大学英语(3) ( 第1次 )
发布时间:2023-05-03 16:05:18浏览次数:122第 1 次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共 50 分,共 50 小题,每小题 1 分)() !"#$%&'((!") *()+ ,*(),,,,-./011!"2/0 34&!"((#5$ ()()(
6888is being lowered little by little!%"F(QQQQQQQ(both B and C!)"Implied but not stated: ________CB:@(&The Gulf of Mexico will be filled up in about 23 million years!+"The best title for this selection is ________.7/C7I7B&7B:The Mighty Raindrop+ * **!文学" * ( !忍受" ,,:: (* L!奖"&K: (:3(* *JD* ,,JD '* # : &3 ( *:* &* *(* * L #(*(P#(*(!"Which of the following has most probably been discussed in this passage? ( )&,,
&!质量",,&,,,,Whether it was worth leaving school for job training.!"The writer did not feel comfortable at the evening school because ( ).P(of all of the above!%"After he won some prizes and awards for literature, a young woman from a TV company ( ).(came to tell him that he had become a very important person!)"After his success, he( )#(began to feel very important and proud !+"Which of the following is NOT TRUE? ( )77 P#(His parents did not want him to continue his education.答案:一、单项选择题(50 分,共 50 题,每小题 1 分)%)+-4568%)+-4568%)+-456%8%%%%%)%+%-%4%5%6)8)))%)))+)-)4)5)6+8二、阅读理解单项选择题(50 分,共 5 题,每小题 10 分)!"!"!%"!)"!+"!"!"!%"!)"!+"%!"!"!%"!)"!+")!"!"!%"!)"!+"
67*!"87()(9'(:,;#()( (+!"(3333%&!"<6%86%8=6%86%8=)888*()+/!"###- (!"4$>?()
5@(*!"3((6&(!"(8 3 !"/#(0A!"(2 (>:B( C!"$%D* ()(#)(?(011!"C # 2+&!"(-11/=011!"8 ( = (4
,() *(511/#(011!" = ( =6E/,,D20E!",,F'*( ,, ( ,, ,,%811 =#011!"/*= 2%./=(#011!"&9(%7?!"(%%/ !"( (%)&3!"%+ !"(*
%- !"(%4(?(011!"C # 2%57=(!"%6&!"()82(*!"((()C & !"'!"()*=!"()%/()(*((C(5)88'))&!"C,,((
,,)+<(),,,,')- ,,,,(())49!"!捷径"F>)5&!"(()6117#011!"= = #( =+8 *G =!"(H二、阅读理解单项选择题(本大题共 50 分,共 5 小题,每小题 10 分)C*I!:"EEJ&(*K<L* (!人类"*( #,,J*<L,,,,(*C
!冠军"*(&EEEE+888L!"Which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper article? ( )+888MDAM/,,((MM!"How did some of the grand masters feel about the chess game between Prozorov and the computer? ( )&&,,&<L,,&<L,,!%"What was it that Prozorov felt most bitter (痛苦) about? ( )&,,N+888&,,(&&!)"After wining the game, the computer( )!+"Many chess players felt that playing with a computer would( )J&!剑"J&(3C7::(B:59(((('*L&/5-*D:::3&(JB&,,,,(J&F1**D*(&(1!唤起",,,,!同情"&(::(&:*!代表">*(D'
!激励"(1!"According to the passage ( ).F1JB&,,(JJB&,,(J,,FJB&,,(J(JB&,,(J/!"How old was Mrs. Stowe when her world famous book was published? ( )(-89+8 %8!%"What do you learn about Mrs. Stowe from the passage? ( ):((/::(:(!)"Why could Mrs. Stowe''s book cause a civil war in America? ( )::!揭露"((::&:(D&(((!+"What can we learn from the passage? ( )/,,!武器"3/D((JB&,,(J%College brings together people from all walks of life. There are so many different types of people in the world but if you go to a college campus, you are sure to find at least one of every kind. The great part about being here with so many different people is that you get to interact with some interesting characters and see how to deal with them. You will meet the people you dread themost, the smart-ass, the brain, or the unique spirit, but no matter who it is that is your worst nightmare to be around you will always be paired up with them in a group project. When you get into the real world you are not going to be able to pick your boss or coworkers. Interacting with these people in college and living with different roommates will help you learn how to cooperate with the people in life you find so unpleasant. College life is fun. The fact that I have been here fora short time just means it has not yet been a life changing experience to me. If I were to give any tips on how to survive, it would not be how to survive college, but how to survive life. I would have to say that one should be outgoing and live life to the fullest. Meet new people whenever youcan because they just may be a major influence in your life. Also, get your work done before you go out and party. Lastly, I would have to say, in life if you ever feel lost or alone, talk to someone about it. Everyone gets depressed at times in their life and there is always someone who will listento your problems.!"What is the theme of the passage?I
7OPartying in college. !"What does the author say about group projects?&&PPartners may not cooperateD. Partners may be lazy.!%"Why does the author recommend meeting many new people?&((&?&They make your life more fun.!)"How would you describe the author''s personality?:3:(F'Optimistic and outgoing.!+"What does the author say to do if you''re depressed?@(&(&(See a psychologist immediately)&P/*&(?*#(*?**((*( (*FCI4%8@C'&B:=((6888 *B:((%!"OQQQQQQboth B and C!"&B:(QQQ(