的基础上排除错误选项,进行优化处理。不会作答的,立即暂时搁置,准备听新的题目。 3) 全文聆听,把握重点。  目前听力测试中短文理解大部分是记叙文或讲话稿,所以听录音时重在听懂每句话的意思和内涵,注意捕捉文中所涉及的人物 (who)、事件 (what)、时间 (when)、地点 (where)、原因 (why)、方式 (how)、程度 (how long,how soon,how much)、数字 (how many,how much)、选择 (which…)等,以便检查答案。4) 注意听短文的首句和首段。  文章的开首句和开首段往往是对短文内容的概括,如讲话目的、主要内容、作者、论点、故事发生的时间、地点及事由等。所以听短文的首句和首段对全文的理解和对主旨大意的理解有很大作用。5) 注重全文,重点记录。  不管听什么材料,注意力一定要集中在整体内容的理解上,千万不能只停留在个别单词或单句上,听不清时马上放弃,不要强迫自己听清每一个词,要把重点放在听关键词即实词上,为了防止遗忘,特别是涉及到数字、年份、地点、去向及人员关系等要点及回答问题的关键词,要记录下来。6) 两遍各有侧重。  在听大对话和独白时,每段都有听两遍的机会,要注意听第一遍和第二遍时有不同的侧重;听每一遍时要注意控制自己的情绪,以平常心去静听内容,不要因为录音中设置的干扰或一两个生词而影响了自己的情绪,在放松的状态下获取尽可能多的信息,听懂内容。在听第一遍时,不要太相信自己记忆,做好笔录,也为下一步核对提供了可靠的依据。在听第二遍时,要把握时机,对第一次听到的信息进行检查,作针对性的处理,去伪存真,查漏补缺,并且在试卷上做出正确的选择。 A. After breakfast. B. After lunch. C. After dinner.10. What's the man's job?A. A reporter. B. An actor. C. A doctor.请听一段对话,完成第 11 至第 13 小 题。11. Why is the man asking for hot water?A. He is thirsty. B. His feet hurt. C. He feels cold.12. How well did the man do in the race? A.He was in the middle.B. He was one of the fastest.C. He was one of the slowest.13. What can you learn from the conversation?The man enjoys running.B. The man wants to win the race.C. The woman will run with the man.请听一段对话,完成第 14 至第 16 小题。14. What's the speaker mainly talking about?A. His students. B. His job. C. His trouble.15. What do the students usually do during the lesson?A. Mark their coursework. B. Do experiments. C. Answer questions.16. What does the speaker think of his way of teaching?A. It bores the students. B. It saves time C. It works.三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话读两遍。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) Healthy DentistryTo: Dr. Lee Patient’s name: Bill __17__ Last check-up: __18__ ago Check-up time: __19__, July 4 7:30 in the __20__ Room number: __21__【答案与解析】一、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。。 1.C  2.B   3.A   4.C解析:这个题是考查简单对话理解题,要认真听对话具体内容,弄明白对话的基本内容,就很容易选出正确图片,尤其对话的关键词要听清楚。如题 1 的 raining, 题 2 的 computer,题 3 的 fish,题 4 的basketball,这些词听明白,就可以选出正确答案了。附听力材料:1. M:What terrible weather today!W: Yeah! It’s raining hard.2. M: Is there a computer in your office?W: Oh, yes. There is one on my desk.3. M: Well, today’s main course is fish.W: Fish? Oh, I like it.4. W: Does Johnny like basketball?M: Yes, he does. He’s one on the school team.二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 5.A  6.B  7.C  8.A  9.A  10.B  11.B  12.C13.A  14.B  15.C  16.C解析:这个大题是综合考查学生听力能力,文段或对话都比较长,一定要认真听,尤其是听前要预习试题,推测听力主题内容,注意听力内容的细节信息,必要时要做简单记录,最后一定要把问题听明白,知道问什么,第二遍听时,要检查所选答案和听力信息是否相符,因为最后这部分听力难度增加了,即使有个别句子没有明白也不要中断,坚持继续听,可根据录音其他信息和说话人语气做出正确判断。附听力材料:请听一段对话,完成第 5 至第 6 小题。W: Excuse me; is there a library near here?M: Yes, there’s one near here.W: How do I get there?M: Turn left at traffic lights, go along the street and pass the post office. You willsee the City Tank. The library is next to it.W: Thank you.M: Don’t mention it.请听一段对话,完成第 7 至第 8 小题。M: Are these pictures of your new flat, Hillary?W: Yeah. I took them to sent to my parents.M: Looks great!W: Thanks. This is the living room.M: Eh, big for Hong Kong, and a nice view of the river.W: Yeah, and this is my bedroom, my kitchen and my study. This is my favorite room.M: Oh, it looks really comfortable.W: Yeah, the study is where I spend most of my time when I’m at home. My computer andTV are in here.M: Well I’m glad everything worked well for you after you had all that trouble finding a place.W:Thanks.请听一段对话,完成第 9 至第 10 小题。W: Thank you for coming to answer my questions about life.M: It’s my pleasure. W: What do you do every day?M: I get up early at seven. Then I have breakfast. After that I go to the gym.W: Are you working on anything else?M: Yes, I’m working on a new film called the falling town.W: What do you do in the afternoon?M: First, I have lunch, then I go to the studio and shoot some scenes.W: Which part are you acting today?M: I’m acting as a doctor in the new filmW: That’s very interesting. What do you do in the evening?M: In the evening, I go home and have dinner.请听一段对话,完成第 11 至第 13 小题。M: Kate, please add some hot water.W: How was that now?M: Oh, that feels so good on my aching feet. Thank youW: That’s better, isn’t it? It looked that you had lot of fun today.M: Yes, I really did even if I was one of the late to finish the raceW: That’s really doesn’t matter, does it? M: Not at all. I was trying to do my best. There was one point where everything seems so easy. I wasn’t even tried. It was wonderful.W: Well, now the race is over. Will you still be running every night after work? M: I think so. I’m going to try to keep it up. You know it’s almost as much fun training as it is running in the race.W: Really?M: Yes, maybe you should run with me Kate. You’ll see how good it will make you feel.W: All except your feet. Have you forgotten about those?M: For a moment, I did. How about a little more hot water?请听一段对话,完成第 14 至第 16 小题。Good day. I’m Michale and I’m a science teacher at the Darwin school of distance education. We teach students age 11 to 80. In many ways, teaching at a distance school isjust like teaching in an ordinary high school. We have to read and mark a lot of coursework which the students hand in by mail. The biggest difference I think is the classroom. It’s a small room and there is nobody in it except me. The other difference is that I give the class and do experiments in front of the camera. It seems strange at first but it is easier than teaching in frontof the class of thirty kids. Another difference, and this is the most difficult thing forme, is that I can’t see any of the students. They can see me, but I can’t see them. So I don’t know if they are interested or bored by the lesson. But I can hear them, so I usually ask them questions during the lesson to make sure they are listening. Actually most of my students are great, they listened carefully to the lessons and they are very good at working on their own. Sometimes we have problems with one or two students, they don’t do their coursework or they don’t log in any of the lessons. But this doesn’t happen very often. In fact, students at a school of distance school education work hard and get good results better than a lot of students at a regular school. 三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。对话读两遍。。17.Appleman 18. four months 19. Monday 20. evening 21. 315解析:题要求学生在听懂文段的基础上能记录关键信息,一般设空是文段的主要信息,要求完成空的答案也比较简洁,拼写也不难,只要学生听懂了就能记下要求的信息,但要练习边听边记得习惯,要不很难协调,听懂了,缺忘记了,记了一个信息,却跟不上听了,关键是要多练习类似题或平时做听力时就要养成记主要信息的习惯,因为听力的目的就是获取主要信息。附听力材料:W:Good morning, Healthy Dentistry. How may I help you? M:I’d like to know when I can have a check-up. W:Have you been here before?M:Yes, that was four months ago.W:Can I get your name, please?M:Bill Appleman. That’s A-P-P-L-E-M-A-N.W:Yes, Mr. Appleman. Which dentist did you see on your last check-up? M:He was Dr. Lee.W:Would you like to suggest the time?M:Does he have anything open in the evening?W:Yes. We could fit you in on Monday July 4 at 7:30 in the evening. M:Great, that’ll work.W:OK, thank you for calling,Mr. Appleman. We will see you on Monday evening in room 315. Thanks, bye. M:Goodbye. 【用法讲解】考试要求   听力测试是中考的必考的题目,中考主要考查学生的听力辨别能力和听力理解能力。特别是考查学生的语音和语言的运用能力。听力测试要求是:学生能够根据说话人的语音和语调来理解其意图;能够从不同的语言环境判断对话的话题并从中获取信息的能力;能够听懂正常语速的故事或者独白并回答有关的问题;能够克服生词障碍并借助说话人的语气和上下句子的主题理解大意,解答有关的问题;能够边听边记录有关的信息并且在听的过程中做出反应。1. 中考听力测试材料特点:  中考听力测试主要考查学生对英语口语的理解能力以及从语言材料中获取信息的能力。听力材料可以是日常对话、简短的谈话、电话留言、广播通知和新闻报道等材料。也可以选择报刊杂志的幽默故事、小笑话、广告或者电影海报等材料。总而言之听力材料一般选取学生比较熟悉的、贴近他们生活的对话、短文或者独白。2. 中考听力的考查形式:1) 选择题:  根据所听内容给出若干个不完整的句子或若干个根据短文内容提出的问题,对每一道试题都提供三或四个备选项,要求考生在正确理解听力材料内容的基础上,从三或四个备选项中选出一个正确的答案。2)判断正误题:  联系短文内容给出若干个句子,要求考生根据所听到的短文内容,判断所给句子的意思是否正确。3)补全信息题:  根据所听材料的内容给出若干个留有空格的句子、短文或表格,要求考生听音后在空格上填上适当的词,以补全句子、短文或填满表格,使句子、短文或者表格所表达的意思与原听音内容一致。这类试题不同于听写题,它所填的不是听音的原文,所要填写的内容要以短文提供的相关信息为依据。3.中考听力测试的题型:纵观全国各地的中考试卷听力测试题的题型有以下几种:1)听句子,选择能够应答该句子的最佳答语:  这个类型的听力测试题主要考查学生对于英语日常交际用语的理解和应答能力。考查的内容主要有:对别人的赞美、感谢、问路;或者给别人提出建议、对别人劝告、祝愿或者是向别人提出请求、许可;向别人请求帮助或者提供帮助;谈自己的打算;向别人提出邀请及应答等。这种听力测试题目一般比较简单,所听的句子比较简短和简单,情景比较单一,学生很容易理解,一般按照英语日常用语的交际习惯来应答,选择正确的答案是比较容易的,也是得分比较高的题目。例如: 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。   1. A. That’s a good way    B. You are welcome.  C. Good idea.    D. No problem.  2. A. I'm sorry to hear that.  B. Oh, I know.    C. It doesn't matter. D. Of course.  3. A. Of course not.      B. Yes, I would.   C. No, I wouldn’t. D. OK.  4. A. It’s too cheap.     B. It’s very cold.  C. It is too far.  D. It’s too dear.  5. A. By bus.        B. In the bus.    C. In a school.   D. On her foot.听力材料:  1. Why not go and see our teacher in the hospital after school?  2. I’d love to go with you, but my mother is ill in hospital. I had to look afterher.   3. Would you mind opening the window? It’s too hot.  4. What’s the weather like in your city now?  5. How does your mother often go to work?〔答案与解析〕: 1. C。这是考查向别人提出建议,是日常交际用语的用法,所听的句子是用 why not 来提出建议,其最佳应答是 Good idea,或不接受建议,一般应该回答“I’d love, but…”,然后说明原因。 2. A。本题是考查对于听到别人不幸的消息后用 I am sorry to hear that.来应答的日常交际用语的用法,表示对别人的同情。 3. A。本题是考查对别人提出请求的应答,别人用 Would you mind doing something?来提出请求,其肯定应答是 Of course not. 4. B。本题是考查谈论天气的英语日常交际英语,所听的句子是询问天气的,所以应答用 It’svery  cold. 5. A。本题是谈论做某事的方式,所听句子是用 How does your mother often go to work?来询问你妈妈经常怎么去上班的。所以用 by+bus 来应答其上班的方式是乘坐公共汽车。2) 听句子,选择符合句子意思的图片:  这个类型的听力测试题主要利用图片考查学生对日常交际用语的快速反应及应对能力。例如:涉及学生日常行为和活动、日常用品、时间的问与答、交通提示符号、天气预报符号、城市典型建筑物、奥运会的会徽及运动员和运动项目标志等。这类型的听力测试题也是比较简单的题型,主要考虑图画和句子的意思相符合。例如: 听下面的句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。    听力材料:  听下面的句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。  1. Lucy likes to ask questions in class.  2. The sun is shining. And the birds are singing. What a bright and beautiful world!  3. Students like swimming in the pool during their summer holidays.  4. The panda is one of the most popular animals in the world. It’s a national treasure of    China.  5. Don’t throw away rubbish everywhere. We should keep our environment clean.  〔答案与解析〕:   1. B。本题听力的关键信息是 ask questions in class,而图画 B 是举手问问题的,所以和句子的意思相符合。  2. A。本题的关键信息是 the sun is shinng。所以表示天气晴朗阳光灿烂的图画是 A。  3. A。本题听力的关键信息是 swimming in the pool,而图画 A 是表示在游泳池里游泳。  4. B。本题是关键信息是 panda 是熊猫,图画 B 是熊猫,所以与听力材料相符合。  5. B。本题听力的关键信息是 Don’t throw rubbish,所给的三个图画 A 是表示禁止吸烟、B表示禁止乱扔垃圾、C 是表示禁止拍照。所以 B 是和听力材料相符合的图画。3) 听对话和问题,选择能够回答问题的最佳答案:  对话理解是考查学生在一定语境或情景中所表现出的快速反应、推理判断能力。听力测试内容主要涉及对话的主题、对话发生的背景、地点、对话者之间的关系、对话的事实和细节,有时需要根据对话的上下联系进行推理和分析,做出结论。这类考题要求考生不但要理解录音原文的主旨大意,而且还要通过文中的重要细节、具体事实,揣摩、推断说话者的意图、观点和态度等,这类题能测试出考生在听力方面的综合素质。  对话的内容一般会涉及到:学生的学校社会、日常活动、个人基本情况、学校和家庭周围环境、个人兴趣爱好、计划和愿望、购物、打电话、餐饮和语言学习等话题。听力材料的本身比较真实、地道的口语化,具有真实性和交际性的特征,符合学生的年龄特征、生活实际水平和心理发展水平。对话的词汇量比较少,比较简单,语句比较简洁。但是由于听力材料比较长,信息比较多。学生在听录音之前,先要仔细阅读试卷上面的问题和选项,反复比较所给的选项,并根据所给的问题和选项反推听力材料的话题,一定要做到有目的、有针对性去选择听的重点,并根据问题的提示对听力对话的人物、时间、地点、数字等关键信息进行记录。以便做题的时候有计算、判断或者推理的需要时有所准备。例如:听一段对话,对话后有五个问题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项来回答问题。对话读两遍。1. What does the boy want for Christmas?  A. A bike.    B. A volleyball.    C. A toy.2. What will the boy act in the Christmas program?  A. A Wise Man.    B. Jesus.    C. A shepherd.3. Who acted Joseph last year?  A. The boy.    B. The girl.    C. Anne.4. What does the girl like about Christmas?  A. The presents.    B. The programs.    C. The songs.5. What can we learn from the conversation?  A. Only children like Christmas.   B. The girl doesn’t like Claus.   C. Anne is the boy’s sister.听力材料:  听一段对话,对话后有五个问题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项来回答问题。对话读两遍。  W: What do you want for Christmas this year?  M: I hope Santa brings me a bike. What do you want Santa Claus to bring you?  W: I want a volleyball. I didn’t do very well at volleyball this year. Why do you say you want Santa to bring you a bicycle? Don’t you know that Santa Claus is actually your dad?  M: Yeah, I know that, but my mom and dad talk about Santa Claus, so I do, too.  W: Are you going to be in the Christmas program this year?  M: Yeah, I’m supposed to be one of the shepherds. My sister Anne is going to be Maryand her doll is going to be the Baby Jesus. Aren’t you going to be one of the Three WiseMen?  W: Yes, I am. I was Joseph last year.   M: I like being in the Christmas program. I like the Christmas songs and I like the way I feel at Christmas time.  W: I like the presents we get at Christmas time, but it is nice to remember that we have Christmas to celebrate the day Jesus was born.  M: It seems like everyone is especially nice and happy at Christmas time. I like Christmas.  W: So do I.〔答案与解析〕: 1. A。本题是考查听力辨别能力,听力材料提到的礼物有 bike 和 volleyball,但问题是男孩的圣诞礼物是什么,所以在听的时候要注意是男生所读的材料即对话第二个句子出现的 bike 才是问题的答案。2. C。本题是考查学生的听力材料细节的理解。同时还要区分男孩和女孩所说的话。问题是问男孩扮演的角色。从对话的句子 I'm supposed to be one of the shepherds 是本题的关键听力信息。3. B。本题是考查听力辨别能力,听力材料的句子 Yes, I am. I was Joseph last year.是女生读的,所以在听的时候区分男生还是女生即可。4. A。本题是考查听力材料细节的理解。从对话的句子 I like the presents we get at Christmas time 可以听到女生喜欢礼物。5. C。本题是考查学生听力综合判断能力,是一个比较难的听力测试题。学生必须从对话寻找 My sister Anne is going to be Mary 是听力测试的关键信息,同时还必须注意这个句子是男生读的,这样才能综合判断出答案。4) 听短文和问题,选择能够回答问题的最佳答案:  短文理解是在考查学生对一个结构比较完整,意义相对连贯的语段的理解能力,是一种高层次、有难度的听力测试形式。这个题型的听力材料一般是独白,有时是小故事或者一段对人或事物的介绍等。内容可以是自我介绍、对他人或事物的介绍、广告、讲话稿、评论等,所以听录音时重在听懂每句话的意思和内涵,注意捕捉文中所涉及的人物、事件等重要信息,掌握其主要内容和试题所要求获取的信息。例如:听短文,短文后有五个问题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项来回答问题,短文读三遍。 1. How old was Tom?  A. 6.    B. 7.    C. 8. 2. Where can the man find Tom on Sundays?  A. At home.    B. In the open air.    C. In his classroom. 3. When did the last class begin?  A. At 3:45 pm.    B. At 4:00 pm.    C. At 4:15 pm. 4. What did the teacher ask Tom to do?  A. Wash his hands.    B. Write some new words.    C. Clean the blackboard. 5. What can we learn from the story?  A. The teacher taught Chinese.   B. The blackboard was dirty.   C. Tom’s left hand was dirtier.听力材料:  My little son Tom is eight years old. He likes playing basketball and other games.On Sundays I can’t see him at home but easily find him in the open air. He always plays basketball with his friends there. Last Monday, Tom finished his homework after the firstclass in the afternoon. He played ball again. The playground was wet. After some time, at3:45 pm, his last class began. Tom had no time to wash his hands and ran into his classroom. Miss King, his English teacher, told Tom to write some new words. Tom stood infront of the blackboard and started to write. Miss King saw his right hand was dirty. “Oh, dear!” said the teacher, “Your right hand is dirty. I’m sure it’s the dirtiest in our class.” “You are wrong, Miss King,” said Tom. Then he showed his left hand to her and she found it was dirtier.〔答案与解析〕1. C。本题是比较简单的听力测试题,从短文的第一个句子的关键信息 eight years old 可以直接听到答案。2. B。本题是考查学生的听力辨别能力,短文提到的地点有 at home 和 in the open air,问题是问在哪里找到他,听力关键信息是 easily find him in the open air.3. A。本题是考查学生对时间的理解,可以从短文直接听到时间 at 3:45 pm, his last class began 这  是本题的关键信息。4. B。本题是考查学生细节的理解。主要考查动词短语 told somebody to do something,学生可以从 短文直接听到答案。5. C。本题是考查学生听力判断理解能力。从短文的最后一个句子可以判断出答案。5)听短文,根据短文的内容填表格:  这种听力测试题对英语综合运用能力的考查更加明显,主要考查学生对所听语言材料的理解能力和正确获取有用信息的能力。这种测试题命题方式是:从听力短文中提出要点,给出简单的提示,要求学生听完短文后将主要的内容根据提示写出来,使要点内容完整,一目了然。短文的主要体裁是人物介绍、新闻报道、活动介绍等。听录音前应该先阅读试卷上的文字材料,这些文字材料不是录音的全部内容,而是以提纲、摘要、笔记、图表等形式出现。通过阅读这些已有的文字资料,理清所给材料的脉络,了解需要填写的信息,然后再一边听一边补全所缺少的信息。这个题的听力材料一般读二到三遍,最后一遍要认真检查所填写信息的正确性,要注意信息的完整性。听力测试结束后,再检查词语的大小写、适当形式等。  例如:听短文,根据所听内容完成下面的表格。(每空不多于三个词)。(生词:reveal 透露)10 rules for a long and happy lifeWho have revealed the 10 rules? (1) _____________________What is even allowed? Sunbathing, drinking alcohol and eating chocolate.The first rule (2) _____________________A great effect Where you live also has a great effect on (3)_________________Seeing the doctors It’s the (4) ___________________ rule.Advice Rule 9 advises you to learn new technologies.Rule 10 You should smile and (5) ____________in life.听力材料:              10 rules for a long and happy life  Scientists have revealed 10 rules for a long and happy life. And the rules even allow for sunbathing, drinking alcohol and eating chocolate.  The first rule is to enjoy yourself. The second on the list is a happy marriage and good family life. Studies have shown those can add as much as seven years to a man’slife and two years to a woman’s life. Third, where you live also has a great effect on your health. Drinking wine, going to parties and eating chocolate belong to the fourth rule. Many studies show that a little of those can do you good. The fifth rule says that you should exercise your brain to stay active. Seeing the doctors is the sixth rule. If you’re sick, go to doctors quickly. The next rule is to eat healthily. Rule 8 asks you to put more excitement into your lives. Traveling or learning a new language can add years to your life. Rule 9 advises you to learn new technologies. Rule 10 is that you should smile and feel happier in life.〔答案与解析〕1. Scientists。本题是考查学生的听力反应能力,从短文的开头第一个句子的关键信息
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