《学位外语(英语)1(专升本)》学习资料 1

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广东外语外贸大学继续教育学习平台2023 年第 1 学期《学位外语(英语)1(专升本)》学习资料 1课程名称:学位外语(英语)1(专升本)1.(单选题)Good communicative skills are ______ importance to a good leader.(本题 1.0 分)A.withB.atC.ofD.by答案:C解析:无2.(单选题)In one aspect, the seven-day National Day Holiday ______ the students’ distraction from study.(本题 1.0 分)A.as a resultB.as a result ofC.results fromD.results in答案:D解析:无3.(单选题)The students’ preference ______ learning online urge the teachers to learn more about computer and network.(本题 1.0 分)A.withB.toC.inD.for答案:B解析:无4.(单选题)This method is ______ which saves us half of the time and effort.(本题 1.0 分)A.efficientB.effective B.withC.onD.out答案:A解析:无38.(单选题)No matter _________ hard I try, I can never catch up with him. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A.howB.whenC.whichD.whether答案:A解析:无39.(单选题)At first she had a little trouble ________ the lectures. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A.followsB.followedC.followingD.follow答案:C解析:无40.(单选题)Our basketball team __________ to win the championship game.(本题 1.0 分)A.went overB.went outC.went in forD.went all out答案:D解析:无41.(阅读理解题) I was walking along the deserted main street of a small seaside town in the north of England looking for somewhere to make a phone call. My car had broken down outside the town and I wanted to get in touch with the Automobile Association. Low grey clouds were drifting across the sky and there was a cold damp wind blowing off the sea. It had rained in the night and water was dripping from the bare trees that lined the street. I was glad that I was wearing a thick coat. There was no sign of a call box, nor was there anyone at that early hour I could ask. I had thought I might find a shop selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his job, but the town was completely dead. Then suddenly I found what I was looking for. There was a small post office, and it was almost hidden from sight in a dark narrow street next to which was the town's only public call box, which badly needed a coat of paint. I hurried forward but stopped in astonishment when I saw through the dirty glass that there was a man inside. He was very fat, and was wearing a cheap blue plastic raincoat and rubber boots. I could not see his face—he was bending forward over the phone with his back pressed against the glass and didn't even raise his head at the sound of my coming nearer and nearer. With care and surprise, I remained standing a few feet away and lit a cigarette to wait my turn. It was when I threw the dead match on the ground that I noticed something bright red trickling from under the call box door.(本题 25.0 分)1.(单选题) The author was walking through the small seaside town .(本题5.0 分)A. late morningB. early morningC. before midnightD. late evening答案:B解析:无2.(单选题) The weather of the day was , when the story happened.(本题5.0 分)A. windy, cold and cloudyB. stormy, damp and clearC. rainy, cold and clearD. rainy, windy and cold答案:A解析:无 3.(单选题) Why was the author astonished when he saw that there was a man in the call box?(本题 5.0 分)A.Because the man inside was still wearing a raincoat.B. Because he didn't expect it to be taken up.C. Because the man had his back against the glass.D. Because the man did not seem to be moving.答案:B解析:无4.(单选题) The author waited, standing a few feet away from the box because .(本题 5.0 分)A. it was not safe to be close to the boxB. the man didn't notice his comingC.he wanted to have a cigarette to calm himself downD. it was bad manners to overhear others' phone calls答案:D解析:无5.(单选题) What do you suppose happened to the man in the call box?(本题5.0 分)A. He was asleep.B. He had most probably been killed.C. He was lost in his important phone call.D. He was too fat to move around.答案:B解析:无42.(阅读理解题) I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric ( 古怪的 ) farmer. I had never met him before although I had often heard people talk about him. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything. Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accident. I hadn't the slightest idea who she was but I obviously had to go. It had been snowing heavily that day and I didn't know the way. I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. He was standing there, waiting for me. It seemed Milly had died. “She meant more to me than anyone... even my own wife!” he said. I could see that he had been crying. I thought something terrible had taken place, a possible scandal ( 丑闻 ). I was even more shocked when he told me he had put her in the barn. I wouldn't leave her out in the cold!” he said. Milly had clearly been a secret lover of his. I was about to tell him he could not expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door. He lifted his candle and I saw a dark figure on the ground. “She was such a good cow! I wouldn't let anyone but a doctor touch her!” he said, and burst into tears again.(本题 20.0 分)1.(单选题) The underlined phrase “make out” in the first paragraph means_________.(本题 4.0 分)A. expectB. understandC. see clearlyD. hear clearly答案:B解析:无2.(单选题) Before he arrived at the farmer's house, the writer expected to see Milly lying____________.(本题 4.0 分)A.on the ground of a barnB.on the floor of a roomC.in bed in a roomD.in bed in a barn答案:C解析:无3.(单选题)What do we know about Milly from the story?(本题 4.0 分)A. She had met with an accident.B.She had caused a scandal.C.She was seriously ill.D.She was hidden somewhere.答案:A解析:无 4.(单选题) The farmer wished that the writer might______________.(本题4.0 分)A. look into the matterB.bring Milly back to lifeC.free him from a scandalD.keep the whole thing a secret答案:B解析:无5.(单选题) The person who told the story is probably a_____________.(本题 4.0 分)A. farmerB. policemanC. country doctorD. newspaper reporter答案:C解析:无43.(阅读理解题) Vitamins are a group of substances found in food. The body needs them for life and health. So naturally, many people are concerned with the question: Am I getting enough vitamins, and am I getting the right kind? Even though very small amounts of each vitamin are enough for the needs of the body, that many people have not enough vitamins has some basis. And this has something to do with their diet — the food they take in. A person eating a good variety of foods gets all the vitamins now known to be needed with the possible exception of vitamin D. The problem is that there are many people who don't choose foods wisely, don't get enough variety, and don't eat the basic foods they need to get their vitamins. So the answer to this question is: No extra vitamins are needed, if you eat proper food. In fact, many of the vitamins can not be stored in the body, so when extra vitamins are taken in, the body simply gets rid of them. It is even harmful to put too much of certain vitamins into the body. This has been found to be true of vitamin A and D, when large amounts are taken in. What foods supply what vitamins? Here is a general idea. Vitamin A, for the health of the eyes, skin, teeth, and bones, is found in green vegetables, fruits, eggs, liver and butter. Vitamin B1 which helps the nervous and digestive systems and prevents certain diseases, is found in cereals, pork and liver. Vitamin B2 is found in milk, eggs, green vegetables and meats. Vitamin C, which helps bones and teeth, is found in tomatoes, certain fruits and vegetables. These are only a few of the most important vitamins the body needs.(本题 10.0 分)1.(单选题) Our body needs___________________for life and health.(本题2.0 分)A. small amounts of each vitaminB. extra vitaminsC. all vitamins except vitamin DD. large amounts of certain vitamins答案:A解析:无2.(单选题) Vitamin A is needed by __________ and can be found in _________ .(本题 2.0 分)A.bones, porkB.nervous system, milkC.eyes, green vegetablesD.teeth, meats答案:C解析:无3.(单选题)Vitamin B1 is very important to_______________.(本题 2.0 分)A.the digestive systemB.bonesC.liverD.skin答案:A解析:无4.(单选题)What will be the result if you take more vitamins than you really need?(本题 2.0 分)A.They will do great harm to our body.B.We get all the vitamins needed.C.Our body will function more properly. D.Our body simply gets rid of them.答案:D解析:无5.(单选题)The passage has probably been taken from____________________.(本题 2.0 分)A.a sports magazineB. a journal of medical scienceC.an aged magazineD.a youth journal答案:B解析:无44.(阅读理解题) Changes have come into museums. They are not places that one "should" go any longer but a place to get pleasure. If you go to a science museum in Canada, when harmless electricity passes through your body you can feel your hair stand on end. At the Children’s Museum in New York, you can strike an African drum. In some other museums in the USA, "Do Not Touch" signs do not exist. It is realized by more and more museum directors that when becoming a part of what they are seeing, people get the best learning effect. Many science museums encourage visitors to touch, listen, operate as well as experiment in order that they can discover scientific rules by themselves. The intention of the change is not only to provide pleasure, but make people feel easy in the scientific world. Suppose you don’t understand science, you will fear it; and when you fear science, you may not make the best use of it. The rise in wealth and spare time is one of the reasons for all these changes. Another reason is the increasing number of young people in the whole population. Among them are mainly college students or college graduates, with a new and totally different way of seeing the world. They want art which they can take part in. It’s also true in science and history. Ancient museums have been changing and the government is encouraging to build new, modern museums. There are more than 6,000 museums in the United States and Canada, which are almost twice as it was 25 years ago.(本题 5.0 分) 1.(单选题) The directors of the museums have realized ( )(本题 1.0 分)A. scientific rules are very importantB. people learn best when they touch something.C. museums are the most popular placesD. people become interested if they take part答案:D解析:无2.(单选题) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( )(本题 1.0 分)A. Scientific phenomena should be discovered by some people through experiment.B. People are allowed to touch something in some museums.C. The rising in wealth contributes to the changes in museums.D. The intention of these changes is only to providing fun.答案:D解析:无3.(单选题) Why have young people caused the changes in museums? ( )(本题1.0 分)A. Because they are better educated.B. Because they often go to museums to study.C. Because they have more spare time.D. Because they are very wealthy.答案:A解析:无4.(单选题) There are only about ____ museums in all the United States and Canada 25 years ago. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A.3,500.B.2,000.C.3,000.D.6,000.答案:C解析:无 5.(单选题) The main idea of this text is to ( )(本题 1.0 分)A. explain the difference between the old and modern museumsB. encourage people to go to AmericaC. introduce changes in modern museumsD. show people advantages to go museums答案:C解析:无 C.influentialD.fruitful答案:A解析:无5.(单选题)Their dormitory is ______ ours in decoration.(本题 1.0 分)A.likely toB.similar toC.familiar toD.intended to答案:B解析:无6.(单选题)His devotion ______ this country made him support 20 poor children to finish school.(本题 1.0 分)A.inB.forC.atD.to答案:D解析:无7.(单选题)With user-______ computer, people with little education can also learn how to use it.(本题 1.0 分)A.friendB.friendlyC.friendlinessD.friendship答案:B解析:无8.(单选题)Whenever an earthquake occurs, see to it that the ______ and gas are turned off.(本题 1.0 分)A.electricB.electricalC.electronicD.electricity 答案:D解析:无9.(单选题)To my surprise, I found the classroom is ______ at 8:00 in the morning.(本题 1.0 分)A.bareB.blankC.emptyD.nothing答案:C解析:无10.(单选题)With her children living abroad, she has her house ______ every December.(本题 1.0 分)A.paintedB.paintC.be paintedD.to be painted答案:A解析:无11.(单选题)Not until they got married _______ that he is a rude man.(本题 1.0 分)A.she knewB.had she knownC.she had knownD.did she know答案:D解析:无12.(单选题)Nobody can deny that success in study ______ in the flexible method and positive attitude.(本题 1.0 分)A.layB.lieC.liesD.lain答案:C 解析:无13.(单选题)The three ______ working telephone lines are quite busy following the earthquake.(本题 1.0 分)A.remainingB.remainedC.having remainedD.remains答案:A解析:无14.(单选题)Human beings aren’t ______ mistakes. And I decided to forgive him.(本题 1.0 分)A.withB.aboveC.withoutD.within答案:B解析:无15.(单选题)When she got home after school, she turned on the TV ______ did her homework.(本题 1.0 分)A.butB.notC.thanD.rather than答案:D解析:无16.(单选题)In the first class in this semester, the teacher started ______ a story she experienced during the summer holiday.(本题 1.0 分)A.asB.atC.inD.with答案:D 解析:无17.(单选题)The kids behave themselves ______ their parents’ presence.(本题 1.0 分)A.withB.atC.inD.on答案:C解析:无18.(单选题)The employee requires that he ______ the right to know the situation of the company.(本题 1.0 分)A.haveB.hasC.havingD.had答案:A解析:无19.(单选题)The academic achievements are always the students’ _______ concern.(本题 1.0 分)A.minorB.majorC.lessD.inferior答案:B解析:无20.(单选题)Can you turn down the _____ of the radio? I have a bad headache and want to have a sleep.(本题 1.0 分)A.voiceB.noiseC.volumeD.amount答案:C 解析:无21.(单选题)As days went by, a deep friendship began to ______ between them.(本题 1.0 分)A.becomeB.developC.comeD.stand答案:B解析:无22.(单选题)He spends a whole day ______ by the pool, waiting the fish to be hooked.(本题 1.0 分)A.standingB.standC.stoodD.being standing答案:A解析:无23.(单选题)My grandma become more and more sad and frail as the years went ______.(本题 1.0 分)A.inB.offC.downD.by答案:D解析:无24.(单选题)Every year my father would call a family meeting to discuss where we were going ______ vacation.(本题 1.0 分)A.inB.withC.onD.at答案:C 解析:无25.(单选题)Their cold-blooded killers dragged their ______ bodies upstairs to the bathroom.(本题 1.0 分)A.selflessB.lifelessC.helplessD.hopeless答案:B解析:无26.(单选题)Lots of children have ______ friends.(本题 1.0 分)A.imageB.imaginationC.imaginaryD.imaginative答案:C解析:无27.(单选题)We always ______ all sorts of warning signals about our health, leaving regrets in the end.(本题 1.0 分)A.overlookedB.overtookC.overactedD.overemphasized答案:A解析:无28.(单选题)His smile ______ to a grin, bringing up an excitement in the group.(本题 1.0 分)A.broadedB.enbroadedC.broadenedD.enbroadened答案:C解析:无 29.(单选题)The children like most his ______ way of writing.(本题 1.0 分)A.descriptiveB.describingC.describeD.described答案:A解析:无30.(单选题)Unfortunately we had a ______ tire on the way to the party.(本题 1.0 分)A.emptyB.flatC.hollowD.blank答案:B解析:无31.(单选题)He was very rude to the customs officer, __________ of course made things even worse.(本题 1.0 分)A.whoB.whomC.whatD.which答案:D解析:无32.(单选题)We all believe that it'd be hard for him to __________ extra responsibilities now.(本题 1.0 分)A.take apartB.take upC.take onD.take back答案:C解析:无33.(单选题)__________ he says or does won't make me change my mind at all.(本题 1.0 分) A.WhateverB.HoweverC.WhichD.How答案:A解析:无34.(单选题)Since he left the university, he __________ in an accounting company.(本题 1.0 分)A.has been workingB.had workedC.had been workingD.was working答案:A解析:无35.(单选题)If the wounded soldier had been given first __________, he would not have died.(本题 1.0 分)A.helpB.aidC.careD.attention答案:B解析:无36.(单选题)Many young people find it harder to appreciate __________ music than pop music.(本题 1.0 分)A.simpleB.lightC.ancientD.classical答案:D解析:无37.(单选题)Your lack of interest in computer will work ________ you. ( )(本题 1.0 分)A.against
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