发布时间:2024-01-15 10:01:29浏览次数:46吉大《大学英语(一)》第四课 拓展资源并列复合句Compound-complex Sentence 1. 并列复合句的概念两个或两个以上由并列连词连接的句子,有时其中又带有复合句,这就构成了并列复合句。例如: If the reader cannot gure out what the writer meant to say, he oen cannot even analyze what wentwrong with the sentence, and he certainly cannot suggest to the writer how the bewildering sentencemight be xed up.如果读者弄不懂作者想要说的话,他常常分析不出句子的毛病,而且他一定无法向作者提议如何修改这个令人困惑的句子。 2. 并列句与复合句的转换 (1)并列句→复合句 (多将一分句变为从句),例如: ① He dropped the stone into the river and it sank to the bo&om. 他把石头扔进河中,这石头就沉入河底。 → The stone he dropped into the river sank to the bo&om. ② Try again and you will succeed. 再试一次,你就会成功。 → If you try again, you will succeed. ③ Denis speaks quietly, but you speak more quietly. 丹尼斯说话很轻,但你说话更轻。 → You speak even more quietly than Denis. ④ Some played cards, and some sat around a table and drank. 一些人打牌,一些人围桌坐着喝酒。 → Some played cards while others sat around a table and drank. ⑤ I told him to leave my horse alone, or else it would kick him. 我告诉他别惹我的马,不然它会踢他的。 → I told him that if he did not leave my horse alone, it would kick him. (2)复合句→并列句(多将从句变为一分句),例如: ① I lent my bicycle to John, who lent it to George. 我把我的自行车借给了约翰,他又把它借给了乔治。 → I lent my bicycle to John and he lent it to George. ② If milk is not kept in a cool place, it will go sour. 牛奶如不存放在阴凉处,很快就会坏的。
→ Milk must be kept in a cool place, or else it will go sour. ③ She did not come to class yesterday, because she was unwell. 她昨天没有来上课,因为她身体不舒服。 → She did not come to class yesterday, for she was unwell. ④ I meant what I said. 我说的是当真的。 → I said it and I meant it. ⑤ Although we have made some progress, we s4ll have a long way to go. 我们虽然取得了些进步,但还是远远不够的。 → We have made some progress, but we s4ll have a long way to go.