
发布时间:2024-03-06 09:03:47浏览次数:66
福师《大学英语(2)》状语从句Adverbial Clause状语从句(又称副词从句)在句子中起状语作用,修饰主句的动词、形容词、副词或整句。状语从句由从属连词引导,位置灵活,可以放置句首(从句后需要用逗号与主句隔开)、句中(从句前后都用逗号)或者句尾(从句前不需要用逗号)。状语从句可以分为以下几种类型。1. 时间状语从句时间状语从句可以由下列连词引导:when,whenever,while,as,before,after,since,now that,until,once,the moment,immediately,no sooner...than,the second,instantly, hardly 等。例如:When my father came home yesterday, I was watching NBA games. 当父亲回家的时候,我在看 NBA 球赛。When I was ten, I began to learn to play basketball. 我十岁的时候开始学习打篮球。While he is listening to a song, he always sings along. 当他听歌的时候,他总是会随着一起唱。You will grow taller as you grow older. 随着你长大,你也会长高。以上 4 个句子中的状语从句均表示某一时刻或者某时间段。注意:(1)当使用连接词 when 表示“……时候”时,它所引导的从句中谓语动词用一般现在时或者一般过去时,不能用完成时态。(2)when,while 和 as 都引导表示时间的状语从句,它们的区别在于动作发生的时间顺序。用 when时,从句的动作可以与主句的动作同时发生或先于主句的动作发生;用 as 时从句和主句的动作同时发生;用 while 时从句和主句的动作同时发生,也可表示持续一段时间。例如:I didn't know my step-father before I was brought to this family. 在我被带到这个家庭之前,我不认识继父。After he said goodbye, he left. 他说完再见后离开了。After you consult with your colleagues, please let me know your decision. 你和你同事商量完以后,请告诉我你们的决定。以上 3 个句子中的状语从句表示发生的动作在时间上的相对顺序。 Whenever they are free, they play basketball. 他们一有时间就打篮球。Her mother gets angry every time that she arrives late. 每次她一来迟,她母亲就会生气。They laughed at each other as often as they met. 他们每次见面都会互相嘲笑一番。以上 3 个句子中的状语从句表示动作发生的频繁程度。I'll tell him the story as soon as I see him. 我一见到他就会告诉他这个故事。The instant the boy saw his mother, he threw himself into her arms. 这个小男孩一见到他的母亲就扑进她的怀里。No sooner had he entered the stadium than he started to played basketball. 他一进入体育场就开始打篮球。Hardly had he finished the examination when the bell rang. 他刚做完试卷就响铃了。以上 4 个句子中的状语从句表示动作发生的衔接程度,即“一……就……”,但某些连接词需要句子倒装。She didn't have her lunch until she had finished her task. 她一直到完成任务才吃午饭。Until I met him, I had never known what love is. 我直到遇见他才知道什么是爱。Not until I shouted at the top of my voice did he turn his head. 直到我大声喊他,他才转过头来。以上 3 个句子中的状语从句表示动作“直到……才”发生。2. 地点状语从句地点状语从句通常由连词 where,wherever 或者副词 anywhere,everywhere 来引导。例如:Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。Wherever you are, you should work hard. 不管你在哪儿,都要努力工作。Readers should put the book they had finished where it was. 读者应该把看完的书放回原处。3. 原因状语从句原因状语从句通常由 because,since,as,seeing that,now that 等连词引导。例如:She didn't come to school because she was ill yesterday. 她没来上学是因为她昨天生病了。Since you are not busy today, you'd better help me with the garden work. 既然你今天不忙,那你最好帮我干花园里的活。 As it is raining, you'd better take a taxi. 下雨了,你最好打出租车。Seeing (that) he was better, they didn't send for the doctor. 看到他好多了,他们就没有请医生来。Now that everybody is here, let's begin our meeting. 既然人都来了,那咱们开会吧。4. 结果状语从句结果状语从句通常由 so that,so ... that,that 等连接词引导。例如:The sound is so weak that you cannot hear it. 声音弱得你听不见。He bought a new car so that he was never late afterwards. 他买了一辆新车,从此以后就再也没迟到过。He is such a good person that everyone likes him. 他是一个好人,所以每个人都喜欢他。Is she really disabled that she should not touch it? 她真的残疾得不能动那东西了吗?5. 目的状语从句引导目的状语从句的连接词有:so,so that,in order that,for fear that,lest 等。例如:She worked hard so that she could earn the bonus. 她努力工作为的是能获得奖金。All the students studied hard lest they should fail the examinations this term. 所有的学生都努力学习,以防这学期考试过不了关。I came so early as to catch the first train. 我来得很早,以便能赶上头班火车。He is working hard for fear that he should fail. 他努力学习,以免考试不及格。6. 条件状语从句表示条件的状语从句可以由 if,unless,suppose,supposing,in case,so far as,provided 等词引导。(1) 真实条件状语从句所表示的条件是真实的、有可能实现的。常用的句型为:If+ 一般现在时,+一般将来时If+一般现在时,+一般现在时(2)非真实条件状语从句所表示的条件与事实相反,或没有实现的可能性。常用的句型为:If+动词过去式,+would(should, could, might)+动词原形If+had+过去分词,+would(should, could, might)+have+过去分词If it rains, the meeting will take place indoors. 如果下雨,会议将在室内进行。 Suppose all your money was stolen, how would you survive in a strange city? 假设你的钱都被偷了,你如何在一个陌生的城市生存?If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him. (非真实条件句) 如果你早来几分钟就碰到他了。If you had not helped me, I should have failed. (非真实条件句) 要是你不帮助我,我早就失败了。I shall give you my dictionary provided you return it tomorrow. 倘若你明天能还给我,我就把词典借给你。7. 让步状语从句让步状语从句由下列连接词引导:although,though,even if,while,no matter, whoever,whatever,while,whether ... or,however,granting that 等。例如:Though it was very late, he went on working. 虽然很晚了,他还继续工作。Although he married a nice girl, he is (still, yet, nevertheless) unhappy. 尽管他和一位很好的姑娘结了婚,但他仍然不快乐。注意:在让步状语从句中,用 although 或者 though 引导时,句中不能再出现 but,可以用 yet 或者 still等。While he is very young, he is an old hand in this field. 虽然他非常年轻,但已经是这个领域里的老手了。Granted that they weren't doing it in the right way, you weren't right in taking everything on yourself. 就算他们做事的方式不对,你包办代替也不对。8. 方式状语从句方式状语从句的引导连接词有 as,as if,as though 等。例如:I have changed the plan as you instructed. 我已经按你的建议对计划做了修改。She walks as her mother does. 她像她妈妈那样走路。He works with great enthusiasm as though he never knew fatigue. 他工作热情很高,好像从不知道疲倦似的。9. 比较状语从句比较状语从句由 as ... as,not as ... as,than 等连接。例如:He worked as fast as a skilled worker. 他干活像一个熟练工人一样快。 Marry works more carefully than Tom. 玛莉比汤姆工作更细心。福师《大学英语(2)》第四课拓展资源议论文Argumentation   议论文是非常常见的文体,是一种采取说理与论证的方法来阐明作者观点的文体。它的目的是说服读者赞成、同意某种观点并愿意为之采取行动。论点、论据和论证是议论文一般具有的三大要素。论点是作者要阐述和说明的立场和观点,一般体现在段落的主题句中;论据是作者用来证明论点的依据,即通过事实、道理和例证来证明论点;论证是用论据来证明论点的过程和方法。  议论文写作中需要注意的事项如下。   (1) 论点明确。  一篇议论文的论点是文章的灵魂,所以论点要明确,不能泛泛而谈。一篇英语文章一般只有一个主题或一个论点。论点一般出现在主题句中。所以,在写作中,主题句是作文的重点。写作时要确保文章的主题明确,前后一致,并且一个好的主题句不应该太窄,也不可以太宽泛。比如,下列的主题句都属于应该改进的主题句。   ① There is much to say about any problem. (主题句所阐述的主题不明确)  ② I love my dog's brown hair. (主题句所阐述的主题太窄)  ③ One needs to know how to write a good outline. (主题句所阐述的主题太宽泛)下面是经过改进的主题句。   ① There is much to say about the problem of unemployment.   ② I love my dog because her appearance, her attitude towards me, and her playful spirit.   ③ Six steps in writing a good outline should be kept in mind.   (2)论据要充分。  充分和有力的论证是使得议论文有说服力所必需的。论据一般分为事实论据和理论论据。提供论据的原则是为文章主题服务。   (3)论证要清晰和严密。   证明论点的过程和方法就是所谓的“论证”,是文章的主体。开展论证有各种不同的方法,下面列出的是常用的方法。   ① 列举法(Enumeration)。一般在主题句之后,依次罗列段落指示词所表达的几个部分或几个方面,然后选用丰富的事例对所罗列的各个部分进行具体说明或解释。例如:   This book will have a major impact on both politics and economy in China.  In politics, ...  In economy, ...  ② 例证法(Exemplification)。所谓例证法就是通过列举事实来证明某观点的正确性。例证法往往是需要和其他的论证方法相结合的。在使用这种方法时,可以套用下列句型:   We may cite a single example of ...  We may quote a common example of ...  To illustrate ... in question, we can cite many examples ...  ③ 分析法(Analysis)。分析法指针对某一社会现象、某一问题找出原因或解决之道。例如针对青少年犯罪的社会现象分析原因:   There are mainly two causes of this problem — the negative influence of mass media and young people's tendency to be rebellious.  There are several ways to prevent the youth from committing crimes.   ④ 比较对照法(Comparison and Contrast)。在这种主题论证方法中,作者分别列出某事物或观点的优点和缺点,在这种比较对照中得出某种结论,以支持或反对某观点或事物。在使用这种方法时,可以套用下列句型:   By contrast, it is also important to note that ...  Although A enjoys considerable advantage of ... it cannot compete with B in ...  Every coin has two sides.  Every rose has its thorns.  Don't throw the baby away with the bath water.   (4) 从文章整体角度来看,要保持主题统一和结构衔接紧密(Unity & Coherence)。  在整个文章的写作过程中,要在注意论据充分的基础上保证相关性,使得论据为证明论点服务,不跑题(digress)。另外,在论述过程中,段落之间的衔接和段落内的衔接都必须紧密。为保证这一点,可采用相应的方法,如使用并列平行形式(parallel)和使用连接词(transitional expressions)first of all, then, finally, for instance, but, nevertheless, therefore, consequently 等。 Sample: The Influence of AdvertisingThere is no agreement among people as to the issue of advertisement. Some people say that advertising misleads us. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. As to me, I am on the first side of the argument. The following examples can prove my standpoint.  To illustrate, there are many advertisements about the same product. Every advertisement says the product is the best one. There are some advantages in their products we cannot find in others. Is it true? Which advertisement can we believe?  As another instance, the advertisement on TV makes us pay more attention to the appearance of the products. On TV, we can see the perfect outside only. The advertisement says it is good, and then we believe it. Sometimes, we watch the advertisement on TV and then make a phone call to order the goods just because it is good-looking. When we get the commodity, we find it's a waste of money.  If one more example is needed, I could mention an advertisement that I used to watch on TV. It's a medicine alleged to help people lose weight. Many movie stars said the medicine was so effective that they lost 3 or 4 pounds in one week after taking it. It made many women try it, but the only rewarding result was that they spent money. Can we believe in the advertisement?  Given the examples I have just outlined, I can only say that we should pay attention to the advertisement on TV. Do not be deceived by it. Not all of them are useful to us. Please believe your own judgment.   首先这篇文章论点明确。在第一段中先提出两种关于广告的观点,然后明确自己的观点:“As to me, I am on the first side of the argument.”。   其次,在论证的过程中,这篇文章的论据丰富。三个例子分别从三个角度来支持自己的观点:① “To illustrate, there are many advertisements about the same product.”;② “As another instance, the advertisement on TV makes us pay more attention to the appearance of the products.”;③ “If one more example is needed, I could mention an advertisement that I used to watch on TV.”。这样的一个论证过程清晰并且严密,采用了列举和例证等论证方法,使得文章主题统一且结构衔接紧密。   最后,文章根据前文的论证得出结论,即:“I can only say that we should pay attention to the advertisement on TV. Do not be deceived by it.”, 照应了第一段的主题。文章最后还根据自己的观点提出了应对广告的方法,即:“Do not be deceived by it. Not all of them are useful to us. Please believe your own judgment.”。 这些都使得其是一篇观点明确、论证充分、比较有说服力的议论文。
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