
发布时间:2023-09-16 15:09:48浏览次数:148
西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别: 网教 课程名称【编号】: 专业英语 【0089】 A 卷大作业 满分:100 分 一、大作业命题和要求:(注:教师命 5 个以上题目,规定学生选择至少 2 个题目作答,并对答题提出要求)2. Please translate the following into English.计算机不止桌面电脑和笔记本电脑。你家里的每一个角落都有计算机。比如藏在微波炉、电视机、盒式磁带录像机,DVD 播放机里面的微型电脑。甚至在小汽车里面也有使其运行更好的微型电脑。Computers are not just desktops and laptops. Computers are everywhere aroundyour home. There are tiny computer inside microwave ovens, television sets, andvideocassette recorders (VCRs) or digital video disc (DVD) players. There are eventiny computers in cars to help them run better.4. Explain the abbreviationB2B : Business to BusinessEB :Epstein-Barr virus CRT :Cathode Ray TubeAI :Artificial IntelligenceCMOS " : Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor5. Writing How mobile payments(such as wechat, alipay) change our life?With the development of science and technology, mobile payment has come into our life now. When we goout, there are always two two-dimensional codes posted on the storefront of foreign businessmen. Have abreakfast at a roadside snack, pay with your mobile phone, and enjoy a discount. If you go to the mall to buyclothes, Wechat can pay for them, and you can also get the chance to draw red envelopes. Shopping in thesupermarket to buy daily necessities, Alipay check out of trouble, convenient and quick. Nowadays, more andmore places of consumption have appeared mobile payment, which is quietly changing people's lives.WeChat or Alipay is convenient for our customers to do business with us. One is not to take cash, the otheris very convenient without change, not afraid of receiving false money, for the guests are also convenient, donot need to take money, not afraid of losing.Now mobile payment has become a new way of life that people can't give up, so that users can get morebenefits at the same time, but also really enjoy the convenient life without waiting. I believe that the future lifeof a mobile phone will not be too far away from the world.具体要求:大作业共需要完成三道题:第 1-2 题选作一题,满分 30 分;第 3-4 题选作一题,满分 30 分;第 5 题必做,满分 40 分。- 1 -
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