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学习中心/函授站 姓 名 学 号 西安电子科技大学网络与继续教育学院学年上学期《英语(二)(上)》期末考试试题(闭卷 90 分钟)题号Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ总分题分10 30 10 10 20 20得分注:将所有试题答到答题纸上,选择题把所选字母涂黑,否则无效。I. 交际与对话(每题 2 分,共 10 分)此部分共有 5 个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未 完成的部分有 4 个选项,请从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出正确选项。1. —Is there anywhere you’d like to go this summer vacation? — ____________A. Well, somewhere else. B. Well, nowhere else.C. Anywhere else. D. Nowhere in particular.答案:D解析:问暑假去哪儿玩。回答:具体去哪儿没定。其它选项不合适 2. — .—Well, if it were not for the shower, I’d enjoy it very much.A. I hope you are enjoying your stay here. B. What’s the weather like today?C. Are you feeling well now?D. Do you like pandas?第 1 页 (共 10 页) 2.太阳能的潜力和优势 3.怎样充分利用太阳能答案:略第 10 页 (共 10 页) 答案:A解析:从回答看,只能是希望对方在这儿玩得好。其它不合适。3. —That woman alone standing over there —Who is she?— .A. She is a teacher B. She is Doctor SophieC. A driver, I suppose D. She may be ill答案:B解析:问那人是谁,只能报名字,报职业不行。4. — Terribly sorry I’ve kept you waiting for so long.— .A. I’m sad B. I don’t careC. That’s all right. There’s no hurry D. No, not at all答案:C解析:该答案符合英美人习惯。 5. —Do you mind if I open the window? It’s too hot! — . A. Oh, yes. Go ahead. B. Yes, I think it’s too hot too. C. Of course don’t. I feel a bit cold. D. Why not?答案:D解析:该选项相当于 do it, 其它选项部分对。II. 阅读理解(每题 2 分,共 30 分)此部分共有 3 篇短文,每篇短文后有 5 个问题。请从每个问题后的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出正确选项。Passage 1What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be anoptimist, a leader, or an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefergrays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. Ifyou love green, you are strong-minded and determined. You wish to succeed and want otherpeople to see you are successful. At least this is what psychologists tell us, and they shouldknow, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference, and theeffect that colors have on human beings. They tell us that we don’t choose our favorite color aswe grow up. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or atleast as soon as you could see clearly.A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and more comfortable than a dark green one,and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black isdepressing. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active. It is afact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines arepainted orange rather than black or dark gray.第 2 页 (共 10 页) Remember, then, that if you feel low, you can always brighten your day or your life with anew shirt or a few colorful things. Remember also that you will know your friends and yourenemies better when you find out what colors they like and dislike. And don’t forget thatanyone can guess about your character when you choose a piece of handkerchief or alampshade.6. The author believes in the passage that ___.A. anyone can choose his color preference in his lifeB. no one can choose his color preference in his lifeC. anyone is born with his color preferenceD. no one is born with his color preference答案:C解析:第一段后两句表明此意。7. According to the passage, ___.A. if you enjoy life, you must like yellow, orange and redB. when you are quiet, you must prefer grays and bluesC. if you love green, you usually do what you have decidedD. if you love pink, you often go to flower shops答案:C解析:第一段中间部分表明此意。8. Psychologists study the meaning of color preference because ___.A. colors may affect the emotional states of the peopleB. colors may decide the results of our work and studyC. color preference can tell you who your friends areD. color preference can help you to see through your enemies答案:A解析:第一段倒数第二句表明此意。9. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. It is not proper to wear a red dress in summer. B. We feel happier and more active if we see light and bright colors.C. All the machines in a factory are painted orange.D. No machines in a factory are painted black.答案:B解析:第二段第二句表明此意。10. The main idea of this passage is ___.A. Color preference has something to do with one’s characterB. Colors have effects on human psychological statesC. You will know your friends or your enemies better by knowing the colors they likeD. all of the above答案:D第 3 页 (共 10 页) 解析:本文的主题涵盖了前 3 个选项。Passage 2 Last week, on a flight to Washington, I met a self-assured businessman who asked me aboutmy profession when sitting himself down comfortably next to me. I told him that I am aneducator, and for twelve years I have been trying to develop and promote critical thinking aboutlearning in mainstream education. “Good gracious, that must be the most difficult task in the world!” He thought for a moment.“Why do you do this?” I talked about how I had started teaching geography. I told him about the struggles of being aheadmaster. And then I told him what I have since come to regard as my real turning-pointexperience. It was back in 1984, when I visited what was known at the time as one of the mostoutstanding high schools on the Eastern seaboard. After two days there I was totally amazed. Ihad never met such a fine collection of young people, every one of them apparently confident,enthusiastic, sensitive and well able to manage their futures. I asked the principal how this hadbeen achieved and he grinned. “We believe in functional literacy for all young people; that is,the ability to feel confident that you can handle the challenges of modern society. Thatconfidence comes when you known that you are able to manage your own learning and will beable to handle that throughout a lifetime. And that,” he concluded, “requires the highestpossible skills in thinking, communicating, collaborating and decision-making.” “But, for goodness’ sake, those are just the skills I’m looking for among my employees,”exclaimed my companion. “That’s just what industry’s been trying to tell the academic worldfor years. Instead of listening, you continue to perpetuate a set of practices which arecounterproductive to those very skills needed in employment. You teachers think that life isabout working alone on some piece of academic research in an ivory tower far removed fromthe daily routines and the need to consult other people. You just don’t understand aboutworking with muddle, nor do you accept the importance of rule-of-thumb calculations or evenplain guesswork! This is the real world. There are real issues. What are you or anyone elsegoing to do about just that?”11. What was the turning point in the author’s teaching career?A. His encounter with a self-assured businessman. B. His visit to a high school on the Eastern seaboard C. His appointment as a headmaster. D. His teaching of geography.答案:B解析:第四段前 3 句表明此意。12. What impressed the writer most when he visited a high school on the Eastern seaboard?第 4 页 (共 10 页) A. The confidence of the students in managing their own future. B. The enthusiasm of the principal in experimenting with new methods. C. The students’ critical attitude toward traditional education. D. The quality of teaching and the intelligence of the students.答案:A解析:第四段表明此意。13. What does the principal mean by “functional literacy”?A. The ability to read, write and make calculations. B. The ability to do every assignment on one’s own. C. The ability to communicate and collaborate with others. D. The ability to feel confident in the face of challenges.答案:D解析:第四段后半部分表明此意。14. What qualities does the businessman prefer to see in his employees?A. The willingness to work alone on academic research. B. The ability to do simple calculations and plain guesswork. C. The willingness to take business risks. D. The ability to solve problems in the real world.答案:D解析:第五段表明此意。15. We can infer from the passage that the businessman _____.A. is critical of the way students are taught in schools B. attaches great importance to work experience C. thinks highly of the teaching profession D. is not satisfied with the performance of his employees答案:A解析:从第五段最后几句可以推测出来。Passage 3During the meal, you’d better be careful not to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or coffee cupor any other dish. The coffee spoon ought to be on the saucer, the soup spoon ought to be onthe plate under the bowl. When you are having soup, make the least noises and use the side ofyour spoon inside out this way, not the tip. And you mustn’t pick up your soup bowls so as todrink away the last drops of your soup from the bottom of the bowl. Very often there is only one main course and salad, followed by your sweet. If you find themeal not enough, say “Oh, it’s delicious!” and ask for some more of the chicken or steak orwhatever you have just had. The hostess will be very glad that you appreciate her cooking andwill give you an extra portion. But if you observe the Chinese way of being polite and say “No,thank you” when the hostess offers you more, you will most probably starve later, becauseAmericans will never press food on you. Yet it is not polite to keep silent and not to talk with第 5 页 (共 10 页) the person next to you. It would be considered good manners if you handle your silverwarewith care so that they don’t make any noise. When coffee comes, drink it from your cup. Thecoffee spoon should rest on the saucer while you are drinking. And smoking, of course, israrely seen at a dinner table. Well, when the meal is finished, the guests put their napkins on thetable and stand up, the men again helping the ladies with their chairs. After the dinner, the guests usually stay for an hour or two, then they would say, “well, I’mafraid I must be going now.” The host and hostess would of course urge everyone to staylonger. “What, already? Won’t you have another coffee?” The guests, for instance, would say,“I love to, but I have to be up early tomorrow. Thank you for a most enjoyable evening. Good-night.” And if you stay overnight or over the weekend, it will be courteous to send a thank-you noteto the host or hostess the following day, very often with a small gift such as a box of chocolateor some flowers as a token(象征) of appreciation of their hospitality (好客).16. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage? A. How to Prepare for a Meal B. Never Press Food on Your Guest C. Table Manners in the U. S.A. D. How to Enjoy a Dinner答案:C解析:该选项最全面,击中要害。17. The passage suggests that A. to make the hostess happy you should ask for more food even if you are full. B. you should keep silent at a dinner table in order to be polite. C. if you want to be friendly with the person next to you, you should press food on him. D. talking is necessary at a dinner table.答案:D解析:第二段中间部分表明此意。18. At a dinner table, you do all of the following except A. making the least noise possible. B. picking up your soup bowl to drink away the last drop. C. handling your silverware with care. D. drinking the coffee from your cup.答案:B解析:第一段表明此意。19. What does “courteous” mean in the last paragraph? A. Friendly. B. Generous. C. Polite. D. Noble.答案:C解析:该选项最妥帖。20. The passage implies that A. different nations have different customs. B. Chinese customs are quite similar to American ones.第 6 页 (共 10 页) C. both Chinese and Americans have soup before the main course. D. if you are polite, the hostess will press more food on you.答案:A解析:纵观全文,该意思可以推测出来。III. 词汇与结构(每题 1 分,共 10 分)此部分共有 10 个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有 4 个选项,请从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出正确选项。21. —Will you go to picnic tomorrow?—Yes, I will go _______ it’s windy.A. since B. as though C. if D. even if答案:D解析:该选项符合上下文和逻辑。22. It is very kind ______ you to supply us _______ so much information.A. for…with B. for…in C. of…with D. of…in答案:C解析:固定搭配。23. She is better than her sister ___________ English.A. for B. at C. on D. in答案:B解析:固定搭配,good at…24. The value of a nation’s currency is a of its economy.A. reflection B. response C. reaction D. reproduction答案:A解析:“反映”符合上下文意思。 25. I hear they’ve promoted Jane, but she didn’t mention _____when we talked on the phone.A. to promote B. having been promotedC. having promoted D. to be promoted 答案:B解析:mention 后跟现在分词,此处还要求被动态。26. She’s been to the Asian Branch.A. located B. assigned C. delivered D. placed 答案:B解析:固定搭配,表示“被分配”。27. The computer system ______suddenly while he was searching for information on theInternet.答案:A解析:根据上下文,应是“出毛病”。A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in28. In most of the United States, the morning paper is by school-age children.第 7 页 (共 10 页) A. taken B. directed C. designed D. delivered答案 D:解析:根据上下文,应是“送报纸”。29. The police him of taking part in the robbery.A. trusted B. questioned C. suspected D. doubted 答案:C解析:固定搭配,又符合上下文。30. All of us worried about him, because no one was aware _____ he had gone.A. of where B. of the place where C. where D. the place答案:B解析:固定搭配。IV. 完形填空(每题 1 分,共 10 分)以下短文中共包含 10 个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中空缺部分有 4 个选项,请从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出正确选项。You will find that college classes are very different from high school classes. You willhave more work and responsibilities without being pushed as much. 31 , you will have morefreedom--freedom to choose what to study, when to study, or 32 to study. You will need toexercise maximum self-discipline. This is the hardest kind of discipline because it is self-imposed (志愿的), and you have only yourself to 33 . The decisions you make 34 your studyhabits will be a 35 factor in your success, or lack of success in college. 36 , you will discoverthat your instructors 37 the ones you have had previously. They will expect you to 38 more38 in your study habits and time management. Remember that much of your learning takesplace outside the classroom. Your instructor will give you additional help outside of class ifthere is evidence that you are putting maximum effort into the course. 39 your abilities andskill mastery, you will need to manage your time effectively in order to succeed in college. Aschedule 40 efficient use of time will enable you to include both work and play. When youget a job, you will soon discover that you do not work only when you wish and as you wish.31. A. On the other hand B. On the one hand C. Nevertheless D. Therefore答案:A解析:逻辑关系,递进或转折。32. A. if B. whether C. why D. who答案:B解析:“是否学习”符合上下文。33. A. turn to B. answer to C. respond to D. act as答案:B解析:“由自己来回答或决定”符合上下文。34. A. of B. to C. towards D. concerning第 8 页 (共 10 页) 答案:D解析:“涉及关于”符合上下文。 35. A. determining B. demanding C. deciding D. depending答案:A解析:“决定性因素”符合上下文。36. A. However B. Nevertheless C. In addition D. Except that答案:C解析:结构副词表示递进关系。37. A. differ from B. are similar to C. differ in D. are alike答案:A解析:“与…不同”符合上下文。38. A. take… part B. throw… yourself C. plunge… yourself D. take… initiative答案:D解析:固定搭配,“采取主动”符合上下文。39. A. In spite of B. Concerning C. Regardless of D. On the condition of答案:C解析:固定搭配,“不管”符合上下文。40. A. related to B. carried on C. relied on D. based on答案:D解析:固定搭配,过去分词作定语,符合上下文。V. 英汉互译(每题 4 分,共 20 分) 41. Seeing his nervousness, she frowned. 答案:看到他紧张的样子,她皱起眉头。 42. They would inform us of any progress they had made. 答案:有任何进展他们都会随时通知我们 43. 努力工作可以弥补能力的不足。(make up for) 答案:Hard work can make up for a lack of ability. 44. 她的回答没有留下任何争论的余地。(leave room for) 答案:Her reply didn’t leave any room for argument. 45. 我们连自行车也买不起,更不用说汽车了。(afford, let alone) 答案:We can’t afford a bicycle, let alone a car.VI. 作文(20 分)要求在 30 分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于 100 词的短文。Solar Energy1.太阳能越来越受重视 第 9 页 (共 10 页)
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