
发布时间:2024-03-24 10:03:20浏览次数:38
大学英语(3)(新)-作业二1.[单选题] —I'm going camping this weekend.________A.Can you fish?B.Have a good timeC.No, I'm too busyD.Don't give up now答:——B——2.[单选题] ______he was out of the room, he turned back and knocked at the teacher's door again.A.BeforeB.SinceC.As soon asD.Until答:——C——3.[单选题] _____ from the tenth floor when they policeman pointed his pistol at him.A.Jumped down the burglarB.Down the burglar jumpedC.The burglar jumps downD.Down jumped the burglar答:——D——4.[单选题] Don’t ______ that all these who get good grades in the entrance examination will prove to be mostsuccessful.A.take as grantedB.take this for grantedC.take that for grantedD.take it for granted答:——D——5.[ 单 选 题 ] - The dishwasher looks nice. How much do you charge for it?- $1498.-It’s ratherexpensive.________________?- If you really want it, we can give youa ten percent discount off.A.I don’t take it.B.Can you sell it?C.Can’t you make it cheaper?D.Can you pack it?答:——C——6.[单选题] If you want to improve your English, you'd better practice ______it every day.A.speakB.to speakC.speakingD.spoken答:——C——7.[单选题] He didn't stop ____in the heavy rain. That is why he caught a bad cold.A.to workB.workingC.workD.worked答:——B——8.[单选题] I enjoy the movie very much. I wish I _____ the book from which it was made.A.have readB.had readC.should have read 1 / 6 D.am reading答:——B——9.[单选题] --Shall we go out for a picnic tomorrow? --__________.A.Go aheadB.Help yourselfC.Good ideaD.Me, too答:——C——10.[单选题] Only when he had handed in his exam paper _____ he had made several grammatical mistakes.A.he has realized thatB.he realized thatC.has he realizedD.did he realize答:——D——11.[单选题] The accident happened ____the morning of May 2nd.A.inB.onC.atD.for答:——B——12.[单选题] Dad and Mom are too busy to help us. Let's do it______.A.herselfB.himselfC.themselvesD.ourselves答:——D——13.[单选题] The night was very _____, so he had to take off his shoes______.A.quiet; quietlyB.quite; quicklyC.late; quickD.quite; quietly答:——A——14.[单选题] Do be careful! The man is hard ________.A.dealing withB.to be dealt withC.to deal withD.for dealing with答:——C——15.[单选题] —What’s your brother doing? —He ___ science fiction.A.readsB.readC.is readingD.was reading答:——C——16.[单选题] You looked for it twice, but you haven 't found it Why not try______?A.three timesB.a third timeC.third timeD.once 2 / 6 答:——B——17.[单选题] ─ Please write down the telephone number. ─ Sorry, but I have no _________ to write on.A.penB.inkC.paperD.time答:——C——18.[单选题] —When shall we meet again? —Make it _____day you like. It's all the same to me.A.thisB.thatC.otherD.any答:——D——19.[单选题] I ___light blue ____dark blue.A.like; thanB.prefer; toC.prefer; thanD.like; to答:——B——20.[单选题] They will give Miss Salina these mushrooms ____she comes back.A.untilB.as soon asC.beforeD.since答:——B——21.[单选题] There ____ a lot of traffic at this time of day, so you'd better ____more careful.A.has; beB.have; beenC.is; beD.are; are答:——C——22.[单选题] ---Mary, can I use your computer now? ---- ___________.It doesn’twork.A.That’s all rightB.I’m afraid notC.You’re welcomeD.It doesn’t matter答:——B——23.[ 单 选 题 ] —What do you think of the _____The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven? —It sounds reallywonderful.A.subjectB.musicC.bookD.animals答:——B——24.[单选题] “Do you want______?”The shop assistant asked.A.else anythingB.anything elseC.other anythingD.else something 3 / 6 答:——B——25.[单选题]There_____a new bed and two old tables in the room.A.areB.isC.haveD.has答:——B——26.[ 单选题] ---What a surprise! You changed your hair style. ---Yes,and another surprise. I’m going to getmarried next Saturday.A.Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that.B.Really? Congratulations!C.How about time? I’ll be busy then.D.That’s OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.答:——B——27.[单选题] Come on , children. Help yourselves to some ____if you like.A.fish and chickenB.ducks and chickenC.fish and chickensD.duck and chickens答:——A——28.[单选题] —What would you do _______the lost library book? —I would try to find it or pay _____it.A.about; forB.for; toC.with; toD.with; for答:——D——29.[单选题] When she came several days later, she found that all things were still _________ where she had____ themA.lay; laidB.laying; laidC.lay; lainD.lying; laid答:——D——30.[单选题] The piano in the other shop will be _____, but______.A.cheaper; not as betterB.more cheap; not as betterC.cheaper; not as goodD.more cheap; not as good答:——C——31.[单选题] Jack told Mary he ____some snacks to her house if he _____to see her on Friday night.A.would bring; would goB.brought; would goC.would bring; wentD.brought; went答:——C——32.[单选题] He changed his name,    that nobody would find out what he had done before.A.having thoughtB.to think 4 / 6 C.thinksD.thinking答:——D——33.[单选题] Quite a lot of people watch TV only to _______ time.A.killB.wasteC.spendD.pass答:——A——34.[单选题] I was very busy yesterday; otherwise, I _____ to your birthday party.A.would comeB.cameC.would have comeD.should come答:——C——35.[单选题] Equipped with modern facilities, today’s libraries differ greatly from ______.A.those of the pastB.the pastC.which of the pastD.these past答:——A——36.[单选题] In the modern technological world the sea offers many ______ to help mankind survive.A.resourcesB.resourceC.aidsD.resourcefulness答:——A——37.[ 单 选 题 ] —Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? —Oh, _____is OK. I'm free today andtomorrow.A.eitherB.noneC.neitherD.both答:——A——38.[单选题] My father will come back from Beijing ____a week.A. forB. inC. afterD. since答:——B——39.[单选题] My uncle ____in London. I'll _____with him for a few days.A.lives; stayB.stays; liveC.stays; stayD.lives; live答:——A——40.[单选题] ----Do you know where I can repair myrecorder?----_______________________A.I have bought a new one.B.It is not expensive to repair it. 5 / 6 C.You use it too much.D.Just around the street corner.答:——D—— 6 / 6
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