
发布时间:2024-01-01 22:01:19浏览次数:30
大学英语入学测试模拟试题I. Vocabulary and Structure (45×1 points)Directions: There are 45 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentencethere are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completethe sentence. Mark your answer on Answer Sheet .1.Our school _________for the summer holidays on 10th July.A.breaks down B.breaks in C.breaks offD.breaks up答案:D2.When I was turning out my cupboard, I _________this photograph of Uncle Harry.A.came over B.came roundC.came to D.came across 答案:D3.After seeing the film, _________ .A.the book was read to himB.the book he wanted to readC.he wanted to read the bookD.he wanted the reading of the book答案:C4.A new theory is put _________in his latest book.A.upB.onC.offD.forward答案:D5.With the successful launch of Tiangong-l, which was _____ breakthrough in this field, China'sspace dream took a step closer to ____ reality.A.a, /B.the, aC.a, the D.the,/ 答案:A 6.Believe it or not, no bread eaten by us is as sweet as _______ earned by our own labor.A.one B.that C.such D.what 答案:B7._________yelling at me like this? It’s you who are to blame for the accident.A.Where is the point ofB.where is the point as forC.What is the point ofD.What is the point for答案:C8.The _________to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair.A.ruinB.destructionC.damageD.harm答案:C9.He passed the examination _________the satisfaction of his parents.A.for B.to C.withD.in 答案:B10.While I am on holiday, ring me at my hotel only if there are any _________messages for me.A.urgentB.hastyC.earlyD.confident答案:A11.We have a division of labor between my wife and me.She does _________and I do_________.A.cooking … eatingB.a cooking … an eatingC.the cooking … the eatingD.cook…eat答案:C12.I suggested he _________the job in the new way so to save time.A.did B.doesC.doD.would do答案:C13.He devoted all the money he had _________a school.A.set upB.to set upC.to setting upD.setting up答案:C14._________the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.A.Your reading B.While reading C.If reading D.When you read答案:D15.With the nuclear crisis worsening in Iran, the world's attention is fixed again on ______iscalled the Middle East.A.which B.that C.whatD.it答案:C16.It was 11:55.It was five minutes_________twelve.A.pastB.passedC.minus D.to 答案:D17.“What’s made George so upset?” “_________the key to his car.”A.Losing B.LoseC.LostD.To lose答案:A18.The true value of life is not in_________, but in_________.A.which we get, which we giveB.what we get, what we give C.which do we get, which do we give D.how we get, how we give答案:B19.In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _________spring.A.laterB.lateC.latterD.latest答案:B20.I’ve got my wallet stolen, and _________is worse, I lost my passport.A.so B.that C.what D.which 答案:C21.When _________the education system of China and Britain, the professor gave no answer.A.being asked to compareB.asking him to compareC.asked to compare D.asked him to compare答案:C22.It seemed only seconds _________they came back.A.when B.after C.beforeD.till答案:C23."Are you satisfied with her answer?" "Not at all.It couldn’t have been_________."A.worseB.so bad C.betterD.the worst答案:A24.Because of air pollution being greatly reduced, this city is still ______.A.a good place which to be lived inB.lived as a good placeC.a good place to live in D.living in as a good place 答案:C25.To play fair is as important as ______.A.to play wellB.play well C.we play wellD.playing well答案:A26._____ is better to love than _____ .A.That, to be lovedB.That, be loved C.It, be lovedD.It, to be loved答案:D27.We all think it most foolish ______ this mistake.A.for you makingB.of you to makeC.you to makeD.for you to make答案:B28.I'm afraid I can't make myself _____ in English.A.understandingB.understandC.to be understoodD.understood答案:D29.The garden requires _____.A.wateringB.being wateredC.to waterD.having watered答案:A30.Time ______, they'll come here to watch us ______ football.A.permitted, playingB.permitted, to playC.permitting, play D.permitting, to play答案:C 31.You never told us why you were late for the party,_____ ?A.weren’t youB.didn’t youC.had youD.did you答案:D32.He would rather ______ his parents with their housework than _____ out to play games.A.to help, to goB.help, goC.help, to goD.to help, go答案:B33.They found the lecture hard _____ .A.to be understoodB.to understandC.for understandingD.to have been understood答案:B34.All the afternoon he worked in his study with the door _____.A.to lockB.lockingC.lockedD.lock答案:C35.He told her nothing, ______ upset her.A.thatB.for whichC.about whichD.which答案:D36."I saw Mary in the library yesterday.""You ______ her, she is still in hospital."A. mustn’t have seen B. could not seeC. can’t have seenD. must not see答案:C37.There are about 70 people ______ in the accident. A.were killedB.who killedC.killingD.killed答案:D38.Hardly______ his speech when he saw the audience rise as one.A.had he finishedB.did he finishC.he finishedD.he had finished答案:A39.Mrs.Smith was very much impressed by _____.A."A.what had she seen in China B.that she had seen in ChinaC.what she had seen in ChinaD.which had she seen in China答案:C40.The idea _____ all people are selfish is wrong.A.what B.that C.why D.if 答案:B41.Where is my pen? I ____ it.A.might loseB.would have lostC.should have lostD.must have lost答案:D42.Mother ____ us stories when we were young.A.was used to tellB.is used to tellingC.used to tellD.used to telling答案:C43.____ the temperature, _______water turns into steam.A.The high … the fastB.Higher … faster C.The more higher … the fasterD.The higher … the faster答案:D44.I insist that a doctor ____ immediately.A.has been sent forB.sends forC.will be sent forD.be sent for答案:D45.Jean could be a very attractive girl but she _________ to her clothes.A.pays no attentionB.was paying no attentionC.paid no attentionD.had paid no attention答案:AII True or False (15×1 points)Directions: There are three passages followed by statements. Among these statements, some arecorrect and some are incorrect. The correct one should be marked with “T” and the incorrect onewith “F”. Mark your answer on Answer Sheet.Passage 1"Atoms are all around us. They are the bricks of which everything is made. Many millions ofatoms are contained in just one grain of salt,but despite their small size they are very important.The way an everyday object behaves depends on what kinds of atoms are in it and how they act.For instance,you know that most solid objects melt if they get hot enough. Why is this? It is theeffect of the heat on the object's atoms. All atoms move constantly. When they are hot,they movefaster.Usually the atoms in an object hold together and give the object its shape. But if the objectgrows hot,its atoms move so fast that they break the force that usually holds them together. Theymove out of their usual places so that the object loses its shape. Then we say that the object ismelting.1. One grain of salt contains a few thousand atoms. ( ) 2. The way an object behaves depends on the kinds of atoms in it and the way its atoms behave. ()3. Heating an object will affect the shape of the atom. ( )4. An object holds its shape because its atoms are very hot. ( )5. When its atoms leave their usual places,we say that an object is melting. ( )答案:1-5 FTFFTPassage 2"Billy is 14 years old and in the ninth grade. He has a part-time job which gets him up everymorning at 5 o'clock. He is a newspaper boy. Each morning,Billy leaves the house at 5:15 to goto the corner,where the newspapers are. The newspapers are delivered to the corner by truck at midnight. He always takes a wagon to carry them.In the winter, it is still dark when he gets up,but during the rest of the year it is light. Billymust deliver the newspapers to the houses of people on his route in all kinds of weather. He triesto put each paper on the porch (门廊) where it will be protected from wind and rain or snow. Hiscustomers think he does a good job. Sometimes they give him tips (小费).Billy earns about $ 70 per month,and he is saving some of the money to go to college. Hespends the rest on records and clothes. Once a month , he has to collect money from hiscustomers. Since many of them work during the day ,Billy has to collect the money at night.Sometimes,when Billy is sick,his brother has to deliver the newspapers. Once,Billy's fatherhad to help. Billy has seventy customers now ,but he hopes to get more soon. Someday ,if hegets more customers,Billy might win a prize for being an outstanding (突出的) newspaper boy.He wants to win a trip to Europe,but he will be happy if he wins a new bicycle.1. Keeping a part-time job tells us that Billy is independent and self-confident. ( )2. He did his job very bad. ( )3. To deliver newspaper means to send newspapers. ( )4. One of the purposes of delivering newspapers is to have more customers. ( )5. The prize for an outstanding newspaper boy is a tip. ( )答案: 1-5 TFTFFPassage 3"One night when Mr. Robinson was asleep,he was woken up by some strange noise outside his house.“Thieves,”he thought. Jumping out of bed,he took his gun and hurried to the bedroom window. The room was not shining and the night was rather dark. But he could see a white shape. It looked like a man in the garden. He pointed his gun at it,fired and went back to bed. Early in the morning,he went down to the garden. His shirt was hanging from a tree. He hadwashed it the day before and hung it on the tree do dry. It had a hole right through the middle. Mr. Robinson was really frightened out of his life when he saw it and began to tremble(颤抖). His neighbour arrived at that moment.“How are you today,Mr,Robinson?”he asked in an anxious voice. “You don't look well.”  “I'm all right,thank you,”said Mr. Robinson. “But I'm lucky to be alive. You see that shirt there?”  “Yes?”said the neighbour.“If I'd been wearing that shirt last night,”said Mr. Robinson,“I'd be a dead man now.”What a narrow escape!1. " a narrow escape"in the last paragraph means only just avoided death. ( )2. The next morning Mr. Robinson's neighbour came and saw him looking sick. ( )3. After firing the gun,Mr. Robinson went to the garden to see what it was. ( ) 4. Mr. Robinson had hung the shirt on the tree the day before. ( )5. When Mr. Robinson jumped out of his bed and went to the window,he saw nothing in the garden. ( )答案: 1-5 TTFTF
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