
发布时间:2024-03-24 10:03:49浏览次数:16
《高级英语(3)(省)》01 任务1.[单选题] An artist often paints a picture onto __________.A.a paintbrushB.an easelC.a canvasD.a palette答:——C——2.[单选题] I thought he was my friend, but when I was in trouble he turned his __________ onme.A.faceB.headC.legsD.back答:——D——3.[单选题] Next Friday I will go to another concert .They ____some thing by Mozart at thattimeA.playB.will be playingC.are going to playD.are to play答:——B——4.[单选题] I'm surprised at there ____ an index.A.not to beB.to be notC.not beingD.being not答:——C——5.[单选题] As soon as he______ his error, Rockfeller made the necessary corrections to hisdata collected.A.discoveredB.has discoveredC.discoversD.had discovered答:——D——6.[单选题] No sooner_______ than the accident happened.A.he had goneB.had he goneC.his goingD.he went答:——B——7.[单选题] A painting of fruit, flowers or insects is called ____________.A.a still life 1 / 3 B.an abstractC.a landscapeD.a self-portrait答:——A——8.[单选题] I hope you______ the instructions ready before I come tomorrow.A.to getB.shall getC.will getD.will have gotten答:——D——9.[单选题] Had he been more careful, he _____ that accident.A.would avoidB.would have avoidedC.avoidedD.should avoid答:——B——10.[单选 题] My grandma is the kindest woman I know, she'd do anything for anybody, shereally has a heart of ___________.A.goldB.silverC.steelD.stone答:——A——11.[问答题] 不论是为了人类整体的利益还是为了我们自己的利益,我们都应该关心我们的环境,制定未来的计划。答 :——Whether for the benefit of humans or for the interest of our own,we should showconcerns for our environment and make plans for the future.——12.[问答题] 他不管病得多么重,都要去上班,而没有在家休息。答:——No matter how sick he was,he went to work instead of staying home.——13.[问答题] 突然,一股悲伤与绝望的可怕情绪涌上了她的心头。答:——Suddenly,she was hit by a terrible feeling of sadness and desperation.——14.[问答题] 相反,作者在严肃地警告我们:我们的思考和做事方式是不合理而且危险的。答:——On the contrary,the author is seriously warning us that our way of thinking and doingthings are unreasonable and dangerous.——15.[问答题] 你可以看见皮肤下隐隐约约凸显的青筋、皱纹和不均匀的斑点。答:——You can see veins running beneath the skin,wrinkles and uneven skin tones.——16.[问答题] It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animalsshould be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans or with noconsideration at all.答:——这种说法从一开始就将讨论引向两个极端, 它使人们认为应这样对待动物:要么 2 / 3 像对人类自身一样关切体谅, 要么完全冷漠无情。17.[问答题] What struck me first as I entered the packed gallery was the size of the subjects--either much larger or much smaller than human scale.答:——刚踏进人头攒动的展厅,首先让我耳目一新的是雕像的尺寸--要么比常人大很多,要么小很多。18.[ 问答题 ] Actually, it isn’t, because it assumes that there is an agreed account of humanrights, which is something the world does not have.答:——事实并非如此, 因为这种问法是以人们对人的权利有共同认识为基础的, 而这种共同认识并不存在。19.[问答题] An interested gentlemen could not simply walk up to any young lady he fanciedand strike up a conversation答:——绅士对陌生女性感兴趣,不能就这样直截了当地上前和她搭讪。20.[问答题] Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevantrespect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.答:——这类人持极端看法, 认为人与动物在各相关方面都不相同, 对待动物无须考虑道德问题。 3 / 3
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