福师《大学英语(2)》第七课简 历

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福师《大学英语(2)》第七课简 历Resume   书写简历是求职过程中的第一步,也是相当关键的一步。用人单位通过简历上的信息,对应聘者进行初步的资格筛选。所以,一份好的简历可以起到抛砖引玉的作用。下面将具体介绍英文简历的写法。   简历的主要组成部分如下。   (1)首先是姓名、地址、联系方式,比如电话或电子邮箱等。姓名一般采用居中的方式,其他内容则居左。   (2)接着要写求职意向(Objective)。这一栏的内容非常重要。很多公司主要看这一项的内容是否跟它们所要求的一致或者接近。   (3)第三部分为个人资料(Personal Data),包括求职者的姓名、性别、出生年月等,与中文简历大体一致。   (4)第四部分为教育背景(Education)。必须注意的是,在英文简历中,求职者受教育的时间排列顺序与中文简历中的时间排列顺序正好相反,即从求职者的最高教育层次写起,至于低至何时,则无具体规定,可根据个人实际情况安排。另外,大多数外企对英语(或其他语种)及计算机水平都有一定的要求,个人的语言水平和计算机能力应该在此单列说明。   (5)第五部分为工作经验(Working Experience)。这部分在时间排列顺序上也遵循由后至前这一规则,即从当前的工作岗位写起,直至求职者的第一个工作岗位为止。求职者要将单位的名称、自身的职位和技能写清楚。另外,欧美人很重视求职者的实际工作经验,所以在此部分可提及自己“工作时接受的培训”( JobTraining)。   (6)第六部分为所获奖励和作品(Awards & Publications)。即将自己所获奖项及发表过的作品列举一二,这可以很好地证实自己的工作能力和取得的成绩。   (7)第七部分为自己感兴趣的领域(Interest)。即将自己的工作意愿展示给雇主,这对于大多数求职者(尤其是搞技术或研究工作的求职者)必不可少。同时,随着分工越来越细,将工作能力与工作兴趣结合起来不仅是求职者的意愿,对雇主来讲,也同样具有积极的意义。 写简历应注意避免以下几点。   (1)忌长句:没有人愿意看太冗长的句子,而且要切记 YRIS(Your resume is scanned,not read)原则,雇主只是在扫描你的简历。   (2)忌缩写:因为外行人往往很难看懂,不要想当然地认为这是人所皆知的事情。   (3)忌“I”:因为正规简历多用点句,以动词开头,是没有“我”的。当然若在公司简介中一定要用到一两次,也不是完全不可以。   (4)忌不利因素:写简历的原则是不要撒谎,但不写不等于骗人,应该做到扬长避短。 Sample 1 ResumeZheng YanRoom 212 Building 343 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084Tel:(010) 6277****   Email:good@tsinghua.edu.cnObjectiveTo obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development Education 1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation, Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E. 1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, B.E.Main Academic CoursesMathematics Advanced Mathematics    Probability and Statistics   Linear AlgebraEngineering Mathematics  Numerical Algorithm      Operational AlgorithmFunctional Analysis    Linear and Nonlinear ProgrammingElectronics and ComputerCircuit Principal     Data Structures        Digital Electronics Artificial Intelligence  Computer Local Area NetworkComputer AbilitiesSkilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational Requisite Pro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL softwareEnglish Skills Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Passed CET-6. TOEFL: 623. GRE: 2213Scholarships and Awards●1999.3  Guanghua First-class Scholarship for Graduate ●1998.11  Metal Machining Practice Award ●1997.4  Academic Progress Award Qualifications ●General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare ●Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common senseSample 2RESUMEPersonal Information  Family Name: Li           Given Name: Kai  Date of Birth: Dec. 27, 1987     Place of Birth: Beijing  Sex: Male               Marital Status: Single  Telephone: 010-8276****   E-mail: kailiwonder@gmail.comPractical Experiences  2007/3-2008/5    Chairman of Sharon English Club of BSC  2006/9-2008/3    Journalist of the College of BSC  2007/9-2007/11    Teaching assistant of Madame Sharon Crain   2006/9-2007/3    Chief Staff of Learning Department of Sharon English Club  2006/7        Member of the Summer Social Practice Team  2006/3        One of Administrators of Digtial-History.NetAwards  Dream Maker Award by Madame Sharon Crain, announced by the President of BSC  Pioneer in Campus Culture Building by Students Affairs Division of BSC  Pioneer in Learning by Students Affairs Division of BSC  Champion of Multimedia Courseware Competition by Students Affairs Division of BSC  Member of Outstanding Summer Vacation Social Practice Team of Shanxi Province by Youth League of Shanxi Province  Star of Knowledge by Youth League Committee of BSC   Champion of English Speech Contest by Sharon English ClubSkills & Certifications   CET-6 with a score 550   Very fluent spoken English and standard accent of Mandarin   Good understanding & communication skills  An excellent photographer with more than 10,000 pictures taken  A good journalist with more than 100 reports published  Experienced in organizing and running associations
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